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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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13 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

So many new allegations emerging now. The floodgates are open. Trump is drowning.


Yeap, and I hope the press keeps hounding him and his crazy surrogates.  That's my daily entertainment, watching these loonie Trump spokespeople trying to defend what simply can't be defended.  It's quite astonishing, really, how they manage to twist and turn and deflect and basically lie their ass off day after day, in defense of Trump.  These Trump surrogates are going to need therapy after all this, sort of like deprogramming someone who's been brainwashed by a cult...just to be able to function in normal society again.

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9 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


Yeap, and I hope the press keeps hounding him and his crazy surrogates.  That's my daily entertainment, watching these loonie Trump spokespeople trying to defend what simply can't be defended.  It's quite astonishing, really, how they manage to twist and turn and deflect and basically lie their ass off day after day, in defense of Trump.  These Trump surrogates are going to need therapy after all this, sort of like deprogramming someone who's been brainwashed by a cult...just to be able to function in normal society again.


You couldn't help but be astounded at the gall of both Sessions and Giuliani, both of whom are not only JD graduates in law, one of whom is cum laude, and both of whom served as prosecutors & US Attorney. They weren't sure if Trump's owns words amounted to sexual assault. Amazing. Every first year criminal law student in every US law school can answer that one without any hesitation whatsoever.


*moreoever, any first year torts student can tell you that is also an unauthorized touching giving rise to damages in a private lawsuit.

Edited by keemapoot
edited to add civil liability
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*SHE* can get away scot free with murder, corruption, criminal intimidation and mayhem. For decades. In spite of multiple investigations. AND continue to thrive in public office.


While *HE* can't even have some locker room banter without getting caught and having to publicly and humiliatingly apologise on live TV.


What a loser!



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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

I think Trump needs to offer more concern to the court case that is lodged against him for the rape of a 13 yr old and a 12 yr old at Epstein's residence. 3 witnesses hmmmm. 

I noticed you didnt mention Bill Clinton here, Is he off the hook with you? Even though he has been documented on Epstein's Lolita Express 26 times as well as his "orgy island" several times?


As I said before, anybody that harms/abuses children, or anyone for that matter, need to be in jail. This would include Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and any other sicko that would be involved.


As a fact, the $100 million CIVIL lawsuit against Trump was dismissed in California, and refiled in NY. The judge in NY has yet to determine even if the suit will go ahead for many reasons. I find it curious this is a civil suit not a criminal investigation?






Edited by dcutman
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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

I think Trump needs to offer more concern to the court case that is lodged against him for the rape of a 13 yr old and a 12 yr old at Epstein's residence. 3 witnesses hmmmm. 


Totally unsupported garbage ... wasn't fabrication without substance removed once?

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14 hours ago, SoiBiker said:


The Polls are not properly sampled. Nate Silver has been analysing broken polls that have weighed percentages in favor of Hillary. Not to mention heavily slanted questions in some polls. Massaging broken polls just gives worse broken answers. Trump has tens upon tens of thousands of people at his rallies, Hillary only a fraction. The anti-obama factor in this Election is enormous and Hillary is seen as an Obama clone and worse. Go get your pats on the back for spreading false propaganda.

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1 hour ago, Strange said:


Not my hero, I don't even like the guy, but "Hill" represents everything I do not believe in. 


People going on the "news" and "claiming" something happened means absolutely nothing. They do it all the time. 


Believe what you want but please, PLEASE, try and maintain objectivity. 


Objectivity on among this rabid leftist crowd ... impossible

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On 10/11/2016 at 8:39 PM, SoiBiker said:


It's a forum. Now and again, you'll find that people disagree with you.


If you call rabid unbridled leftist screeching 'disagreement' ... then you are out of touch with reality ...

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6 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:


Totally unsupported garbage ... wasn't fabrication without substance removed once?


It is not unsupported. Please show how that is so.


Yes you are absolutely right the claim was once removed from court -did you bother to read after the first sentence to find out why? The claim was removed because it was submitted by the plaintiff who could not afford a lawyer. The paperwork had not been filed correctly and the judge said that on technical grounds (the paperwork) the case could not progress. Now the plaintiff has a lawyer who has filed the paperwork correctly iaw legal requirements and has resubmitted.


