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16 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

Honda phantom... why did they do it? 


There was a market - biker wannabees who hadn't got the cash or a licence to ride a big bike

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The idea of having people with whistles at road intersections.


Refined sugars.


As for vehicles, it is said that Moses came down the hill in his Triumph.  Much later it claimed that Jesus said the Honda Civic was the best car, but upon being interviewed he denied it, saying "I did not speak of my own Accord".

5 hours ago, dbrenn said:

Yes, but did we invent them or did they invent us?


My bet, we invented them. We know exactly what they are like, we know they are loving, forgiving, judging, jealous, just, vindictive, omnipresent, omnipotent.

We know how they want to be worshipped, we know which temple they prefer...

We know them better then they know themselves.

1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

People who dislike East enders,Why?what have we done to make you hate us so?

Is it our delightful way of trying to emulate our grandad's and trying to speak in rhyming slang.

Our love of Jellied eels with stale crusty bread?

Our true belief that Bow will finally return to there being more of us than there are of them?

Is it our total dislike of Dick Van Dykes accent in 'Mary Poppins?'

Is it,because people think that all of us are Kray brother lovers.

Please tell me why,and then i can "nip down to the rubadub and knock back a pint of pigs ear or two,then 'ave it on me toes to the nearest indian and get meself wrapped round a Ruby Murray.Then can get home and strip of me whistle,put me rhythm and blues away,take off me dickie and jump in the tub,clean me 'ampsteads and settle down to a few hours kip. 







Having a flat in the east end, generally I like east enders and Micky Flanagan is one funny fella.

However I dislike the soap opera Eastenders and wish it hadn't been invented along with Coronation street unfortunately Emerdale gets a reprieve as it is the Mrs guilty pleasure.

2 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

I personally think we are more then capable of finding a thousand different ways to fight and kill each other without resorting to religious beliefs. If religion was suddenly erased from the earth people would still be killing each other.


I think that most people who do have some sort of belief are generally peaceful people so on the whole religion does less harm then money for example.


So, I say money is the worst invention. It does nothing but put too much in the hands of too few and leaves people starving and vulnerable. It's the source of greed, wars, corruption, heir achy, and a huge %age of all violent crimes,,, in a world of plenty it's totally insane.


Agree regards religion, but it has been just such a huge waste of time and energy.


On money: in principle, absolutely, it is nothing but bad news (esp for those who lack it)... but without it, there'd be little incentive to invent, create, make better, etc, as all of the above generally did so because they were after one thing, thus we'd still be rolling around in the mud without it. Money is the necessary evil to get us somewhere, by which time we should realise how amoral it is, de-invent it and then move on.


Along the lines of de-invention of money, I believe Chinese tourists shouldn't have been invented. :giggle:


Shouldn't this be in farang pub?



personal computers


the nuclear bomb

IVF ( too many people in the world already )

computerized cars ( can't fix them yourself )

computer designed cars ( they all look the same )

jumbo jets ( mass tourism is destroying countries )

twitter and facebook etc.

politicians, bureaucrats and lawyers


religion ( has probably killed more people than any other thing )


nimbys and yuppies.




horn blowers


test tube babies


razor wire

PIK (US's 'payment in kind' which pays rich landowners to NOT grow crops)

Laws which enable very rich people to control who gets elected

chastity belts

frontal lobotomy

silicone breast implants, except for reconstructive surgery

Fentanyl (tranquilizer) 


beepers on 7-11 doors




7 hours ago, dbrenn said:


Agreed - mobile phones generally are a curse. As you say, you are at the beck and call of your employer 24 hours a day, but it goes further than that -- there is never a time when you can enjoy being alone. People expect that you'll have your phone on all the time and blame you for not taking their calls or chastise you for being 'hard to reach' if you dare to turn the bloody thing off. Soon, video calling will be the norm, making the problem far worse - it will be impossible to say that you are somewhere you are not, with all that implies.

Video calling SOON?????   You aren't using new Google Duos yet???????  Think what you are missing.....


Electric chairs, which happened to have been invented by Thomas Alva Edison.


Fentanyl would be a much better way to die.  Just take a few hits orally, go to sleep, and then it's game over.


There's a mega-form of the stuff hitting N. America: carfentanyl. It's elephant tranquilizer, 100 times stronger than Fentanyl which itself is about 100 times stronger than morphine. read more


Note: just in the first 6 days after the drug arrived in Cincinnati Ohio, there were 174 deaths from overdoses!


1 kg can produce 50 million fatal doses.  It's made in China and usually shipped through Mexico to places north.  Canadians (and Ohio people) are among the biggest users.

15 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

Video calling SOON?????   You aren't using new Google Duos yet???????  Think what you are missing.....

I mean. ... video calling will replace voice calling and everyone will be expected to use it. ..

3 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

People who dislike East enders,Why?what have we done to make you hate us so?

Is it our delightful way of trying to emulate our grandad's and trying to speak in rhyming slang.

Our love of Jellied eels with stale crusty bread?

Our true belief that Bow will finally return to there being more of us than there are of them?

Is it our total dislike of Dick Van Dykes accent in 'Mary Poppins?'

Is it,because people think that all of us are Kray brother lovers.

Please tell me why,and then i can "nip down to the rubadub and knock back a pint of pigs ear or two,then 'ave it on me toes to the nearest indian and get meself wrapped round a Ruby Murray.Then can get home and strip of me whistle,put me rhythm and blues away,take off me dickie and jump in the tub,clean me 'ampsteads and settle down to a few hours kip. 







'ere yer wouldn't  be a Londoner by any chance would yer ?  Gor blimey mate gis us a break . yer doin me 'ead in..



yers mate,East ender born and bred,i used to sell fruit and veg for an old yiddish lady who had a stall down the Roman road.'Apples a pound pears' sorry to do yer 'ead in but i gotta do a runna,a bit Livo 'cos i'm 'avin a game of arrers down the Needle gun boozer.But i'm feelin' brand new cos i had a donald wiv the sort upstairs from me last night and i could be on a winner there.Thanx for the chinwag,but i cant be late,else she'll ave me out on  me arris.

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