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Living in Thailand without a Uni Degree, can it be done ?


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I think that you will need a degree if you are looking for a job in education,or some engineering jobs.Other than that,you will find it hard to get a job worth any financial value outside the 49 reserved occupations.Also your degree would have to be kosher,or you will be detained and deported for being in possession of false documents,and using them to gain employment.The education degree must also be accompanied by a proper Thai culture course,issued by a proper institute,such as a university.

You say 4 times in 2 years,nowhere long enough. I think you are still prancing through the daisy fields of how wonderful it is to be here,and how lovely every body is.You will probably be disappointed,more  by your own countrymen and other ferangs.

As the other poster said,you will soon change your mind after being here a while,regarding the Thai populace.And after spending a while on Thai visa and seeing what goes on,you will not be so gushing as to say that you love them.

Give it 5 or so years more seeing other places,but bear in mind,that the seaside resorts are 100% different from the normal cities and towns outside of those areas.As for women,well you will have to make your own mind up about them,but beware!,"you are a sexy man" has many different meanings here.

bar girls,and bars,and the like are mostly the norm here.You say you dont do them any more.You will finf little else to do after a while.

Some of us have been lucky here and have married some good girls over here.But you will have to find them for your self.

You will have to kiss a lot of frogs

Good luck.

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Just read the post again.

Isnt it funny how many would be expats want to make it quite clear that they are not here for the bar girls and the sex.Also he states that speaking English would be an advantage.I hope its not Newcastle English,cos no bugger understands that.

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19 hours ago, kleelof said:


Perhaps he is American. Because here, you do see LOTS of college grads in jobs that shouldn't need a degree.


Personally, I think it is because these companies know you probably have a huge student debt and will take any job you can get and will stick with it because you need the money.


It's really sad to see.

I've spoken to Thai friends who tell me it happens here with Thai graduates too.


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I think that at 25 the op has his life ahead of him, by the time I was 25 I had already been living in Thailand for 3 years and I don't have a university degree, I do however have 10 O levels and 3 A levels and a can do attitude.

In Asia generally appearance is very important I remember have to have my hair cut (my hair was half way down my back) so I could get a teaching job, it was a tough decision but it had to be done. Another thing is being polite, respectful and willing to learn.

A university degree isn't everything but it does show a potential employer that you have the commitment to complete 3-4 years further education and it is often the commitment to do this is what employers are looking for.

The world is a big place and there are opportunities all over it, some people here have come to Thailand with nothing and now have successful businesses, but beware a lot of people have come to Thailand with a lot of money and left with nothing.

At 25 you have enough time to make some mistakes we all do, it's how we learn from them, I would say to you why not give it a go it may work out it may not but you are still young enough that if it doesn't work out you can try something different.

Good luck whatever you decide to do.

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I should say that I work at a University in the UK, doing KP work in the kitchen,  when the students finish their year around end of May, our Uni Building turns into a hotel and in the summer we get groups of tour groups or foreigners stay at the building during the summer June to August, during this time I don't have to work, I can take 3 months off work and still get paid  my monthly salary as I'm on a contract, around £750 a month, so maybe next summer I should go to Thailand for 3 months, and try to meet people and ask about work.  If  nothing happens I can come home to my job,  but maybe 3 months is not long enough.

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1 hour ago, Bonobojt said:

I should say that I work at a University in the UK, doing KP work in the kitchen,  when the students finish their year around end of May, our Uni Building turns into a hotel and in the summer we get groups of tour groups or foreigners stay at the building during the summer June to August, during this time I don't have to work, I can take 3 months off work and still get paid  my monthly salary as I'm on a contract, around £750 a month, so maybe next summer I should go to Thailand for 3 months, and try to meet people and ask about work.  If  nothing happens I can come home to my job,  but maybe 3 months is not long enough.

3 months isn't long but it would be long enough to learn that you won't get far in Thailand without a degree and a professional skill.

There are several different ways you can live in Thailand.  

If you are over 50 you can retire here and enjoy life (or not depending on factors I won't go into now).  Many guys come here after they retire, with their pensions and whatever life savings they've amassed.

If you are under 50 but you've made enough money to retire early then you can live here quite easily on Tourist visas.   I've done it for 8 years so far.   

If you are under 50 and not rich then you'll need to work.    Thailand is not keen on foreigners coming here and working, so you can't just rock up and look for a job.  There are serious limitations to what jobs they will let you do, whether you are qualified or not, simply because they think that if a Thai could do the job then a Thai is the only one allowed to.    However if you are a specialist in something such as a highly qualified chef specialising in European food then you could get a job in a big hotel, or you are a specialist in some type of industrial machinery then you might get a job in one of the many industrial businesses.... however these jobs are not that common and vacancies are rare.

