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Trump defiant as Clinton rides high in the polls


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Trump defiant as Clinton rides high in the polls




WASHINGTON: -- One looks on track for the White House as the other’s campaign seems to be spiralling out of control.


While Democrat Hillary Clinton consolidates her lead in opinion polls, Donald Trump has seen his support among Republican colleagues fall away in recent days, as he faces a barrage of criticism over sexually aggressive comments that surfaced on Friday.


Trump stepped up his attacks against US House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday, one day after the top Republican in Congress said he was not going to defend the party’s presidential nominee or campaign for him.


In social media posts early Tuesday, Trump lashed out against Ryan and other Republicans for failing to back him amid the controversy and as most national opinion polls show Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton increasing her lead.


“Despite winning the second debate in a landslide (every poll), it is hard to do well when Paul Ryan and others give zero support!” Trump, who has never held political office, said in a post on Twitter.


Trump’s campaign, marked for months by controversies over both his policies and his brash style, ran into deep crisis after the emergence on Friday of a video from 2005 showing the former reality TV star bragging crudely about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

He has apologised for him comments, dismissing them as “locker room talk”.


But Trump is defiant, faced with condemnation and desertions from fellow Republicans.


While she didn’t land a killer punch in Sunday’s TV debate, Democrat hopeful Hillary Clinton is riding high in the opinion polls.


Our correspondent Stefan Grobe in Washington said:


“With four weeks to go until election day the race is now substantially shifted in Hilary Clinton’s favour. This comes on the heels of the second debate and of the fallout of a tape of Donald Trump making lewd comments about women.


“Latest national polls have Clinton with a double digit lead. In one survey, she is leading by 14 points. Never in the history of modern American politics has such a trend succesfully been reversed in October. Yet this is not an ordinary election year.


A defiant Trump is not giving up. He has basically promised a ‘scorched earth’ campaign until the bitter end, even hitting Republicans who refuse to support him. The party establishment now fears massive losses further down the ballot and the old political dictim: ‘Good gets better and bad gets worse’.”


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-12
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Unshackled, Trump unleashes aggressive attacks on own party



WASHINGTON (AP) — The "shackles" gone, Donald Trump stepped up his fierce attacks on his own party leaders Tuesday, promising to teach Republicans who oppose him a lesson and fight for the presidency "the way I want to."


Exactly four weeks before Election Day and with his campaign floundering, the businessman reverted to the combative, divisive strategy that propelled him to victory in the GOP primary: Attack every critic — including fellow Republicans. Those close to Trump suggested it was "open season" on every detractor, regardless of party.


"It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to," Trump said in a tweet that brought new concern — near panic in some cases — to a party trying to stave off an all-out civil war before Nov. 8.


In another series of tweets, the Republican nominee called House Speaker Paul Ryan "weak and ineffective," Sen. John McCain "very foul-mouthed" and "disloyal" Republicans "far more difficult than Crooked Hillary."


"They come at you from all sides," Trump declared. "They don't know how to win — I will teach them!"


Rage against fellow Republicans from the face of the 2016 GOP exposed a party slipping from mere feuding into verbal warfare with advance voting already underway in roughly half the states. Polls suggest Trump is headed toward a loss of historic proportions if he doesn't turn things around.


His scorched-earth approach, days after his sexual predatory language caught on tape triggered a mass Republican defection, threatened to alienate even more supporters.


"Fighting for the sake of fighting is not really very helpful," said former Trump adviser Barry Bennett.


Trump has acknowledged the possibility of defeat in recent days, but on Tuesday he tried to shift the blame for his struggles on Republican defections and an election system that may be "rigged" against him. On Monday, he warned of potential voter fraud in heavily African-American Philadelphia, a claim for which there is no evidence but one that could challenge Americans' faith in a fair democratic process.


At the same time, Trump's campaign is considering whether to feature Bill Clinton accusers at his upcoming rallies. Trump shocked the political world before Sunday's debate by appearing with several women who had accused the former president of sexual impropriety decades earlier.


The aggressive shift is in line with the philosophy of recently hired campaign chaiman Steve Bannon, whose conservative website has long fueled attacks on Republican leaders and perpetuated popular conservative conspiracy theories.


The approach has done little to endear Trump to anxious party leaders. At least 40 Republican senators and congressmen have revoked their support for the embattled Republican nominee — with nearly 30 of them urging him to quit the race altogether.


