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Duterte tells Obama 'you can go to hell'


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Duterte is a mass murdering "death squad" mayor and now president. 
I can't understand how any westerner can defend him.


Bodies are hastily pulled from crime scenes or dumped in ditches, often alongside cardboard signs that say “pusher” — as if a word alone were proof enough.

As Duterte said in August: “There is no due process in my mouth.”


Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Duterte is a mass murdering "death squad" mayor and now president. 
I can't understand how any westerner can defend him.


Yeah, it boggles my mind how any Westerner could condone his actions. These people do not deserve to die.

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Duterte is a mass murdering "death squad" mayor and now president. 
I can't understand how any westerner can defend him.



Wrong link. Pay attention to your tabs :whistling:

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2 hours ago, Anthony5 said:


I have never been to the Philippines and have no intention to go in the near future, because I know from people who spent there a considerable amount of time, how dangerous it is over there.


Anyway if i would move there, I'm sure I would have nothing to fear from Duterte, because I'm neither a drug dealer or addict and adhere to the law.


Famous last words in a country ruled by a tyrant.

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1 hour ago, Strange said:


Same here. Handguns everywhere. Seems like the majority I saw were 1911 type .45's



Model 1911  

No doubt left  over from WWII and a great weapon.  My dad used to shoot coconuts out of the trees with one while in New Guinea and other island campaigns. 

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18 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Lets see how long this chap lasts. I suspect not very long. As much as I am not an Obama fan, I believe he has not learned the game of politics and how to conduct oneself. I give him a few years at best.


Well, heaven knows Obama's still on his learning curve; I guess Duterte deserves his.  'Wonder where he stands on Hillary & Donald.


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I had to stay up to call Schwab tonight.... and took a really big miserable hit over this.  So I don't like this but.... a really really big one.... I like what Duterte is saying.... and we are going to hell.  16 months of global and SST records totally off the charts and all we hear are the Clintons "responsible" feelings and how they support more international agreements but won't even whisper about any mitigation.... to scale.... I prefer "Chinese Hoax" from Trump's mouth and a continuing ascendency of China and ASEAN over the west.... and I'm greener than Greenpeace... but I think Trump is the better bet and that with Obama (Hillary) we are going to hell. Along with all the other post Cambrian life forms. 

Edited by maewang99
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22 hours ago, Anthony5 said:


So I guess the CIA machine, to set up the Philippine people against their elected leader, will be started up now because everyone in the world should crawl over the floor with head down for the US.


Good on you Duterte, show them you're not in the league of double faced sheep that govern all over the world, and that you have the right to lead your country without involvement of the US.

This is exactly the POINT!

Duterte is the President of the Republic of the Philippines,

Not Obama. Not anybody else. 



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1 hour ago, maewang99 said:

I had to stay up to call Schwab tonight.... and took a really big miserable hit over this.  So I don't like this but.... a really really big one.... I like what Duterte is saying.... and we are going to hell.  16 months of global and SST records totally off the charts and all we hear are the Clintons "responsible" feelings and how they support more international agreements but won't even whisper about any mitigation.... to scale.... I prefer "Chinese Hoax" from Trump's mouth and a continuing ascendency of China and ASEAN over the west.... and I'm greener than Greenpeace... but I think Trump is the better bet and that with Obama (Hillary) we are going to hell. Along with all the other post Cambrian life forms. 


Trump is the better bet and that with Obama (Hillary) we are going to hell. Along with all the other post Cambrian life forms. 


Not possible given that Donald Trump is the pre-Cambrian life form.


A Don Rickles without the humour.


Is that the madness of George in your avatar photo...







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this is so funny.  we are all going to hell.  all you gotta do is know that the most recent 16 months in a row are all kind of like "grand slams" in a baseball game or "holes in one" in golf..... except it's the average global surface temperature over several hundred years... and if you take the best guess we have.. actually the last 115,000 years. those are 16 grand slams in a row... in a row... after a drought of 1,380,000 months.... also in a row.. and a very very long one eh? maybe ****that's**** why so many Filipinos are on drugs!

