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Joshua Wong: Thailand bows to China's deportation request


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Thailand bows to deportation request




Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong acknowledges journalists upon his arrival at Hong Kong Airport in Hong Kong, China October 5, 2016, after being deported from Bangkok. Photo From Reuters


“It’s China’s business,” says PM, after Hong Kong pro-democracy leader turned away at Suvarnabhumi


BANGKOK: -- AT THE request of China, Thai authorities yesterday denied entry to Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong, who had been invited to speak at an event to mark the 40th anniversary of the Thammasat University massacre.

Pol-Colonel Pruthipong Prayoonsiri, deputy commander of the Suvarnabhumi Airport Immigration Office, confirmed that China had asked for the Thai government's cooperation in denying entry to Wong.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Thailand-bows-to-deportation-request-30296988.html

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-10-06
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Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong has returned to Hong Kong




BANGKOK: -- Hong Kong political activist Joshua Wong has returned to Hong Kong after he was denied entry by Thai immigration officials at Suvarnabhumi international airport Tuesday night.


Domosisto party said on its twitter that Joshua Wong has arrived Hong Kong. Nathan Law, LegCo member and chairperson of Demosisto made a brief remarks to the media at the airport.


Later on, Law and Wong will discuss Wong’s problem in Bangkok in greater length through a press conference to be held at the Legislative Council complex at 8 pm.


Thai Foreign Ministry spokesman Sek Wannamethee, meanwhile, said that the government did not ban political expressions as evident in the government’s non-interference in the holding of a political discussion by the political science faculty, Chulalongkorn University, on October 6 to mark the “October 6” event 40 years ago.


As far as Joshua Wong’s case was concerned, he said that there are regulations regarding entry to the country and departure and it was the discretion of the authorities concerned whether to grant entry or not. He added that the Foreign Ministry was in the process of contacting the Immigration Bureau regarding Wong’s case.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/hong-kong-activist-joshua-wong-returned-hong-kong/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-10-06
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Political science lecturer Kanokrat Sathitniramai, an organiser of today's event at the university, said that Wong's deportation had come as a surprise. 

"When we were preparing for this, we thought about security and how to deal with those who might have different opinions about the subject. Nobody thought Wong would not be allowed to enter the country at all," she said.




The lack of critical thinking seems a tad too overt in this instance and coming from an academic.



Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha denied that authorities had detained the Hong Kong activist. "He just flew over and went back to China. It's China's business, we should not intervene. They are all Chinese, Hong Kongers and mainlanders," he told reporters. 


King Power's Duty Free shopping experience isn't much to shout about, doubt Joshua flew in for that.

Edited by HoboKay
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Let it go. China has quite a lot of legitimacy now. In fact, yeah it's a little off topic...  but our example of the USA, such as the current election nonsense and our own police shootings increasingly shows China in a much better light. We're not dealing with things to scale, at all, but China is.  

Edited by maewang99
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let's hope that at least this incident gives a bit of publicity to the "40th anniversary of the Thammasat University massacre."


A event that thids government seems to want to ignore?


see here.....

Students defy Thai rulers to mark Thammasat University massacre


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Sure U.S. has it problems but if someone thinks China is the gold standard then I say move and live there for a while and you might find out the truth for yourself. 

Thailand, choice is to sleep with China that is within their right because they want something from them beat to their drum.

What is wrong with Wong coming to make a speech and after have some fun with the local ladies?

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1 hour ago, impulse said:

Could have been a lot worse.   He could have been deported to Mainland China.

If memory serves, he and his friends are not allowed in China.  If China wanted him, they would have him.  They wouldn't do that, as that would cause unrest in Hong Kong and other places.   Pushing around the highly placed, feeble minded in Asian governments is far easier than attacking him personally.  

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Probably the best result for a badly planned event , Josh got world wide news coverage yesterday , something that would not have happened if he was left alone , and lets be frank , how many knew Josh was coming to Thailand, the broadcasts depicted Thailand mostly as kowtowing to China's demands and made it look like a bunch of cowards , running the Country, frightened of students, which they are........................................................:coffee1:

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1 hour ago, maewang99 said:

Let it go. China has quite a lot of legitimacy now. In fact, yeah it's a little off topic...  but our example of the USA, such as the current election nonsense and our own police shootings increasingly shows China in a much better light. We're not dealing with things to scale, at all, but China is.  

Two w(r)ongs don't make a right.

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Taking orders from China is not going to make Thailand any good. It is sinking further and further without realising it. Absolutely an international embarrassment to Thailand by doing so.

Edited by wvavin
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15 minutes ago, wvavin said:

Taking orders from China is not going to make Thailand any good. It is sinking further and further without realising it. Absolutely an international embarrassment to Thailand by doing so.


I suppose taking orders from the US and allowing sponsored 'democracy activists' into the country would make things so much better?


The world has seen enough of US sponsored 'democracy' already. Keep it for yourselves.

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China allowed Wong to leave Hong Kong for Bangkok and did not block him. Then they asked Thailand to deny him entry. And Thailand always eager to bend over for their masters never even considered why. And now that they have shown the world that they are a Chinese satellite and realized that they again acted without forethought, they are scrambling to rescue their image by quoting laws and jurisdictions.


To be fair, this is not a particular trait of the military government, as I have seen similar behavior from all governments before. I believe it is therefore a Thai government specific reflex, borne from their unconscious Napoleonic Complex to show the world they mean business - and then stumble into the hole they dug themselves in the process.

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2 hours ago, maewang99 said:

Let it go. China has quite a lot of legitimacy now. In fact, yeah it's a little off topic...  but our example of the USA, such as the current election nonsense and our own police shootings increasingly shows China in a much better light. We're not dealing with things to scale, at all, but China is.  

Then I guess you don't know any educated people in China. All the ones i know can't wait to get out.

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49 minutes ago, wvavin said:

Taking orders from China is not going to make Thailand any good. It is sinking further and further without realising it. Absolutely an international embarrassment to Thailand by doing so.


32 minutes ago, ThailandLOS said:


I suppose taking orders from the US and allowing sponsored 'democracy activists' into the country would make things so much better?


The world has seen enough of US sponsored 'democracy' already. Keep it for yourselves.

Neither the OP nor the post you replied to mention the US.


Do you troll all topics and try to turn them into anti-US rants?

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28 minutes ago, keskeseksa said:

This Joshua is a troublemaker paid by the American government. The Thai government has every right not to let him him, he has no business here.


I was schooled in regional democracy movement by Publicus and apparently its Li Kar Shing that's funding it?

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33 minutes ago, keskeseksa said:

This Joshua is a troublemaker paid by the American government. The Thai government has every right not to let him him, he has no business here.

Please define what you mean by trouble maker.

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36 minutes ago, keskeseksa said:

This Joshua is a troublemaker paid by the American government. The Thai government has every right not to let him him, he has no business here.

Would you care to expand on your allegation ?

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12 minutes ago, Junkyarddog said:

He is 19 years old and has yet to aquire his first job. I don't care what this little s&it has to say and don't think he should be allowed in for the sole purpose of causing trouble. We don't need to import teenage so called activist. 

Well, believe it or not 19 years olds can and indeed do have functioning brains. With the current state of the global economy and the pending fall of the so called leading light the USA, perhaps what is needed is a fresh, young pair of eyes to debate over the current situation.


God knows the "older" experienced politicians have made a total balls up of things over the last 20 years or more and they don't seem to be moving in the right direction even now. In fact all I see in the US is a repeat of the same old mistakes.


Bring on the new I say, the sooner the better and lets retire off the old has beens in todays limelight, they had their shot and they blew it.

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