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Joshua Wong: Thailand bows to China's deportation request


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27 minutes ago, keskeseksa said:

This Joshua is a troublemaker paid by the American government. The Thai government has every right not to let him him, he has no business here.

Now I can see why you Liked post 17 by ThailandLOS.

As far as Thai immigration using its right to deny entry, Joshua was only blacklisted after China asked the Thai government to deny him entry. The Thai government apparently made no independent determination at the ministry level as to Joshua's suitability as a visitor nor gave Joshua an opportunity to rebut the blacklisting.

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Wong probably knew what would happen but made the trip anyway...or perhaps deliberate? The publicity probably makes his point for him.  I feel sure other activists elsewhere have used similar tactics in the past and no doubt will again in the future.

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58 minutes ago, ThailandLOS said:


I suppose taking orders from the US and allowing sponsored 'democracy activists' into the country would make things so much better?


The world has seen enough of US sponsored 'democracy' already. Keep it for yourselves.

So tell us, what do you know about this?

From your post, you say the USA is sponsoring this guy?

Really? how do you know that?

You can't accept that this guy, who is well known in Hong Kong and has a long history of opposing the mainland Chinese ever-tightening grip on Hong Kong's autonomy is a genuine democracy advocate.

However, if you have something apart from your opinion, let's hear it.


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18 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Well, believe it or not 19 years olds can and indeed do have functioning brains. With the current state of the global economy and the pending fall of the so called leading light the USA, perhaps what is needed is a fresh, young pair of eyes to debate over the current situation.


God knows the "older" experienced politicians have made a total balls up of things over the last 20 years or more and they don't seem to be moving in the right direction even now. In fact all I see in the US is a repeat of the same old mistakes.


Bring on the new I say, the sooner the better and lets retire off the old has beens in todays limelight, they had their shot and they blew it.

"Well, believe it or not 19 years olds can and indeed do have functioning brains."


Indeed. And here is a clear example of a 19 year old having a lot more brains that Junkyarddog, whom I assume is much older.

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52 minutes ago, keskeseksa said:

This Joshua is a troublemaker paid by the American government. The Thai government has every right not to let him him, he has no business here.

Your hammer and sickle T shirt needs a wash. While you're at it re-tie your pigtail.

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10 minutes ago, bobmac10 said:

So tell us, what do you know about this?

From your post, you say the USA is sponsoring this guy?

Really? how do you know that?

You can't accept that this guy, who is well known in Hong Kong and has a long history of opposing the mainland Chinese ever-tightening grip on Hong Kong's autonomy is a genuine democracy advocate.

However, if you have something apart from your opinion, let's hear it.


Don't hold your breath. Trolls rarely follow up on their rants.

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34 minutes ago, Junkyarddog said:

He is 19 years old and has yet to aquire his first job. I don't care what this little s&it has to say and don't think he should be allowed in for the sole purpose of causing trouble. We don't need to import teenage so called activist. 

However you feel perfectly entitled to voice your opinions to a public audience who might not give a toss what you have to say.

Thaivisa at its finest...

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China allowed Wong to leave Hong Kong for Bangkok and did not block him. Then they asked Thailand to deny him entry. And Thailand always eager to bend over for their masters never even considered why. And now that they have shown the world that they are a Chinese satellite and realized that they again acted without forethought, they are scrambling to rescue their image by quoting laws and jurisdictions.
To be fair, this is not a particular trait of the military government, as I have seen similar behavior from all governments before. I believe it is therefore a Thai government specific reflex, borne from their unconscious Napoleonic Complex to show the world they mean business - and then stumble into the hole they dug themselves in the process.

He didn't fly directly to Bangkok. He has been to another Asian country from where he flew to Bangkok.

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, keskeseksa said:

This Joshua is a troublemaker paid by the American government. The Thai government has every right not to let him him, he has no business here.


That is as maybe but it is certainly not up to China to decide who can and cannot be allowed entry into Thailand unless the Thais have ceded their rights on immigration to the Chinese now. It is unbelievable that the PM should say it was up to the Chinese. If the Chinese let him out of their jurisdiction their authority ends or is he a criminal on the run subject to an extradition request.

