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“There, Now isn’t that better?”


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“There, Now isn’t that better?”

Orlando Barton




I love it when people call Thailand a third world country. When I hear it I know a couple of things about the speaker. First off, they’ve probably never ridden the Sky Train in Bangkok or dined at a Five Star restaurant towering 50 stories above the ground. And, I know they probably haven’t been to Cambodia, Laos or Burma. If Thailand is third world then what is Cambodia?


One thing people need to get over is this incredible need to compare how things are here to how things are “back home”. I see it all the time. First-time or infrequent visitors to Thailand can’t help but blurt out, “Well, back home in (fill in the blank) we, blah-blah-blah”.


I’ll admit, when I first got here I was that guy. The first time I saw five people on a motorbike my jaw dropped and I marveled that nobody was wearing a helmet. A helmet … kind of a moot point isn’t it? The first time I witnessed stall after stall of street vendors selling spurious name brands like Gucci, Ralph Lauren and Luis Vuitton I was righteously indignant. Where were the jack-booted Nazis to squelch this nefarious activity? “Back home they would … blah-blah-blah”.


And when I witness some of the building and construction procedures my head nearly exploded. I witnessed a 20 story building go up with workers using nothing but bamboo scaffolding to support them. Hard hats and safety harnesses? Oh please, most of these guys weren’t even wearing shoes!


But things have gotten progressively better. Helmet laws are being somewhat enforced. Now at least one of those five passengers on a motorbike will have to have a helmet. It’s not a perfect solution, but it is a start. Well publicized crackdowns of fake goods take place on a weekly basis. While I could still walk a few blocks and get a pair of Calvin Klong jeans, it isn’t as in-your-face as it once was.


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/now-isnt-better/

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Im more "that guy" now. Been here way too long and seen too much abuse of power/corruption, human right abuses and can safely say that this doesnt happen where i come from. Everywhere has problems but not to the scale that is neatley disguised/hidden here. Im surprised by how many times i hear people say not to compare countries. Why not? Constructive criticism can help those that are unaware of the inequalities. Cant be a one way street. On another note, fixing some power cables today doesnt rectify the issues that lead to the mess of wires in the first place. I think corrupt and lazy officials should be forced to fix them. Could be an event the tat should look into. I would pay to go see that. Front row seats!

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1 hour ago, monkey4u said:

It may not be a third world country on your side of the road

Go down a few soi's and see the ramshackle homes some of the Thai's live in

You cant dress an old tart to look like a young beauty queen

I think the op needs to get out of the big city and look around.

Bangkok is a very big city and it is very  Beautiful most of it but out side in the thai city in the north east and the village the place is a joke .

and very 3 third world.

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I don't think it's appropriate or necessary for outsiders to make judgements on society issues, unless we want to be part of a Jerry Springer audience. I think it might be smarter to take advantage where possible - live and let live. It's laughable to imagine any citizen really cares what outsiders think.

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30 minutes ago, sandemara said:

I don't think it's appropriate or necessary for outsiders to make judgements on society issues, unless we want to be part of a Jerry Springer audience. I think it might be smarter to take advantage where possible - live and let live. It's laughable to imagine any citizen really cares what outsiders think.

Ok very true in what you say some of it .

But that is what thai TV is all about to make  comet about Thais and thailand if you not like it then not get on here that is all I can say .

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those of us who have used the skytrain and eaten at plenty of fine dining establishments are very well aware of the glaring contrasts to those when you leave them. Thailand has some developed areas but to say it is above being called third world based upon the best locations is absurd. 


Yes I have also been to Cambodia and Laos. Another article that is just simply dumb. Maybe if the author got out of his school and ever sat on a bar stool he might see the third world parts. 

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But, as the OP implies, what counts is not so much where they're at now, it's the direction of movement.


And, little by little, timidly, hesitantly, that seems to be pointing in useful directions. Certainly here in south Surin the increasing economic bustle & development is fairly obvious (eg around Prasat, on the main east-west route.


