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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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This Topic Thread has turned into Trump Derangement Syndrome ON STEROIDS... Post after post of hatred for Trump without any supporting documentation to prove anything.... Post after Post of diatribe -- and opinionated hate speech against Trump and nothing more ...  The political viewpoints put forth by the Leftists who populate this Forum only goes to show nothing but crass hatred against an American citizen 

Edited by JDGRUEN
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3 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

This Topic Thread has turned into Trump Derangement Syndrome ON STEROIDS... Post after post of hatred for Trump without any supporting documentation to prove anything.... Post after Post of diatribe -- and opinionated hate speech Trump and nothing more ...  The political viewpoints put forth by the Leftists who populate this Forum only goes to show nothing but crass hatred against an American citizen 


It's a forum. Now and again, you'll find that people disagree with you.

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If a newspaper says glowing thing about the Trumpster fire, Trump loves them If they report unflattering things, Trump hates them.


If a poll comes out which shows Trump ahead, Trump trumpets them like some great victory, and loves the pollsters.  It's opposite if the poll shows he's behind (Trump's rump).


Same same for people:  Anyone who says anything non-deragatory is loved by Trump Anyone telling the truth while disparaging Trump is hated by him.


Trump is like ISIS:   Hogging the headlines for all the wrong reasons.  He's also like ISIS in his love/hate attitude toward everything/everybody.  Sweeping generalizations, with no middle ground.   Superiority complex.  OCD, disdain for the US, .....and referring to women as if they're a subservient lesser-species.



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1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:


The Republican party needs to strip down to its core values of fiscal prudence and personal responsibility. It needs to aggressively reject racism, sexual orientation bigotry, the gun lobby, anti-immigration and anti-abortion elements. In short, it needs to become a center right version of the Democratic party. The Republican party, as hijacked by Donald Trump, has become obsolete, out of touch, irrelevant, a demographic dinosaur, and an embarrassment to the ideals of the party of Lincoln. His supporters hungered for a return to an era which no longer exists. Until the Republican party wakes up to this reality it will never return to its former prominence. 


It's appeared for some months and increasingly so that the Republican Party will dissolve and divide after the election -- perhaps sometime next year if not immediately. It remains to be seen, but the ongoing developments of the past 18 months or so do indicate a major schism. (Think pope and Martin Luther kind of stuff.)


If so, the majority -- upwards of two-thirds -- will vegetate to one political organisation. The more moderate minority balance of suburban types may retain the name Republican Party. This is however a projection more than a prediction.


Which prominent Republicans would go where is more crystal ball stuff. For instance, would Ted Cruz go with the Trumpette vegetables or would he go with the moderate suburban Republicans who voted for HRC. Chris Christie is out of office in January but where which way would he go -- probably to the vegetable garden with people like Mike Huckabee, Rudy Guiliani, Jeff Sessions. Governator Arnie would probably go with the suburban Republicans as would John Kasich and a bunch of others such as Scott Walker, Jeb, Ron Paul et al. 


A Republican Party civil war is more than percolating, it's taking its early shape. We may have on the 2020 ballot for Potus three candidates from three major parties succeeding the present two candidates of the two major parties.


Something's coming down the road I can't yet see but it sure sounds like Bigfoot. 

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37 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

Anyone who believes the standard News Media sponsored or paid for political polls for electing the President are no more astute than Harry Potter Groupies ...  American Political Polls run by or paid by the Leftist News Media are jokes - they mean nothing ...Even if one showed Trump wining by 3% I would not believe it ... Lies Lies and more Lies ... 


Far better for the reactionary stiff necked bitter and twisted lot to stay in their bubble. Don't come out into the real world. Reality Bites.


Case in point. Karl Rove on calling Ohio in the 2012 election for Romney. Tell me, was his data paid for by the Leftist News Media?



If the twisted old crazies venture forth from their bubble, then I am afraid that they just have to grow up otherwise they will not  be able to cope with the fact that their time has passed, they are marginalized and they have no ability to control younger generations, women and minorities any more.