To answer the point above your post from dcutman who finds it 'curious' this is civil and not criminal law suit then once again, if his attention span permits he should continue to read further. The statute of limitations this has run it's course, UNLESS the victim (s) can show they had  good reason not to submit the claim earlier. That is now being argued in court. In California the statute was 5 years from when they come of age - 18 which would be 10 years from when the rape took place. Both women separately attest that as 13 and 12 yr olds they were told that if they said anything their families would be harmed. Further there have of course been attempts to lodge the case which was turned down due to paper filing errors.


If this were a case involving any other name but Trump, both of you and many on TV would be screaming for the alleged offender to be strung up high, and would at least be arguing that the victim is allowed to be heard. The double standards and hypocrisy is astonishing.


As for Bill Clinton on an aircraft, you are forgetting one key thing, HE is NOT running for President and will have zero authority to access nuclear codes and make executive decisions concerning the USA and the World. There have been no court cases lodged against Bill Clinton. I am not interested in hearsay about Trump and also Clinton. There are outstanding court cases against Trump and many recordings of Trump in his own words saying and admitting to things that make him unsuitable to be POTUS. It is simple. There is no valid comparison between Trump and Bill Clinton.

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20 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:


The Polls are not properly sampled. Nate Silver has been analysing broken polls that have weighed percentages in favor of Hillary. Not to mention heavily slanted questions in some polls. Massaging broken polls just gives worse broken answers. Trump has tens upon tens of thousands of people at his rallies, Hillary only a fraction. The anti-obama factor in this Election is enormous and Hillary is seen as an Obama clone and worse. Go get your pats on the back for spreading false propaganda.

Crimea river ... you'd LOVE the polls if they showed your favorite dictator trump with the massive lead that HILLARY has. 

trump himself is constantly bragging about FAKE polls ... the only ones now showing he's wining. Stop with the POLL hypocrisy, dude of the boonies. Everyone sees through it.

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:


Yeap, and I hope the press keeps hounding him and his crazy surrogates.  That's my daily entertainment, watching these loonie Trump spokespeople trying to defend what simply can't be defended.  It's quite astonishing, really, how they manage to twist and turn and deflect and basically lie their ass off day after day, in defense of Trump.  These Trump surrogates are going to need therapy after all this, sort of like deprogramming someone who's been brainwashed by a cult...just to be able to function in normal society again.


I wonder if Kellyanne Conway is regretting her latest career choice. Though she does have the knack for dodge, spin and deflect down pretty good now. 


Conway avoids commenting on Trump's beauty pageant bragging



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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:


I wonder if Kellyanne Conway is regretting her latest career choice. Though she does have the knack for dodge, spin and deflect down pretty good now. 


Conway avoids commenting on Trump's beauty pageant bragging



I think she'll be OK. People understand it's her job to put lipstick on a crap covered pig. It's like a lawyer taking any side he's paid to work for. Part of the political game. Yes, her pig will lose, but no human could have saved him from his self destructive self. The scary thing is he COULD have won ... but he insisted on trump being trump. 

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I think she'll be OK. People understand it's her job to put lipstick on a crap covered pig. It's like a lawyer taking any side he's paid to work for. Part of the political game. Yes, her pig will lose, but no human could have saved him from his self destructive self. The scary thing is he COULD have won ... but he insisted on trump being trump. 

The really scary thing is that this is not over. Despite being an almost certain loser in this race.,Trump being Trump means he will finish the race by doing as much possible damage to the USA as he can inflict. He is the classic sore loser and is not finished yet. He will continue to incite violence and hatred. It is not beyond the realms of possibility to see some form of armed insurrection should Trump be flattened in the political race. Trump losing will be the start of a dark era in US politics and the potential for civil unrest should not be underestimated.

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1 minute ago, Silurian said:

I wonder if Kellyanne Conway is regretting her latest career choice.


She was always on the far right, close to falling off the edge, but now that she's with Bannon she may go full tinfoil hat.  Bill Maher has had her on lots of times over the years.


There will be a chaste system in the GOP, and the pariahs will be the Shit-Sandwich Republicans. #1 is Chris Christie, who took a Homer Simpson-sized bite of the Trump turd as soon as he dropped out of the primaries.  Pence? His political career is over.  And the man with the rat hat will have to live with all the ugly stuff he brought on himself as the new icon of bigotry and xenophobia for the rest of his days, possibly beyond, in the line of famously odious people.  Once he loses the Secret Service detail there are going to be people throwing crap at him (literally).  He has to eat fast food take out because if the kitchen staff knew the food was for him they'd spit in it.

