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Twitter, 'lies' and videotape: Trump shames beauty queen


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5 hours ago, Scotwight said:

It is an an** sex video. 


 I don't believe this to be factual at all.


My understanding is that the video is actually taken from a "Big Brother" type TV show where she may or may have been engaging in a sexual act. It's impossible to know because everything in the scene takes place under the sheets.  The scene is said not to be explicit at all.


In fact, to even call it a "sex video" is ridiculous.  It was broadcast on television.

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2 hours ago, Cory1848 said:


It's a hoax, apparently. The porn videos feature another woman who looks like Machado:





Miss Universe Alicia Machado who sparked Donald Trump Miss Piggy row had SEX on a reality show called The Farm



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We are talking about politicians (or wannabe ones) here.  Therefore lets not try to set the bar too high.  Of course they all lie and cover things up, they are politicians!


This latest petulant outburst by Trump does reek of desperation.  Hardly Presidential but then again Trump is never going to be President so it doesn't really matter that much 

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13 minutes ago, Scotwight said:


Miss Universe Alicia Machado who sparked Donald Trump Miss Piggy row had SEX on a reality show called The Farm




Just out of curiosity, why did you type sex in all caps?


And since you're now admitting the incident took place on a TV show, how can you call it a sex tape?  Or should that be SEX tape? 


And by the way, you and the other fanboys aren't doing Trump any favors by referring to this woman as Miss Piggy.  So guess who is happiest that this is dominating the news?  Hillary Clinton and all the down ballot Democrat.

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23 minutes ago, Scotwight said:


Miss Universe Alicia Machado who sparked Donald Trump Miss Piggy row had SEX on a reality show called The Farm




?? -- So what? You can see this kind of drivel on TV all around the world. The Sun's reporter, who is not going to win any Pulitzers for this reportage by the way, says that Machado "apparently" had sex. Which means she didn't. Looks to me like the actors are fully clothed; maybe their lips are touching. Did she surprise him with her tongue do you suppose? As an earlier poster commented, to call this a "sex video" is more than absurd. If you want to discredit Machado, you'll have do to a lot better than this ...

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2 hours ago, ChoakMyDee said:

Hillary and her cronies own the press so Donald is doomed no matter what.


He's doomed because he's the worst candidate in history. You see the subtle difference there? Not doomed because of a ridiculous conspiracy, but because he's a ridiculous candidate. 


Just trying to help out here.  

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23 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

I find it remarkable that all of Trumps remaining 8 supporters are also members of this forum !


There is one more, see Boomer's Youtube on page #1. He don't use no computer. 


I'll bet a case of Singh, Fox News is on 24/7 in his trailer home. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

It's not that bleak for trump. He's got about 40 percent of potential voters that will never quit him no matter what. I find that a depressing fact about my country. 


It's worse that that!  It means that 40% of American voters think that Trump represents what they actually want in a President!

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, it doesn't bode well for the future.


And that's the big point here.  Right now the US economy is improving steadily.  Unemployment is back down to normal levels, crime is still remarkably low compared to 25 or 30 years ago.  Imagine how much anger the next Trump can feed on if unemployment is back up to 15% or 20% after then next global financial crisis.

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5 hours ago, ChoakMyDee said:

Hillary murders people, breaches national security, lies about it, and nothing is done. The worst they can find on Trump is he asked a Miss Universe contestant to lose weight. LOL. Wat?


Right, that's the worst we can find on Trump. Did you just get hatched out of an egg?  There are actual books written, before he even announced he was running 15 months ago (coming down the escalator, then calling Mexicans 'rapists', remember?') which articulate a modicum of the dirt on Trump.   Then there are thousands of videos on Youtube, and articles in major newspapers, on and on.  If you don't want to know about Trump, then you can continue to cinch your eyes tight shut and put your hands over your ears.  Your choice.


3 hours ago, ChoakMyDee said:

Hillary and her cronies own the press so Donald is doomed no matter what.


It's almost comical.  If Trump was getting good reviews, he would be shouting ab out them loud and often, while praising the press.  Same for poll numbers.  Because he's such a loser, he then blames the press corps. When he loses a debate he blames it on everything/everyone except himself.  When he loses the election in 5 weeks he will say it was all rigged.  He's such a bloated cry baby.