Of course they can be man babies like their idol and just whine and complain about everything being rigged against them but that gets boring very quickly.

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On 10/10/2016 at 0:34 PM, JDGRUEN said:

Focus Group: Who are you willing to vote for?


BEFORE #DEBATEUS_Election_Debates_Additions.png • Hillary: 8 • Trump: 9


AFTER DEBATE • Hillary: 4 • Trump: 18


Seems good odds the British bookies are offering then... 4:1


Go on then if you think Trump can not lose, put your shit where your mouth is boy's :tongue:


I would put a bet on Hillary but the odds are that low it would not cover the the cost of shoe leather to walk over to the bookies...

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


It's appeared for some months and increasingly so that the Republican Party will dissolve and divide after the election -- perhaps sometime next year if not immediately. It remains to be seen, but the ongoing developments of the past 18 months or so do indicate a major schism. (Think pope and Martin Luther kind of stuff.)


If so, the majority -- upwards of two-thirds -- will vegetate to one political organisation. The more moderate minority balance of suburban types may retain the name Republican Party. This is however a projection more than a prediction.


Which prominent Republicans would go where is more crystal ball stuff. For instance, would Ted Cruz go with the Trumpette vegetables or would he go with the moderate suburban Republicans who voted for HRC. Chris Christie is out of office in January but where which way would he go -- probably to the vegetable garden with people like Mike Huckabee, Rudy Guiliani, Jeff Sessions. Governator Arnie would probably go with the suburban Republicans as would John Kasich and a bunch of others such as Scott Walker, Jeb, Ron Paul et al. 


A Republican Party civil war is more than percolating, it's taking its early shape. We may have on the 2020 ballot for Potus three candidates from three major parties succeeding the present two candidates of the two major parties.


Something's coming down the road I can't yet see but it sure sounds like Bigfoot. 


Interesting post. Thanks.

Wonder if something similar is in store for the Democrats, considering the obvious gaps in position between HRC and Sanders, for example. Maybe less of an impeding issue as long as they are winning elections.

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5 minutes ago, Morch said:


Interesting post. Thanks.

Wonder if something similar is in store for the Democrats, considering the obvious gaps in position between HRC and Sanders, for example. Maybe less of an impeding issue as long as they are winning elections.


A year ago a mass of the Republican rank and file were certain they had their winner (waiting a lifetime for in fact). Only some Republican moderates and a lot of the Institutional Republicans saw what was coming, except that it for them is even worse than they could have possibly imagined.


It may be worse than the 1964 wipeout of Barry Goldwater who got 38% of the popular vote and 52 Electoral College Votes. Trump will get a hundred more than Goldwater's measly 52 ECVs but not much more than 38% of the popular vote, if that much. Red-state vs blue-state is much stronger in the present than the partisan or ideological alignments were in 1964, which explains it (basically).


Democrats are not having a civil war. Democrats win or lose, it's not the profound dichotomy the Republicans are facing. The driving force in the current Republican internal combat are rank and file lunatics of the far out Putin-Trump strongman and armband-wannabe right. Trump talking in the debate of all places about putting his political opponent in jail should he win qualifies Trump to be president of Bolivia but even more so of Russia.


Bernie is leader of a new faction in the world's oldest continuous political party of a democracy, the Democratic Party, which was organised in 1828, almost 20 years before the Republican Party was organised out of the failed Whig party. Bernie is leader of a faction, which is routine stuff in a Western political party, and very routine in the big tent USA two party system in which the Democratic Party absorbs, absorbs, absorbs. Bernie is neither a socialist nor is he a fascist, which distinguishes both he and the Democrats from the Republican rank and file led by the strongman Muss Trump.


Bernie is also older than the hills so before too much longer his troops will need a vibrant and new leader. Sen. Warren can carry the standard for a while, but if HRC does win November 8th, she will not be challenged from within the party for renomination in 2020. The D party got over its suicidal tendencies after the 1972 McGovern debacle in which George got 37.5% of the popular vote and 17 (seventeen) Electoral College Votes (Massachusetts -- 14 and District of Columbia -- 3).


