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Clinton reaching past Trump, as he denies report of assault


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

"She has got to go to jail."

Trump has now taken another step into fascism by threatening if elected President to jail all the people who advised her on the emails to be charged, arrested, and jailed, including the law firm that advises her.



GOP strategist Mac Stipanocich may have summarized Trump's political nature the best: " he is a neo-fascist — a nativist, an ultranationalist, a racist, a misogynist, an anti-intellectual, a demagogue, and a palingenetic (sorry) authoritarian to whom clings the odor of the political violence he encourages."



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It's too late for any salvation and neither Trump or Clinton can fix the problem.

The USA is divided, morally confused, financially stretched and struggling, facing a real and present threat from a rising  China and a bellicose Putin and a quagmire in the middle east. All that is left that is great in America is the  spirit and beautiful heart of the genuine good folks, the moms dads and children of the USA.

I am overwhelmed with sadness such a great and powerful nation is on its knees and that good people will suffer at the hands of so many bad ones.

If the two current candidates are the best on offer, all is lost.

If ever there was ever a need for a Hollywood hero, now, desperately, is the time.

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17 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Trump has now taken another step into fascism by threatening if elected President to jail all the people who advised her on the emails to be charged, arrested, and jailed, including the law firm that advises her.



GOP strategist Mac Stipanocich may have summarized Trump's political nature the best: " he is a neo-fascist — a nativist, an ultranationalist, a racist, a misogynist, an anti-intellectual, a demagogue, and a palingenetic (sorry) authoritarian to whom clings the odor of the political violence he encourages."



An atypical hysterical liberal statement - framed in a psuedo intellectual and passive manner.


Trump has stated that if elected POTUS he will instigate an investigation into HRC and both the DOJ and FBI involvement in the investigation. Trump has stated that if they are guilty of committing offences, he will seek their imprisonment. Rudy Gulianno (who used to be an AG) has advised Trump that he believes the immunity deal offered to the 5 Clinton cohorts can be rescinded because evidence has come to light that they lied before and after getting those immunity deals (meaning they can be legally rescinded). Gulianno has also gone on record to state that in his opinion, HRC is guilty of committing a federal offence, and that ignorance and incompetence of the laws are not a valid defence when one breaks the laws, and she should have been charged. 

So tell me - what do you think the quintet of treasonous deplorables will say to investigators when Trump is made POTUS and the Clintons are assigned to the history bin.  Let em also tell you that pleadiunbg the 5th is not an otpion for someone under oath who has had their immunity cancelled because of a breach of condition for that immunity - they can answer or go to jail until they do answer - and if they answer falsely it is worse than perjury (it is 10 years plus whatever else they get - on each case). Now maybe you know what the Dems/Clintons are getting all worried and upset.

But hey - maybe HRC will hold a press conference and clear this all up once and for all ???!!




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23 minutes ago, Dr Robert said:

It's too late for any salvation and neither Trump or Clinton can fix the problem.

The USA is divided, morally confused, financially stretched and struggling, facing a real and present threat from a rising  China and a bellicose Putin and a quagmire in the middle east. All that is left that is great in America is the  spirit and beautiful heart of the genuine good folks, the moms dads and children of the USA.

I am overwhelmed with sadness such a great and powerful nation is on its knees and that good people will suffer at the hands of so many bad ones.

If the two current candidates are the best on offer, all is lost.

If ever there was ever a need for a Hollywood hero, now, desperately, is the time.

I also fear you are correct.  But the reality is the people have to choose which one to go forward with - not playing is leaving it to the others - everyone must vote or live with what they decide.


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27 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

1. The Dems will abolish the 2nd amendment. Your delusional view that criminals and terrorists will not get guns because a law is changed, is just that - delusional liberal thunking.


2.  OMG - you seriously believe the floodgates will not open if Dems/HRC win? That 500,000 Muslims will not pave the way for far more legal and illewgal immigration??


3.  Obama made it worse - a black Dem !!  HRC aint gonna make it better !!!   Are you OK????


4.  Every millionairs and billionaire in US has had frivilous lawsuits against them. Trump is one of the few that refuses to ever settle to make it go away. That actually proves him a man of integrity.