When I was a lad, I ran a cross-country race against 50 other boys. I was way ahead.  The closest guy behind me was 60 paces back.  Near the end, I ran straight into an apple orchard, thinking that was the route.  I heard laughing, and looked back at the fat little boy who was second.  He had a camp guide running with him, goading him to keep going.  The guide (the other runner's cousin) saw me taking the wrong turn but didn't say anything, knowing that would enable his red-faced fat cousin to win the race.  I had to run an extra 120 meters and lost by a stride.   That's the sort of thing I reference, when thinking about Trump.   He's cheated his whole adult life.  He enjoyed the economy tanking in 2008 because he made money.  No matter, to him, that millions of Americans lost their homes and equity.  Trump cheats mightily on his taxes, never paying any. He used his charity (funded by only other peoples' money, none of his own) to buy two life-sized portraits of himself.  He cheats contractors out of their closing payments ("ha ha ha, go ahead and sue me!").  

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6 hours ago, wonder6281 said:

He obviously didn't like being ambushed at the debate and he was. Sinking to the lows of HRC is not the way to overcome scum like her. 


How can you be ambushed when you are one of two participants at a debate? 


The definition of ambush:  make a surprise attack on someone from a concealed position.

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41 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


?? -- So what? You can see this kind of drivel on TV all around the world. The Sun's reporter, who is not going to win any Pulitzers for this reportage by the way, says that Machado "apparently" had sex. Which means she didn't. Looks to me like the actors are fully clothed; maybe their lips are touching. Did she surprise him with her tongue do you suppose? As an earlier poster commented, to call this a "sex video" is more than absurd. If you want to discredit Machado, you'll have do to a lot better than this ...

Do you speak Spanish and listen to the sound track or subtitles?  

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4 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Do you speak Spanish and listen to the sound track or subtitles?  


No, and I'm sorry, but I'm not going to waste my time. If the conversation gets all hot and breathy, again, so what? That doesn't make it pornography. This is just a whole lot of nothing.

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15 minutes ago, amykat said:

How can you be ambushed when you are one of two participants at a debate? 


The definition of ambush:  make a surprise attack on someone from a concealed position.

Holt held Trumps feet to the fire, Birther, Iraq, Tax returns. misogyny .  Hillary, Emails?  Enable husbands infidelity?  Trade deals gold standard?  


Interrupted Trump 40 times Hillary 7.  


Did you watch the debate?  99 to 1 says no.  

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Why doesn't someone mention the other slapper in Trump's life who did all those naked lesbian pics?

I won't give anything away, and I won't post them here, but there's nothing to stop you googling "Melania Trump lesbian pics". (With Safesearch Off, obviously, otherwise you will not properly be able to register your outrage).



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4 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Is it legal on TV?  


But that's absurd. I assume this appeared on Venezuelan television. I assume that, there, they have censors, like in most countries. If pornography on television is illegal in Venezuela, and if the censors deemed Machado's bedroom scene to be pornography, then presumably they would not have allowed it to be aired. Or, perhaps Venezuelan TV stations are expected to engage in some form of self-censorship, and maybe they try to push the limits without breaking them, as is the practice in many countries, including here in Thailand.


I don't have the answers to these questions, but I don't find them particularly relevant to US politics or Machado's current role as a supporter of Hillary Clinton; you're welcome to research them if you wish.

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36 minutes ago, amykat said:


How can you be ambushed when you are one of two participants at a debate? 


The definition of ambush:  make a surprise attack on someone from a concealed position.


Trump is so self absorbed that he didn't see Hillary standing there in that bright red outfit. Or maybe he couldn't see properly due to the "hay fever" allergy (sniff, sniff).

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15 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


But that's absurd. I assume this appeared on Venezuelan television. I assume that, there, they have censors, like in most countries. If pornography on television is illegal in Venezuela, and if the censors deemed Machado's bedroom scene to be pornography, then presumably they would not have allowed it to be aired. Or, perhaps Venezuelan TV stations are expected to engage in some form of self-censorship, and maybe they try to push the limits without breaking them, as is the practice in many countries, including here in Thailand.


I don't have the answers to these questions, but I don't find them particularly relevant to US politics or Machado's current role as a supporter of Hillary Clinton; you're welcome to research them if you wish.

You probably have him on your ignore list and didn't see I was responding to a poster who was discussing America and the legality of porn which of course has nothing to do with the topic but......

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9 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

You probably have him on your ignore list and didn't see I was responding to a poster who was discussing America and the legality of porn which of course has nothing to do with the topic but......


No, I don't have anyone on my ignore list (is there such a thing?), just felt like chiming in anyway! Sorry if my response was off target.

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56 minutes ago, watcharacters said:
9 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

I've always assumed he was seeing how far he could take it, and never really expected to be the candidate. I doubt that he cares



I believe you're correct..


I think at the beginning that may have been correct but now I think it does matter to him.  He is being humiliated and his ego is taking a battering.  The only way he retains any credibility is to win now.  Fat chance I know!

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