On the positive side, if the lawsuits against him start looking like jail time maybe he'll leave the US go to Russia, he has friends there.  He can still call in to Fox & Friends from there.  :cheesy:



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1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:


The Polls are not properly sampled. Nate Silver has been analysing broken polls that have weighed percentages in favor of Hillary. Not to mention heavily slanted questions in some polls. Massaging broken polls just gives worse broken answers. Trump has tens upon tens of thousands of people at his rallies, Hillary only a fraction. The anti-obama factor in this Election is enormous and Hillary is seen as an Obama clone and worse. Go get your pats on the back for spreading false propaganda.

Yep, Silver's slanted sycophancy to the loony left is right up there with all those scientists falsifying evidence about global warming. Clearly Trump is well ahead in the electoral race - or would be it there wasn't massive corruption in polling and polls. I feel something going on, something bad something possibly black, brown, female or .... well, other.

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3 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Yep, Silver's slanted sycophancy to the loony left is right up there with all those scientists falsifying evidence about global warming. Clearly Trump is well ahead in the electoral race - or would be it there wasn't massive corruption in polling and polls. I feel something going on, something bad something possibly black, brown, female or .... well, other.


Clearly he's ahead based on what?

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52 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

The really scary thing is that this is not over. Despite being an almost certain loser in this race.,Trump being Trump means he will finish the race by doing as much possible damage to the USA as he can inflict. He is the classic sore loser and is not finished yet. He will continue to incite violence and hatred. It is not beyond the realms of possibility to see some form of armed insurrection should Trump be flattened in the political race. Trump losing will be the start of a dark era in US politics and the potential for civil unrest should not be underestimated.

Yes. This country doesn't deserve Donald J Trump, doesn't deserve Him. As such, the whole place deserves fire and destruction....it's Berlin 45 and the whole stinking shitberg has to be sunk to the bottom of a boiling smegma sea. The fools have turned their back on Donald J Trump and he will have his revenge in taking the worm eaten hull of SS Republican down with him. They don't deserve Donald J Trump. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I think she'll be OK. People understand it's her job to put lipstick on a crap covered pig. It's like a lawyer taking any side he's paid to work for. Part of the political game. Yes, her pig will lose, but no human could have saved him from his self destructive self. The scary thing is he COULD have won ... but he insisted on trump being trump. 


this is what you get though when your guy doesn't know how to be a politician. all those trump supporters who backed him because they were fed up with the hackneyed career politicians in DC, this is what you get. you get a guy who is not a politician being incapable of doing the politics bit of the job and therefore making himself totally unelectable. he didn't know how to do the policies bit of the politics and thought it didn't matter. he didn't know how to do the diplomacy bit of the politics and clearly never gave a damn. and he didn't know how to do the image bit of the politics, the bit that can convince swing voters and undecideds to join you because he's totally unable to control his appalling ego and cannot help pissing all over himself in public.


congratulations trumpettes, you're like the woman in 'the omen'. you gave birth to a demon and now it's going to kill you.

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1 hour ago, Silurian said:


I wonder if Kellyanne Conway is regretting her latest career choice. Though she does have the knack for dodge, spin and deflect down pretty good now. 


Conway avoids commenting on Trump's beauty pageant bragging



The CNN talking head cornered her near the end.  Was Trump's action of going back stage on purpose, under admittedly false pretense, appropriate?  Yes or No?  The question hung in the air for about 1.5 seconds waiting for a speechless Mrs. Conway to answer.


She's speechless because it's just another moment of pure clarity that Trump is an entitled, exploitative braggart.   I watched early interviews of him, he wasn't like this, at least not so outwardly.  He still had a sense of right and wrong and a "normal" sense of accountability and consequences.   Something has happened to Trump over the years.   It's not just him, there are plenty of examples of rich/famous people turning into very strange, paranoid, delusional people.  We call the rich/influential ones "eccentric".  For us normal folks, it's simply referred to as being unhinged, possibly bat shit crazy.