5.  Aftre points 1 to 4 I can see why your 'words' in 5 make no sense and it is clear you were not burdoned by a decent education in school.  Clearly the one with problems is not Trump - it is HRC.  You may not like or agree with what he says, but he is sane - HRC is a loony.





1.) Please show proof that Dems will abolish the 2nd amendment. Just fear mongering. If Obama hasn't in his 2 terms, what makes you think Clinton will? If you haven't noticed, stricter gun control is for the better of the nation. I never said terrorist won't get guns, but it will be harder for them to to do so without going through more strict measures and checks. This issue is not just about terrorists, gun supporters can't get that out of their head. Americans kill more Americans - thats the main problem if you haven't noticed. Heck if a normal American with criminal record can purchase a gun, if underage kids can buy bullets - you don't find any fault with the system? 


2.) OMG - Please detail how the flood gates will open. What changes to immigration laws? Again, pulling stuff out of thin air with no proof.


3.) Obama made it worse? By talking about race issues makes it worse? You will never understand what other non-white go through. I do agree, some issues are pushed too far and the BLM movement have gone too far on some fronts. But in a free open society, you afraid of talking about the race issue? Its not ok for blacks to talk about race issue, but its perfectly ok for a white man to do so and even insult another race? And you accept this white man to be the future president. Let me tell you something, as an Asian, I have been insulted back in college when I was in Indiana during my 4 years there by whites young and old. I've been told to go home, go back eat rice, speak in english, and much more. I even had a group of white men got so annoyed that we didn't speak english at Denny's that they wanted to pick a fight with us outside when we left. Obviously you never have to experience this type of problem. While I was working in Atlanta for 5 years, not once I was ever insulted in a predominantly black community.


4.) No, not every millionaire has frivolous lawsuits against them. Being burnt by coffee is a frivolous lawsuit. Being scammed by Trump University and unpaid work is clearly not frivolous lawsuit. If its so frivolous, why did Trump University close after being so successful and giving folks top education and path to better life?


5.) ...I'm sure you are ok with your friends saying they would love to grab your wife / daughter / moms  pussy then, that makes a lot of sense. More than half of the things Trump says are complete lies with no facts to back it up, but I guess that makes sense to you. I won't even bother arguing.


I don't like Clinton, she's really not much better, but if I had to choose its a no brainer who is more capable to lead America.

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2 hours ago, John1012 said:

If Clinton wins the election I think the  USA will disintegrate. It seems that the attacks on the second amendment , the everyone is welcome open border liberal policy, the current regimes destruction of race relations, the corruption and duplicity of the Clintons' and their money laundering foundation are being ignored by the MSM in favour of some stupid remarks made a long time ago that offended someone. Nobody actually suffered or died, unlike Benghazi, due to this. No laws were broken, unlike the illegal use of private email servers for sensitive government data and the deletion of subpoenad emails. This is a last ditch attack from a morally  bankrupt dishonest liberal campaign. I hope the citizens of the USA are not too stupid to be hoodwinked by this propaganda. If Trump is not elected, the people have lost and the corrupt political elite have won, the world sees that, even if some delusional US citizens cannot. If the Democrats win , the US loses everything, bring on Sharia, out with Christianity and the constitution.

Of course everyone is allowed their own political opinion, but as a non American who obviously would be affected one way or another if this Trump idiot were elected my hope is with those who use their vote wisely.


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2 hours ago, Bob9 said:


And that is exactly why the Dems picked Hillary - to get the 'woman's vote'. But it aint working - amercican woman are far more balanced and sensible than they anticipated. At first they were keen on croooked HRC, but as her decit and lies and abuse have become public knowlegde, they are turning away.  Therefore the Dems are bringing out their 'trump card' and making all sorts of accusations (mainly false or 'spin') designed to win back the american woman. But she wont fall for it (I hope) as she makes up her own mind and she is not a sheep following the delusional liberal progressive dogma that HRC must be elected because she is a woman.  



gerund or present participle: mansplaining
  1. (of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.
    "I'm listening to a guy mansplain economics to his wife"


And from some old reactionary Brit too.


Tell us more about American women. Your experience is obviously vast and penetrating.


Does Trump set the tone of sexual perversion for all his fanboys?

