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SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential Race?


SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential race?  

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39 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

All of the "real men" you know are rapey? Is that make they mean by make America great again? Make American rapey again? 

I know you hate Trump, but a link to where he says he likes to "rape" women would be required in a reply like that. You can hate him much as you like, but it doesn't justify implying he spoke about raping women when he didn't.

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37 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

Obama talks about pussy (YouTube if you haven't seen it), hip hop musicians sing about pussy, millions of American women bought the 50 shades of grey book to read about men getting pussy, and Hillary's husband actually does grab pussy.


But none of that Matters because the whole media is freaking out about Trump talking about wanting to grab pussy.......is the whole world insane?


No, just the ones that believe anything that comes out of Clinton's mouth. The latest e mail leaks prove, IMO, that her entire campaign persona is a lie.

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34 minutes ago, Bob9 said:



But he was impeached for saying:  "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". It is OK to bang a trainee (JFK etc) but it is not OK to lie to Congress and the People.


But Clinton (rapist) got away with it. And now another Clinton (rapist defender) is trying to get away with it too.



Quite right too. Consensual sexual activity is no business of anyone else. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to apply with Trump.

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

His family are OFF TOPIC.


I wouldn't say that when they are on the campaign trail with him all the time and were convention speakers.

But they certainly aren't relevant to Trump's sexual pecadillos, although I wonder what Ivanka thinks about her dad being OK with other men referring to her as a "piece of ass".



Edited by Chicog
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4 hours ago, yogi100 said:
In the UK I listen to LBC Radio a lot. It's a phone in station.
A few of the women rang in and just said it was just claptrap and no big deal. They said that men talk like that among themselves and they just laughed it off. So if women in the UK think that then so must many Yank women.

Look, in the UK a senior Politician (PM no less) can stick their penis in a dead pigs mouth and still carry on. Brit women are clearly made of sterner stuff ;) 


The problem is that the Republican party have been taking away the right of choice for women, refusing equal rights for Gays, everything is about family values and the sanctity of marriage blah blah blah and then Trump comes along with this nuclear hand grenade. The fallout was inevitable, either Republicans distanced themselves quickly or they themselves would lose the support of their bible bashing voters. The forefathers warned everyone and even put it in the constitution. This is what happens when you mix religion with Government and Politics.!!!


Perhaps the good thing is we may see a re-birth of the republican party based on modern living instead of trying to bend modern day values to fit a puritanical system based on a 2000 year old book.


I think Trump should stay in the race, this is not over and the entire brand of Trump and his 3 sleazy kids needs to be destroyed. It is a kind of sodom and Gomorrah moment. Trump is about to have his 5th Bankruptcy - The Republican Party!

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Just now, Chicog said:


I wouldn't say that when they are on the campaign trail with him all the time and where convention speakers.

But they certainly aren't relevant to Trump's sexual pecadillos, although I wonder what Ivanka thinks about her dad being OK with other men referring to her as a "piece of ass".




That's true, and that piece of ass would likely have gotten a top cabinet position if elected too. His family are very on topic as they are his braintrust.

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1 hour ago, DSJPC said:

Donald Trump spoke like all of us real men do in male company...this is a typical Hillary blown tempest in a teapot!


      Speak for yourself big boy.  I'm a man, and I don't speak so rudely about women.  I've never said, "just grab their pussy"  .....and if there are any kids around, I wouldn't want them to hear that or speak that - ever.  I also never use the C-nt word.  That's just one of many reasons why Trump would be an AWFUL influence on America's youngsters. 


      As for the Republican Party imploding.  That's fine.  It's a sign of the times.   Even with the many billionaires pouring money into it, it's still deflating.  $2,884 was spent for each vote Jeb Bush got in the Iowa primary.  Just goes to show, money can buy fake love (like Melania Trump's) but it can't buy an election win.


      Since Americans are leaning more to the left with each passing year, it's about time the Republican party devolves to the dustbin (or stays around as the angry, paranoid, fear-mongering, divisive small party it is), and a more representative party like the Greens take their place.   To me, it's perfectly plausible that in upcoming years, the two major parties will be the Democrats and the Greens.   The Dems, in that case, will be the more conservative party, as they've already been leaning that way for awhile.  

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He should have never "dropped in" but drop in he did down that elevator. Too late now ... time to play out this comic drama to the finish.




Trump is unfit to be president of the United States–and has been since he traveled down that gilded escalator in June 2015–for reasons having nothing to do with policy. Simply put, he is an unspeakable human being, as we have learned yet again in the past 24 hours. He takes everything he touches or wants to touch and reduces it to a pornographic puddle.

He’s an emetic, and he is about to be vomited up.





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6 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

Of course he should withdraw from the race.  The only question is will he withdraw.  And I think there's a reasonable chance of this happening soon after the debate.



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There is no knowing what the presidential election result will be .  Donald Trump should certainly NOT drop out of the race .

The GOP as it is today has run its time , is politically and policy wise way out of date .

There is a huge need for change in American politics , a need for a clear out of the present establishment , a breaking up of political cliques , Wall Street , Neocons , Lobbyists , Zionists .  There are far too many people in high places who have no competence to be there .  Trump would need help as president , but I'm sure he would at least try to bring about a very necessary change , especially in US foreign policy , which is currently on course for WWIII .

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2 hours ago, Bob9 said:



But he was impeached for saying:  "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". It is OK to bang a trainee (JFK etc) but it is not OK to lie to Congress and the People.


But Clinton (rapist) got away with it. And now another Clinton (rapist defender) is trying to get away with it too.