The historic Democratic Party is its typically coherent self, the long time steady and reliable Republican Party is shockingly ruptured because the inmates are running the asylum they themselves created for the very purpose. As the poster Pinot began calling to our attention some time back, the next Republican Potus hasn't been born yet. (May literally never be if the R's split between now and 2020.)


The ultimate difference is that Trump and his supporters, who were unhinged to begin with, are presently going stark raving mad. Tends to happen to Birthers the way things are developing in this campaign.

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4 hours ago, Gecko123 said:


The Republican party needs to strip down to its core values of fiscal prudence and personal responsibility. It needs to aggressively reject racism, sexual orientation bigotry, the gun lobby, anti-immigration and anti-abortion elements. In short, it needs to become a center right version of the Democratic party. The Republican party, as hijacked by Donald Trump, has become obsolete, out of touch, irrelevant, a demographic dinosaur, and an embarrassment to the ideals of the party of Lincoln. His supporters hungered for a return to an era which no longer exists. Until the Republican party wakes up to this reality it will never return to its former prominence. 


This was Abraham Lincoln's take on racial equality. It's a quote from his remarks during a debate in 1858. Is the 'Lincoln' you were referring to.


“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races,” he began, going on to say that he opposed blacks having the right to vote, to serve on juries, to hold office and to intermarry with whites.


We know the worlds moved on since then but old Abe and his chums made Trump look like John Brown whose body lay a mouldering in its grave.

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I just love reading the comments by the delusional Trump supporters on here. They are really on something strong. I am looking forward to seeing how many of them are commenting on the thread about the election results. I won't be replying to comments as I find it is best to ignore hatred.

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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


It's appeared for some months and increasingly so that the Republican Party will dissolve and divide after the election -- perhaps sometime next year if not immediately. It remains to be seen, but the ongoing developments of the past 18 months or so do indicate a major schism. (Think pope and Martin Luther kind of stuff.)


If so, the majority -- upwards of two-thirds -- will vegetate to one political organisation. The more moderate minority balance of suburban types may retain the name Republican Party. This is however a projection more than a prediction.


Which prominent Republicans would go where is more crystal ball stuff. For instance, would Ted Cruz go with the Trumpette vegetables or would he go with the moderate suburban Republicans who voted for HRC. Chris Christie is out of office in January but where which way would he go -- probably to the vegetable garden with people like Mike Huckabee, Rudy Guiliani, Jeff Sessions. Governator Arnie would probably go with the suburban Republicans as would John Kasich and a bunch of others such as Scott Walker, Jeb, Ron Paul et al. 


A Republican Party civil war is more than percolating, it's taking its early shape. We may have on the 2020 ballot for Potus three candidates from three major parties succeeding the present two candidates of the two major parties.


Something's coming down the road I can't yet see but it sure sounds like Bigfoot. 


I don't know where this is going. Publicus has been the rock through this. Always with the grounding posts. The adult. 

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56 minutes ago, Publicus said:


A year ago a mass of the Republican rank and file were certain they had their winner (waiting a lifetime for in fact). Only some Republican moderates and a lot of the Institutional Republicans saw what was coming, except that it for them is even worse than they could have possibly imagined.


It may be worse than the 1964 wipeout of Barry Goldwater who got 38% of the popular vote and 52 Electoral College Votes. Trump will get a hundred more than Goldwater's measly 52 ECVs but not much more than 38% of the popular vote, if that much. Red-state vs blue-state is much stronger in the present than the partisan or ideological alignments were in 1964, which explains it (basically).


Democrats are not having a civil war. Democrats win or lose, it's not the profound dichotomy the Republicans are facing. The driving force in the current Republican internal combat are rank and file lunatics of the far out Putin-Trump strongman and armband-wannabe right. Trump talking in the debate of all places about putting his political opponent in jail should he win qualifies Trump to be president of Bolivia but even more so of Russia.