The option that many young people (and some not so young) take is to come and teach English.  However, as other people have already said you need a degree to get a job in a decent school and you need teaching experience to land one of the good jobs.  Otherwise you will be working in a low quality school for low pay.   Some guys still love doing that because they are in Thailand, which I guess makes sense for some of them.

My advice would be to save your money, learn a skill that you can work on anywhere in the world.  Affiliate marketing on the internet takes a while to learn and it would be a while before you start to make any real money, but if you stick at it in 5-6 years of hard work you *could* eventually start making quite a bit of cash doing it.  

Once you are making 1000 quid a week, or more, then and only then would I suggest you start coming here for 3 months or so at a time.  


And I'd only recommend moving here once you've really learned where you want to live and you understand all the bad things about Thailand as well as the good. 

Good luck.  

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2 hours ago, Bonobojt said:

I should say that I work at a University in the UK, doing KP work in the kitchen,  when the students finish their year around end of May, our Uni Building turns into a hotel and in the summer we get groups of tour groups or foreigners stay at the building during the summer June to August, during this time I don't have to work, I can take 3 months off work and still get paid  my monthly salary as I'm on a contract, around £750 a month, so maybe next summer I should go to Thailand for 3 months, and try to meet people and ask about work.  If  nothing happens I can come home to my job,  but maybe 3 months is not long enough.

A plan shoud be to save up some money by the end the end of May ,come over for the 3 months and look around. You can apply for a single entry tourist visa good for 60 days and then extend it at immigration for an additional 30 days. You need at minimum a TEFL  course which will show you how to instruct an English class. You could also teach at a language school without a University degree salary without a degree would be 25,000--30,000 baht a month (estimate)  You say you don't have much to offer girls back in UK  but what do you think you have to offer the 21 yo Thai Uni girl  who after communicating with you for awhile online now is so madly in love with you that she wants to marry you? You don't have a high paying job even in UK so what she is after is a way out of Thailand where she can meet a real wage earner or find a good paying job for herself overseas.

And about the facial hair go around to Universites , high schools in Bangkok, Pattaya wherever and see if ANY of the teachers or professionals in Thai work places have beards. Thai consider persons like that unkempt and hippies you will not be treated well.

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2 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

A plan shoud be to save up some money by the end the end of May ,come over for the 3 months and look around. You can apply for a single entry tourist visa good for 60 days and then extend it at immigration for an additional 30 days. You need at minimum a TEFL  course which will show you how to instruct an English class. You could also teach at a language school without a University degree salary without a degree would be 25,000--30,000 baht a month (estimate)  You say you don't have much to offer girls back in UK  but what do you think you have to offer the 21 yo Thai Uni girl  who after communicating with you for awhile online now is so madly in love with you that she wants to marry you? You don't have a high paying job even in UK so what she is after is a way out of Thailand where she can meet a real wage earner or find a good paying job for herself overseas.

And about the facial hair go around to Universites , high schools in Bangkok, Pattaya wherever and see if ANY of the teachers or professionals in Thai work places have beards. Thai consider persons like that unkempt and hippies you will not be treated well.


As for the Thai girl, we have met each other 2 times, we have kissed, and done some other things......it wasn't just us chatting online

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There is some interesting and good advice on here, and also some slightly added rubbish.


You seem to know a little bit already about the basics of being able to live here, so ultimately it is up to you.


You are still young, and what would be the worst that would happen if you just came here and had a crack? Maybe you would just decide to return home after 6 - 12 months which wouldn't be that big of a deal as, if I remember correctly, you are living with the folks. Even this would be a great learning experience.


So, really it all comes down to your motivations and expectations. You have to ask yourself why you 'really' want to relocate here in the first place, and after that work out what your expectations are - where do you think a life in LOS would lead you in 2, 5 or 10 years. 


Aside from those here in retirement, most people can't afford to live the same way they would in western countries as the pay just isn't as good and then you get slammed with luxury taxes etc. I don't think it is a bad thing, but you have to be open to adopting the Thai lifestyle if you want to make a real go of it here IMO.


It sounds like you have the perfect job to allow yourself a couple of months at a time over here to do further research and that would be the sensible, safe option. I know nothing about kitchens, but as you are already working in one, gaining some recognisable kitchen skill which could open a few more doors may be worth considering - and coming here to try and meet people doing what you intend to do is probably the best way to find out regardless of vocation.


