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Why are Thais always late?


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Well i did Online Dating for a while, the girls turned up on time without exception. So from my experience it is a load of 'tosh' to suggest Thais are always late !

Mine weren't always on time...but generally they'd message me to say they would be late due to something or other.
These days I only date women who live close to me.
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If they're meeting someone important, they will be early.  If they're not early for you, they don't think you are important. 

Unpalatable for some to admit but it really does show where u are in their pecking order
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15 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

If they're meeting someone important, they will be early.  If they're not early for you, they don't think you are important. 



Well-said.  If a woman had a date with Nadech or Chris Evans, would she be late?

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If 6 of us were meeting for midday lunch in town which is 5 mins away I would think 11.55 would be a good time to leave. Not so the TW. At 11.55 she would start sweeping the patio then say " we don't want to arrive first ". Why the f...lippin heck not for flips sake , ( my language true words would end up in an inactive post ). Someone has to arrive first , if all 6 of us arrive at 12.15 we might as well suggested 12.15 . There I feel better after that.

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Earlier I quoted someone's post saying it is a good insight and a lesson in living in a foreign culture.


I would say the following:


2 hours ago, Emster23 said:

There is no "Right or wrong": it all depends on which culture you grew up. Adapt, change, accept.... or blow a gasket. It's up to you


is something like how we can change our thinking (and indeed, our quality of life) by learning such a lesson.

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1 hour ago, JJGreen said:


Unpalatable for some to admit but it really does show where u are in their pecking order




not true because thai friends complain about the very same things happening to them. date no shows or late with or without courtesy notice.  a high % just never learns or understands concepts like punctuality, efficiency, organization, etc etc. not the individuals fault but societal attitudes and education.

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3 hours ago, Slickrick said:

The simple answer is Thais don't have any sense of time or what it means so they do what they want.

another  WHAT...????  sounds like we have an angry farang here


i dont seem to have this Thai being late problem,,, i used to live in the usa never met a girl that arrived on time or a cable repair guy,,, most appointments i make here air con etc they usually arrive early,,,, and as far as the girls go i usually arrive at the gogos at the right time and so do the girls...

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18 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Ya right.  Ever teach?  Ever work for a large Thai company like PTT or Central?  

yes agreed mate. when there late its cos they dont care, rude, no morals, no principles the list goes on. 

 i bet they would not be late if they had to pick up a 5 million baht lottery win !!!!!!!!!!

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3 hours ago, JJGreen said:

Mine weren't always on time...but generally they'd message me to say they would be late due to something or other.
These days I only date women who live close to me.


Maybe that is why the one's down the hall drop the money? 

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7 hours ago, Geoffsilverfox said:

Recently a Thai real estate agent made an appointment to view our house at 10.00am.  This was changed by her to 1.30pm.  She finally arrived at 2.00pm.  No call to say she would be late, and no apology when she arrived.  I asked her why she was late, and the answer was she was busy. My answer was....if you are so busy, then better you are not here.....goodbye.  She must have been here for all of 2 minutes.


Last week my wife was called for an interview with the area manager of Budget Rent a Car, concerning employment.  Appointment made for 10.00am, and I made sure my wife was 10 minutes early.  Area manager finally arrived 50 minutes late, with no call, and no apology.  I suggested to my wife that if that is how the company operates, then they are not worth working for.

Refer to pecking order.  She was the one who wanted the job, not him!!!

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Only real issue here is whether tradesmen turn up at all. Our builder comes about 50% of the time - otherwise doing urgent work for someone else, his truck at the garage (it is old) or has to do his rice/rubber/cassava today. But we put up with it as he is cheap and actually quite good. Casual Gardeners usually only work until you pay them - then you don't see them until their sober again.


But sometimes service is quick. We bought a fridge from Tesco and they said they would deliver in 2 hours. We spent about 15 minutes doing the rest of the shopping, then got a call as we left the car park saying could they deliver now? We only just got back before them!


But the worst for punctuality must be some West Africans. Me and my ex-wife used to do an annual family barbecue, an afternoon affair from 12.00 until 20.00. My relatives would arrive by 14.00, hers between 15.00 and 20.00 (those still en route at 20.00 we would phone and tell them to go back). About 3 hours late was 'on time' for them.

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7 hours ago, catman20 said:

yes agreed mate. when there late its cos they dont care, rude, no morals, no principles the list goes on. 



 i bet they would not be late if they had to pick up a 5 million baht lottery win !!!!!!!!!!



Better company probably doesn't like you either.

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Years ago when I first met the lady who became my wife, she was very punctual. We then lived abroad and again, she was a stickler for punctuality and this continued when we returned to live in Thailand.


Having now been back for five years, she seems to have adapted to "Timeless Thai Time" and is getting worse. I also notice her English is slipping, which is a bit of a shock as she Majored in English at Uni and took a great deal of pride in her English Language Skills when we were overseas.

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18 minutes ago, Torrens54 said:

I also notice her English is slipping, which is a bit of a shock as she Majored in English at Uni and took a great deal of pride in her English Language Skills when we were overseas.


She's been, she's seen, she's home.

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16 hours ago, PattayaBoy said:

I just wonder now whats average thais IQ score.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


I think there have been three studies by Chula Uni.


I know that one found the average IQ in Thailand was 88, and another found it as 91.  I don't know the result of the third study, but these other two seem to show about a 10% decrease on the internationally accepted average of 100.  


No surprise there.  

Edited by Mister Fixit
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Angry falang= one who refuses to accept stupidity and incompetence.  Thai apologists have the same prescription as American Exceptionalists....."Love it or leave it".  Sad reasoning by people with no sense of justice.

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