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Duterte 'happy to slaughter' millions of drug addicts; mentions Hitler


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Duterte 'happy to slaughter' drug suspects; mentions Hitler



MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte raised the rhetoric over his bloody anti-crime war to a new level Friday, comparing it to Hitler and the Holocaust and saying he would be "happy to slaughter" 3 million addicts.


Duterte issued his latest threat against drug dealers and users early Friday on returning to his hometown in southern Davao city after visiting Vietnam, where he discussed his anti-drug campaign with Vietnamese leaders and ways for their governments to fight transnational crimes, including illegal drugs.


Duterte has said his public death threats against drug suspects are designed to scare them into stop selling drugs and to discourage would-be users. But his latest remarks took that crime-busting approach to a different level.


"Hitler massacred 3 million Jews ... there's 3 million drug addicts. There are. I'd be happy to slaughter them," Duterte said, referring to a Philippine government estimate of the number of drug addicts in the country. Historians say that 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis under Hitler before and during World War II.


During the presidential election campaign earlier this year and during the three months he had held office, the tough-talking Duterte has threatened to drown drug suspects to fatten the fish in Manila Bay. He also threatened to execute drug traffickers by hanging — because he didn't want to waste electricity on them — until their heads were severed from their bodies.


While Hitler victims were innocent people, Duterte said his targets are "all criminals" and that getting rid of them would "finish the (drug) problem of my country and save the next generation from perdition."


His campaign promise to end corruption and crimes, especially illegal drugs, within six months of taking office on June 30 carried Duterte to an overwhelming victory in the presidential election.


And since he won the election in May, more than 3,000 suspected drug dealers and users have been killed and nearly 700,000 others have surrendered in his crackdown, but he has asked for a six-month extension to finish the job.


His supporters and many Filipinos exasperated with widespread crime have welcomed his tough approach, but a growing number of critics, including U.N. officials, the European Union and the United States, have voiced concerns over the widespread killings and human rights violations.


He reacted Friday by calling critics from the European Union a "group of idiots in the purest form."


Duterte lashed out at the U.S., his country's longtime treaty ally, and the E.U. for finding fault with his methods, saying European countries were hypocrites for not doing enough to help the large numbers of refugees fleeing from the violence in the Middle East.


"There are migrants escaping from the Middle East. You allow them to rot and then you're worried about the deaths of about 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 (people in the Philippines)."

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-30
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The man is without a doubt a bona fied loco, that should be placed in an asylum for the terminally insane.  and to invoke the holocaust as and example

to his stark  raving  diatribes is reaching new heights of delusions.

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Dang this dude is losing his marbles. Everyday it seems like he is getting worse and worse. I read stuff like this and I'm like "No there is no way... Got to be clickbait" 


Appears to not be the case at all. 


You stay classy, Philippines. 

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So whilst the rest of the world's governments are slowly starting to admit and acknowledge that treating drug harm as a legal problem has only led to huge increases in drug harm, Duterte is pushing a vicious campaign of violence and murder against his own people. People only abuse drugs (and thus cause themselves and others drug harm) for one of two reasons;


1) They are suffering from a mental disorder of some kind and / or

2) They are ignorant of the dangers and limits.


To be clear, NOBODY in their right mind and with sufficient knowledge of the subject is going to knowingly and willingly cause themselves and other people around them harm. It's called survival instinct.


Only the ignorant and mentally ill will step over that thin line between drug use and drug abuse. Education and health services are the best solution to the massive drug harm problem we face globally today, an argument born out by 10 years of drug harm reduction policies in Portugal - the stats are on public record, this is fact. Treating drug harm as a legal issue is an asinine, reactionary, moralistic and possibly religiously motivated response that deserves loud and immediate international condemnation, sanctions and legal proceedings. All that Duterte will achieve with his murderous campaign is to make the gangster classes more paranoid and so better armed.


In the words of Albert Einstein himself:


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I bet you're wrong. That's kind of racist, isn't it, to ignorantly assert all "Asians" are alike? 

The Philippines is a very distinctive nation, very Catholic, with a Spanish (via Mexico) and U.S. colonial past. 


Yes, Pinoys are quite clued in on Western news, history and culture compared to most other Asians.

Edited by mesterm
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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I bet you're wrong. That's kind of racist, isn't it, to ignorantly assert all "Asians" are alike? 