Bernie is leader of a new faction in the world's oldest continuous political party of a democracy, the Democratic Party, which was organised in 1828, almost 20 years before the Republican Party was organised out of the failed Whig party. Bernie is leader of a faction, which is routine stuff in a Western political party, and very routine in the big tent USA two party system in which the Democratic Party absorbs, absorbs, absorbs. Bernie is neither a socialist nor is he a fascist, which distinguishes both he and the Democrats from the Republican rank and file led by the strongman Muss Trump.


Bernie is also older than the hills so before too much longer his troops will need a vibrant and new leader. Sen. Warren can carry the standard for a while, but if HRC does win November 8th, she will not be challenged from within the party for renomination in 2020. The D party got over its suicidal tendencies after the 1972 McGovern debacle in which George got 37.5% of the popular vote and 17 (seventeen) Electoral College Votes (Massachusetts -- 14 and District of Columbia -- 3).


The historic Democratic Party is its typically coherent self, the long time steady and reliable Republican Party is shockingly ruptured because the inmates are running the asylum they themselves created for the very purpose. As the poster Pinot began calling to our attention some time back, the next Republican Potus hasn't been born yet. (May literally never be if the R's split between now and 2020.)


The ultimate difference is that Trump and his supporters, who were unhinged to begin with, are presently going stark raving mad. Tends to happen to Birthers the way things are developing in this campaign.


Let us imagine a scenario where Democratic leaders work together. I know it's crazy...but it's possible. Hillary, Bernie, Sen. Warren leading us. I think former Presidents Obama and Clinton will lend a hand. 


We can stop the insanity.


We can do this.



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5 hours ago, Gecko123 said:


The Republican party needs to strip down to its core values of fiscal prudence and personal responsibility. It needs to aggressively reject racism, sexual orientation bigotry, the gun lobby, anti-immigration and anti-abortion elements. In short, it needs to become a center right version of the Democratic party. The Republican party, as hijacked by Donald Trump, has become obsolete, out of touch, irrelevant, a demographic dinosaur, and an embarrassment to the ideals of the party of Lincoln. His supporters hungered for a return to an era which no longer exists. Until the Republican party wakes up to this reality it will never return to its former prominence. 




This is an incredible moment in America...or maybe it isn't




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1 hour ago, SoiBiker said:

A large chunk of the American population appears to be experiencing some kind of psychotic break from reality. As an outsider it's fascinating to watch, but for those who live there it much be quite alarming. 


Not just America...


Here in the UK we voted for Brexit... now they do not even know what they voted for, then the Labour party reelects Corbyn like turkeys voting for Xmas...


Not just the UK many parts of the world seem to be at risk of self harming...


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3 hours ago, Pinot said:


I don't know where this is going. Publicus has been the rock through this. Always with the grounding posts. The adult. 


Pub has also been (accurately) predicting this civil war in the GOP and this disintegration of the GOP, which we are incredibly now witnessing. The headlines today are :Trump is blowing up the Republican Party, Trump declares war on the GOP, The GOP has a suicide bomber as their candidate, etc... Amazing and stunning developments for me, for Pub he has called this all along, and my hats off to him. :wai:

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4 hours ago, Publicus said:


A year ago a mass of the Republican rank and file were certain they had their winner (waiting a lifetime for in fact). Only some Republican moderates and a lot of the Institutional Republicans saw what was coming, except that it for them is even worse than they could have possibly imagined.


It may be worse than the 1964 wipeout of Barry Goldwater who got 38% of the popular vote and 52 Electoral College Votes. Trump will get a hundred more than Goldwater's measly 52 ECVs but not much more than 38% of the popular vote, if that much. Red-state vs blue-state is much stronger in the present than the partisan or ideological alignments were in 1964, which explains it (basically).


Democrats are not having a civil war. Democrats win or lose, it's not the profound dichotomy the Republicans are facing. The driving force in the current Republican internal combat are rank and file lunatics of the far out Putin-Trump strongman and armband-wannabe right. Trump talking in the debate of all places about putting his political opponent in jail should he win qualifies Trump to be president of Bolivia but even more so of Russia.


