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Trump apologizes, but also calls crude remarks a distraction


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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

Now Melania apologised on his behalf.


Yes. In her statement she said something like "the man on that tape is not the man I know..." 


yet, at the time, she had literally just married the guy. Did she not know who she had just married?



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On Sunday Clinton will own the gutter and shift the battleground to spousal fidelity and the treatment of women.

Trump’s perfect response will be:

"Your husband has abused women, you enabled him and you have bullied, attacked, intimidated and shamed his victims."

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1 hour ago, stander said:

If Trump had been running as a Democrat, he could have raped women, and the leftists would have defended him like they did Bill.


If he'd been running as beauty contestant, we coulda seen him in a swimsuit.



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and no one even questions the ethics of using a private conversation between guys on a bus?  or the ethics of releasing it publicly when it was secretly recorded?  guys talk like this all the time - it may not be 'nice' but it beats sending 1000s Americans to their deaths in useless interventions 


America has become so 'PC' it worries more about that than their stupid interventions in Libya and Iraq that killed countless human beings

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2 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

and no one even questions the ethics of using a private conversation between guys on a bus?  or the ethics of releasing it publicly when it was secretly recorded?  guys talk like this all the time - it may not be 'nice' but it beats sending 1000s Americans to their deaths in useless interventions 


America has become so 'PC' it worries more about that than their stupid interventions in Libya and Iraq that killed countless human beings


It wasn't secretly recorded. Mr Trump would have been well aware that the production team had attached a microphone to him. 

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18 minutes ago, stander said:

On Sunday Clinton will own the gutter and shift the battleground to spousal fidelity and the treatment of women.

Trump’s perfect response will be:

"Your husband has abused women, you enabled him and you have bullied, attacked, intimidated and shamed his victims."


He needs to deal with the fact that he's just turned most women voters against him. You think using her husband's infidelity to attack her is a perfect way to win those votes back?


You're pretty detached from reality there. 

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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:

and no one even questions the ethics of using a private conversation between guys on a bus?  or the ethics of releasing it publicly when it was secretly recorded?


Ethics?? That's good. :clap2:


How about character?


And it appears there are several adolecent thick headed, school yard jock, neandethals posting on this topic that consider it; what?

Non-PC to speak of women as simply some sort of blow-up doll?

As an adult?




But lovin' it.

They are exposing themselves from under their decrepit rocks.


Edited by metisdead
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By now it's no longer a question of whether Trump has any decency. As one recent headline quipped: "Donald Trump Declares Moral Bankruptcy"


The question is whether the Republicans who still endorse him have any decency. By extension, the same question has to be asked of his supporters.



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58 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

You progressives need to stop pushing on this Trump issue so hard. Unless you want to lose. The only way Hilary has a shot at office is by having someone as odious as her to run against. With Trump out the Republicans could put in anything with a pulse and get the win.




Yeah, just throw anyone out there. Any of the previously discarded whack jobs that LOST TO TRUMP. 


Here is a little secret...we like Hillary. We get you hate her. She was way ahead before pussygate. It's over now. 


Stop pushing? Great advice. :cheesy:

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Trump is popular precisely because he's non-PC. That means a large section of America is fed up of the new airy-fairy, namby-pamby, wishy-washy, over-sensitive, outrage driven, snowflake society and want to readjust to a situation where people can say what they think. Certain political issues like immigration absolutely require that, or they can't be tackled properly. That's why Trump is even in this contest.


I'm now convinced that America NEEDS this man to readjust attitudes. If he fails, the PC snowflakes will have the upper hand forever. You can see the size of the challenge, given all the faux-outrage over a private conversation, which is nothing more than MALE BONDING BANTER, which is normal behaviour for humans. 

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1 minute ago, ddavidovsky said:

Trump is popular precisely because he's non-PC. That means a large section of America is fed up of the new airy-fairy, namby-pamby, wishy-washy, over-sensitive, outrage driven, snowflake society and want to readjust to a situation where people can say what they think. Certain political issues like immigration absolutely require that, or they can't be tackled properly. That's why Trump is even in this contest.


I'm now convinced that America NEEDS this man to readjust attitudes. If he fails, the PC snowflakes will have the upper hand forever. You can see the size of the challenge, given all the faux-outrage over a private conversation, which is nothing more than MALE BONDING BANTER, which is normal behaviour for humans. 