Republican Speaker Ryan, in a Monday conference call with congressional Republicans, said he would no longer campaign with Trump. He said he would focus instead on ensuring Clinton doesn't get a "blank check" with a Democratic-controlled Congress, all but conceding that Trump would lose the presidential contest.


Trump's running mate Mike Pence said in an interview with NBC Tuesday that he was "disappointed" by the defections and "respectfully" disagreed with Ryan.


Yet Trump's aggressive shift is popular among his most loyal supporters who continue to flock to his rallies by the thousands.


"He's fighting for us," said Megan Johnston, 54, who was among an estimated 2,000 people who packed into a high school gym to see him on Monday near Pittsburgh. She shrugged off his sexually aggressive comments in the 2005 video and pointed at Democrat Hillary Clinton's shortcomings.


"He said what he said and he apologized. She should be in jail," Johnston said.


At a rally in Newton, Iowa, Pence received multiple standing ovations and was thanked at one point for sticking with Trump — a sign of just how badly Trump has faltered.


"You ... just got my respect for not jumping and bailing out on Donald Trump," the questioner said.


Another woman told Pence she was concerned about widespread voter fraud and warned that, if Clinton wins, "I am ready for a revolution."


"Don't say that," Pence responded.


As the GOP battled itself, Clinton focused on climate change in swing state Florida alongside former Vice President Al Gore.


Gore, whose 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" focused on global warming, said Clinton would "make solving the climate crisis a top national priority."


While Trump devoted much of his fire to fellow Republicans on Tuesday, he did not ignore his Democratic opponent.


His campaign released a new ad that focuses on Clinton's recent bout with pneumonia. The ad features images of masked gunmen and nuclear weapons as a sick Clinton stumbles toward a vehicle.


"Hillary Clinton doesn't have the fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world," the narrator declares.


Meanwhile, Trump's campaign and the Republican National Committee declared that hacked emails released by WikiLeaks on Tuesday showed collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Department of Justice during a civil investigation into the former secretary of state's email server.


The evidence does indicate there was communication between the two about a court hearing date. But such dates are not inside information. They would have been publicly posted in advance on the court's docket.


The emails show that in May 2015, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon alerted other staffers that the Justice Department was proposing to publish Clinton's work-related emails by January in response to requests by news organizations. Fallon, a former Justice Department spokesman, wrote that unspecified "DOJ folks" told him there was a court hearing planned soon in the case.


The name and email address of the person who shared the information with Fallon had been deleted.


Lemire reported from Pittsburgh and Colvin from New York. Eric Tucker in Washington and Brian Slodysko in Newton, Iowa, contributed.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-12


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The GOP was never Trump's party. He only rode it as a vehicle to promote his own ego and self-interests. If the Democrat party had been ripe for the raping, he would have raped that one. He is agnostic. Purely self promotion and self interest. Sociopath.


He hoodwinked Republicans into supporting him by mobilizing this huge, rabid uneducated, angry white men base, then leveraged that into a choke hold on the party. 


The GOP will be fractured badly after this, and likely Trump has started, wittingly or not, a new party. The party of the deplorables and other assorted freaks.

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This is working out optimally for the Dems.  Ryan's defection is another Captain Khan or Alicia Machado moment for Trump.  He cannot restrain himself from going on the attack even though it will not get him a single vote.  We're all very fortunate that Trump is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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Read all of it and (unlike liberals who read headlines) - very much a biased report (Euronews). Also read the AAP report - came across this paragraph:


The emails show that in May 2015, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon alerted other staffers that the Justice Department was proposing to publish Clinton's work-related emails by January in response to requests by news organizations. Fallon, a former Justice Department spokesman, wrote that unspecified "DOJ folks" told him there was a court hearing planned soon in the case.


Clinton's campaign is the one unravelling - despite the 'schoolboy' comments Trump made. The GOP elite is unravelling - because of their involvement in the leak of those Trump comments.  The people support Trump and that will be evident on Nov 8 - he will be defiant until the end of voting.  And for everyone's sake I hope the decision is in favour of the flawed but honest and passionate candidate (not the lying dying puppet).