Bernie is leader of a new faction in the world's oldest continuous political party of a democracy, the Democratic Party, which was organised in 1828, almost 20 years before the Republican Party was organised out of the failed Whig party. Bernie is leader of a faction, which is routine stuff in a Western political party, and very routine in the big tent USA two party system in which the Democratic Party absorbs, absorbs, absorbs. Bernie is neither a socialist nor is he a fascist, which distinguishes both he and the Democrats from the Republican rank and file led by the strongman Muss Trump.


Bernie is also older than the hills so before too much longer his troops will need a vibrant and new leader. Sen. Warren can carry the standard for a while, but if HRC does win November 8th, she will not be challenged from within the party for renomination in 2020. The D party got over its suicidal tendencies after the 1972 McGovern debacle in which George got 37.5% of the popular vote and 17 (seventeen) Electoral College Votes (Massachusetts -- 14 and District of Columbia -- 3).


The historic Democratic Party is its typically coherent self, the long time steady and reliable Republican Party is shockingly ruptured because the inmates are running the asylum they themselves created for the very purpose. As the poster Pinot began calling to our attention some time back, the next Republican Potus hasn't been born yet. (May literally never be if the R's split between now and 2020.)


The ultimate difference is that Trump and his supporters, who were unhinged to begin with, are presently going stark raving mad. Tends to happen to Birthers the way things are developing in this campaign.


You are THE MAN, my friend. We've had our (big) differences over China, but you are being proven 100% correct on this election. You, in your long, "expository" posts, who have been ridiculed and called pedantic, verbose, or worse by those without the mental acuity to understand what you have written, have been detailing this moment in history for the last year or more on this forum.


Good call. Game over. Really over, and it's four weeks before the election....

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8 hours ago, Pinot said:

Let us imagine a scenario where Democratic leaders work together. I know it's crazy...but it's possible. Hillary, Bernie, Sen. Warren leading us. I think former Presidents Obama and Clinton will lend a hand. 

We can stop the insanity.    We can do this. Believe  

To a large extent the Dems are already working together.  Trouble is, there will always be Republican ankle biters at their heels.  

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8 hours ago, Basil B said:


Not just America...


Here in the UK we voted for Brexit... now they do not even know what they voted for, then the Labour party reelects Corbyn like turkeys voting for Xmas...


Not just the UK many parts of the world seem to be at risk of self harming...



Many Tory supporters at the urging and in connivance with the Tory Party leaders paid their 3 quid fee then the 25 quid fee solely for the purpose of joining the Labour party and voting for Corbyn knowing the country will never elect him. The best money they've ever spent!


You've have to laugh when you see all the lefties and Socialist Workers Party wallahs celebrating and high fiving one another under the crazy illusion that the British people are coming round to their way of thinking. What a shock they'll be in for at the next GE!


Diane Abbot who Corbyn was shagging as Shadow Home Secretary!!


It's better than anything on the telly!


Your Yank politicians can't touch our mob when it comes to comedy.

Edited by yogi100
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15 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Far better for the reactionary stiff necked bitter and twisted lot to stay in their bubble. Don't come out into the real world. Reality Bites.


Case in point. Karl Rove on calling Ohio in the 2012 election for Romney. Tell me, was his data paid for by the Leftist News Media?



If the twisted old crazies venture forth from their bubble, then I am afraid that they just have to grow up otherwise they will not  be able to cope with the fact that their time has passed, they are marginalized and they have no ability to control younger generations, women and minorities any more.


Of course they can be man babies like their idol and just whine and complain about everything being rigged against them but that gets boring very quickly.


