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SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential Race?


SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential race?  

368 members have voted

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2 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

I have no desire to convince you of anything. I happen to consider trump a shallow , lazy, spoiled little boy who hasn't got what it takes to lead a movement even if he did actually give a shit about america or anything else besides himself.  He doesnt hate hilary, that would take commitment. he will fade away. his voters wont

Well, the demographics say that they will slowly be disappearing if not entirely fading away.

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2 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

I have no desire to convince you of anything. I happen to consider trump a shallow , lazy, spoiled little boy who hasn't got what it takes to lead a movement even if he did actually give a shit about america or anything else besides himself.  He doesnt hate hilary, that would take commitment. he will fade away. his voters wont


You are on the record as consciously and thoroughly dismissing a post-election Donald Trump.


Catch you later...

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32 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

I have no desire to convince you of anything. I happen to consider trump a shallow , lazy, spoiled little boy who hasn't got what it takes to lead a movement even if he did actually give a shit about america or anything else besides himself.  He doesnt hate hilary, that would take commitment. he will fade away. his voters wont


I have no desire to convince you of anything.


You as well as other posters were invited.


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1 minute ago, Publicus said:


I have no desire to convince you of anything.


You as well as other posters were invited.


No demands or requirements were attempted or considered thx to include any presumption of a desire on the part of any individual single poster.


i have no idea what you just said

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24 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, he's the one who isn't using Dirty Tricks to win:

<Massive Picture Removed for space>



Quite frankly, he doesn't seem equipped to think in layered strategy.  His strategy thus far appears to be Open Mouth, Insert Foot, time after time for a year without seeming to learn a damn thing.  I wuz lookin' at a Newt Gingrich interview last night, he basically shrugged his shoulders and said he's got no fk'ing idea what Donald's doing.  Won't listen.  Doesn't care.  It's no wonder the media bobble heads draw the conclusions they do about alternative motives and end game.


But I do agree, it's an equally sad fact that Clinton isn't totally creaming him at this point.  Time will tell but I suspect many of these fence sitters will, once they get in the voting booth, hover over Trump box then exhale and murmur, "Shit, I just can't do it", and check the box for Clinton or, god forbid, Gary Johnson. 

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Well, he's the one who isn't using Dirty Tricks to win:

So you consider holding a press conference with Bill Clinton's accusers a fair thing?
Whatever your politics this highly ignorant and narcissistic man is completely and totally unfit to be president on so many levels. Half the GOP and 95% of the rest of the planet agree. The Donald has absolutely no concern for anyone on this planet except himself. What's all this cosy-ing up to the dictator Putin? Almost as disgusting as befriending that hideous Saudi regime.
Thankfully his chances of winning are already doomed. From here on Hillary just needs to sit back, say nothing and let Donald hang himself.

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Here's a classic.  Robert Creamer,  the husband of Jan Shakowsky, a Democratic congresswoman from Chicago and a convicted of tax violations and bank fraud in 2005, was caught on a covert video, along with other operatives bragging how they hired thugs to create violence at Trump Rallies.  But wait for it, the Democrats allege the video was edited, and it was only bar room talk, a hypothetical scenario and never happened.  Now when Trump says it was locker room talk, the holier than thou mob (media) go on the attack and never let up.


Yet with these videos, although shown, only get about 30 seconds air time, whilst the media (Unbiased CNN) go on the defense, gives al the same excuses as the democrats and then denigrate the person who took the videos.  Anyone can check the videos and make up their own minds.  Looking forward to some of the responses.  Here are the links for those who have not seen the video and a little background on Creamer and his cohort, Scott Foval.





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4 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Quite frankly, he doesn't seem equipped to think in layered strategy.  His strategy thus far appears to be Open Mouth, Insert Foot, time after time for a year without seeming to learn a damn thing.  I wuz lookin' at a Newt Gingrich interview last night, he basically shrugged his shoulders and said he's got no fk'ing idea what Donald's doing.  Won't listen.  Doesn't care.  It's no wonder the media bobble heads draw the conclusions they do about alternative motives and end game.


But I do agree, it's an equally sad fact that Clinton isn't totally creaming him at this point.  Time will tell but I suspect many of these fence sitters will, once they get in the voting booth, hover over Trump box then exhale and murmur, "Shit, I just can't do it", and check the box for Clinton or, god forbid, Gary Johnson. 


But I do agree, it's an equally sad fact that Clinton isn't totally creaming him at this point


Wait until Wednesday November 9th to see what the final numbers are over at the Clinton Creamery. Yes, the post said at this point, but it's no surprise nor is it a "sad fact" HRC is not "creaming him" at this point.


1) Trump said back when that he'd be competitive in the blue states of WI, MI, PA. He hasn't even been close.


2) Trump is getting blown out in the 'battleground' states, except Ohio where Gov. John Kasich has interposed himself between HRC and Ohio's 18 Electoral College Votes.


3) Trump is not holding several states Romney won, such as NC, AK, IN, GA, UT.


4) Trump was always going to win a dozen states at the least and likely upwards of 16-19 states. Romney won 26 states and he lost decisively. Trump has in fact fallen back from his max forward advance to 45% of the popular vote in the polling to below 40% currently. 


A Potus election campaign is organic. It ebbs, flows, strays, meanders and sometimes falls still. After the first debate the river broke through with HRC riding the rapids and Donald Trump flailing in the swirling water, which, as the nominee of the Republican Party of extremists, is where he has remained. All indications are that in the final week the dam will burst and swamp Trumpville where the Republican Party is holed up.


The election has to play itself out to its final historical numbers and percentages. At this point we have someone's opinion. Stated absent any perspective, it can indeed a sad opinion.

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7 hours ago, Publicus said:


If Trump continued to hold stadium rallies through 2017 and beyond he'd pull 'em in to cheer, chant and storm the local target, every time. This guy is more than dangerous so let's hope he does just fade away.


I'd reiterate that Donald Trump is how fascism manifests in America. Let's work to have this election result put him away for good. No guarantee however. Trump's attention span is 24 hours, which each and every day is exactly what he needs. And thrives on. 


Trump is dangerous, but blatant corruption is not....

'He's Scary'

'He's LITERALLY Hitler'


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Pass the cream plse thx...


“Polls conducted since the first presidential debate last month put Donald Trump on a pace to earn a smaller percentage of the vote than any major-party nominee in at least 20 years, Politico reports.


“In matchups that include third-party candidates, Trump is winning, on average, 39.6 percent of the vote compared to 46.2 percent for Hillary Clinton in the dozen national polls using live-telephone interviewers conducted since September 26.”



Trump could be getting 38% of the vote, which would be a catastrophe. Goldwater the Republican got 38% in 1964 and McGovern the Democrat got 37% in 1972. While neither of 'em was a Donald Trump, the loudmouth boor is finding his own level.

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Probably income levels, education levels, crime rates, etc.

Oh, I thought he meant our intelligence is determined by the colour of our skin, like Mr Sailer. I wonder why southern whites are the dumbest white people on the planet. Maybe it's not because of their colour, but because they grow up in cult of ignorance.

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