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump can deny everything that there isn't a tape or video about. But the world has seen what Donald is already. He's a sexually abusive PERVERT. 



look who's talking   

Edited by condlik
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1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

No - we are not at all like you liberal progessives - we can see the truth.

You guys cant see - try stopping the personal insults - and stop drinking the koolaid.


According to you the reason we liberals can't see the truth is that we are not able to read past the headlines of newspapers. Tell me, what powers do you reactionary old gum flappers have that enable you to proceed to the first paragraph of any news story.


What a fascinating interpretation of the world around you.


How's that google algorithm going and its conspiracy to hide the truth?

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26 minutes ago, mike324 said:


1.) Please show proof that Dems will abolish the 2nd amendment. Just fear mongering. If Obama hasn't in his 2 terms, what makes you think Clinton will? If you haven't noticed, stricter gun control is for the better of the nation. I never said terrorist won't get guns, but it will be harder for them to to do so without going through more strict measures and checks. This issue is not just about terrorists, gun supporters can't get that out of their head. Americans kill more Americans - thats the main problem if you haven't noticed. Heck if a normal American with criminal record can purchase a gun, if underage kids can buy bullets - you don't find any fault with the system? 


2.) OMG - Please detail how the flood gates will open. What changes to immigration laws? Again, pulling stuff out of thin air with no proof.


3.) Obama made it worse? By talking about race issues makes it worse? You will never understand what other non-white go through. I do agree, some issues are pushed too far and the BLM movement have gone too far on some fronts. But in a free open society, you afraid of talking about the race issue? Its not ok for blacks to talk about race issue, but its perfectly ok for a white man to do so and even insult another race? And you accept this white man to be the future president. Let me tell you something, as an Asian, I have been insulted back in college when I was in Indiana during my 4 years there by whites young and old. I've been told to go home, go back eat rice, speak in english, and much more. I even had a group of white men got so annoyed that we didn't speak english at Denny's that they wanted to pick a fight with us outside when we left. Obviously you never have to experience this type of problem. While I was working in Atlanta for 5 years, not once I was ever insulted in a predominantly black community.


4.) No, not every millionaire has frivolous lawsuits against them. Being burnt by coffee is a frivolous lawsuit. Being scammed by Trump University and unpaid work is clearly not frivolous lawsuit. If its so frivolous, why did Trump University close after being so successful and giving folks top education and path to better life?


5.) ...I'm sure you are ok with your friends saying they would love to grab your wife / daughter / moms  pussy then, that makes a lot of sense. More than half of the things Trump says are complete lies with no facts to back it up, but I guess that makes sense to you. I won't even bother arguing.


I don't like Clinton, she's really not much better, but if I had to choose its a no brainer who is more capable to lead America.


We both dont like Clinton - but I choose life and liberty.


I wont respond the the rest - you lost me when you said "show proof".

As I said to little Susie one day:  You show me your proof first.


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1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

1. The Dems will abolish the 2nd amendment. Your delusional view that criminals and terrorists will not get guns because a law is changed, is just that - delusional liberal thunking.


2.  OMG - you seriously believe the floodgates will not open if Dems/HRC win? That 500,000 Muslims will not pave the way for far more legal and illewgal immigration??


3.  Obama made it worse - a black Dem !!  HRC aint gonna make it better !!!   Are you OK????


4.  Every millionairs and billionaire in US has had frivilous lawsuits against them. Trump is one of the few that refuses to ever settle to make it go away. That actually proves him a man of integrity.


5.  Aftre points 1 to 4 I can see why your 'words' in 5 make no sense and it is clear you were not burdoned by a decent education in school.  Clearly the one with problems is not Trump - it is HRC.  You may not like or agree with what he says, but he is sane - HRC is a loony.





How will the Democrats abolish the 2nd Amendment. Please give us the benefit of your extensive US Constitutional knowledge. As a Brit of course. Also, since you are not connected to the US, you haven't grasped the full extent of the Right Wing anti-immigration wave. Your focus on anti-Muslim immigration projects your English point of view resulting in your response missing the entire point. Your comments on racism are racist and not worthy of any response.


Keep defining the typical Trump fanboy Tovarish.

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10 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:



gerund or present participle: mansplaining
  1. (of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.
    "I'm listening to a guy mansplain economics to his wife"


And from some old reactionary Brit too.