I think a good rule for Westerners living in Thailand and commenting on all the obvious problems is: Don't tell me what you're against, tell me what you're for.

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Need to open your eyes a bit wider, read a bit more and get beyond Sukhumvit Rd.  You will then find the Thailand people call 3rd world.  Sure it's financially better off than Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia.  Government, ending of corruption, education, distribution of wealth, mind-set and a long list of other things are firmly 3rd world.  Hopefully, things will progress.

Edited by chilli42
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When there is a wealthy/elite group in a nation that hordes the nation's wealth for its own at the expense of the rest of the nation and when the group looks down on other members of the nation and treats them as second-class citizens and those people have no right to fight back against the constant abuse and system slanted against them, that's enough for me to call it third world. Saudi Arabia and all those nations that don't treat people as equals under the law as third world. That's how I see it.

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10 hours ago, anotheruser said:

those of us who have used the skytrain and eaten at plenty of fine dining establishments are very well aware of the glaring contrasts to those when you leave them. Thailand has some developed areas but to say it is above being called third world based upon the best locations is absurd. 


Yes I have also been to Cambodia and Laos. Another article that is just simply dumb. Maybe if the author got out of his school and ever sat on a bar stool he might see the third world parts. 

Here here. The man's seen all of thailand, he's ate at the finest establishments he's dined 50 floors above the world so this cannot be a 3rd world country. 

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all the things mentioned in the OP were engineered - developed - constructed - implemented by 1st world countries on Thailand soil - they have done none of it themselves and although "over time" they probably should now be able unfortunately they are not, as a "developing nation" also mentioned - Thailand has been a developing nation for decades but unfortunately - they have not developed and under the skin are in fact still 3rd world, to compare Thailand with countries like Cambodia  and Burma clearly illustrates why, Thailand should in fact be in the same camp as countries like Japan - S' Korea - Malaysia - Taiwan but they are not even close, tourist income for decades has given Thailand the means to have stuff built but because they have not developed or used that income to better themselves through education etc they still remain 3rd world under the skin, name me one vehicle or electronic device that has been engineered, developed and produced in Thailand and carries a Thai brand...............................There are none - but there should be



You can take a tramp of the street that hasn't showered for a year give them the money to buy an expensive suit but you still wouldn't want them sitting beside you on a bus

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Thailand isn't 3rd world. it's developing

Go out into the countryside between the massive cities in China, and you'll still find millions living very simply but I doubt anyone would call China '3rd world'.

I think those who berate Thailand do so because they're from countries which are forever looking inward and criticising themselves so, as far as they're concerned, any country that 'blows its own trumpet' or whose citizens display nationalistic pride automatically deserves to be put down.


The fact is that despite these people slagging off the country every opportunity they get, many of them live here willingly and for reasons that are well-documented.

Their countries' 1st world status don't amount to much if they have to live in a so called 3rd world country in order to live comfortably or get laid regularly, do they?

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32 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:

Thailand isn't 3rd world. it's developing

Go out into the countryside between the massive cities in China, and you'll still find millions living very simply but I doubt anyone would call China '3rd world'.

I think those who berate Thailand do so because they're from countries which are forever looking inward and criticising themselves so, as far as they're concerned, any country that 'blows its own trumpet' or whose citizens display nationalistic pride automatically deserves to be put down.


The fact is that despite these people slagging off the country every opportunity they get, many of them live here willingly and for reasons that are well-documented.

Their countries' 1st world status don't amount to much if they have to live in a so called 3rd world country in order to live comfortably or get laid regularly, do they?

Not talking about China are we we're not in China are we , we are in thailand so keep it to thailand.

i blow the trumpet of my country all the time is that so wrong no .

i not care that thailand is 3 Rd world I just come and go when I feel like it .

 Nothing wrong with getting lied Is there .

Thailand is 3 Rd world out side of Bangkok and you and me can't change it .

if a country dose not look inward it can never go forwards can it .

that is how you fix things look inward and fix it like thailand is trying to do now fix the bad drivers and save lives.

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