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8 hours ago, Penicillin said:

Model 1911  

No doubt left  over from WWII and a great weapon.  My dad used to shoot coconuts out of the trees with one while in New Guinea and other island campaigns. 



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On 05/10/2016 at 1:18 PM, alocacoc said:

And who are You to determine which Rules and Laws must be applicable for a country? This is exactly the view of the US.





there is now law in the PI that allows random killing of "supposed" drug dealers or even just drug users. This rabid dog is ignoring the laws of his own country


Oh, and I am not a US national, BTW.....

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2 minutes ago, siam2007 said:

there is now law in the PI that allows random killing of "supposed" drug dealers or even just drug users. This rabid dog is ignoring the laws of his own country


Oh, and I am not a US national, BTW.....


Its pretty clear there are some posters that let their distaste for the US cloud their normal brain function. 

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On October 5, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Anthony5 said:


So I guess the CIA machine, to set up the Philippine people against their elected leader, will be started up now because everyone in the world should crawl over the floor with head down for the US.


Good on you Duterte, show them you're not in the league of double faced sheep that govern all over the world, and that you have the right to lead your country without involvement of the US.

I agree with you in that the way one country fights a drug problem is no business of another's. America has failed miserably in their efforts, maybe they should see if another approach works. Might be a bad time to break relations with the west when China is knocking at their door though. It appears to me the countries that have tried legalization have had the most success although far from perfect.

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18 minutes ago, Grubster said:

I agree with you in that the way one country fights a drug problem is no business of another's. America has failed miserably in their efforts, maybe they should see if another approach works. Might be a bad time to break relations with the west when China is knocking at their door though. It appears to me the countries that have tried legalization have had the most success although far from perfect.



And that is my biggest pet peeve.


We are told that Russia and China are bad, but who says that is so?


The Philippines have the right to choose with which super power they want to be friends, because everyone with a working brain knows that there isn't 1 super power in the world, but that there are 3.

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2 minutes ago, Strange said:


Not even a little. I have clearly stated it in this thread and haven't even tried to conceal it, nor will I ever. 


You think this makes you a deductive genius or something? 


We've been filtered, but I meant what I said. 


Not at all, I didn't read the post where you said you are an American, but it is obvious from your posts that you believe that only one country in the world is always right.

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Negative. Philippines can do whatever they want. Blip on the radar as far as anything goes. I don't support murder especially when its perpetrated by governmental means. History stands in line with this. 


If the Philippines wants US aid and Support, then yeah, they kinda need to be held accountable for it. 


I don't even like US foreign policy and don't like when they "Meddle", but in this case, its not "Meddling" its basic human rights violations committed on its citizens by its rampantly corrupt upper crust. 


Still mean it. 

Edited by Scott
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1 hour ago, Anthony5 said:


Not at all, I didn't read the post where you said you are an American, but it is obvious from your posts that you believe that only one country in the world is always right.

It is easy to tell you have never been to America, as you would never find someone there that thought the USA was even remotely close to being always right.

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3 hours ago, siam2007 said:



there is now law in the PI that allows random killing of "supposed" drug dealers or even just drug users. This rabid dog is ignoring the laws of his own country


Oh, and I am not a US national, BTW.....

I am from the US and I do find it a little hypocritical that we put these demands on some countries, but look the other way when our "great friends" the Saudi Arabians stone women to death for accused unfaithfulness. Also killing your wife there is widely excepted. Women can't drive, slaves are common. etc. etc.

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6 hours ago, Grubster said:

I am from the US and I do find it a little hypocritical that we put these demands on some countries, but look the other way when our "great friends" the Saudi Arabians stone women to death for accused unfaithfulness. Also killing your wife there is widely excepted. Women can't drive, slaves are common. etc. etc.

It's not just the US. The Entire Western world is condemning these killings including the UN. From the articke:



He also lashed out anew at the European Union, saying the bloc, which has also criticized his brutal crackdown, "better choose purgatory, hell is filled up."