Tell us more about American women. Your experience is obviously vast and penetrating.


Does Trump set the tone of sexual perversion for all his fanboys?


Sorry if your feminine sensibilities were upset by my man talk.  

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8 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


According to you the reason we liberals can't see the truth is that we are not able to read past the headlines of newspapers. Tell me, what powers do you reactionary old gum flappers have that enable you to proceed to the first paragraph of any news story.


What a fascinating interpretation of the world around you.


How's that google algorithm going and its conspiracy to hide the truth?


So you claim to be a liberal who knows why conservatives know you cant see truth.


Got some news for you.  You are wrong. Again.



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Wow.  Morning headlines are out from the east Coast US and JUST WOW!

Those Republicans who initially jumped ship, then got pressured to come back into the campaign. They are likely having complete and total mental breakdowns this morning/evening. Heh. Five more solid accusations of groping. No anonymity, their pictures are on the front page.

Trump has cut off funds and is throwing in the towel on Virginia leaving just four swing states that he is actively contesting. This is a train wreck happening.

Hilary is confident enough she is out there stumping for the local candidates. That has to scare the bejesus out of the Republican Party. Reince Priebus has got to be hitting the booze hard ! :D

To our resident Troll Team, reality is so amazing this evening it makes you guys boring, you need to up your game or no one will bother reading your whimpering fantasies.  


Edited by LomSak27
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20 minutes ago, Bob9 said:


So you claim to be a liberal who knows why conservatives know you cant see truth.


Got some news for you.  You are wrong. Again.




This makes exactly the same sense as almost every post you have made on the US election. This is incomprehensible.


I know life on the Russian troll farms must be boring but really you should try harder for your rubles.

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36 prominent Republican Congresspeople Calling For Trump To Step Down As Nominee:


Sen. John Thune (South Dakota): Third highest ranking Republican in the Senate, previously said he would support the nominee.

Sen. Mark Kirk (Illinois): Ran campaign ads distancing himself from Trump.

Sen. Ben Sasse (Nebraska): Prominent "Never Trumper".

Sen. Deb Fischer (Nebraska): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Sen. Mike Crapo (Idaho): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Sen. Dan Sullivan (Alaska): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): Tweeted that Trump has "forfeited the right to be our party's nominee," Did not endorse Trump previously.

Sen. Cory Gardner (Colorado): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Sen. Jeff Flake (Arizona): Did not endorse Trump previously.

Rep. Martha Roby (Alabama): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Rep. Bradley Byrne (Alabama): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Sen. Mike Lee (Utah): Did not endorse Trump previously.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (Utah): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Rep. Mia Love (Utah): Did not endorse Trump previously.

Rep. Chris Stewart (Utah): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Rep. Barbara Comstock (Virginia)

Rep. Mike Coffman (Colorado)

Rep. Charlie Dent (Pennsylvania): Previously said he is not voting for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in the general election.

Rep. Patrick Meehan (Pennsylvania).

Rep. Ann Wagner (Missouri): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Rep. Rodney Davis (Illinois): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Rep. Fred Upton (Michigan).

Rep. Justin Amash (Michigan).

Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (Nebraska).

Rep. Frank LoBiondo (New Jersey): Said he will write in Mike Pence.

Rep. Scott Garrett (New Jersey): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Rep. Will Hurd (Texas): Had not endorsed Trump.

Gov. Dennis Daugaard (South Dakota): Withdrew previous endorsement.

Joe Heck, Senate Candidate (Nevada): running for Democratic Minority Leader Harry Reid's seat.

Darryl Glenn, Senate Candidate (Colorado): Withdrew previous support.

Carly Fiorina, former presidential candidate.

George Pataki, former New York governor.

Jon Huntsman, former Utah governor.

and two more. . . . . .

Hugh Hewitt, conservative radio talk show host, previous Trump backer.

Condoleeza Rice, former secretary of state: Wrote that as a Republican, she hopes "to support someone who has the dignity and stature to run for the highest office...."

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17 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


How will the Democrats abolish the 2nd Amendment. Please give us the benefit of your extensive US Constitutional knowledge. As a Brit of course. Also, since you are not connected to the US, you haven't grasped the full extent of the Right Wing anti-immigration wave. Your focus on anti-Muslim immigration projects your English point of view resulting in your response missing the entire point. Your comments on racism are racist and not worthy of any response.