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8 hours ago, Think2Mutt said:

I'm afraid that the OP has made the fatal mistake of 'being young and eager' on Thai Visa!
This is a forum full of the bitter old men that give anyone not of pensionable age filthy looks just for existing in Pattaya,Phuket,Bangkok etc.

They will all claim that you have 'no chance' of ever making a living out here,like the Thais are only looking for doddering old geriatric alcoholics in Chang vests to pull the punters into their restaurant,bar or nightclub,work in their office etc!

If you have put all of your property,vehicles,savings and precious metals,stocks etc. into your Teerak's (girlfriend's) name for safe keeping then this is the perfect forum for you to vent your spleen.
However for a young,energetic guy looking to start his new life in Thailand...

this from a guy who joined sunday at 1,42 am,

you seam to know a lot about the men on here,

we are not all bitter and twisted you can find some great advice on here, i have given loads of help in the farming section,

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On 10/4/2016 at 5:47 PM, sanemax said:

You will not be able to get a job here, so, it would be pointless coming to live in Thailand .

That 21 year old Uni girl will just have to find someone else .

Could you give me her contact details ?

I can take up in real life where you left off on line



Ouch. What an unpleasant and nasty thing to say.

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14 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

If I were you, I'd go to Australia. Easy as a young person to get a work visa, so, your money will go a lot further.

Lot of places to see and lots of Asian (looking) women, if that's your thing.


I went out in Sydney last weekend. There is a whole street of Thai pubs and night clubs now to go along with the Umpteenth number of Thai restaurants and massage joints. Pretty impressive.


Why doesn't the OP save enough money for a 6 month stay. Short enough to make it easy to fit back in to western life, long enough to get sick of the place.



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On 4/10/2559 at 5:42 PM, Bonobojt said:

so basically I have to win the lottery if I ever want to live in Thailand ..

From where you stand now, that is basically it. You finding a job here would be very difficult. I guess after taking some small teaching course, you may be able to teach English here, but the pay isn't that good. Not something I would want to do for too long. 


You don't really need to work here to stay here, or even have a good pension. A lot of guys who come here have Overseas Jobs, and come here on Leave. But this usually takes both Education and Experience, or to get lucky. For many people your age it is not easy to stay here without having some money coming in at least. Without a good education it is difficult to find a good job anywhere.   


But please don't fall into a trap here and Love Thailand so much you would do anything to stay here. Not to long ago I remember reading a story about a Young British Guy about your age in the same circumstances as yours. To make ends meet he decided to sell Ya-Ba, (Ice). He wasn't a Major Drug Trafficker as he was only caught with 40 pills on him. But none the less he was given a 50 Year Jail Sentence which he is serving in a Thai Prison right now. The Prison System here is not like back home and I am sure he regrets his mistake everyday. 

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15 hours ago, helloagain said:

For gods sake stay there try to get into police or fireman and get a bloody pension. My pension is good has to be cos 12 years ago 74.1 to the £ now 43.7. Pension pension pension. If you need knee replacement 300000 baht. Hip 500000 baht. Look uk asian dating site if you like asians. I bought my first house at 22. I say again pension pension pension. 


Dreadful advice.

Life is about more than a pension.You're advising the guy to choose his profession on the basis of their pension provision.

I can't think of much worse than toiling away in a job with little more to look forward to than coming to Thailand (or whatever the retirement destination for old boys who can't get women any more will be in 40 years' time) when old and possibly infirm.

Spending your youth dreaming of when you can put your feet up and slowly wither away sounds like the definition of waste.

I'm not saying he should come here and party it up because "you only live once" but I am saying that life is a journey, not a destination.

IMO, he should learn a futureproof skill that can be useful in any country and go from there

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1 minute ago, YeahSiam said:


Dreadful advice.

Life is about more than a pension.You're advising the guy to choose his profession on the basis of their pension provision.

I can't think of much worse than toiling away in a job with little more to look forward to than coming to Thailand (or whatever the retirement destination for old boys who can't get women any more will be in 40 years' time) when old and possibly infirm.

Spending your youth dreaming of when you can put your feet up and slowly wither away sounds like the definition of waste.

I'm not saying he should come here and party it up because "you only live once" but I am saying that life is a journey, not a destination.

IMO, he should learn a futureproof skill that can be useful in any country and go from there


Yep. But slaving away in a job for life and deferring any enjoyment until you have one foot in the grave is all some of these guys know. Life is for living, not planning for retirement. 

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Listening to some of these posters, you would think that retiring in Thailand is the pinnacle of their lives' achievement.