He's supporting the indiscriminate killing of innocent people.  How anybody could support that is beyond me.


The Western world has also been publically critical os Saudi Arabia. For good reasons.

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11 minutes ago, markusangel said:

Ignorant people really speak out of their ignorance.
Read more. Understand more.
It didn't say that way.
Duterte clearly said, I don't want you (police) to be taken down first. If you're safety is compromised, then take him first. I will be on your back to give you immunity.
Did you know that there are now policemen who were dead because of "trying to protect human rights ". But these criminals (drug addicted ) don't care about it.
Why are these "human rights " hypocrites tryingto interfere with the sovereign laws of the Philippines?
Why won't they care about their participation of killings in Syria?
Philippines is a sovereign nation.
Does Philippines care or intrude Obama's affairs?
And those hypocrites here:

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Over 3000 people have died in the first 100 days of Duterte''s campaign. 


You would have to be BLIND to think that all those are lawful. 

I 100% agree if the drug dealers are armed and shooting at the police, then hell yeah take them down. 


You would have to be really gullible to think all of these are lawful. 

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Duterte is oblivious to the fact he's destablising the Philippines economy and its financial standing with individual investors, investment banks and governments globally, to include also the UN.


He probably still doesn't know all the Phil's government chief officials in economics, finance, trade, budget and the like are presently travelling to Washington wearing their firefigher suits and helmets. They will meet with Moody’s Investor Service, Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s to counter the negative news Duterte is generating about the country.


As reported today October 7th in the Philippines Standard business journal....


Top economic officials of the Duterte administration, on their way to attend the annual World Bank-International Monetary Fund meeting in Washington, D.C., have sought to calm the jitters created by Duterte’s outbursts and rhetoric.


The public relations mission comes amid the unflattering report of London-based think tank Capital Economics, which said Mr. Duterte’s talk had increased the potential downside risks to the economic outlook of the Philippines. “What has unnerved investors is a string of inflammatory statements and erratic foreign policy changes which have raised questions about Duterte’s judgment and his commitment to the rule of law,” says Capital Economics. “His anti-drugs campaign, which has led to thousands of extrajudicial killings, has generated negative headlines across the world.”





The Standard gives no indication Duterte knows anything about this emergency mission by his ministers -- or that Duterte cares. 


Standard says the Phils team now underway to Washington is led by Economic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia, Budget secretary Benjamin Diokno, Finance secretary Carlos Dominguez III and Bangko Sentral Pilipinas governor Amando Tetangco Jr.



Meanwhile at the nonpartisan Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, Amy Searight who is director of the Southeast Asia Program said,  “The administration is playing this as well as one can. The best option for the U.S. is to stay calm and let it play out. We don’t know yet where Duterte plans to go with this.”



And at the nonprofit Council on Foreign Relations in New York and Washington,  “There is a history of anti-American sentiment that gathers around sovereignty issues [in the Philippines] and Duterte can tap into that,” said Sheila Smith, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. “But he is playing rather dangerously, thinking ‘we can cozy up to China’ … as a hedge.”





So Washington is allowing Duterte all the rope he likes. His competent and responsible ministers are meanwhile taking charge of economics, finance, trade, international and global relations.


The Phils military continues in its long standing and close relationship with the USA as joint maneuvers are currently underway in the Phils until October 12th, as scheduled. In fact in Honolulu over the weekend Phils Defense Minister Delfin Lorenzana advised US SecDef Ashton Carter that Pres. Duterte "might be misinformed about the value of the Philippines military cooperation with the United States." 

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On 10/5/2016 at 4:40 PM, alocacoc said:

Just a final note from me; We would have a more peaceful world if countries wouldn't permanently teach/instruct/advise others. Accept that every country has his own pace of development and the need to do own experiences. In my opinion, the way HOW for example the US interfere other states causes only more aggression.

yup! there is only one country in the world with a "holier than though attitude". meddler-numero-uno!

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