Keep defining the typical Trump fanboy Tovarish.


Wrong side of the world a hole - and clearly showing a wrong delusional mentality too.  Dont want to end up in an exchange of insults - so I will leave that racial profiling insult alone.


However,  just to put you in your place of ignorance (for others) and to prove you are wrong, I will respond to your first line/question.


If she becomes POTUS then HRC and the Dems will appoint left wing nutters to the Supreme Court (like Douglas or Marshall were).  Recently a moderate conservative died and Obama nominated Garland to the position - a liberal conservative (blocked thank God). What a liberal biased Supreme Court will do is remove the 'meaning' of the 2nd amendment - they will determine that the founding fathers meant something other than what has been previously determined to be by the Supreme Court.  

So there you go - that is how the Dems and crooked HRC will do it.

Therefore (liberal thunking) everything you said is wrong left and I am right right - naa naa naa (insert pseudo intellectual smart insult) 


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7 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


This makes exactly the same sense as almost every post you have made on the US election. This is incomprehensible.


I know life on the Russian troll farms must be boring but really you should try harder for your rubles.

Ditto (see last comments)

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2 minutes ago, Bob9 said:


Wrong side of the world a hole - and clearly showing a wrong delusional mentality too.  Dont want to end up in an exchange of insults - so I will leave that racial profiling insult alone.


However,  just to put you in your place of ignorance (for others) and to prove you are wrong, I will respond to your first line/question.


If she becomes POTUS then HRC and the Dems will appoint left wing nutters to the Supreme Court (like Douglas or Marshall were).  Recently a moderate conservative died and Obama nominated Garland to the position - a liberal conservative (blocked thank God). What a liberal biased Supreme Court will do is remove the 'meaning' of the 2nd amendment - they will determine that the founding fathers meant something other than what has been previously determined to be by the Supreme Court.  

So there you go - that is how the Dems and crooked HRC will do it.

Therefore (liberal thunking) everything you said is wrong left and I am right right - naa naa naa (insert pseudo intellectual smart insult) 



You may not call other members ass-holes.


You do not address the points raised because you have no capacity to do so.


SCOTUS cannot get rid of Constitutional Amendments. Your explanation is a load of rubbish.


I remind you again. You may not call other members ass-holes.

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Just now, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I do not think that this response was worth posting twice.


Seems somewhat devoid of content to make any sense. At least it remains consistent with all the other rubbish you come out with.


You need to calm down. 

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5 minutes ago, Strange said:


You need to calm down. 


This thread is not about me. You need to keep personal comments to yourself.


I know there are so few right wing freaks still posting on the topic of Trump that you feel the need to come to the defense of even the most incoherent brainless non American who supports your fringe view. However that gives you no business telling anyone else what to do.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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All the posts on all the dozens of Trump threads prove one thing:  HE IS A DIVIDER. 


Imagine, if Reps had picked someone reasonable, like Kasich. We'd be arguing, sure, but it wouldn't be remotely as charged and polarized as it has become now.


Here's an analogy:  there's a rock concert.  There are hippies, and redneck bikers in attendance.  All is ok, until the lead singer decides to create rifts.  He shouts over the mic that the hippies are secretly screwing the bikers' girlfriends, and he says the bikers are going in the parking lot and stealing from the hippies' vehicles (they're easy to spot, with flowers and bumper stickers, etc.)   Within moments, fights break out throughout the audience.   The lead singer is Trump.  He's The Divider Extraordinaire, and loving it.

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2 hours ago, Bob9 said:

No - we are not at all like you liberal progessives - we can see the truth.

You guys cant see - try stopping the personal insults - and stop drinking the koolaid.

How dare you call me a liberal and a progressive!? Never been so insulted in my life!!

Honestly, don't you even realize you just paid me a compliment (rhetorical question)?

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17 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You may not call other members ass-holes.


You do not address the points raised because you have no capacity to do so.


SCOTUS cannot get rid of Constitutional Amendments. Your explanation is a load of rubbish.


I remind you again. You may not call other members ass-holes.


a whole world away - mistyping.  not ass hole meant.


But something far more important than our argument was just announced - going to be a few days - take this up later.



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