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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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2 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Yeah, this is a prime time for him to pull a disappearing act and leave the GOP holding the bag. He was never one of them anyway, and he might just pick up his marbles and go home. He never gave a sh!t about any of this anyway.


I'm not sure his ego will allow him to quit. I think he might just publicly implode, though. 



Edited by SoiBiker
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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:


I'm not sure he's ego will allow him to quit. I think he might just publicly implode, though. 


If he knows the party leaders are plotting his demise, he would go out with a bang and would love a dramatic exit. That would ensure more TV and book deals for him anyway.

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I think some of the outraged are missing the point.

We should be partying - this will put the final nail in the coffin of this dolt's campaign.

The dolt has alienated women, HIspanics, blacks and a huge swathe of whites too.

It's a great day

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12 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Women try and emasculate you?

Are you serious?


And frankly, when I've had the misfortune to have to listen to men, even in Thailand, talking about women like this, I cringe.



Oh the irony of this post, and not just because of Chicog's avatar. You didn't notice the emasculation because either it wasn't required or you mistook it for becoming more civilized instead of social engineering. 


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6 minutes ago, stander said:

Any man OR woman who claims they haven't ONCE referred to the opposite sex's genitalia during banter is a LIAR.

Anyone that thinks women are fragile angels hasn't listened into a conversation that women have among themselves. I was able to hear many such in the 26 years I worked in hospitals with thousands of women. Enough to make a statue blush.

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Just now, stander said:

Wikileaks drops 2,000 new Clinton emails and all the media wants to talk about is 11 year old Trump comments.

Perhaps the Clinton campaign knew what was coming and released the tapes early. I reckon they were saving them till the third debate, but this was a more urgent time to do so.

Certainly worked, didn't it?

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56 minutes ago, Chicog said:

If you think evidence that your Republican nominee thinks women are simply there to have their "pussies grabbed" is insignificant, then vote for Trump.




I think Bill Clinton leads Mr Trump by far in that department….lol.

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6 minutes ago, stander said:

Wikileaks drops 2,000 new Clinton emails and all the media wants to talk about is 11 year old Trump comments.


The email leak is a bit of a non-event, though - there seems to be nothing controversial, or even interesting, revealed by them. 

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17 minutes ago, Chicog said:


No, people that ignorant don't actually realise how cringeworthy they are.

I get out lots thank you, and I get on very well with women, as I treat them with the same respect they give me.

If you're not getting any respect, I'd ask yourself why.

I'm glad you've found a safe space at the Pattaya Women's Expat Club...but I think what he means is you should try to get out and socialize with men more. That way you might know what they really think and say.

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8 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


All true of course, but none of it matters, since the Republicans are going to lose no matter what at this point.  Pence would lose.  Any of the others who ran in the primaries would lose. 


Now, there is a real chance that Trump will either not show up for Sunday's debate or stomp off in a huff after a few of the citizen questioners brings up his remarks about women.



Erm. The moderators choose which questions are allowed, and I guess they will be happy to allow more than a few embarrassing ones for him. Clinton will probably get a pass as in the first one.

So far both the moderators have been biased to the Dems candidate.


I hope Trump walks off if the subject comes up, and Clinton isn't asked about e mails, Benghazi or her comments on his and Bernie's supporters.

In any event, he can't win on it, so he should refuse to even discuss it. Just apologise and refuse to say more. It's a swamp with no exit.

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

..I wouldn't have dared even compliment one of them on their appearance, as it could have been seen as attempting to move on them in a sexual way.


How sad…in Asia, it it a guaranteed way to get laid. (i should say SE Asia….lol)

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1 minute ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I'm glad you've found a safe space at the Pattaya Women's Expat Club...but I think what he means is you should try to get out and socialize with men more. That way you might know what they really think and say.


None of the men I know talk like that. 


I'm sure you'll just attempt to belittle them or claim that they're hiding their true nature, rather than admit that guys like you and the Donald are dinosaurs in a world that's moved on. 

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33 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Women try and emasculate you?

Are you serious?


And frankly, when I've had the misfortune to have to listen to men, even in Thailand, talking about women like this, I cringe.



look, this is my serious face.

maybe men emasculate themselves. let me give you an example. i lived most of my twenties in australia. most of my friends had 2 separate personalities. they were one way when there were no woman around and then completely changed when ever there were females around. it was like they were scared anything they said or did might ruin their chances of getting a shag. i prefer it here where there is no stigma against going to see bargirls for female companionship.

Edited by williamgeorgeallen
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4 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

None of the men I know talk like that. 


I'm sure you'll just attempt to belittle them or claim that they're hiding their true nature, rather than admit that guys like you and the Donald are dinosaurs in a world that's moved on. 

I can tell you ALL of the gay guys I know talk about a boy's ass like that ...

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3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


The email leak is a bit of a non-event, though - there seems to be nothing controversial, or even interesting, revealed by them. 


Doesn't matter. It's time to talk about anything other than what a creep cheeto jesus is. 


It's a beautiful thing. The Trump campaign is in meltdown and they want to talk about...hey look at that squirrel over there

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3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


None of the men I know talk like that. 


I'm sure you'll just attempt to belittle them or claim that they're hiding their true nature, rather than admit that guys like you and the Donald are dinosaurs in a world that's moved on. 

So that's me and about 50% of the American electorate, or about 100 million people, not an insignificant number. In any case, I'm happy for you that you've found a safe space echo chamber in which to live your life.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I hope Trump walks off if the subject comes up, and Clinton isn't asked about e mails, Benghazi or her comments on his and Bernie's supporters.

In any event, he can't win on it, so he should refuse to even discuss it. Just apologise and refuse to say more. It's a swamp with no exit.


Apologize and move on is the best practice.  But you and I know that Trump is incapable to doing that.  What Trump is going to do now is make it worse somehow. 

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4 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I'm glad you've found a safe space at the Pattaya Women's Expat Club...but I think what he means is you should try to get out and socialize with men more. That way you might know what they really think and say.

your social circle must be real quality  ;)  The only people that speak like Trump and you and your 'friends' are those with little self esteem, those who don't get it that much and those that are not in nor ever have been in a loving relationship.

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7 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


The email leak is a bit of a non-event, though - there seems to be nothing controversial, or even interesting, revealed by them. 

You obviously missed the bit about OPEN BORDERS. That is why Trump became popular in the first place.

Bernie's supporters might take offence to her insulting them.

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

your social circle must be real quality  ;)  The only people that speak like Trump and you and your 'friends' are those with little self esteem, those who don't get it that much and those that are not in nor ever have been in a loving relationship.

So you say.

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2 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


Apologize and move on is the best practice.  But you and I know that Trump is incapable to doing that.  What Trump is going to do now is make it worse somehow. 

I can't wait for another 3-4am tweet storm. He will try to go to sleep and wake up in a real grumpy mood thinking a 1000 things and how 'Bill was worse on the golf course' and then bam! The tweetaholic will strike. Bring it on.

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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:


This really will be the last straw for American women with him. This confirms and constitutes overwhelming evidence that he is misogynist and sexist. Don't see how any woman can justify voting for him after this.


I believe for a certain percentage of TVF's Trump supporters these are certainly their favorite Trump characteristics!!

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3 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

yes if it was unwanted and uninvited

Did any of them call the police after these "assaults"...didn't think so. Then it's called flirting and the normal give and take between the sexes, which has been ongoing since the beginning of time.

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