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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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4 hours ago, Publicus said:


Some of us had already noticed that women are pretty good at writing judicial opinions.


Not only bye-bye Supreme Court for the next 40 years -- or more -- there may be a majority of women justices as elections of Potus continue to develop.


After all, it wuz 1972 that the present conservative-rightwing-Republican majority took control of Scotus and they have had control of it since. Let's see, that's 44 years as of this Potus election.


Lotta discontent settling in on the right over there already, nevermind what would come at Scotus beginning 20 January 2017. (We'll have to see how the Senate goes on November 8th but it continues to look doable for the Democratic Party.)


Maybe we're talking Scotus over the next 50 or 60 years.




1972, eh?


And Roe vs Wade was 1973.


Seems conservatives are good at making decisions without political agenda.

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You Lefty Guys can blow off everything that is in plain view if you wish ... Hillary suffered great damage in the 2nd so called Debate even with two 'moderators' helping her.  People in the audience applauding wildly when Trump made his points... You Lefty guys live in a nether world of disconnect ...  The Trump train was never derailed and is chugging ahead.. Hillary has become very unlikable and could easily stroke out from the bad feedback and pressure...  You guys do know that the polls from the start had weighed percentages in Hillary's favor ... weighed percentages BASED ON NOTHING but outdated election turn outs... And Hillary will never get the black and minority support to the extent of Obama....   The vote against Hillary is heavily salted by an Anti-Obama sentiment and Hillary is the ball carrier for Obama's policies which are hated by half of America... 


You LEFTY guys live in a vacuum of Leftist Media ... Conservatives do not ... we have to put up with the constant drumbeat of a Leftist slanted media - it is everywhere... We know what the other side thinks - we know the fricken crazy logic that prevails.... You guys on the other hand have not a clue about the huge wave of Conservative support running against Hillary ... get out of the vacuum and breath a little ... There has been a Nationalistic Populist Uprising going on for more than a year ... Trump just popped up and became the leader -- Trump did not start the Revolution .. the People DID... 

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41 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

All polls Post 2nd Debate will be Trump Won and Trump edging ahead - even in the slanted Leftist News Media Polls 





"The CNN poll found 57 per cent of people feel Ms Clinton won the debate, compared to 34 per cent of voters who felt Donald Trump performed best."

"A further poll by YouGov found 47 per cent of people polled favoured Ms Clinton while 42 per cent backed Mr Trump."

"Among people who had previously been undecided about who they would be casting their vote for, Clinton also won narrowly by 44 per cent to 41 per cent."




Fox2 has it 56% Clinton, 44% Trump



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5 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

You Lefty Guys can blow off everything that is in plain view if you wish ... Hillary suffered great damage in the 2nd so called Debate even with two 'moderators' helping her.  People in the audience applauding wildly when Trump made his points... You Lefty guys live in a nether world of disconnect ...  The Trump train was never derailed and is chugging ahead.. Hillary has become very unlikable and could easily stroke out from the bad feedback and pressure...  You guys do know that the polls from the start had weighed percentages in Hillary's favor ... weighed percentages BASED ON NOTHING but outdated election turn outs... And Hillary will never get the black and minority support to the extent of Obama....   The vote against Hillary is heavily salted by an Anti-Obama sentiment and Hillary is the ball carrier for Obama's policies which are hated by half of America... 


You LEFTY guys live in a vacuum of Leftist Media ... Conservatives do not ... we have to put up with the constant drumbeat of a Leftist slanted media - it is everywhere... We know what the other side thinks - we know the fricken crazy logic that prevails.... You guys on the other hand have not a clue about the huge wave of Conservative support running against Hillary ... get out of the vacuum and breath a little ... There has been a Nationalistic Populist Uprising going on for more than a year ... Trump just popped up and became the leader -- Trump did not start the Revolution .. the People DID... 


I think you're way off the mark there. The rise of the right has been all over the media for the last couple of years - I'm not even American and I'm well aware of it. The thing is, though, that your conservative 'revolutionaries' are not enough to deliver the Whitehouse. Hating on Hilary isn't enough to win over the undecided voters. You need decent policy and a credible presidential candidate, and the Republican party rejected both when they chose Trump.

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4 hours ago, Publicus said:


'wuz' always and every time thx.


Been collecting your regular posts about this over the years but now I have to expand the folder to include 'scrota' which I of course do not write. (I know this is an amazing topic but let's leave us men out of the Trumpisms.)


Scotus and Potus strictly speaking. So anyway, would the username be any relation to Al...or shoes...

yes the R shouldn't be there, i have trouble with my R's in winter.

definitely Al, my role model, my hero.

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50/50 to me. This is a very worrying outcome. It means that whoever wins will not be able to govern effectively. They will have no true mandate. Not that either side has put up any meaningful policies. Trump says he will make everything good, put up a wall on the southern border, carpet bomb the enemy, become allies with Russia, create jobs and give tax breaks to the rich. All without saying how he can possibly do it. Clinton says she will continue with the same, same approach as Obama. Which appears to be working even if it is so slow. And it is not all down to rednecks vs lefties. People who believe this are either redneck or lefties and not the majority of people who are neither. Everyone wants change, making a better life more possible and cutting down on the extremes of the rich, powerful and corrupt. 

