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SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential Race?


SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential race?  

368 members have voted

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13 minutes ago, Docno said:

By saying that he has kissed and groped women against their will, Trump has potentially confessed to committing sexual assault. That said, he hasn't been formally charged with any crime, and it's possible those statements were empty braggadocio. In the absence of criminal charges, I think he should be allowed to continue, regardless of how offensive his speech is. If he offends too many, he will pay the price on election day. But he was the choice of the supporters of the GOP and it would be profoundly undemocratic if that choice were overturned by GOP power-brokers (as much as they may want Trump out). Republican primary voters have made their bed and it's time to sleep in it ... they had more than enough warning signs about this man, and they chose to overlook them. Time to let democracy take its course... and I don't think that we should write Trump off just yet.




I doubt his confession of sexual assault is "braggadocio" as several women have already come forward to confirm the behavior. Note that his producer from his reality show as already said there is far worse in out takes in the NBC vault. I don't think we will ever see those as Trump likely had contractual  creative control of what NBC can release. Maybe someone can hack the NBC digital library ?


I do agree he should not be forced to quit. As you say, the republican primary voters had their say and now they must live with it. Certainly his hard core base is not going to be swayed by this in the least. The good news the final vote may well give us an idea of just how many of those hard core base actually exist.


It certainly will be enough to support a future Trump network and make him and the other three amigos a lot of money. 


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I actually feel quite sorry for the American people talk about being between a rock and a hard place. I really can't see how it got to this mess where there isn't a creditable candidate for the job.

Bernie Saunders in my opinion was the only decent candidate in the running. Trump is a nutter, and Hilary Clinton is dangerous.

I know my political views are left wing, but the whole world is in a dangerous place right now and if the voting public keep electing self serving power hungry politicians it isn't going to get any better any time soon.

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4 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Haven't missed anything, intentionally or otherwise.  And I am not a member of the holier than though brigade either.  But that doesn't mean I condone assaulting women.  You must have led a very sheltered life if you haven't heard these types of things being discussed, and good for you if you  were never part of a similar discussion but many others have been, you hear it in pubs and clubs all the time.  And if you have ever been out and about you would know that some woman actions and talk in this regard is far worse than what we heard Trump say. 

So you have on many occasions participated in discussing, not talking about sexual assault,  but having actually done it? And bragging about impunity in doing so?  Where have you spent your life? In biker bars or prison?


Maybe there should be a new survey with the question "have you ever been part of a discussion on having actually committing sexual assault  and being immune to any consequences".



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He's controversial character no doubt about that. But maybe that's the kind of president America needs to shake things up a bit instead of rumbling on with the same old dialog come election time. Good theatre in any event.

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What everyone needs to understand is that there is no way that the Republican party can replace Trump, without Trump making the decision himself. Even if Trump decided to drop out (which he will NOT), he cannot just be replaced by Pence. The legal issues would be almost to big to complete in the time now running to the election. EVERY single State would have to have their legal say in who replaces Trump. The Republicans are indeed in a melt down situation.

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9 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


Some of us can see the Russian meddling and attempts to interfere in the  democratic process in the USA. We can also see that Assange is a strategic ally and  useful tool for the Russians.  We have common sense and understand that emails must be taken in context. Mor eimportantly we appreciate the concept of  illegal activity and that information  gained through illegal and unethical means is tainted.

Is it better to have accurate but tainted information, or remain ignorant and gullible?

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3 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

Why should he withdraw? Hillary and Donald are obviously the Best America has to offer to their people and the world with regards to leaders... Americans just get what they voted for.. and probably the US expat community will grow quite a bit worldwide over the next years



You are an absolute genus..  I wish the planet was filled with more people like you.    Please don't hesitate to impart your genius as often as  you can about America and related items.     :sleep:

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1 hour ago, thaihome said:
1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:


Haven't missed anything, intentionally or otherwise.  And I am not a member of the holier than though brigade either.  But that doesn't mean I condone assaulting women.  You must have led a very sheltered life if you haven't heard these types of things being discussed, and good for you if you  were never part of a similar discussion but many others have been, you hear it in pubs and clubs all the time.  And if you have ever been out and about you would know that some woman actions and talk in this regard is far worse than what we heard Trump say. 

So you have on many occasions participated in discussing, not talking about sexual assault,  but having actually done it? And bragging about impunity in doing so?  Where have you spent your life? In biker bars or prison?


Maybe there should be a new survey with the question "have you ever been part of a discussion on having actually committing sexual assault  and being immune to any consequences".