That 'section' isn't large enough to win him the presidency, though - and the remainder are unlikely to be won over to such outdated attitudes. This is the last dying gasp of the entitled white male. Their anguished cries get louder by the day. 

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4 hours ago, Srikcir said:
  • Republican VP Nominee Pense said he was offended by Donald's remarks made in 2005 and cancelled plans to represent him at a political rally.
  • Senate Republican John Thune called on Donald to withdraw from the race and let Pence run for President.
  • Senator McCain said he won't vote for Trump.
  • Republican Senators Mike Capo (Neveda) and Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire) formally pulled their support of Donald.

More girly men?

How about girly women?

  • Melania Trump said that Donald's remarks were unacceptable and offensive.


And that he has apologized for them and she's accepted it and is ready to get on with the business making America great. Very similar to Hillary forgiving Bill for shoving a cigar up the wahoo of a White House intern in the Orifice Office.

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34 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


That 'section' isn't large enough to win him the presidency, though - and the remainder are unlikely to be won over to such outdated attitudes. This is the last dying gasp of the entitled white male. Their anguished cries get louder by the day. 


No, they haven't changed - and their 'entitlement' is built on two millennia of hard work.

It's the snowflakes' anguished cries that are getting louder. They seem to think that every scumbag on earth should be pronounced socially equal by decree - and no doubt it is mainly the second class societies that promote that idea. Let them earn their entitlement too. It only takes centuries.

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1 minute ago, ddavidovsky said:


No, they haven't changed - and their 'entitlement' is built on two millennia of hard work.

It's the snowflakes' anguished cries that are getting louder. They seem to think that every scumbag on earth should be pronounced socially equal by decree - and not doubt it is mainly the second class societies that promotes that idea. Let them earn their entitlement too. It only takes centuries.

2 millennia of hard work where?

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3 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:


No, they haven't changed - and their 'entitlement' is built on two millennia of hard work.

It's the snowflakes' anguished cries that are getting louder. They seem to think that every scumbag on earth should be pronounced socially equal by decree - and no doubt it is mainly the second class societies that promote that idea. Let them earn their entitlement too. It only takes centuries.


I guess it probably seems quite unfair from your perspective. Hard to have much sympathy, though. 

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6 minutes ago, stevenl said:

2 millennia of hard work where?


Read a history book. Any history book. Western civilisation, and the advantages attached to that, came at tremendous effort. Don't underestimate that effort. It was a long hard road. And human society is still competitive. That will always be the case, though it is becoming taboo to even admit it.


Trump represents, among other things, the right to defend one's own group and the right to express oneself without others taking offence for political purposes. I agree he is in the minority now, as the media-driven tsumani of political correctness has certainly brain-washed most people - as can be seen on this forum.


As to my perspective - it is only objective.

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52 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

And that he has apologized for them and she's accepted it and is ready to get on with the business making America great. Very similar to Hillary forgiving Bill for shoving a cigar up the wahoo of a White House intern in the Orifice Office.

Hillary is the offender and Donald as the victim - great apology

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

And that he has apologized for them and she's accepted it and is ready to get on with the business making America great. Very similar to Hillary forgiving Bill for shoving a cigar up the wahoo of a White House intern in the Orifice Office.


Do you really think a leopard can change it's spots. 

Edited by Basil B
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1 hour ago, FlorC said:

The good news is : a black rapper will never be president . Their lyrics are way , way cruder than what mr T ever said , biatch.


So that's how low the bar is now for Trump. 


Where's your confidence in your man? Are you so sure he won't yet prove crude enough to limbo dance below this bar?



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1 hour ago, ddavidovsky said:


Read a history book. Any history book. Western civilisation, and the advantages attached to that, came at tremendous effort. Don't underestimate that effort. It was a long hard road. And human society is still competitive. That will always be the case, though it is becoming taboo to even admit it.


Trump represents, among other things, the right to defend one's own group and the right to express oneself without others taking offence for political purposes. I agree he is in the minority now, as the media-driven tsumani of political correctness has certainly brain-washed most people - as can be seen on this forum.


As to my perspective - it is only objective.

This is about Trump, not about western civilisation.

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2 hours ago, SoiBiker said:


That 'section' isn't large enough to win him the presidency, though - and the remainder are unlikely to be won over to such outdated attitudes. This is the last dying gasp of the entitled white male. Their anguished cries get louder by the day. 


so the dawn of 'entitled black male'?  be careful what you wish for

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