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1 minute ago, Grubster said:

I think it may be time for a coup


There already was a coup. Did you miss it? Trump and his whackjob followers did a hostile takeover of the Republican party. Now, let's see if they can take it back.

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15 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


There already was a coup. Did you miss it? Trump and his whackjob followers did a hostile takeover of the Republican party. Now, let's see if they can take it back.

I don't think Trump is the downfall of the Republican party, but he sure isn't helping. Why the RNC cannot find a candidate I don't know, I also think they have to get off the trickle down bandwagon, nothing ever trickled down, Now it seams the DNC and the RNC are all about selling the farm to the highest bidder. I think big money is running america from both sides of the aisle. I'm kinda glad I'm getting old. I am just tired of all the useless bickering, while they shaft the common folks.

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Just now, Grubster said:

I don't think Trump is the downfall of the Republican party, but he sure isn't helping. Why the RNC cannot find a candidate I don't know, I also think they have to get off the trickle down bandwagon, nothing ever trickled down, Now it seams the DNC and the RNC are all about selling the farm to the highest bidder. I think big money is running america from both sides of the aisle. I'm kinda glad I'm getting old. I am just tired of all the useless bickering, while they shaft the common folks.


I do think the RNC should be pulling funding and chucking it all downballot though. They need all the help they can get.

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Why should he withdraw? Hillary and Donald are obviously the Best America has to offer to their people and the world with regards to leaders... Americans just get what they voted for.. and probably the US expat community will grow quite a bit worldwide over the next years

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4 hours ago, DSJPC said:

Donald Trump spoke like all of us real men do in male company...this is a typical Hillary blown tempest in a teapot!

Thus if a guy said to you: 'I want to grab your wife/daughter's pussy' you'd be ok with that because  hey, he's just demonstrating he's a 'real man', like you...

Levity, latest SNL -Trump breaking news (wait for 2 minutes in;)


Meanwhile, the ultimate political manipulator/liar Roger Stone is advising/egging on Trump (child's play;) to 'go lower' and ultimately playing both sides. Fitting that the slimy creature who manipulated many past GOP wins plays an inside role in the party demise.

Roger Stone, master manipulator and real art of the shadowy deal:


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If half of the males on here, complaining about Trump said, were honest, then I would find it hard to believe that many haven't spoken like this.  It is common locker room banter and someone skiting, although foolishly.  The only crime he is guilty of is saying something that was recorded.


He does say some really dumb things but the Clinton camp must be really scared when considering they have 90 percent of the media crucifying him everyday, and apparently one reporter from the Hew York Times and others searching daily for things to bring him undone, yet, to date, have not been able to do so. 

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49 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

If half of the males on here, complaining about Trump said, were honest, then I would find it hard to believe that many haven't spoken like this.  It is common locker room banter and someone skiting, although foolishly.  The only crime he is guilty of is saying something that was recorded.




You have [intentionally? ] missed the point that the discussions was not about wanting to have sex with women, which indeed is a common discussion amount men, but a discussion where Trump was bragging having kissed and grabbing women's "pussy" in the past without worrying about if they wanted it or not and using his celebrity as free pass to do so.


I don't recall ever being part of such a discussion amoung people I have been around. Even in junior high, we did not discuss assaulting women we found attractive because we couldn't control ourselves. Did you?


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By saying that he has kissed and groped women against their will, Trump has potentially confessed to committing sexual assault. That said, he hasn't been formally charged with any crime, and it's possible those statements were empty braggadocio. In the absence of criminal charges, I think he should be allowed to continue, regardless of how offensive his speech is. If he offends too many, he will pay the price on election day. But he was the choice of the supporters of the GOP and it would be profoundly undemocratic if that choice were overturned by GOP power-brokers (as much as they may want Trump out). Republican primary voters have made their bed and it's time to sleep in it ... they had more than enough warning signs about this man, and they chose to overlook them. Time to let democracy take its course... and I don't think that we should write Trump off just yet.



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I've 'argued' with my son about Trump ... he's a 24 year old university grad, and I just can't comprehend how he can support such a self-serving, arrogant, dishonest man in Trump. Here's someone who claims to be a billionaire yet has apparently avoided paying taxes while the rest of us normal chumps do our 40+ hours a week and pay our taxes. You might say--as my son did--that he simply took advantage of loopholes in the tax code, but what does that say about his character and his desire to tangibly support the country that he supposedly wants to make great again? [And no, I don't take personal deductions myself because I think I have an obligation to pay taxes in support of the services I receive from government].


I would like someone to share with me a single example of when Trump showed great character in challenging or unusual circumstances... something where he didn't simply act in his own interest or that of his family.

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28 minutes ago, thaihome said:


You have [intentionally? ] missed the point that the discussions was not about wanting to have sex with women, which indeed is a common discussion amount men, but a discussion where Trump was bragging having kissed and grabbing women's "pussy" in the past without worrying about if they wanted it or not and using his celebrity as free pass to do so.


I don't recall ever being part of such a discussion amoung people I have been around. Even in junior high, we did not discuss assaulting women we found attractive because we couldn't control ourselves. Did you?



Haven't missed anything, intentionally or otherwise.  And I am not a member of the holier than though brigade either.  But that doesn't mean I condone assaulting women.  You must have led a very sheltered life if you haven't heard these types of things being discussed, and good for you if you  were never part of a similar discussion but many others have been, you hear it in pubs and clubs all the time.  And if you have ever been out and about you would know that some woman actions and talk in this regard is far worse than what we heard Trump say. 

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