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Duterte tells Obama 'you can go to hell'


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1 minute ago, Anthony5 said:


He's killing dealers resisting arrest, and that is also what he said.What do you expect that the police say "please" when they arrest a dealer.


Take also note that Duterte hasn't killed one of them himself, it is the law enforcers that have the choice, kill or get killed.

Agreed. However In a Country with limited outlooks for most dealing is tempting. Blame can not be soley on the addicts and dealers. I myself many moons ago was on the streets and dealing to survive. Luckily not in the philippines but there is in every country a preconcieved notion of quite simply bad, bad, bad, evil, arrest, arrest arrest. If you know what i mean....resisting arrest in a heatrd situation is almost a natural reaction in some cases. Not all dealers are murders. I had sold to people that had od'd and died. Therefore im a murder. Then again you could say the same for people selling guns, knives, alcohol, cars, bikes, etc... Murder should only be a punishment for cold blooded murders. 

I get this and other peoples comments. I get where its coming from but i thought i would throw in my 2cents.


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1 hour ago, Anthony5 said:


You take exaggerating to a new level.


RUMORS are that 3000 have been killed, while 800.000 so far have been arrested, and you are already talking about 3 million killed.


GO Duterte GO


41 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


He's killing dealers resisting arrest, and that is also what he said.What do you expect that the police say "please" when they arrest a dealer.


Take also note that Duterte hasn't killed one of them himself, it is the law enforcers that have the choice, kill or get killed.


Damn man, thats some crazy downplay you are doing there. Really. 


Seriously you are advocating the murder of people who for the most part are a product of the society they are made from. A lot are so poor what else are they supposed to do? I don't agree with it, but if I was starving Id do whatever it took. 


The "Cleansing" that you are fond of should start from the top down, not the people that have been abused and stolen from buy their own society. 


Really, you should move to, or back to, the Philippines. 

Edited by Strange
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I'm not a fan of Duterte, but Obama, as a representative of the US and its actions world wide is no better. At least Duterte doesn't waste anyone's time with hypocritical  charades about being for democracy and human rights. It is a bit tiresome at this point to listen to these people continue to spin the lie about being the good guys after at least a century of sponsoring regime changes in scores of countries in the best interests of no one except US corporations and wealthy elites ,  and  that would also mean a century of not being above extra-judicial killings if thats what regime change and maintaining a stranglehold on power takes. Yet, on cue once again, just as they have been for a century, these crocodiles are sitting up there sobbing yet again about human rights and democracy any time someone they don't like does what they do. I don't recall that Mr. Drone assassin went to a court to OK drone assassinations, to take just one example. So, wouldn't Mr. Human Rights be engaging in a bit of extra-judicial killings? He was fighting an illegal war? Well, maybe Duterte has decided that's what he is doing. War on Drugs ring a bell? What's the difference? Who are kidding here Mr. Obama? Anyone who reads a bit about what the US has been up to for well over a century sees the irony here, Mr. Obama, the Phillipines is one of these very countries that the US has committed war crimes in and to this day what happened is largely covered up. As many as 300,000 civilians died in the 1890's when the US invaded, they put people in concentration camps and most certainly commited extrajudicial killings. Last I checked the Philippines hasn't exactly flourished since that rather exceptional time where perhaps a mistake was made in the way the Philippines was dealt with for perhaps struggling to maintain their indpendence in lieu of being  liberated by the benevolent beings in America's marble halls who from the vestry one fine Sunday morning with mere pens strokes fed the starving Philippine masses and liberated them from their oppressors and   in a magical golden era of enlightenment and  prosperity all courtesy of their benevolent democracy loving American overlords, the Philippines like a glorious beacon for all of Asia has for decades stood like a sentry of hope in the dark night of the 20th century. If Obama wants to cry about what Duterte is doing, then he needs to go on a major reform  of the extrajudicial killing militarized American police departments killing black people and soon to be killing you if you go out and protest any of it. Obama needs to restore human rights in his own country where he has directly been responsible, via his Patriot Act amendments, in revoking many human rights not least of which would be a right to a fair trial should the military decide that, as with Duterte, they don't happen to like you and that therefor you are a menace or a terrorist and decide to arrest you. Yes you can be arbitrarily detained without trial  and indefinitely in America, Mr. Obama, and that is against human rights principals right up there with extrajudicial killings and in some places is called kidnapping. Duterte would likely have learned from the US military's best about strong arm tactics for 3rd world countries, and Obama deserves nothing less than being called a son of a bitch and told to go to hell, no matter what kind of mass killing goon Duterte may or may not be. Duterte is right, the Philippines has gotten little to nothing from the US and have been waiting for 100 years and yet they remain one of the poorest most corrupt countries in Asia, they have nothing to lose telling America to go to hell. Who is Obama kidding, America needs the Phillipines not vice-versa, in fact, considering what the Philippines seems to have gained, the record seems to show that after 100 years they are not benefitting much to put it euphemistically. I just wish Duterte would set him straight with the facts and what the reality of the Phillipines' and America's relationship is and what it has been. The reality in simple plain polite language would I am sure be much worse than a couple of expletives. Perhaps Duterte has already done just that, but seeing as for some reason there seems to be a need to try and bury what the US has done over the last century in the Philippines, they just won't print it.

