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Swede denies sexual assault charges


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3 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


The article states this tryst occured in 2008 so the girl is now 21 and the baby is now 7 years old. 


Curious how this ever came to the attention of the authorities in Norway. Someone had to tip them off in order to initiate an investigation. 

Maybe the sick turds other hobbies brought him to the attention of the police again

Who knows maybe he said he had a kid to a kid hoping to get off

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How many times has this argument come up?

The guy is not a pedophile.

He is guilty of under age sex with a girl below the age of consent,but he is not a pedophile.

I suggest you read up on what is classed as pedophilia and what is not.

The accusation of pedophilia comes easy to the tongue.And is now being used for all cases where the girl/boy is very young.

When i was 15 i had sex with girls of 14 and 15,does that make me a pedophile? As i grew older the ages changed pro rata.

What about the guy who goes to a club and picks up a girl who professes to be 20,only to have the mum banging on his door the next day saying she is 15. And of course when the guy goes to court,she turns up in her school uniform without a trace of make up.Many judges now,in these cases are asking for the girl to attend the court in the attire she wore on the night of the so called offence.

To shout "pedophile" is rather like the accusations that were flung randomly at women during the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts,in the 1600.

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The guy is guilty, as presumably the law where he's being prosecuted covers offenses that have occurred elsewhere.


But sadly, the OP article is silent on the equally deserving issues of:


--was the Thai mother prosecuted for prostituting her underage child?


--was the Thai bar closed and/or the bar owner/manager prosecuted for employing underage prostitutes andor engaging in human trafficking.


My guess is the answer to both of those questions is likely NO, since that kind of stuff goes on all the time in Thailand, especially in past years as was the timeframe for this case.


But if this guy deserves to go to jail, so equally do the others involved in this sad, unfortunate story.


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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The guy is guilty, as presumably the law where he's being prosecuted covers offenses that have occurred elsewhere.


But sadly, the OP article is silent on the equally deserving issues of:


--was the Thai mother prosecuted for prostituting her underage child?


--was the Thai bar closed and/or the bar owner/manager prosecuted for employing underage prostitutes andor engaging in human trafficking.


My guess is the answer to both of those questions is likely NO, since that kind of stuff goes on all the time in Thailand, especially in past years as was the timeframe for this case.



Perhaps they would, if they too, were operating / living in a country which actually had law enforcement... but... this is Thailand.

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4 hours ago, LukKrueng said:


First of all let me say that I don't approve of adults having sex with young teenagers, pros or non pros.


However, most farangs who are new to Thailand / Asia misread women's age, and sometimes by many years. I was sitting with a young traveler in a small pub, and he kinda got excited by sight of the waitress who served us. I asked him how old he thought she was - his reply was very early 20's, when in fact she was mid 30's. So I guess a 13 YO girl with some make up and adult cloths can be passed for 18 in the eyes of a newbe. Further more, he met her at a bar, made sure to ask the bar staff for her age and was right and legal. It's not like he was lurking around playgrounds or schools looking for an innocent girl and tricking her into his bed. The fact that he traveled with her around Thailand proves his claim that he was sure she was of legal age. So in this case, I think the mother and the bar owner are the ones to be blamed and prosecuted.

Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand....   



Pedophilia is the attraction of an adult to pre-puberty children, so I guess if the girl was made to look like an adult - enough for working in a bar - a pedophile should not have been attracted to her.


Seems like maybe Americans are not the only ones who should undergo psychiatric screening before boarding anything more enterprising than a city bus. Just the same, naivete and stupidity are not, in and of themselves, crimes. Moreover, they are dog-given characteristics that are more-or-less equally disbursed across the global landscape.


As such, and in accordance with the rules of fair play, should be mitigating factors in borderline situations like these, if (and we're talking a pretty big if here)everything in the various players' histories otherwise checks out (the mother's inauguration of the daughter into 'the life' would be a separate and distinct issue in which "Dilbert" is not complicit, and fodder for another thread). 


Barring a history of pathologically similar behaviour on the part of our rather daft protagonist, the sheer amount of existential tragedy that has managed to find itself wedged into such a small existential space ought to be sufficient to evoke a degree of mercy, even from  the most jaded among us. Seriously? This one makes my teeth hurt.