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51 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

I reckon more related to the democracy allergy of the junta than China.

For sure.

Wong's presence here might act as a catalyst and reignite student activism.

That reason, and a disinclination to offend China no doubt explain it.

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3 minutes ago, FredNL said:

What's the name of China's southern most province?



Hainan? Lovely place, sadly the famed coconut water is now a Vietnamese import.


Unless my geography fails me with all the recent geopolitical changes.:smile:

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24 minutes ago, khunpin said:



He didn't fly directly to Bangkok. He has been to another Asian country from where he flew to Bangkok.

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk




Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong 'detained in Thailand'


BANGKOK: -- Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong has been detained by Thai authorities in Bangkok, according to the political party he heads.


Mr Wong was detained at Suvarnabhumi airport after landing there on a flight from Hong Kong, Demosisto said in a statement.


It cited Thai student activist Netiwit Chotipatpaisal, who was waiting for Mr Wong.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-37558908



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3 hours ago, maewang99 said:

Let it go. China has quite a lot of legitimacy now. In fact, yeah it's a little off topic...  but our example of the USA, such as the current election nonsense and our own police shootings increasingly shows China in a much better light. We're not dealing with things to scale, at all, but China is.  

You need an example ?   You allow politicos to raise and lower your bar ?   Mr. Wong reminded China and Hong Kong of their obligations and he is being punished for having standards.  That and your post are very sad. 


And yes, China is doing marvelous, far more interesting things than the US. 

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1 hour ago, Junkyarddog said:

He is 19 years old and has yet to aquire his first job. I don't care what this little s&it has to say and don't think he should be allowed in for the sole purpose of causing trouble. We don't need to import teenage so called activist. 

Soooo...to have an opinion, to voice it and to stand up to injustice...what is the legal age to do that and how much job- experience does one need?

Does it have to be certain jobs or does any job is just about okay?


Without young activists, there woul dnot be change in this world and you would still be living in a cave or under a bridge....WAIT A MINUTE..... 

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I have one suggestion, let us get all the I love China trolls who are saying all is US sponsor propaganda shipped out to Beijing for a week or two while the smog is in its highest. When have nothing to say they always blame the west sad and sorry people who have no understanding of basic human principles 

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1 hour ago, keskeseksa said:

This Joshua is a troublemaker paid by the American government. The Thai government has every right not to let him him, he has no business here.

Other than your complete lack of understanding as to why barring Mr.  Wong from Thailand is wrong, the US Government probably and sadly has no interest freedom.  

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5 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

" It's China's business " said the PM, Yes and we were only too happy to assist.

Just disgusting and pathetic; shameful and utterly, utterly, UTTERLY COWARDLY!


I could say a thousand things more - but seeing what kind of a system we are living under, I had better shut up at this point!

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1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

Link please. If no link = fabrication.

I agree, my understanding is that the authorities have been turning somersaults trying to link the movement with outside influences but have failed to do so.

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51 minutes ago, adhd said:

land of the free (for thais only)

Sadly not land of the free for Thais either (except for the exalted hi-so's). Have you read the new Constitution? I have. Every single 'right' it gives to the Thai people is immediately potentially rescinded by phrases such as 'unless this is against good Thai morality' - which can be twisted into any meaning whatsoever which the autocrats desire that phrase to have.

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8 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Sadly not land of the free for Thais either (except for the exalted hi-so's). Have you read the new Constitution? I have. Every single 'right' it gives to the Thai people is immediately potentially rescinded by phrases such as 'unless this is against good Thai morality' - which can be twisted into any meaning whatsoever which the autocrats desire that phrase to have.


My interpretation of Thai Hi-So.



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Considering that the current elite and their military counterparts became so rich and powerful during the last Century for their anti-Communist (read: China) stance in this region; it's now laughable how quickly they jump when Beijing tells them, nowadays.

The old adage about not knowing your future due to ignoring your own history has never been more true.

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1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

Please define what you mean by trouble maker.


I think by troublemaker he means that it will be pointed out that Thailand is not a democracy, and the sham referendum, constitution and upcoming elections will not get it any closer to being a democracy.


Darn troublemakers...

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