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Udon man's hand severed during horrific knife attack by 10 youths


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He picked up his left hand with his right hand.Mmmmmm,what other hand could he have used then?

I have to hand it to him,he was very brave,the claret must have been pissing out.

It must have been very hard for him to drive his bike to the hospital with only one hand.This is when automatic gears come in handy.

Good luck Somchai,i hope you get justice and that your case is not just dismissed out of hand.

Oh! by the way,this post was written by hand.

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I tell u what. Im from Poland some of u might think its rough sh..... But it was safest place I ever lived in. It was very rare to hear about armed gun crime, stabbings abandoned babies murders. Never saw gun or someone carring knifes. And I was on the streets. All it was ppl doing soft drugs and youths nicking from shops...
Then lives in UK never had prob really.

Moved to thailand and was robbed at gun point and they tried snatch gold. Not to mention numbers of scams they did on our business...
Not to mention daily dose of news here.... Live in thailand 3 years and seen a lot.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, chilli42 said:


A testament to the toughness of these Esarn farmers.  That he did not go into shock is hard to comprehend


Plus the fact that he manage to ride a motor cycle at the same time with only one hand.

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7 hours ago, ukrules said:

More Thainess in the news. It will be interesting to see what happens to these guys if we ever find out.


What would happen to me if I chopped some guys hand off with an sword for no other reason than I felt like doing it.


You'd probably refer to it as "more Thainess" as you are bizarrely prone to do.

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8 hours ago, Adeeos said:

Possibly the same youths that are the Sons of policemen,, let out of custody early from the OTHER un-prevoked sword/machete murder of a Thai man?,,  just wondering since there has been NO news as to their punishment,,,,  


 Doubt it, there are gangs of youths like this all over Thailand.

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6 hours ago, gemguy said:

It sounds like it is time to have full time video monitoring and video surveillance net working so the little dick heads can not get away with their lies and scams. 


or sim cards that can be tracked day and night

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There are gangs in most countries of the world but they seem to be harming /killing rival gangs, not some innocent farmer going home. A lot of the death and harm is over drug control areas, which each percieve as theirs personally. The prisons have gangs  but it seems race related. Granted some innocents get caught in the middle or area target for new member but it seems much more a part of the social circles in some Thai areas than other countries.


Tech schools come to mind, as does the racing gangs, pickpocket, transgender gangs, jet ski gangs, and of course those grabbing jewerly from tourists, etc.  If you sentence treat/punish criminals like undisiplined children expect them to act like same.

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4 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

He picked up his left hand with his right hand.Mmmmmm,what other hand could he have used then?

I have to hand it to him,he was very brave,the claret must have been pissing out.

It must have been very hard for him to drive his bike to the hospital with only one hand.This is when automatic gears come in handy.

Good luck Somchai,i hope you get justice and that your case is not just dismissed out of hand.

Oh! by the way,this post was written by hand.

Most manual gear change scooters in Thailand have a foot-operated clutch, hand clutch being rare in that class. Exceptions in the Honda range Sonic, Dash and the Wave Z.

One handed bike riding seems to be a skill most have managed with the spare hand used for mobile phone, baby, bird cage or anything else deemed important enough.

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Violence is escalating in Thailand and authorities should do something about it quickly as its now spreading to usually " quiet" areas, and not only the tourist towns and beaches. The police seem to be doing nothing at all. Hardly a day goes by when there isn't rape, attacks, road road etc hitting the headlines. Definitely best not to go out at night on your own, or on a motor bike, whether you are in Udon or Phuket, and if you are a foreigner , or Thai. 

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I can only guess that this gang of 10 youths (and other gangs just like them) receive their education and up bringing from a pack of Soi Dogs. They have a bright future ahead of them.


I hope the hand reattachment goes well for the farmer, but its a long hard road ahead for him.

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56 minutes ago, geisha said:

Violence is escalating in Thailand and authorities should do something about it quickly as its now spreading to usually " quiet" areas, and not only the tourist towns and beaches. The police seem to be doing nothing at all. Hardly a day goes by when there isn't rape, attacks, road road etc hitting the headlines. Definitely best not to go out at night on your own, or on a motor bike, whether you are in Udon or Phuket, and if you are a foreigner , or Thai. 

Correction. Violence with youth and gangs has been an issue in small towns communities for a decade or longer. Especially after concerts and fairs...

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The police could put a dent in this if they wanted to, along with the courts.  Also, time to come down on the parents for not attending to their offspring. There are just so many issues surrounding this type of thing- lack of opportunity; lack of discipline; lack of jobs; no hope that things will get better.  It's just not thailand -it is Worldwide. This is what happens when a society is allowed to develop in which the wealthy control everything and the 99% have to scrape by on little or no wages. Take hope away and you have only anarchy left.

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

The police could put a dent in this if they wanted to, along with the courts.  Also, time to come down on the parents for not attending to their offspring. There are just so many issues surrounding this type of thing- lack of opportunity; lack of discipline; lack of jobs; no hope that things will get better.  It's just not thailand -it is Worldwide. This is what happens when a society is allowed to develop in which the wealthy control everything and the 99% have to scrape by on little or no wages. Take hope away and you have only anarchy left.


Indeed a great number of the social ills of modern society do correlate strongly with economic inequality.  This correlation is brought into focus in the book " The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger" by Wilkinson and Pickett.  Despite its new age sounding title it is actually a data driven book bordering on the geeky.

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The farmer was perhaps fortunate that the sword didn't slice through the artery in his wrist. If that had happened he might have passed out through blood loss before reaching hospital.


As for the gang of youths, going out armed with a sword sounds like they were just looking for trouble and the poor farmer was unfortunate enough to run into them.


But don't they still have conscription in Thailand? If so, how come these youths haven't been hauled off to barracks instead of being allowed to cause mayhem in the countryside.

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On 10/5/2016 at 10:10 AM, wvavin said:

Congratulation to Thailand having this new generation for the future backbones of the country.

ahhhh..... the thainess of it all makes me kinda misty


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Thaidream, i dont agréé with all your views, yes , parents do not educate their kids as they should, and no, the police do damn all. Though most of the trouble makers I've come across personally, on Phuket and in Jomtien/ Pattaya, are not poor kids. They have nice motor bikes / cars and plenty of money to throw about on drinks and whatever , lots of them are school kids !!!!



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On October 5, 2016 at 10:27 AM, halloween said:

Foolish of me I know, but I often ride without wearing a vambrace (lower arm armour) even in "gang infected areas". Can you recommend an armour supplier in Surat area?

Troll comments are not appreciated here.  Get a life or seek help.

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