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You Lefty Guys can blow off everything that is in plain view if you wish ... Hillary suffered great damage in the 2nd so called Debate even with two 'moderators' helping her.  People in the audience applauding wildly when Trump made his points... You Lefty guys live in a nether world of disconnect ...  The Trump train was never derailed and is chugging ahead.. Hillary has become very unlikable and could easily stroke out from the bad feedback and pressure...  You guys do know that the polls from the start had weighed percentages in Hillary's favor ... weighed percentages BASED ON NOTHING but outdated election turn outs... And Hillary will never get the black and minority support to the extent of Obama....   The vote against Hillary is heavily salted by an Anti-Obama sentiment and Hillary is the ball carrier for Obama's policies which are hated by half of America... 
You LEFTY guys live in a vacuum of Leftist Media ... Conservatives do not ... we have to put up with the constant drumbeat of a Leftist slanted media - it is everywhere... We know what the other side thinks - we know the fricken crazy logic that prevails.... You guys on the other hand have not a clue about the huge wave of Conservative support running against Hillary ... get out of the vacuum and breath a little ... There has been a Nationalistic Populist Uprising going on for more than a year ... Trump just popped up and became the leader -- Trump did not start the Revolution .. the People DID... 
You're in the sticks. This is a national election. You need 270 to win. You won't. Sorry for your loss.
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The PEOPLE have chosen Trump -- the PEOPLE of the Republican Party - the people of the crossover Democrats, the People of the Independents, The People of the Black and other minorities (wait until you see the actual turnout)  Trump is NOT of the Elitist Establishment of the Republican Party ... The Elitist Establishment are part and parcel of the Uniparty of the Union of the top Establishment Dems and Repugs and are therefore political enemies ... The Repug Elitists mean nothing - they became dinosaurs grubbing for money and power... The PEOPLE have nominated Donald Trump and the People will carry Trump to victory 

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Trump's own words:


"Grab them by the p---y,"  Trump told Bush, explaining his not-so-subtle seduction style. "You can do anything."

When you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump said in the recording. “You can do anything.”


I understand now why Hillary didn't shake hands with Trump at the opening of the TV-debate. She really couldn't know where his hands have been before.



I also understand now why horny Trump needed those famous TV reality shows.

Reality show is getting a new meaning … from the viewpoint of nowadays.


Trump also didn't understand that political shows are "a little bit" different form reality shows. Bashing and downgrading people as a "boss" is/was easier in his shows than seriously discussing problems when you need knowledge and some control about yourself.


Edited by puck2
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Hillary Clinton says she is going to fill the vacant SCOTUS seat with someone who "understands the ways of the world." How about we fill it with someone who will follow the Constitution!! You're not turning my Country into A Marxist hell hole, you evil wind bag!

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3 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

Hillary Clinton says she is going to fill the vacant SCOTUS seat with someone who "understands the ways of the world." How about we fill it with someone who will follow the Constitution!! You're not turning my Country into A Marxist hell hole, you evil wind bag!



What an incredible statement for her to make about what qualifies a Supreme Court Justice for the Bench.


The "World" makes zero difference. The interpretation of the US Constitution based on past case history is what matters.

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6 hours ago, thaihome said:

They can hardly demonize Trump and give Billy a pass for the same behavior.

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1 hour ago, spiderorchid said:

50/50 to me. This is a very worrying outcome. It means that whoever wins will not be able to govern effectively. They will have no true mandate. Not that either side has put up any meaningful policies. Trump says he will make everything good, put up a wall on the southern border, carpet bomb the enemy, become allies with Russia, create jobs and give tax breaks to the rich. All without saying how he can possibly do it. Clinton says she will continue with the same, same approach as Obama. Which appears to be working even if it is so slow. And it is not all down to rednecks vs lefties. People who believe this are either redneck or lefties and not the majority of people who are neither. Everyone wants change, making a better life more possible and cutting down on the extremes of the rich, powerful and corrupt. 

All without saying how he can possibly do it.

Perhaps the media you listen to hasn't published it because they want people to remain ignorant as to Trump's policies, but he's been putting out policies for months now.

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2 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

Focus Group: Who are you willing to vote for?


BEFORE #DEBATEUS_Election_Debates_Additions.png • Hillary: 8 • Trump: 9


AFTER DEBATE • Hillary: 4 • Trump: 18


Your Republican pollster Frank Luntz.


So try this on for size....


As for the debate, Trump was completely unprepared. His body language was terrible. He showed he doesn’t even know how a bill becomes a law. He admitted he hasn’t paid federal income taxes for years — and that won’t the headline from tonight.


Considering that backdrop, Clinton did a decent job. She was very smart to stick to audience questions and try to understand their concerns. Rather than needle Trump as she did in the first debate, she mostly tried to ignore him.


Clinton wasn’t perfect. Her answer on her emails was extremely weak. She left many of Trump’s attacks unanswered. But there’s only one candidate seriously running for president at this point. She won the debate hands down. It’s hard to imagine Trump won over even a single voter tonight.



Another way to say it is that we're now at the height of the Donald Trump political masturbation tour.






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3 hours ago, stander said:

 My faith in Trump for President is unshakeable even if Hillary releases a porn video featuring him.


Wasn't Hillary or her campaign who released it. This one has been around a long


The way Rudy's eyes bug out these dayze it's clear which has gone down harder for the other....



Can't wait for the tape to come out of the dressing room banter between 'em.


Rudy has made himself clear he wants to see Donald come out on top in all of this.


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