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I am a Brit, cannot vote, unless I illegally enter USA and go to California. If Clinton wins then the world loses, the slow domination of Islam will proceed apace in the USA, like it has in Europe. The main cause being weak politically correct socialist governments. Do people not realise that all other considerations pail to insignificance against the insidious growth of the cancer of Islam, which will destroy our Western civilisations? The constitution of the USA will be overridden by the barbaric laws of Sharia, you will lose everything in the long game, because you are so stupid as to only see the short game, the propaganda from MSM and Washington elite, who wish to keep the status quo and their money. I am 70 so I don't much care, I have no children, so their future is not in the hands of the US voter.

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1 hour ago, CaptHaddock said:

This is working out optimally for the Dems.  Ryan's defection is another Captain Khan or Alicia Machado moment for Trump.  He cannot restrain himself from going on the attack even though it will not get him a single vote.  We're all very fortunate that Trump is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

True, but the real scary part is that many American voters aren't very sharp either or Trump would never had made it this far. This is only one of an incredible amount of amazingly stupid comments by Trump and the voters just ate it all up.

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Just now, Bob9 said:

Read all of it and (unlike liberals who read headlines) - very much a biased report (Euronews).


Clinton's campaign is the one unravelling - despite the 'schoolboy' comments Trump made. The GOP elite is unravelling - because of their involvement in the leak of those Trump comments.  The people support Trump and that will be evident on Nov 8 - he will be defiant until the end of voting.  And for everyone's sake I hope the decision is in favour of the flawed but honest and passionate candidate (not the lying dying puppet).



LOve the BIGOTED precusor. :clap2:



As for the rest?

Daily Stormer simplistic, nonsense.




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1 hour ago, John1012 said:

I am a Brit, cannot vote, unless I illegally enter USA and go to California. If Clinton wins then the world loses, the slow domination of Islam will proceed apace in the USA, like it has in Europe. The main cause being weak politically correct socialist governments. Do people not realise that all other considerations pail to insignificance against the insidious growth of the cancer of Islam, which will destroy our Western civilisations? The constitution of the USA will be overridden by the barbaric laws of Sharia, you will lose everything in the long game, because you are so stupid as to only see the short game, the propaganda from MSM and Washington elite, who wish to keep the status quo and their money. I am 70 so I don't much care, I have no children, so their future is not in the hands of the US voter.


Please...go back on your meds!

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Just now, John1012 said:

If Clinton wins then the world loses, the slow domination of Islam will proceed apace in the USA, like it has in Europe. The main cause being weak politically correct socialist governments. Do people not realise that all other considerations pail to insignificance against the insidious growth of the cancer of Islam, which will destroy our Western civilisations? The constitution of the USA will be overridden by the barbaric laws of Sharia, you will lose everything in the long game, because you are so stupid as to only see the short game, the propaganda from MSM and Washington elite, who wish to keep the status quo and their money.

Who is stupid?


Onward Chritian Soldiers

Marching as to war
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before

Onward then, ye people
Join our happy throng
Blend with ours your voices
In our triumph song

Christ the royal master
Leads against the foe
Forward into battle
See His banners go

Crowns and Thrones may perish
Kingdoms rise and wane
But the cross of Jesus
Constant will remain


Remember that one when you were a kid?

When you were being indoctrinated?

Just change the language to Arabic. (Or any archaic "thinking" tribe) :laugh:

You Judeo Christians are getting an comeuppance. Som nam naa.

Not that I agree with it.

But, Religious fools are the cancer on this planet.


What goes around, comes around...


Dunning Kruger.

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Thinks its pretty obvious by now Clinton will be the next US President, with the entire corrupt media against Trump he never did have a real shot. Add in even the deplorable GOP recognise Hillary as the best pro-war, pro-Wall St candidate, and that removes all his support.


Sanders seemed the best option, but he still showed his true self when he sold his soul to the Devil by endorsing Hillary. Trump was never really a great option, he just appeared that way compared to toxic Hillary.


However this event perhaps more than any other shows how corrupt the political process is, how utterly deficient the choice of candidates, perhaps it will at least let more people finally open their eyes to what a complete farce the selection of puppet leaders has become.

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Just now, Rancid said:

Thinks its pretty obvious by now Clinton will be the next US President,


with the entire corrupt media against Trump he never did have a real shot.


Simply; ludicrous hyperbole.

Not based in fact.



Pure cursory emotion.


Or, Alex Jones infected...:whistling:

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Trump is so flustered and about to pop a brain blood vessel, that he told a crowd in Florida on Tuesday night to go cast their votes on November 28th. 20 days after election day. Poor wanna be despot starting to fall apart.



