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Chainat school investigating after 16 year old student alleges teacher attack


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Meanwhile- and I must say this carefully as it may be deleted by moderators who for some reason agree with that behaviour it seems, I hope that certain members who advocate and practise illegal child beating in Thai schools will be identified and treated appropriately by the law of the land.

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37 minutes ago, greenchair said:

Oh get a life. In English speaking countries they are talking about bringing back physical punishment. The kids are out of control 35 young eager minds want to learn, want to listen, need to study, need to pass tests. Unfortunately that is taken away from them by the 5 rotters that will not let up on the madness. Usually those 5 have parents just like you that discreetly inform them they can do what they like, then blame the teacher when everyone fails. I have a stick and I use it. My students all behave themselves and we have great classes. I don't have to run to thai teachers every 5 minutes. And there are 70 parents that support me. And 10 that complain. 


Anyone who needs to hit children in a classroom is a rubbish teacher.


Anyone who is so self important enough to want to boast about it is beneath contempt.

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Just now, Slip said:

Meanwhile- and I must say this carefully as it may be deleted by moderators who for some reason agree with it, I hope that certain members who advocate and practise illegal child beating in Thai schools will be identified and treated appropriately by the law of the land.


Those teachers should be aware of parents who WON't go to the police first when dealing with something like this.

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3 minutes ago, Mister Fixit said:


Anyone who needs to hit children in a classroom is a rubbish teacher.


Anyone who is so self important enough to want to boast about it is beneath contempt.

 As a teacher of over 15 years I cannot agree more.

3 minutes ago, kleelof said:


Those teachers should be aware of parents who WON't go to the police first when dealing with something like this.

  Indeed- but in local parlance- som nam naa.  May they reap as they sow the cowardly bullies.

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Modern 'teachers' don't even like the name 'teachers'.  We are facilitators of knowledge.  We present, challenge, encourage creative thinking, support self-directed inquiry.


Most Thai teachers see knowledge as way to gain power, to control.  Thai schools are little fiefdoms.  I suppose all schools are to a point, but Thai schools are especially so.  


This is why most Thai teachers oppose new thinking in education, they will lose their control.  So sad.

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Tominbkk they have it nearly right- just that wrong word- it should be give not gain.   Meanwhile our peers want to beat the students from what I can see from the posts here.  Prison is the best place for them, western as they may claim to be.

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It is very possible that the student was agressive toward the teacher.  It is likely that the teacher over-reacted but both may have been at fault.  When I was teaching in Chiang Mai in 1983, a failed student attempted to asassinate the chair of the music department with a pistol.  I myself was harassed by the policeman brother of a girl I had found cheating on an exam.  I doubt if times have changed for the better.  Students are not always the docile little darlings that most posters seem to be assuming.  I am guessing that the sixteen-year-old girl was trying to thrust a paper into the teacher's hands.  Let's see what the investigation uncovers.

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Most of you are talking bull students dont have respect for their parents or themselves let alone their teacher. We had a good teacher here non violent type didnt believe in corporal punishment then one day a little pup took advantage of him and broke his jaw because he had been reprimanded  for unruly behavior in class and I have seen it first hand myself. What about innocent till proven guilty of course the students are going to back each other against the teacher so thus you need an independent witness    

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4 minutes ago, kleelof said:

Pleas go back and read the thread so you can maintain the plot.

OK I read it again.


 A "male" teacher at the gate.


The student claimed that the teacher on the gate was angry and hit her under the ear then hit her chest area repeatedly. 


I still think violence against women is wrong.  You and I have totally different views on women and that is your right.  I respect women and was brought up in the old fashioned was.  I was taught you should never hit girls.


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18 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Man he's going to get it now. They might even give him a stern talking to.


Standard army punishment, stand in a corner in a dustbin shouting  'My name is Nuff, I am a fairy, Fairynuff' for 20 minutes.


That will show him. 


Not trying to detract from the seriousness of the situation.

Edited by overherebc
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Most youngThais make up stories in a second. simply put it, they want people to feel sorry for them and take pity.

The adults are just as bad we just never consider to question their stories(even the people we live with here). Ask them a question,  their answers usually the first thing that comes to their 83 IQed head, and then they just weave on more BS

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22 hours ago, sahibji said:

the teacher had no right to inflict corporal punishment on the student, while her being a female makes it all the more serious. if she was hit on the chest, it borders on being a case of molest.