And then there's this... Practically the first sentence, yet somehow I missed it:


"He is also accused of being in possession of abusive images of children." 


I guess if this is the case, never mind is in order.

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I'm not on here as an apologist for this guy, maybe he was looking for underage action, however.


I know a Thai lady, a waitress in a restaurant, who is 27 years old (definitely) with a child, who could easily pass as underage.


I also had a brief fling with a 31 year old bar cashier who was "petite", to say the least


Similarly, when I was at school there were girls of 14 in my year who would easily pass for 18 or 19 with some make-up & glad-rags.


Thai ladies tend to be physically smaller than falang ladies.


I suppose a check of the ID card should confirm DOB, but that's as long as it's a kosher card!


Tread warily, there's jail-bait around!

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2 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:





So the Thai mother who offered her child to hundreds of man is less guilty than a guy who had sex with one underage woman?


They guy may or may not have realized that the girl was 13. The mother knew for sure.


Some people like to suck up to everything Thailand it's both ridiculous and sad.




This issue, who is more or less guilty isn't relevant  ...Western countries who prosecute Western men are doing what they can  ....they cannot prosecute the Mothers or anyone else in Thailand obviously.  So they could do nothing, and Thailand can continue to do nothing, and everything can continue as it has for decades ...is that better?


That would also be like saying you can't/shouldn't arrest someone who only buys illegal drugs because they only buy it once per day, which is less illegal then the people who sell it many times per day.

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2 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

I dont feel for the girl I feel more for the guy here She lied about her age There was no way he could have known

It smells of the girl and mother wanting money and the courts intervened before that could happen 

Sorry situation for all

No way of knowing she was 13, yeah right

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In Thailand everything is about money- every purchase; every plan; every conversation; every idea- virtually every act done or thought of action concerns money.   As much as I  love Thailand and its people- I recognize the fact that most Thais love money more than anything else in the World. "For the love of money is the root of all evil."-  Bible 1 Timothy 6:10

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10 minutes ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...he was lied to and deceived....


...like she and the bar said...


...for profit...for money from a customer...


...and as for the bar owner that put her up for sale....???



It brings to mind how people in the West react to stories of child-labour (which I think is wrong, but that doesn't change anything). They look at these things from a life and environment that is luxurious in comparison, at a couple with kids who scrape by in abject poverty on $90 a month, in the poorest countries in the World.

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5 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

"Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand...."

Could it be because he lives in Oslo?  





That might explain the 1st part, but say this guy has been shoplifting  or kill someone in Thailand, would he also be prosecuted in Oslo? shouldn't he be prosecuted in Thailand as he broke the Thai law IN THAILAND?


As for sex - age of consent in Sweden is 15, in Norway 16. Supposed this Swedish guy went to visit his family in Sweden and happened to meet a sweet 15 YO girl - totally legal there. Would he be prosecuted upon return to Norway as the Swedish girl IN SWEDEN was under the age of consent IN NORWAY??


I can think of many more such examples... but I will only add one. Gambling. Illegal in many places, yet legal in other. Suppose an American citizen who resides in a non gambling state goes to Vegas and plays at the casino. Shouldn't he be prosecuted in his home town according to this logic??

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1 minute ago, LukKrueng said:


That might explain the 1st part, but say this guy has been shoplifting  or kill someone in Thailand, would he also be prosecuted in Oslo? shouldn't he be prosecuted in Thailand as he broke the Thai law IN THAILAND?


As for sex - age of consent in Sweden is 15, in Norway 16. Supposed this Swedish guy went to visit his family in Sweden and happened to meet a sweet 15 YO girl - totally legal there. Would he be prosecuted upon return to Norway as the Swedish girl IN SWEDEN was under the age of consent IN NORWAY??


I can think of many more such examples... but I will only add one. Gambling. Illegal in many places, yet legal in other. Suppose an American citizen who resides in a non gambling state goes to Vegas and plays at the casino. Shouldn't he be prosecuted in his home town according to this logic??