I believe that was ACTUAL VOTES.... Not Polls - Not polling done prior to the election.... you seem to not know how such polls are conducted and how they are automatically given a weigh percentage given to Democrats based on far outdated sampling principles.... Just in case you didn't understand - -Actual voting in an Election is the ultimate poll but a thousand times more accurate because people actually went into a voting booth and picked a choice ... It was not answer slanted questions on a telephone with weighed percentages added... And polls are not measuring enthusiasm with Trump getting tens of thousands of people turning out in a roaring crowd while Hillary has to pay people to show up and use green screens to add people for later videos.  Hillary can barely get a few hundred to a few thousand to turn out .... Trump has to turn people away because of fire marshal rules for crowds...  


Plus Karl Rove is a idiot whose only electoral success was GW BUSH... Rove called it wrong for McCain and for Romney because Rove was wishful thinking not being a student of real research ... Rove in the enemy of the Nationalistic Populist voters who are pushing for Trump... Rove's point of view has been totally rejected by Trump backers.... 

Edited by JDGRUEN
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1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:


I believe that was ACTUAL VOTES.... Not Polls - Not polling done prior to the election.... you seem to not know how such polls are conducted and how they are automatically given a weigh percentage given to Democrats based on far outdated sampling principles.... Just in case you didn't understand - -Actual voting in an Election is the ultimate poll but a thousand times more accurate because people actually went into a voting booth and picked a choice ... It was not answer slanted questions on a telephone with weighed percentages added... And polls are not measuring enthusiasm with Trump getting tens of thousands of people turning out in a roaring crowd while Hillary has to pay people to show up and use green screens to add people for later videos.  Hillary can barely get a few hundred to a few thousand to turn out .... Trump has to turn people away because of fire marshal rules for crowds...  


Plus Karl Rove is a idiot whose only electoral success was GW BUSH... Rove called it wrong for McCain and for Romney because Rove was wishful thinking not being a student of real research ... Rove in the enemy of the Nationalistic Populist voters who are pushing for Trump... Rove's point of view has been totally rejected by Trump backers.... 

Wow....I need to see a doctor today....my sides are splitting from the hilarity .....


Just keep on believing that Trump will gain the majority of electoral votes....them when he doesn't you can fall back on your rigged election theory. 

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16 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

If a newspaper says glowing thing about the Trumpster fire, Trump loves them If they report unflattering things, Trump hates them.


If a poll comes out which shows Trump ahead, Trump trumpets them like some great victory, and loves the pollsters.  It's opposite if the poll shows he's behind (Trump's rump).


Same same for people:  Anyone who says anything non-deragatory is loved by Trump Anyone telling the truth while disparaging Trump is hated by him.


Trump is like ISIS:   Hogging the headlines for all the wrong reasons.  He's also like ISIS in his love/hate attitude toward everything/everybody.  Sweeping generalizations, with no middle ground.   Superiority complex.  OCD, disdain for the US, .....and referring to women as if they're a subservient lesser-species.



If a poll comes out which shows Trump ahead, Trump trumpets them like some great victory, and loves the pollsters.  It's opposite if the poll shows he's behind (Trump's rump).


And visa versa. Every time HRC had a poll showing her ahead it would be posted on TV by her supporters.


There is little difference in the actual support of either candidate. It is the undecided that need to be won.

I and everyone else do not know what the result will be on November 8th.


and referring to women as if they're a subservient lesser-species.

That is the required view of women by Muslims as written in the Koran. Strange then that HRC wants to bring so many Muslims that think women are inferior and homosexuals and women adulterers should be killed to live in the US.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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13 hours ago, Pinot said:


Let us imagine a scenario where Democratic leaders work together. I know it's crazy...but it's possible. Hillary, Bernie, Sen. Warren leading us. I think former Presidents Obama and Clinton will lend a hand. 


We can stop the insanity.


We can do this.



So you think a Wall St 1%er, a socialist that hates Wall St and a "Native American" can work together. Good luck with that.

The only thing that would guarantee is a HUGE tax increase on the middle class.



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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Early voting has already started. Hillary has an impressive lead. Welcome the first woman U.S. president: HILLARY CLINTON. 

Maybe she can take trump out to buy furniture? 

I don't disagree that she may win, unless something HUGE comes out of WikiLeaks ( who knows ), but remember the saying "be careful what you wish for".

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