Let us not get ahead of ourselves here.

Sixteen year olds often tell lies.......

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17 hours ago, greenchair said:


Once again, I fail to see how the teacher could have made those bruises. I think she did herself. 

Extrapolate that and when/if you get accused of sexually abusing one of your charges you would probably say "he/she was asking for it"!


You should not be anywhere near an educational establishment with that attitude!  Are you even qualified because, with your arguments, you really don't seem to have the maturity, judgement nor education to be teaching anyone's kids.


Green just about describes your teaching knowledge to a tee!

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Oh get a life. In English speaking countries they are talking about bringing back physical punishment. The kids are out of control 35 young eager minds want to learn, want to listen, need to study, need to pass tests. Unfortunately that is taken away from them by the 5 rotters that will not let up on the madness. Usually those 5 have parents just like you that discreetly inform them they can do what they like, then blame the teacher when everyone fails. I have a stick and I use it. My students all behave themselves and we have great classes. I don't have to run to thai teachers every 5 minutes. And there are 70 parents that support me. And 10 that complain. 

Yesterday I defended you because I thought when you said tap the knee of a student meant literally tap with your finger or something else quite harmless. But when you wrote this above post.....

Well, no one can defend that!
I shall leave you with the pack of wolves so they can rip you apart. Very suprised and saddened.
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On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 2:30 PM, TVGerry said:



Seeing how the mug throwing scumbag who damaged the student permanently, just got a salary docking, what's the committee going to do to this fella? Take a away his coffee break for one day?

Interesting observation. I suspect that the permanently damaged student merely had Bell's Palsy and the facial paralysis had nothing to do with the mug throwing, perhaps even merely a coincidence. I don't condone the mug throwing, but it would be interesting to see a current photo of the girl to see if she has recovered or not.

I suspect the girl is fine now and I would like to know if she is. One should not say anything is permanent after just 3 days observation. Bell's Palsy often clears up after 3 or four months.

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On 04/10/2016 at 4:23 PM, saminoz said:



You are definitely in the wrong (and I hesitate to say the word, in the case of the majority of so-called farang "English teachers") profession.

Until proven otherwise, based on your post, I'd have to put you in the same bin as  most of the other half-illiterates who, somehow, end up getting a job teaching English here in Thailand.  It wouldn't happen anywhere else.  It is merely a reflection of the extremely low standards accepted in the broken Thai education system.

You clearly have the wrong mentality to be working with children and if I ever heard of you "tapping" my kid above the knee (why there?) I'd be sorely tempted to take you to one side and give you a good tapping myself.

Teachers should never, ever physically abuse a child, no matter what.

I taught 38 years in England. I was accused by one student of seizing him round the neck and he showed the self-inflicted marks to prove it.  Luckily another teacher saw the whole incident and cleared me.  Another time I was accused of throwing a boy down some stairs and he had a witness who saw the whole incident through a door window in another classroom.  Investigation showed the witness sat no where near the door.  Records showed another accusation two years earlier by the same boy with the same witness.

I am not saying this report is wrong.

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1 hour ago, mikebell said:

I taught 38 years in England. I was accused by one student of seizing him round the neck and he showed the self-inflicted marks to prove it.  Luckily another teacher saw the whole incident and cleared me.  Another time I was accused of throwing a boy down some stairs and he had a witness who saw the whole incident through a door window in another classroom.  Investigation showed the witness sat no where near the door.  Records showed another accusation two years earlier by the same boy with the same witness.

I am not saying this report is wrong.



The tone of your post would imply you are.


However, if you say you aren't, ok then...

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On 04/10/2016 at 10:22 PM, greenchair said:

Oh get a life. In English speaking countries they are talking about bringing back physical punishment. The kids are out of control 35 young eager minds want to learn, want to listen, need to study, need to pass tests. Unfortunately that is taken away from them by the 5 rotters that will not let up on the madness. Usually those 5 have parents just like you that discreetly inform them they can do what they like, then blame the teacher when everyone fails. I have a stick and I use it. My students all behave themselves and we have great classes. I don't have to run to thai teachers every 5 minutes. And there are 70 parents that support me. And 10 that complain. 

Résistant, I don't believe you.

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