Being regarded as a walking cash dispenser, complaining about the weather, food, communication problems, being targeted by local women for what they can provide, tightening visa rules, high medical insurance premiums and a whole host of other negatives doesn't sound like "living the dream" to me.


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my piece of advice on whatever you do,


dream/aim big, dont aim so low that all you aim is to hopefully have enough on your pension and so you can live like a hermit in a western country or a bit better in a 3rd world country,


aim high so that even if you dont quite get there at least you can live a good life in your own country or like a king in a 3rd world country,


youre 25, you have your whole life ahead of you,

if you fail, youve got so many chances to restart


I failed bigtime at 22, got back up on my feet

25 suceeded

30 suceeded

33- present suceeding to a lesser extent


oh and success is in my opinion(and no im not rich)

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12 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


I think that you will need a degree if you are looking for a job in education,or some engineering jobs.Other than that,you will find it hard to get a job worth any financial value outside the 49 reserved occupations.Also your degree would have to be kosher,or you will be detained and deported for being in possession of false documents,and using them to gain employment.The education degree must also be accompanied by a proper Thai culture course,issued by a proper institute,such as a university.

You say 4 times in 2 years,nowhere long enough. I think you are still prancing through the daisy fields of how wonderful it is to be here,and how lovely every body is.You will probably be disappointed,more  by your own countrymen and other ferangs.

As the other poster said,you will soon change your mind after being here a while,regarding the Thai populace.And after spending a while on Thai visa and seeing what goes on,you will not be so gushing as to say that you love them.

Give it 5 or so years more seeing other places,but bear in mind,that the seaside resorts are 100% different from the normal cities and towns outside of those areas.As for women,well you will have to make your own mind up about them,but beware!,"you are a sexy man" has many different meanings here.

bar girls,and bars,and the like are mostly the norm here.You say you dont do them any more.You will finf little else to do after a while.

Some of us have been lucky here and have married some good girls over here.But you will have to find them for your self.

You will have to kiss a lot of frogs

Good luck.


39 reserved occupations.

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56 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

From where you stand now, that is basically it. You finding a job here would be very difficult. I guess after taking some small teaching course, you may be able to teach English here, but the pay isn't that good. Not something I would want to do for too long. 


You don't really need to work here to stay here, or even have a good pension. A lot of guys who come here have Overseas Jobs, and come here on Leave. But this usually takes both Education and Experience, or to get lucky. For many people your age it is not easy to stay here without having some money coming in at least. Without a good education it is difficult to find a good job anywhere.   


But please don't fall into a trap here and Love Thailand so much you would do anything to stay here. Not to long ago I remember reading a story about a Young British Guy about your age in the same circumstances as yours. To make ends meet he decided to sell Ya-Ba, (Ice). He wasn't a Major Drug Trafficker as he was only caught with 40 pills on him. But none the less he was given a 50 Year Jail Sentence which he is serving in a Thai Prison right now. The Prison System here is not like back home and I am sure he regrets his mistake everyday. 


You might want to read that story again, because it sure as hell did not happen as you describe it.

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1 minute ago, muzmurray said:


Not "my" version. Just don't believe what his father said ;-)

This Kid went to a Thai Jail, and is still their, as he was accused and convicted of selling drugs as he needed the money and wanted to stay in Thailand.


That is My Point!


What is Yours?


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2 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

This Kid went to a Thai Jail, and is still their, as he was accused and convicted of selling drugs as he needed the money and wanted to stay in Thailand.


That is My Point!


What is Yours?



He did not need the money.

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4 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


He did not need the money.

Yeah! Sure! How stupid of me to think a person would sell or hold drugs, risking going to jail for a very long time, for money, and only do this for the thrill of it.


I guess you feel that after Sky Diving and Bungee Jumping their isn't much more you can do for a thrill, so you might as well sell drugs. Get Real! 

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17 hours ago, tonray said:

Your friends have very poor job search skills. Any NES speaker with a Bachelor's degree can make 33 to 35k without even trying hard...this is standard agency pay in BKK. 

Tonray.....my friend with the master degree was working in Bangkok but he lost his house to the floods...so he moved to his wifes village up in the deepest jungle where he has built a lovely dry new house...started teaching in a MEP School and he teaches on line with students at the weekends earning him more money...hes on around 44000 a month in the jungle and hes happy and only does 4 days a week at school....and none of my friends work via an agency...

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You didn't say what your age was. Why don't you join the army, for example, the Royal Corps of Transport. You will get your HGV in no time plus every type of license you can think of. OK you will have to take some <deleted>. But you will come out with a trade that is hugely in demand and decent dosh in your pocket. You won't be near the front line as canon fodder.  Just an idea.

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