Please, if you want to respond then do so in a manner where you don't use your words to suggest something totally different to what I've stated.  I am not going respond to your snide remarks other than to tell you yes, I have spent time in biker's club houses and bars, also some time in prisons.


These were undercover stings and having dealt with many lowlifes during my service in a Police force one has to fit in and go along with what is occurring at the time.  Doesn't mean I agree with those discussions or the boasts of these lowlifes.


If you want to act like a troll, then feel free to do so but I won't be drawn into your trap and extend this into an argument, which is evident that this is what  you are attempting to do.  A brave man hiding behind anonymity.   

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10 hours ago, yogi100 said:
In the UK I listen to LBC Radio a lot. It's a phone in station.
A few of the women rang in and just said it was just claptrap and no big deal. They said that men talk like that among themselves and they just laughed it off. So if women in the UK think that then so must many Yank women.
It seems the US elite are getting a bit worried.
The Clinton News Network assure the elite in the US that if she's elected then its more of the same and they get to keep their cushy positions in their ivory towers.
The battle for the White House is also widely covered in the UK media and if anything bad about her is said the presenter immediately switches to Trumps's tax returns, his racism, homophobia, islamophobia, sexism and political incorrectness etc etc. All the media outlets adopt this routine but social media tells a different story.
It was the same in the UK regarding the EU referendum. The establishment went one way, the people the other.

As did the £.

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The man is clearly no Gentleman. I'm sorry if that sounds strangely old fashioned.


I am obviously not American but I do know that courtesy, good manners and gentlemanly behaviour are still frequently observed.


Americans can not possibly elect someone so obviously unsuitable, so unstatesmanlike. The shame would be immense.

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3 hours ago, Grubster said:

I don't think Trump is the downfall of the Republican party, but he sure isn't helping. Why the RNC cannot find a candidate I don't know, I also think they have to get off the trickle down bandwagon, nothing ever trickled down, Now it seams the DNC and the RNC are all about selling the farm to the highest bidder. I think big money is running america from both sides of the aisle. I'm kinda glad I'm getting old. I am just tired of all the useless bickering, while they shaft the common folks.

The mice keep choosing the black cat or the white cat. Then wonder why they don't make any progress in their lives.


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7 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

Obama talks about pussy (YouTube if you haven't seen it), hip hop musicians sing about pussy, millions of American women bought the 50 shades of grey book to read about men getting pussy, and Hillary's husband actually does grab pussy.


But none of that Matters because the whole media is freaking out about Trump talking about wanting to grab pussy.......is the whole world insane?


Well when your political party includes in it's coalition, evolution denying holy rollers, talking that way can be a problem. The fire storm may just be politics but the back lash will be real from the above mentioned sector of the party. How do you think this will play out in after church talk today in Iowa?

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10 minutes ago, pegman said:

The mice keep choosing the black cat or the white cat. Then wonder why they don't make any progress in their lives.


Ha Ha That is fantastic, what the hell ever happened to guys like that getting into power? I have said for years that we would be a lot better off with Working class men and women being moved up to run government, for a few years then mandatory retirement meaning no lobbyist jobs. Thanks

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7 hours ago, thailen said:

It's too late. Ballots are already printed in every state. Early ballots  have been sent and cast in a half dozen states with more early voting by the way. His name will not be removed, even if the Republicans convince him to leave and submit another ticket. Stick aq fork in Trump and Pence. It's over. The fat lady has sung...

Hillary can't sing; Hillary can't do anything.  (At least, well or honestly.)

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44 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Please, if you want to respond then do so in a manner where you don't use your words to suggest something totally different to what I've stated.  I am not going respond to your snide remarks other than to tell you yes, I have spent time in biker's club houses and bars, also some time in prisons.


These were undercover stings and having dealt with many lowlifes during my service in a Police force one has to fit in and go along with what is occurring at the time.  Doesn't mean I agree with those discussions or the boasts of these lowlifes.


If you want to act like a troll, then feel free to do so but I won't be drawn into your trap and extend this into an argument, which is evident that this is what  you are attempting to do.  A brave man hiding behind anonymity.   


So when I disagree that most men sit around in bars and pubs all the time discussing their sexual assaults and their impunity from any consequences your response is to say I'm a troll hiding behind internet anonymity with an the requisite macho attitude.


Who's trolling? 




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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I didn't see the speech, but he wasn't necessarily wrong. The US military has a problem attracting men willing to serve, and many that do are enlisting for reasons that may have nothing to with their ability or desire to fight.

In a better situation I'm sure many would not be sent into combat as unsuitable.


