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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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Melania speaks out, I wonder what she got, jewellry? A new car? A new house?

"The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me. This does not represent the man that I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology, as I have, and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world. "

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11 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:


Ginboy said:-

"Most of us have all said things we may regret, but most of us are not aiming to be the President of the United States.

High office comes with a price that most of us aren't prepared to pay, but that's why we elect someone, who hopefully, is better than us"



Who have you in mind?   You have outlawed Trump and many would agree with you.  But are you advocating that Hilary fits the bill?  

Unfortunately in this cycle we have some flawed choices.


HRC is what I would describe as a 'common or garden' variety pseudo truthful  politician.

Trump however is in a league all of his own.


Either way, both are old, so likely it'll be a one term President. So you have to choose who is the lesser, evil or less maniac, option

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55 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

Wall Street Journal reporting that Priebus is now cutting off funding for Trump campaign.


Will DT show up for Sunday's debate?  If he does, how will he handle the first outraged woman voter who puts him on the spot?  Can you see Trump apologizing humbly?

If that's really true, it's not irrational. trump is sure loser and the republican party's only hope now is to try to avoid losing BOTH houses of congress in trump's pornographic wake. 

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31 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Most of us have all said things we may regret, but most of us are not aiming to be the President of the United States.


High office comes with a price that most of us aren't prepared to pay, but that's why we elect someone, who hopefully, is better than us

EXACTLY RIGHT. When Trump said those things he WASN'T trying to be POTUS. If the gutter press can rake up all the embarrassing things we ALL say no one is safe. The exception appears to be HRC who has said many horrible things, but the toady media keep them quiet. No wonder so many hate the media as well as HRC.

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

HRC's life span being a women is quite higher than trump (who is already older) so I wouldn't bet on only one term for Hillary. 

Given her many health issues wanna' bet on that?

It's not a good sign when people fall over in the street, and despite the BS cover story, people don't fall over because of dehydration or pneumonia, unless they're dying. If she was that sick she would have been in bed.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


Some other things with a Clinton presidency:

>>>  reasonable people for the Supreme Court, as opposed to ultra-right wingers. No chance Christie would get nominated.

>>>  reasonable and experienced people for top gov't positions.  In other words, no chance Sarah Palin would get Sec. of Defense, or Ailes would get Sec. of State.

>>>  Climate change would be studied.

>>>  Alternative, non-polluting power solutions would be pushed.  Already, the WH has solar panels on its roof.

>>>  She would be respected by foreign leaders, many of whom are already her friends.  

>>>  Russia would be held in check if it tried getting its Soviet satellite states back.

>>>  Prisons would be de-privatized (taking away the incentive for corps to incarcerate more people for longer)

>>>  Pharma drugs would be cheaper

>>>  Less youngsters would have to go into profound debt in order to attend colleges and U's.

>>>  Taxes would not be lowered for the super rich, and loopholes and off-shore accounts would be made harder to establish. 



But what about the no-fly zone she is adamant about introducing in Syria and which even the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff acknowledged just last week  would lead to war with Syria and Russia (and probably China and Iran ). Russia has already just deployed nuclear capable missiles in Kalingrad. 

All the things you have listed kind of go out the window in a nuclear world War 3 environment.


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36 minutes ago, Chicog said:

They are actually doing a much better job post-Ailes.

With the exception of Hannity. He's just a whackjob.

You really are pushing the brown stuff there :biggrin:. It's exactly the same except Greta left ( never watched her anyway ), and Watters got a weekend show.

What is different is that they seem to have even more ads now. Keep that up and the shows will be mainly ads with 5 minutes of opinion stuck in somewhere. It's when watching Fox News ( so called ) that the remote control is great to be able to watch something else for 5 minutes while the ads are on, or I can go have a shower, make breakfast etc.

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8 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Haha, it looks like two Pattaya-based Trump supporters are tag-teaming it on the forum here alternating shifts. I'm glad because really it would be lonely here with virtually everyone else agreeing with one another.

Just be happy Trump hasn't dropped out. What would you do with your time if Trump wasn't around?

I'm sure she wants him to stay in as it keeps attention off all her bad activities.