You tink too mutt.;)

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1 minute ago, LukKrueng said:


That might explain the 1st part, but say this guy has been shoplifting  or kill someone in Thailand, would he also be prosecuted in Oslo? shouldn't he be prosecuted in Thailand as he broke the Thai law IN THAILAND?


As for sex - age of consent in Sweden is 15, in Norway 16. Supposed this Swedish guy went to visit his family in Sweden and happened to meet a sweet 15 YO girl - totally legal there. Would he be prosecuted upon return to Norway as the Swedish girl IN SWEDEN was under the age of consent IN NORWAY??


I can think of many more such examples... but I will only add one. Gambling. Illegal in many places, yet legal in other. Suppose an American citizen who resides in a non gambling state goes to Vegas and plays at the casino. Shouldn't he be prosecuted in his home town according to this logic??

Many countries do this, there are posters informing people of this in places like Phnom Penh.


If he would have done say 5 years in a Thai jail, he could have been busted for the same crime and do more jail time in another/his home country.


Even if he gets a lenient sentence in Norway, he would be foolish to think that that was the end of it, and he could return to LOS without the risk of being busted here too!

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LukKrueng,  You really don't get this?  So it isn't legal to gamble in Thailand right? However it is not illegal to to travel to a jurisdiction where it IS legal to gamble, then gamble, and return to Thailand. 


It is illegal to have sex with children and to buy children aged 13 pretty much everywhere.  People from certain nations are warned that if they travel to other nations who do not enforce those laws (such as Thailand and Cambodia which are havens for this) they may be prosecuted upon return to their home nation. This has occurred to the man we are speaking about.


Do you really want to defend the fact that your nation (Thailand) does not, can not, take action ... because they are poorer, have less resources, have less motivation in this area, has more corruption, whatever ...and you want to find irrational arguments to let these criminals off when other governments are willing to step in and hold them accountable in Thailand's place and for Thailand's benefit?

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42 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:


That might explain the 1st part, but say this guy has been shoplifting  or kill someone in Thailand, would he also be prosecuted in Oslo? shouldn't he be prosecuted in Thailand as he broke the Thai law IN THAILAND?


As for sex - age of consent in Sweden is 15, in Norway 16. Supposed this Swedish guy went to visit his family in Sweden and happened to meet a sweet 15 YO girl - totally legal there. Would he be prosecuted upon return to Norway as the Swedish girl IN SWEDEN was under the age of consent IN NORWAY??


I can think of many more such examples... but I will only add one. Gambling. Illegal in many places, yet legal in other. Suppose an American citizen who resides in a non gambling state goes to Vegas and plays at the casino. Shouldn't he be prosecuted in his home town according to this logic??


International agreements, is what you need to recognize, and the means by which these agreements are enforced.


the (international) child's right convention, charges each country, (apparently, only two counties are not signatories) to domestically prosecute child abusers, regardless of were the abuse occurred, as it recognizes that each country may have its own addenda.


consequently, responsible countries are more likely to prosecute its citizens.


these types of laws and legal vehicles, do not , by and large, cover other sins being committed by tourists or expats.


hope that helps ?


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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

As much as I  love Thailand and its people- I recognize the fact that most Thais love money more than anything else in the World. "For the love of money is the root of all evil."-  Bible 1 Timothy 6:10


By all means, correct me if I'm wrong... but isn't the Catholic Church filthy filthy filthy rich?

two plus two, therefore equals the Catholic Church gnawing ravenously at the root of evil.

pity they don't use the income (alms) to ellieviate humanitarian issues, vs gild another church, eh? 

Lol :sorry:

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7 hours ago, Yann55 said:

A - I really loved her.

B - He was nothing more to me than a customer.


Oldest story in the world, oldest 'job' in the world. Note that the girl was brought (read sold) by her own mother. Lying about age ...


Thai 'love stories' in a nutshell.



Him.papa. him good man.

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7 hours ago, LukKrueng said:


First of all let me say that I don't approve of adults having sex with young teenagers, pros or non pros.