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"There’s never been anything like this so go and register, make sure you get out and vote Nov. 28.”

The clueless, ignorant Bloviator.

What a complete Buffoon.


Cue the Deflecting Lemmings...

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2 hours ago, John1012 said:

I am a Brit, cannot vote, unless I illegally enter USA and go to California. If Clinton wins then the world loses, the slow domination of Islam will proceed apace in the USA, like it has in Europe. The main cause being weak politically correct socialist governments. Do people not realise that all other considerations pail to insignificance against the insidious growth of the cancer of Islam, which will destroy our Western civilisations? The constitution of the USA will be overridden by the barbaric laws of Sharia, you will lose everything in the long game, because you are so stupid as to only see the short game, the propaganda from MSM and Washington elite, who wish to keep the status quo and their money. I am 70 so I don't much care, I have no children, so their future is not in the hands of the US voter.


Seventy years old, eh?

Have you checked with the doctor to test for dementia? 

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We all know what the Trumpers are "hoping".  One might even feel compassion for their desperation.


But who cares?  What matters is what will actually happen.


My guess is that at some time Trumps doctor will tell him that "for the sake of his health" he should quit the race.


And for the first time in his life, in an act of "genuine" deference, he will take the advice.


A sort of "need to spend more time with the family" sort of thing.

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1 minute ago, Enoon said:

We all know what the Trumpers are "hoping".


But who cares?  What matters is what will actually happen.


My guess is that at some time Trumps doctor will tell him that "for the sake of his health" he should quit the race.


A sort of "need to spend more time with the family" sort of thing.


You mean like he needs to spend more time with the daughter he encourages others to refer to as "a piece of ass?"  I think most Republicans would be praying for a ruptured brain aneurism right now.

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

Trump is so flustered and about to pop a brain blood vessel, that he told a crowd in Florida on Tuesday night to go cast their votes on November 28th. 20 days after election day. Poor wanna be despot starting to fall apart.




november 28th must have been on his mind - it's coincidentally the date of the court case for his enormous trump university fraud. 




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King Trump has now turned his canons on his own country. Reminds me of a poem by Shelly, a poem that describes hubris better than anyone ever has:

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: `Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear --
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.' 


The last part is what the Republican Party will devolve into. For the sake of a healthy democracy, let's hope a saner party emerges from the ashes.


Meanwhile, Christie is beginning his walk of shame, but has a ways to go:

Gov.  Chris Christie broke his three day silence on the explosive Donald Trump video showing the candidate condoning sexual assault and bragging of attempting to seduce a married woman, calling it "completely indefensible" and "just unacceptable" but stopped short of pulling his endorsement.


Now Christie never gat a date with Ivanka!




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8 hours ago, webfact said:

In social media posts early Tuesday, Trump lashed out against Ryan and other Republicans for failing to back him

Yes good old Paul knows when to circle the wagons and hunker down. Maybe just maybe they can hang onto the house. It seems that  "every man for himself" has finally kicked in a GOP trait. Hillary as far as you picking he next Supreme court justice forget it. Stonewall Paul will rebuff you for the next four years. He stands a better chance with the 4 and 4 split than 5 and 4 against him. 

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GOP (grab our pussies?) situation with Trump calls to mind this lady from Niger:


There was a young lady of Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger;
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger.


Except the tiger isn't smiling, he's tweeting.



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9 hours ago, webfact said:

“Despite winning the second debate in a landslide (every poll), it is hard to do well when Paul Ryan and others give zero support!”



12 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

I thought Twilight Zone had ended.

Donald is no Rod Sterling.


It's a Schrodinger's universe: he is simultaneously winning by a landslide AND not doing well.



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3 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

I'm starting to think that during the primaries, Clintons team actively helped get Trump the ticket, as she could have never won against any other GOP nominee

On the other hand, if Bernie was the candidate, Trump would be burried by now!

He would have NOTHING on Bernie, except calling him a socialist every 5 minutes!

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3 hours ago, keemapoot said:

Trump is so flustered and about to pop a brain blood vessel, that he told a crowd in Florida on Tuesday night to go cast their votes on November 28th. 20 days after election day. Poor wanna be despot starting to fall apart.



Hopefully his brain blood vessel pops soon! The sooner the better :-) 


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