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9 minutes ago, midas said:


But what about the no-fly zone she is adamant about introducing in Syria and which even the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff acknowledged just last week  would lead to war with Syria and Russia (and probably China and Iran ). Russia has already just deployed nuclear capable missiles in Kalingrad. 

All the things you have listed kind of go out the window in a nuclear world War 3 environment.



I believe she was talking about introducing it through the UN, not unilaterally.

Either way, Putin but the kibosh on that by vetoíng the draft resolution at the UN (again).

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Now I know why Giuliano supports this pervert. I almost chugged at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. I am guessing that if Trump gets elected, in this video you see the future POTUS and his Secretary of State OR Secretary of Defence. Warning stand by a bucket or the sink while viewing.



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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


The only reason I think he should drop out is to spare his family further ridicule.

And supporters like yourself. 


If Trump came straight out and said he lusted sexually after his daughter, I have little doubt that there would be folks right here telling us how any 'normal man' does that all the time. 

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56 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

This is all so much hypocrisy.  Most men at sometimes in their lives have made somewhat crude remarks in private about women, such as "I would not kick her out of bed" etc. and even worse, with out ever meaning much by the boast.  There was a report in the UK many years ago of a secret recording of  "Ladies toilet room" banter and what was said in there about men was just as dirty.  


Which is worse, Trump talking about it, probably in an exaggerated way, or Bill Clinton actually doing it and in the President's White House no less, followed by his wife's attempts at blaming and degrading the women involved, rather than attacking her husband?   


I do not support either Trump or Hilary as it is unbelieveable that they are the best America can offer, but  the big question is not who screwed who, but whether it  is Clinton or Trump who is going to screw America.

Given the way the media are pounding Trump, I think it's all over for him.

Unfortunately, reason doesn't matter when they can beat Trump over something as irrelevant as this.

I guess it's going to be a lot quieter on TV once the fat lady sings ( are we allowed to refer to her as fat in this brave new world? ) and Trump either bows out gracefully or becomes irrelevant ( if Trump is talking in a room and no one is listening is he making a sound? ).


I'll be happy to be wrong though.


So, I guess I can go back to more interesting subjects.


Au voir Monsieur Trump, it was quite a ride while it lasted.

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2 minutes ago, Neurath said:

And supporters like yourself. 


If Trump came straight out and said he lusted sexually after his daughter, I have little doubt that there would be folks right here telling us how any 'normal man' does that all the time. 

And supporters like yourself


LOL. I'm not embarrassed at all. I just don't want her to win, and I'd support the most boorish man in the world if it kept her out. I'd even support Jeb Bush for pressy rather than her and he makes me gag.


No, I'll just wait till she stuffs up big time and it's all going to hell in a handbasket, and I'll be laughing like a drain remembering all this.



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

HRC's life span being a women is quite higher than trump (who is already older) so I wouldn't bet on only one term for Hillary. 


General statistics are not particularly reliable in predicting the individual case, are they? It's like to saying that after 1000 straight head coin tosses, the odds of the next toss will be tails is anything other than 50/50.


But, hey! You're the Hillary expert so you already know all about her, including her DoD.

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1 minute ago, MaxYakov said:


General statistics are not particularly reliable in predicting the individual case, are they? It's like to saying that after 1000 straight head coin tosses, the odds of the next toss will be tails is anything other than 50/50.


But, hey! You're the Hillary expert so you already know all about her, including her DoD.

No, your statistic comparison is not applicable.

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5 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Haha, great. I imagine assaulted girls will be coming out of the woodwork now that the door has been opened. Should be entertaining every day.


It's going to be difficult for him to deny these accusations since it's on record him bragging about having done so.


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7 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Haha, great. I imagine assaulted girls will be coming out of the woodwork now that the door has been opened. Should be entertaining every day.

I must say I'm not very impressed with the revelation of Erin's friend. Almost kissed her on the lips and gave her his private number.

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1 minute ago, thaihome said:


It's going to be difficult for him to deny these accusations since it's on record him bragging about having done so.


Sure, they were all scared as crap they would be immediately sued and ruined by the rich Trump, but now that the door has opened we should see lots of true stories now without worry of crippling lawsuits by Trump.

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