However, most farangs who are new to Thailand / Asia misread women's age, and sometimes by many years. I was sitting with a young traveler in a small pub, and he kinda got excited by sight of the waitress who served us. I asked him how old he thought she was - his reply was very early 20's, when in fact she was mid 30's. So I guess a 13 YO girl with some make up and adult cloths can be passed for 18 in the eyes of a newbe. Further more, he met her at a bar, made sure to ask the bar staff for her age and was right and legal. It's not like he was lurking around playgrounds or schools looking for an innocent girl and tricking her into his bed. The fact that he traveled with her around Thailand proves his claim that he was sure she was of legal age. So in this case, I think the mother and the bar owner are the ones to be blamed and prosecuted.

Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand....   



Pedophilia is the attraction of an adult to pre-puberty children, so I guess if the girl was made to look like an adult - enough for working in a bar - a pedophile should not have been attracted to her.

I don't really understand the motives of the "hang 'em high" brigade. A young man comes to Thailand sees a young woman (who doesn't look her age) (what does he know?) sees her a few times and finds out she's new to the bar scene; " I really like you honey, would you like to travel around with me for a while?" Of course she says yes, it's her job! After traveling around for a few weeks he is really enamored so he pops the question! Of course she says yes! Eight years and one child later he makes the mistake of taking them all to Norway, a typical (no doubt female) immigration officer does some quick mental arithmetic and cries "shock horror this man must be a pedo????"


Now you can ask "why is this person defending this person of dubious character" ? 48 years ago I met and married a Chinese woman in very similar circumstances, after 3 children, 11 grand children and 5 great grand children if I was to go through Norwegian Immigration and some nit picking cretin decided to do the numbers then I too could be charged as a pedophile. even though nothing was further from the truth!


People! You need to understand that not so many years ago a woman unmarried at 18 was considered unmarryable, girls were married at puberty 13-15 years old, this was the case in early America! "Mother Grundies" get off your soap boxes and join the real world! :wai:

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1 hour ago, amykat said:

LukKrueng,  You really don't get this?  So it isn't legal to gamble in Thailand right? However it is not illegal to to travel to a jurisdiction where it IS legal to gamble, then gamble, and return to Thailand. 


It is illegal to have sex with children and to buy children aged 13 pretty much everywhere.  People from certain nations are warned that if they travel to other nations who do not enforce those laws (such as Thailand and Cambodia which are havens for this) they may be prosecuted upon return to their home nation. This has occurred to the man we are speaking about.


Do you really want to defend the fact that your nation (Thailand) does not, can not, take action ... because they are poorer, have less resources, have less motivation in this area, has more corruption, whatever ...and you want to find irrational arguments to let these criminals off when other governments are willing to step in and hold them accountable in Thailand's place and for Thailand's benefit?

I'm sorry, I can't agree in this case! I've seen farang leaving "Sharkies Bar" in Phnom Phen with 2 obviously 8 year olds and myself and other men at the bar objected and forced the pedo to abandon his quest! In this case you seem to have blinded yourself to the statements by the man and his wife! She admits she lied to him, he is married to her, they have a legal child, they've been together for over 8 years......what is your problem?  


Oh, I see, it's the principal........right:wai:

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27 minutes ago, TPI said:

I don't really understand the motives of the "hang 'em high" brigade. A young man comes to Thailand sees a young woman (who doesn't look her age) (what does he know?) sees her a few times and finds out she's new to the bar scene; " I really like you honey, would you like to travel around with me for a while?" Of course she says yes, it's her job! After traveling around for a few weeks he is really enamored so he pops the question! Of course she says yes! Eight years and one child later he makes the mistake of taking them all to Norway, a typical (no doubt female) immigration officer does some quick mental arithmetic and cries "shock horror this man must be a pedo????"


Now you can ask "why is this person defending this person of dubious character" ? 48 years ago I met and married a Chinese woman in very similar circumstances, after 3 children, 11 grand children and 5 great grand children if I was to go through Norwegian Immigration and some nit picking cretin decided to do the numbers then I too could be charged as a pedophile. even though nothing was further from the truth!


People! You need to understand that not so many years ago a woman unmarried at 18 was considered unmarryable, girls were married at puberty 13-15 years old, this was the case in early America! "Mother Grundies" get off your soap boxes and join the real world! :wai:

You seem particularly ignorant of the details of this story. The girl never left Thailand.

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