The Philippines is a very distinctive nation, very Catholic, with a Spanish (via Mexico) and U.S. colonial past. 

That is not the issue.

It is about knowledge what happened in Europe in 1939-1945 that is lacking in Asia, and obviously with this criminal.

Because that is what he is.

And for the record, saying knowledge about WW2 in Europe is lacking in Asia is not racist.

At all.

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Extra-judicial violence and organized crime have been, and continue to be a greater threat to Filipino society than drugs.


What’s going on now isn’t a war against drugs. Nor is it any genuine shift in the way things are done. It’s the president taking the provincial warlord mentality to a national level; eliminating and/or neutralizing uncooperative power groups so new ones, loyal to him, can take control. The ‘war on drugs’ is a smokescreen and an attempt to justify the carnage. But it does make a better headline than ‘consolidation of corrupt power’.


In spite of all the hyperbole and meaningless rhetoric, drugs and corruption are endemic and will continue to be a problem for a long time to come. This frenzy won’t change anything of substance. It’s another example of the Philippines painting the same old car and claiming it's a new one.

Edited by Hayduke
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3 hours ago, Yoram said:


The man is without a doubt a bona fied loco, that should be placed in an asylum for the terminally insane.  and to invoke the holocaust as and example

to his stark  raving  diatribes is reaching new heights of delusions.

It's becoming true all over the world now: the lunatics have taken over the asylum!

The US next if the Donald is elected?!

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1 hour ago, Davedub said:

So whilst the rest of the world's governments are slowly starting to admit and acknowledge that treating drug harm as a legal problem has only led to huge increases in drug harm, Duterte is pushing a vicious campaign of violence and murder against his own people. People only abuse drugs (and thus cause themselves and others drug harm) for one of two reasons;


1) They are suffering from a mental disorder of some kind and / or

2) They are ignorant of the dangers and limits.


To be clear, NOBODY in their right mind and with sufficient knowledge of the subject is going to knowingly and willingly cause themselves and other people around them harm. It's called survival instinct.


Only the ignorant and mentally ill will step over that thin line between drug use and drug abuse. Education and health services are the best solution to the massive drug harm problem we face globally today, an argument born out by 10 years of drug harm reduction policies in Portugal - the stats are on public record, this is fact. Treating drug harm as a legal issue is an asinine, reactionary, moralistic and possibly religiously motivated response that deserves loud and immediate international condemnation, sanctions and legal proceedings. All that Duterte will achieve with his murderous campaign is to make the gangster classes more paranoid and so better armed.


In the words of Albert Einstein himself:


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.



Brilliant response. Thanks for that.

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I am not sure what to think! I am with many of you on considering Duterte a bit of a loony. But he has seen that attempts by all other countries to suppress illegal drugs use fail over many years. Duterte is hardly a diplomat but has been elected on a promise that he is going to sort out the drug problem in his country and no messing with such fanciful things as trials and time-consuming justice.

He says he is trying to scare those involved in drugs to stop and if they don't he will dispose of them.


What about the 700,000 that have surrendered? If that is true and they stay "surrendered", the policy seems to be working. 3000 killed so far (who we assume are hardened criminals for which there is proper evidence) is the price to pay for a potential 700,000 already saved souls.


Duterte is killing people and shouting about it from the rooftops. His analogy with the Holocaust is ill-chosen and this kind of rhetoric has for many people compromised his end purpose, leaving him with less sympathy for his stated cause. Other country's leaders kill many people but prefer political-speak to justify it. The difference, I know, is he is killing his own people but so is President Asaad with the outside support of President Putin.


On balance, I am unable to reach a conclusion I am really comfortable with.

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I like the guy but he's targetting the wrong people . He should clean up the muslim part of his country .... but that's too difficult ... easier to hit the druggies.

He's got the euro's figured out : "European Union a "group of idiots in the purest form."  

Can't argue with that !

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11 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

I like the guy but he's targetting the wrong people . He should clean up the muslim part of his country .... but that's too difficult ... easier to hit the druggies.

He's got the euro's figured out : "European Union a "group of idiots in the purest form."

Maybe he has decided that the drugs is first and he will sort out the Muslims later.