However, it is true that Trump is a very strong supporter of the military and the VA.



Who in all likelihood had his rich daddy pass a brown paper bag full of $$$ across a desk to keep him out of the military at a time of war. I will give him one thing. Unlike fellow draft dodgers W. Bush and his puppet master Chaney he says he was against that war. 

Let me ask you did you vote for the war hero Kerry or the draft dodger Bush?

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20 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Ha Ha That is fantastic, what the hell ever happened to guys like that getting into power? I have said for years that we would be a lot better off with Working class men and women being moved up to run government, for a few years then mandatory retirement meaning no lobbyist jobs. Thanks

Tommy is my hero. A home town boy to boot. A few years ago  he won the national poll of  who was the greatest Canadian in history. He faced down the tremendous  pressure of the doctors strike when  enacting single payer public health care in his province. The rest of the country followed suit over the next 20 years. A Baptist Minister of the Social Gospel tradition. 

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5 minutes ago, pegman said:

Tommy is my hero. A home town boy to boot. A few years ago  he won the national poll of  who was the greatest Canadian in history. He faced down the tremendous  pressure of the doctors strike when  enacting single payer public health care in his province. The rest of the country followed suit over the next 20 years. A Baptist Minister of the Social Gospel tradition. 

Man I'm so jealous of your single payer plan. In the US the right wingers have always said the Canadians don't like it. Well I went fishing about 40 different times up to Ontario, I made it a point to ask every person I had some contact with if they liked it and never found any that didn't.  Best fishing on the planet no doubt, especially after they put the limits on taking the fish. 

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8 hours ago, Bob9 said:



But he was impeached for saying:  "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". It is OK to bang a trainee (JFK etc) but it is not OK to lie to Congress and the People.


But Clinton (rapist) got away with it. And now another Clinton (rapist defender) is trying to get away with it too.




Yeah... he lied about banging the trainee and almost got removed from office. Bush deliberately lied by knowingly presenting bogus proofs to Americans and to the UN itself, to launch a war that caused thousands of American deaths and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's, he never had to worry about it. And now we are debating whether Trump should renounce over a 10 yo crude private bragging, while Clinton has bigger faults to be blamed for, as far as we know at least. It looks like the moral compass of US public life is more concerned by zippers than by historical crimes and corruption. 

Edited by Calach
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11 hours ago, CatTonic said:

This is a sideshow to distract voters from Friday's WikiLeaks release of Mrs Clinton's transcripts, wherein she privately gloats to Wall Street about her duplicity.


Most people have made lewd comments some time in their lives, but few have acted them out in the Oval Office on taxpayer funded mistresses, and left the clean up to their wife, who destroyed those poor women with taxpayer funded FBI and IRS agents. 


Wikileaks and Assange are only promoting Putin's agenda. Already it's become obvious a number of the "leaks" are fakes. We expected some -- more or less of 'em, if not mostly all of 'em  -- would be doctored, altered, falsified, faked. Now we know with certainty. 


Here is but one Tweet focused on only on Wikileaks cable that could be said is written in Russlish...


 Live News Cloud ⛅️ Retweeted

John Aravosis ✔ @aravosis


Had to share this supposed Hillary transcript that wikileaks published. It's laughably fake. Aperture? Altern?  [Not to mention the punctuation at the end especially.]


What we see on the left is more disconcerting. The early data suggests that while the minority base is still dominated by the Democratic messaging, a coalition of sub altern interests is forming that could, with an extremely weak Republican nominee, create and aperture for either a 3rd Party Victory or, in essence, take an election inflection point where an insurgent candidate could actually co-opt (.) Take over (.) a major party.  [Italics added.]






I'd add significantly that the right is relying and depending on Putin, his agent Wikileaks, and his sycophant Julian Assange.


People who will do anything to try to get Donald Trump elected are not credible whether they are in Russia, the Equador Embassy in London or at the keyboard in either some foreign country or in the United States.


Hello to the genuine article as in fact the fifth column. 

Edited by Publicus
Necessarily add link.
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2 hours ago, ThaiTJ said:

...how about a un-bias comparison showing Clinton's faults..which most are criminal under federal law.


Please feel free to list them.

The Federal criminal charges that,

Wait for it:


Have never been levied against her "faults"...


You're just making stuff up.

Edited by iReason
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Drop out? Puhhhhleassse...


mr Trump is going to far better in the coming debate....crooked has a lot to explain about why she says one thing to voters and says something diametrically opposed to her wall street donors. 


trumps private comments didnt harm anyone....a bit frat-ish.....but what normal hot blooded male isnt. 

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