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De Niro: I’d Like to Punch Trump In the Face

Jonathan Fairfield

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Yeah....as for him,  Deniro sitting in the restaurant practising his lines...... Nope. Not even for a minute. The waitress s boyfriend sold him the e.. 

Guys a mess. 

Most actors are. Hence they have a higher younger death rate.

Sad is the society that looks at them and thinks or identifies with the roles they play.

Hey...there's Iron-man. I hope my kids grow up like Robert Downey Jr.

Actors have less right to tell it like it is than my dog.


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17 hours ago, Thakkar said:


Remember that Trump himself is providing his attackers with all the ammunition that they are using to attack him.




Nonsense. A VERY large bit of that "ammunition" is made up blather, distortions or lies. The democrats always do this during presidential elections, but this time tops all the rest.

However, I agree that Trump is adding fuel to the fire.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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On 10/10/2016 at 7:21 AM, Credo said:

I truly feel sorry for the Trump supporters.   They are unable to defend their candidate, so they have to go after everybody who doesn't agree with them.   They are not unlike the Islamists defending their prophet.   

This being the same prophet who talks about Jesus and encourages his "followers" to worship the same God that Christians allegedly do?


get your ducks lined up before spouting off about something you have zero knowledge about.





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I'd like to see Trump get what he deserves:  complete bankruptcy.   The only reason he's stayed afloat financially is his shifty, cheating character.  When a bank wants to foreclose on Trump for non-payment of a loan, he says, "you can't do that, I employ too many people.  You would put them all out of work."  Other times, Trump gets million dollar handouts, often illegally (from his dad, from others).   When the bottom falls out of Trump's world, he will ramp up asking for money from his rich friends. He's already using campaign money to pay himself, and to pour money into his assets.  His entire career has been built upon taking money for other people/banks/his dad/rich buddies - and rarely paying back.  He also 'makes money' by very often not paying his obligations, such as workers' wages and taxes, and he gets gov't hand-outs by devious means.  De Niro is saying what I and others have been thinking/saying for over a year.  


Add De Niro to Trump's (and his fans') ever-growing list of enemies.  They have fewer friends as each week rolls by.  But there will always be a rich person to bail Trump out, when he gets close to broke.  He's made sure of that.

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Now De Niro is fighting with another actor - one of the rare Trump supporters in Hollywood, John Voigt. De Niro called him delusional for supporting Trump. De Niro:



When asked what question he might ask of Trump, De Niro reportedly said “I don’t even know what kind of question to ask him because he’s so stupid. There’s nothing to talk about.”


I like his response on Clinton:



Asked about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, De Niro said, “You might feel that you cannot trust Hillary on certain things, but you feel she’s a grown up and she’s capable of being President.”



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DeNiro is a joke.  Too bad cause I like him as an actor.  Tough guy I thnk not just a wrinkled old 145 pound 70 year old guy thinks he's tough probably from pretend life in his movies.  Not long ago he cowered to Hollywood by pulling a controversial film from his Tribeca festival. 

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1 hour ago, losworld said:

DeNiro is a joke.  Too bad cause I like him as an actor.  Tough guy I thnk not just a wrinkled old 145 pound 70 year old guy thinks he's tough probably from pretend life in his movies.  Not long ago he cowered to Hollywood by pulling a controversial film from his Tribeca festival. 

Not sticking up for DeNiro, but that film got yanked for good reason, not cowardice.  Seem to recall Donald Trump was rambling on about this vaccination issue at an early Republican debate and was corrected by none other than Dr. Ben Carson. 



Edited by 55Jay
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The minimum age for Miss Teen USA contestants is actually 14. That didn’t stop Trump from going backstage to get a peek. Sneaking looks at young women in his contests was one of Trump’s great pleasures—one of the perks of ownership.

“I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed,” Trump told Howard Stern in recordings released Saturday by CNN. “No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. … ‘Is everyone OK?’ You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody OK?’ And you see these incredible looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.”







one of these young girls father or brother should have punched that fat orange creep in the face.

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3 hours ago, losworld said:

DeNiro is a joke.  Too bad cause I like him as an actor.  Tough guy I thnk not just a wrinkled old 145 pound 70 year old guy thinks he's tough probably from pretend life in his movies.  Not long ago he cowered to Hollywood by pulling a controversial film from his Tribeca festival. 

What, as opposed to that Botox riddled 300 LB  orange goof talking tough hiding behind guards?

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On 09/10/2016 at 10:36 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Quote edited for brevity.


they scream for sexual equality

Actually they don't. When treated like men they scream that they are being demeaned, as we see right now. IMO, what they want is for everyone to be like women.


De Niro must be their hero. The sight of him in one of those Focker films with a false boob to breast feed his child must have given women a warm and fussy feeling. I thought he was a pathetic sight, when compared to the men he portrayed in his earlier films.




You are dead right and their hypocrisy has no bounds - they are utterly corrupt of thought and reason.  Example:  They demand equality for women in all things - and then they demand that women vote for crooked hillery because she is a woman - and they dont even see the hypocrisy in that.  

As the wise men (and women) say:  There are none so blind, as those that will not see.


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1 hour ago, pattayalover said:

so we go to a slowly collapse of this world. expect new wars soon. it won't stop.

hillary for prison!

Yeah, trump for Banana Republican dictator that jails political opponents just like Putin. 

blah blah blah.

Sorry, he's losing badly.

Next .. 

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On 10/12/2016 at 10:23 AM, boomerangutang said:

I'd like to see Trump get what he deserves:  complete bankruptcy.   The only reason he's stayed afloat financially is his shifty, cheating character.  When a bank wants to foreclose on Trump for non-payment of a loan, he says, "you can't do that, I employ too many people.  You would put them all out of work."  Other times, Trump gets million dollar handouts, often illegally (from his dad, from others).   When the bottom falls out of Trump's world, he will ramp up asking for money from his rich friends. He's already using campaign money to pay himself, and to pour money into his assets.  His entire career has been built upon taking money for other people/banks/his dad/rich buddies - and rarely paying back.  He also 'makes money' by very often not paying his obligations, such as workers' wages and taxes, and he gets gov't hand-outs by devious means.  De Niro is saying what I and others have been thinking/saying for over a year.  


Add De Niro to Trump's (and his fans') ever-growing list of enemies.  They have fewer friends as each week rolls by.  But there will always be a rich person to bail Trump out, when he gets close to broke.  He's made sure of that.

Blah blah blah You need to get out more.  Worry about your own country Australia or wherever which is going down the tubes.  Start being proactive at home.  Have another beer.

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37 minutes ago, BangkokHank said:

Why should I listen to Robert De Niro?  The only thing that I have in common with him is that I'm handsome - at least according to the hookers in Soi Nana.

No reason. Up to you. He's right about trump though. Electing him president would be a disaster. 

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On 10/10/2016 at 1:24 PM, mania said:


What is it with some HRC supporters here? You read my comment did not comprehend it

& now would like to twist it to "because everyone else is attacking him? "


Puleeze go back & read it again :rolleyes: Or do you consider the Media & Hollywood types "everyone else"?


Amazing denial.  Would you like some examples of people in Trump's own party who are attacking him?  The list is long and distinguished.  And no, they are not media and Hollywood types.     

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