I have little doubt there were one or more women who thought Trump was a total creep for doing what he admits to doing at beauty pageants.  What could they say?  Nothing, just suck it up.  It's not a stretch at this point to imagine if one of them had objected, she would be singled out, labeled as a difficult bitch who complains too much.

Edited by 55Jay
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2 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

I have little doubt there were one or more women who thought Trump was a total creep for doing what he admits to doing at beauty pageants.  What could they say?  Nothing, just suck it up.  It's not a stretch at this point to imagine if one of them had objected, she would be singled out labeled as a difficult bitch who complains too much.


Yeah, these beauty pageant women probably can't say or do much against one of the most powerful men (Trump) in the pageant industry. They would be writing their own career death warrants to state anything and who knows what kind of non-disclosure agreements they have to sign. It would be really interesting to see the wording of these agreements. I've read that most of these entertainment NDAs are really strict and you can't say anything at all against the show or producers without harsh punishment. Those in power make the rules. That is just the way it is.


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It's a classic authoritarian dictator thing to have harems of young girls (and/or boys). Anyone that doesn't clearly see that trump demonstrates many classic personality traits of the most odious dictators in world history simply isn't paying attention or is in deep denial. Not saying he's running for president to get more tail. He doesn't need to ... had more than plenty without it. 

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And speaking of 'shocking comments on women', supporters are now tweeting in favor of repealing the 19th amendment after Nate Silver shows what the EV count would look like if only men were allowed to vote:


nate silver only men.png


It's getting hard to tell who's worse, Trump or his supporters.  Not to be outdone, Eric Trump took the graphic of the hypothetical situation and sent it out in a fundraising email, saying his dad has "momentum" now.

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33 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Yeah, these beauty pageant women probably can't say or do much against one of the most powerful men (Trump) in the pageant industry. They would be writing their own career death warrants to state anything and who knows what kind of non-disclosure agreements they have to sign. It would be really interesting to see the wording of these agreements. I've read that most of these entertainment NDAs are really strict and you can't say anything at all against the show or producers without harsh punishment. Those in power make the rules. That is just the way it is.


Amusing to think that if we took Trump/Clinton names out of this for a moment, and consider a virtual unknown named Smith (no offense to any Smiths out there) who did what Trump said he did, admitted to it and even bragged about it openly, that guy would be lynched as an opportunistic, cheeky pervert by the TVF Hang 'Em High Brigade; and rightly so.     Any attempt to defend the pervert with comparisons would be deemed outrageous to our sensibilities and dismissed as irrelevant to the actions of Smith.

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8 hours ago, sandrabbit said:

A guy called Rufus T. Firefly posted this in the comments section of a Huffington Post article titled It’s ‘Total Bulls**t’ That Trump’s ‘Apprentice’ Tapes Can’t Be Released, Says Media Mogul




A bit of trivia from US News, 8 Dec 2011 on a Republican Primary Debate that was cancelled:

"Virtually no one in the Republican mainstream is happy about the prospect of a GOP debate featuring celebrity billionaire Donald Trump as moderator. Texas Rep. Ron Paul, in declining his invitation, said the event would create an "unwanted, circus-like atmosphere." Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman has likewise refused to participate, and conservative voices like George Will, Karl Rove, Ari Fleischer, and the National Review editorial board have lambasted Trump's involvement.
The reaction to the debate on the right has been one of alarm, and for good reason: the choice of Trump as moderator contributes to the perception that the Republican Party no longer takes itself seriously."

The concern was over the GOP's image if Donald Trump were to simply MODERATE a Primary Debate.

Just what do you not understand about Trump attacking the GOP mainstream? That is why they hate him.

The idea that the GOP isn't already a joke is ludicrous.

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2 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Amusing to think that if we took Trump/Clinton names out of this for a moment, and consider a virtual unknown named Smith (no offense to any Smiths out there) who did what Trump said he did, admitted to it and even bragged about it openly, that guy would be lynched as an opportunistic, cheeky pervert by the TVF Hang 'Em High Brigade; and rightly so.     Any attempt to defend the pervert with comparisons would be deemed outrageous to our sensibilities and dismissed as irrelevant to the actions of Smith.

Au contraire, if the very ordinary Smith got to have a bit of hanky panky with groupies most red blooded men would be jealous. However, groupies don't "go" for ordinary men, as only celebs, no matter how ugly, get women throwing themselves at them to be used any which way.

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