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3 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:
7 minutes ago, Strange said:

Damn man, thats some crazy downplay you are doing there. Really. 


If so, show me the "real" figures from a reliable source, and I will stand corrected.


Even if it was 1000 people or 500 or even 100 people or 10 people its wrong. 


Show me the real figures where he isn't instigating violence against addicts and dealers and promoting vigilante justice. 


How is this even a thing? The focus should be on the corruption and disregard of the law by politicians and police not the symptom of it. 

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3 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

Good man???go to hell...son of a Bitch (BASTARD) So what?freedom of speech and opinion!! His only problem would bea CIA planned COUP! !I BET MY HOUSE ON IT ...whether it will succeed or not is another matter. ?


No problem.

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6 hours ago, Think2Mutt said:

I've been to Manila  many times and 'walked around there without bodyguards',partied all night there actually and had a great time.It annoys me when people like you that have NEVER been there talk nonsense ,if you are a foreigner then Thailand is 100 times more dangerous than Manila and the Philippines...FACT!

...and just when was it that you were safe in Manila ? In the 1950's ? ...and how do you know he was never there ?   I was there last year and he is totally correct!  Gangs of males walking around at night looking for opportunity to rob.  At my hotel , the  security people used mirrors to look under every car for bombs before allowing them to enter the property .  My first night there I asked about any nearby restaurants  and was told , it is unwise to walk outside afte dark .  I went anyway; even the local KFC had a shotgun toting guard posted at the door !  Speaking only about Manila, it's a sewer , and that's a FACT.  

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12 hours ago, Anthony5 said:


So I guess the CIA machine, to set up the Philippine people against their elected leader, will be started up now because everyone in the world should crawl over the floor with head down for the US.


Good on you Duterte, show them you're not in the league of double faced sheep that govern all over the world, and that you have the right to lead your country without involvement of the US.

What has the CIA got to do with this? Good gosh,  they get blamed for everything.  55555


Maybe this is what he was talking about?





Last year, the United States had an estimated $56 billion in outward flows, followed by Saudi Arabia ($37 billion), and Russia ($33 billion).


Lots of Filipinos in the US. Lots.










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1 hour ago, Strange said:

Really, you should move to, or back to, the Philippines. 


I have never been to the Philippines and have no intention to go in the near future, because I know from people who spent there a considerable amount of time, how dangerous it is over there.


Anyway if i would move there, I'm sure I would have nothing to fear from Duterte, because I'm neither a drug dealer or addict and adhere to the law.

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1 hour ago, Anthony5 said:


I have never been to the Philippines and have no intention to go in the near future, because I know from people who spent there a considerable amount of time, how dangerous it is over there.


Anyway if i would move there, I'm sure I would have nothing to fear from Duterte, because I'm neither a drug dealer or addict and adhere to the law.

It's not just drug dealers who are being killed. Reading this might change your mind,  hopefully.



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7 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:

I have never been to the Philippines and have no intention to go in the near future, because I know from people who spent there a considerable amount of time, how dangerous it is over there.


Anyway if i would move there, I'm sure I would have nothing to fear from Duterte, because I'm neither a drug dealer or addict and adhere to the law.


No argument there it is dangerous. Some of the other posters talking about armed guards at hotels and real deal thugs looking to rob you are very real and Manila is particularly bad. 


Probably, but supporting Duterte's plan will not fix anything. Not by a long shot. 



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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

The only two things of significance I can read in the article are these.

" Manila Auxiliary Bishop Pabillo said there is no proof the victims were engaged in drug trafficking. "


What do you expect a bishop to say? A bishop is not an investigator, is it?



But what is more important is the following in the article.


" An opinion poll taken late in June showed that 63 per cent of Filipinos believe that Duterte will make good on most, if not all, of his promises to stamp out criminality, corruption and illegal drugs"


So he has the support of the Philippine population, and that is the group who has first hand knowledge, what the Americans or Australian want us to believe is the least of my concersn because they clearly have an agenda.


So I should thank you for the article, it strengthens my believe in Duterte.

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1 hour ago, Anthony5 said:

The only two things of significance I can read in the article are these.

" Manila Auxiliary Bishop Pabillo said there is no proof the victims were engaged in drug trafficking. "


What do you expect a bishop to say? A bishop is not an investigator, is it?