Edited by ChrisKC
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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

He could sort the drug problem out very quickly bt legalizing drugs and then work on a treatment program. Once the money is taken out of the equation- the solution becomes much simpler.

Something I subscribe to - legalise it all!  I have not thought out this idea to take account of all the potential consequences and implications but if it were that simple, I would love to know why the idea hasn't caught on.

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36 minutes ago, ChrisKC said:

I am not sure what to think! I am with many of you on considering Duterte a bit of a loony. But he has seen that attempts by all other countries to suppress illegal drugs use fail over many years. Duterte is hardly a diplomat but has been elected on a promise that he is going to sort out the drug problem in his country and no messing with such fanciful things as trials and time-consuming justice.

He says he is trying to scare those involved in drugs to stop and if they don't he will dispose of them.


What about the 700,000 that have surrendered? If that is true and they stay "surrendered", the policy seems to be working. 3000 killed so far (who we assume are hardened criminals for which there is proper evidence) is the price to pay for a potential 700,000 already saved souls.


Duterte is killing people and shouting about it from the rooftops. His analogy with the Holocaust is ill-chosen and this kind of rhetoric has for many people compromised his end purpose, leaving him with less sympathy for his stated cause. Other country's leaders kill many people but prefer political-speak to justify it. The difference, I know, is he is killing his own people but so is President Asaad with the outside support of President Putin.


On balance, I am unable to reach a conclusion I am really comfortable with.


He wants to murder addicts too. And the problem with his methods is that if you don't like someone's face, just blow him away and say he's a drug dealer. No fuss, no muss. 'Justice'!

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12 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

He could sort the drug problem out very quickly bt legalizing drugs and then work on a treatment program. Once the money is taken out of the equation- the solution becomes much simpler.


Treating Yaba users by legalizing it. This guy is a total <deleted>.k but I think he takes a in the right direction. I don't want an Asia such as the EU where HEROIN and METADON is freely available to junkies and paid by the tax payers. 

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15 minutes ago, MobileContent said:


Treating Yaba users by legalizing it. This guy is a total <deleted>.k but I think he takes a in the right direction. I don't want an Asia such as the EU where HEROIN and METADON is freely available to junkies and paid by the tax payers. 

The drug problem in most EU countries is tiny compared to the PI and many other Asian countries. Even the bigger Chinese cities have a growing drug problem now....

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4 minutes ago, MobileContent said:


Treating Yaba users by legalizing it. This guy is a total <deleted>.k but I think he takes a in the right direction. I don't want an Asia such as the EU where HEROIN and METADON is freely available to junkies and paid by the tax payers. 


But if you dig into the issues a little deeper, you may see that supplying drugs to people with the medical condition known as addiction is far, far cheaper than the mass incarceration of otherwise innocent people, not to mention the money wasted on policing the un-policable and associated legal costs. Are you aware of how much taxpayers money is squandered on persecuting and incarcerating both drug users and abusers globally? Do you really think that supplying clean pharmaceutical drugs of known potency whilst providing associated support services is more expensive than the astronomically expensive failure known as the war on drugs?

(Factoid: a kilo of sugar is more expensive to produce than a kilo of cocaine - the cost of illegal drugs is a function of their legal status, not their production cost)


Forgive my presumption, but I suspect you may be thinking 'why should we pay for their fun', as I often come across this opinion in discussions on this subject. If so, please understand, junkies do NOT enjoy a fix like you or I might enjoy a beer. Sure, it started off fun, but once addicted, drugs like heroin are taken purely to alleviate actual physical pain and specifically, not for 'a buzz'. These people, whether through mental illness or lack of education on the subject, have made a HUGE mistake in getting addicted and are in a nightmarish place. We can react by spending relatively small amounts of money on clinics and support, or we can waste enormous amounts of money making their lives worse, taking them from their families and communities and spending even more money on incarcerating them for doing no harm to anyone but themselves (which of course helps nobody in the end).


Please, think again on your point - this stuff is important! In matters like these, politicians based their policies on public opinion - the sooner we can all get into a rational debate about how to best deal with the scourge of drug harm, the better. Let's face it, the last 40 years has shown us one thing: Prohibition has failed miserably in it's attempts to reduce drug harm whilst vastly increasing wealth acquisition opportunities for criminals. Perhaps it's time to at least consider that treating a medical condition as a medical condition could present a better way forward for society as a whole?

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