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De Niro: I’d Like to Punch Trump In the Face

Jonathan Fairfield

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What Bob needs to remember is that he is an Actor and as much as he plays the tough guy, in reality he is an Actor!  It reminds when the USA went in to Iraq, Bruce Willis actually wrote to George W Bush asking him to give him command of a company of crack troops and he would go in and sort Saddam out ! <deleted>! He actually believed that he was qualified to operate with a company of crack troops because he has played Colonels and Generals in war movies. Note Mr Willis, in battle there are no retakes, no edits and all bullets are real, there is no casfake or special make-up. :whistling: They let Mr Willis down gently by telling him he was too old to join.


Same with Bob, he is not a tough mafioso and if he got into a fight 11 times out of 10 he would get his ass kicked.

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5 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

After Taxi Driver it was all downhill :(


C'mon, be fair: Taxi Driver was released in '76, but there were a few good ones along the way after that and Heat which was released in 1995 has become a cult classic.

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Once Trump loses his Secret Service protection, there's going to be a lot of blowback on him.  I wonder just how many gallons of spit he's consumed since his initial announcement dissing the Mexicans. 

The reason he eats KFC and other crap food is he sends his minions out to buy it and the fast-food workers don't know it's for him.


DeNiro is a 'prominent' New Yawka these days: he runs an annual film festival, a few restaurants, and is a recognizable patron of the arts, gave the commencement at an arts college a year or two ago.  He's had interracial marriages and has mixed-race kids, many NY'ers view that quite favorably.  Oh yeah, and then there's the actor stuff.

Trump, on the other hand, eats pizza with a fork and doesn't eat the crust -- this makes him a local laughing stock.



Edited by bendejo
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I truly feel sorry for the Trump supporters.   They are unable to defend their candidate, so they have to go after everybody who doesn't agree with them.   They are not unlike the Islamists defending their prophet.   

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15 hours ago, NickJ said:

He a good actor. But a whakadoo. There was an Italian Restaurant in Malibu I used to eat at. Ran into him twice. Once he was there with his family. Sitting there in his pajamas and slippers.

The next time just himself. Yaking it up. I thought he had a cell phone, maybe a device in his ear. Nope..all alone. Well with him and himself I guess.


Instead of deciding he is crazy ...you might have remembered that he is an actor?  And maybe practicing?  Running lines?  Not wasting his time?  Since everyone is staring at him anyway do you think he really cares and should just sit there like a statue? 

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These actor luvvies are famous for promoting tolerance of others. But what happens when they run into an opposing view, one that runs contrary to their own naive preconceptions of reality? They resort immediately to violence. That does not seem very tolerant to me. In fact, it is the behavior of a fascist. I will not try and unwind the twisted logic at play here.

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I don't know about others but the way the media has gone after Trump continuously

& now the usual Hollywood Obama backers speaking out against Trump....

makes me quite sure Trump is the one to vote for.


Otherwise it is just more of the same old Sh!t

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2 hours ago, Credo said:

I truly feel sorry for the Trump supporters.   They are unable to defend their candidate, so they have to go after everybody who doesn't agree with them.   They are not unlike the Islamists defending their prophet.   


Oh the irony :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, mania said:

I don't know about others but the way the media has gone after Trump continuously

& now the usual Hollywood Obama backers speaking out against Trump....

makes me quite sure Trump is the one to vote for.


Otherwise it is just more of the same old Sh!t


Youre inclined to support him because everyone else is attacking him? That makes no sense. 


Remember that Trump himself is providing his attackers with all the ammunition that they are using to attack him.



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2 hours ago, Thakkar said:


Youre inclined to support him because everyone else is attacking him? That makes no sense. 


Remember that Trump himself is providing his attackers with all the ammunition that they are using to attack him.




What is it with some HRC supporters here? You read my comment did not comprehend it

& now would like to twist it to "because everyone else is attacking him? "


Puleeze go back & read it again :rolleyes: Or do you consider the Media & Hollywood types "everyone else"?

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11 hours ago, bendejo said:

Once Trump loses his Secret Service protection, there's going to be a lot of blowback on him.  I wonder just how many gallons of spit he's consumed since his initial announcement dissing the Mexicans. 

The reason he eats KFC and other crap food is he sends his minions out to buy it and the fast-food workers don't know it's for him.


DeNiro is a 'prominent' New Yawka these days: he runs an annual film festival, a few restaurants, and is a recognizable patron of the arts, gave the commencement at an arts college a year or two ago.  He's had interracial marriages and has mixed-race kids, many NY'ers view that quite favorably.  Oh yeah, and then there's the actor stuff.

Trump, on the other hand, eats pizza with a fork and doesn't eat the crust -- this makes him a local laughing stock.



eats pizza with a fork and doesn't eat the crust

Hold the presses, Trump doesn't eat his crusts.

Are you so desperate to slight him that you bring up garbage like that?


He's had interracial marriages

Some disparage Trump for having more than one marriage, but De Niro gets a pass because he pretends to be other people in films. LOL.

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3 hours ago, Thakkar said:


Youre inclined to support him because everyone else is attacking him? That makes no sense. 


Remember that Trump himself is providing his attackers with all the ammunition that they are using to attack him.



When I look at the people that support her I want to support him just to annoy them.

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