But what is more important is the following in the article.


" An opinion poll taken late in June showed that 63 per cent of Filipinos believe that Duterte will make good on most, if not all, of his promises to stamp out criminality, corruption and illegal drugs"


So he has the support of the Philippine population, and that is the group who has first hand knowledge, what the Americans or Australian want us to believe is the least of my concersn because they clearly have an agenda.


So I should thank you for the article, it strengthens my believe in Duterte.

So the comments by a bishop aren't to be trusted? Really? Wow.


As for the opinion poll,  they also supported the Marcos clan for a long time.  A super corrupt group of people. Great!


This coming from someone who has never been to the Philippines.  Great source of info.

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5 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

Good man???go to hell...son of a Bitch (BASTARD) So what?freedom of speech and opinion!! His only problem would bea CIA planned COUP! !I BET MY HOUSE ON IT ...whether it will succeed or not is another matter. ?


50 minutes ago, Think2Mutt said:

I was there a couple of year ago now,so you walked all over there and nothing happened then?Thailand kills HUNDREDS of times more foreign tourists year in,year out the facts and figures are plain for all to see!

I  wasnt making any comparison between the Philippines and Thailand . I am talking about Manila in particular.     I will acquiesce to your stats on Thailand , they may be correct. I never felt in danger in BKK at night , however , every time I have to leave my BKK hotel at 4:00 AM for an early morning flight , I admit to some nervous  apprehension. It's a pretty creepy lot of zombies hanging around the Nana area until I get into a cab. 

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

So the comments by a bishop aren't to be trusted? Really? Wow.


As for the opinion poll,  they also supported the Marcos clan for a long time.  A super corrupt group of people. Great!


This coming from someone who has never been to the Philippines.  Great source of info.


Oh, you must have been to the Philippines now to have a valid opinion? Better delete 99% of the posts in this thread then.


And why would the comments from a bishop regarding drugs dealers be trusted? Did he know all the victims, or is he a criminal investigator?


I'm sure I can find many comments from bishops all over the world with which you don't agree, but not in this case of course.


Honestly, I know in your book America is good and the rest of the world is bad, but I had expected better from someone who claims to have seen the world.

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1 hour ago, Anthony5 said:


Oh, you must have been to the Philippines now to have a valid opinion? Better delete 99% of the posts in this thread then.


And why would the comments from a bishop regarding drugs dealers be trusted? Did he know all the victims, or is he a criminal investigator?


I'm sure I can find many comments from bishops all over the world with which you don't agree, but not in this case of course.


Honestly, I know in your book America is good and the rest of the world is bad, but I had expected better from someone who claims to have seen the world.

Yes,  I've spent a fair amount of time there. And no, America is not always good.  just like every other country in the world. Sadly,  many just like to bash the US. Which is against forum rules.


Be nice.

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2 minutes ago, Think2Mutt said:

There are armed guards outside the banks,not the hotels that is nonsense!


Had guards at a hotel I stayed at. Mossberg 12 gauge. Had a conversation with the guy about it. 


Company arranged everything so maybe that had something to do with it. 

Edited by Strange
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1 minute ago, Think2Mutt said:

Where the Hell did you stay then?
You realise the Thai hotels have armed guards also I take it?


See edit above. 


Never seen any armed guards in thailand that I can remember (over 8 years) other than army border guards and moonlighting police. 

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8 minutes ago, Think2Mutt said:

There are armed guards outside the banks,not the hotels that is nonsense!


Also had a company arranged driver that had an old M-16 in his trunk, complete with 3 round burst selector. had a good look over it while he was loading my luggage. 

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26 minutes ago, Strange said:


Had guards at a hotel I stayed at. Mossberg 12 gauge. Had a conversation with the guy about it. 


Company arranged everything so maybe that had something to do with it. 

Yeah, I saw the Mossbergs too. How embarrassing !   You would think at a 5 star hotel they would at least carry a Benelli.

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32 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


Oh, you must have been to the Philippines now to have a valid opinion? Better delete 99% of the posts in this thread then.


And why would the comments from a bishop regarding drugs dealers be trusted? Did he know all the victims, or is he a criminal investigator?


I'm sure I can find many comments from bishops all over the world with which you don't agree, but not in this case of course.


Honestly, I know in your book America is good and the rest of the world is bad, but I had expected better from someone who claims to have seen the world.


It is annoying when debating with someone and they throw the whole "Yeah but ur American" sh*t in there like somehow we don't know whats going on. 

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Last time I was there,  armed guards were everywhere.  Shopping centers, grocery stores,  everywhere. I even saw hidden hand guns on several occasions.


Same here. Handguns everywhere. Seems like the majority I saw were 1911 type .45's



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