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Clinton reaching past Trump, as he denies report of assault


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3 hours ago, jackh said:

If there was just one reason to vote Trump, his vowing to put her in jail is enough to get my vote BIG TIME!


Well, I hope you're in the minority.  It's reeks of Stalin and Saddam Hussein - to threaten to slam your political opponent in jail if you win the election.  Most American voters can see that for what it is.  For that, and many other reasons, Trump is less than a month from being a big loser, ......and he's losing ugly.   He's got zero credence among 90% of Americans, so whatever he shouts (about Bill or whatever) from here on out, won't be believed.   Each day, he's painting himself into a corner as a sick shrill loser who, when he's told to leave the party, destroys all the furniture on the way out.

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13 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


This thread is not about me. You need to keep personal comments to yourself.


I know there are so few right wing freaks still posting on the topic of Trump that you feel the need to come to the defense of even the most incoherent brainless non American who supports your fringe view. However that gives you no business telling anyone else what to do.


I can pretty much say whatever I want just like you. Im willing to accept the consequences. 


This thread is not about you, but my post to you is. 


Your crusade is very tiring. 

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4 minutes ago, Strange said:


I can pretty much say whatever I want just like you. Im willing to accept the consequences. 


This thread is not about you, but my post to you is. 


Your crusade is very tiring. 


Then accept the consequences of your support for Trump. Stop whining because he is crashing.


Stop blaming everyone else because your idol is shown to have the substance of a puff of smoke.


Take it out on me. Fine. I am just happy that this lunatic freak show will be over soon and that we finally marginalize those who have caused so much damage to the economy and to social justice through their selfishness, divisiveness and exclusiveness.


Karma is certainly a bitch.

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4 hours ago, John1012 said:

If Clinton wins the election I think the  USA will disintegrate. It seems that the attacks on the second amendment , the everyone is welcome open border liberal policy, the current regimes destruction of race relations, the corruption and duplicity of the Clintons' and their money laundering foundation are being ignored by the MSM in favour of some stupid remarks made a long time ago that offended someone. Nobody actually suffered or died, unlike Benghazi, due to this. No laws were broken, unlike the illegal use of private email servers for sensitive government data and the deletion of subpoenad emails. This is a last ditch attack from a morally  bankrupt dishonest liberal campaign. I hope the citizens of the USA are not too stupid to be hoodwinked by this propaganda. If Trump is not elected, the people have lost and the corrupt political elite have won, the world sees that, even if some delusional US citizens cannot. If the Democrats win , the US loses everything, bring on Sharia, out with Christianity and the constitution.


If Clinton wins? John, your nonsense should read, "When Hillary wins..." The USA disintegrates, US loses everything, etc, etc, etc. You really swung for the fences on this one. Another day, another Trump wingnut oozes out of the woodwork. Extra points for working Benghazi and the Clinton's money laundering foundation into the diatribe. 


3 hours ago, jackh said:

If there was just one reason to vote Trump, his vowing to put her in jail is enough to get my vote BIG TIME!


The rest of the nation is discussted by the unbelievably stupid remark, yet it's the reason you're voting for Cheeto Jesus. 


Are you guys roommates? 

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Leaving out the politics from both contenders, even looking at Trumps basic character flaws show that he is unable to hold the most important position in the free world.


The man is a known liar, bigot, racist and has shown classic symptoms that he has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)


He will say what is required no matter whether he belives in it or understands it, he will change his mind on a whim then brazenly defend his position with outright lies and aggresive innuendo.


This man (if elected) would be a disaster for America and the free world, not only that he has already inflicted damage to America's standing in the world, this damage will take years to repair, years which may well extend beyond even the second term of the incoming Clinton administration.


Hopefully the two American parties will discuss what actually happened during this "race to the bottom" Steps must be taken to ensure another buffoon like this never again gets the chance to wreak havoc on the democratic system and the American people.

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2 hours ago, Bob9 said:


Wrong side of the world a hole - and clearly showing a wrong delusional mentality too.  Dont want to end up in an exchange of insults - so I will leave that racial profiling insult alone.


However,  just to put you in your place of ignorance (for others) and to prove you are wrong, I will respond to your first line/question.


If she becomes POTUS then HRC and the Dems will appoint left wing nutters to the Supreme Court (like Douglas or Marshall were).  Recently a moderate conservative died and Obama nominated Garland to the position - a liberal conservative (blocked thank God). What a liberal biased Supreme Court will do is remove the 'meaning' of the 2nd amendment - they will determine that the founding fathers meant something other than what has been previously determined to be by the Supreme Court.  

So there you go - that is how the Dems and crooked HRC will do it.

Therefore (liberal thunking) everything you said is wrong left and I am right right - naa naa naa (insert pseudo intellectual smart insult) 


In fact, you're wrong about the Supreme court. At least as far as a history of its decisions about the 2nd amendment go.


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2 hours ago, Bob9 said:

 Recently a moderate conservative died and Obama nominated Garland to the position - a liberal conservative (blocked thank God). What a liberal biased Supreme Court will do is remove the 'meaning' of the 2nd amendment - they will determine that the founding fathers meant something other than what has been previously determined to be by the Supreme Court.  


Antonin Scalia was a moderative conservative?  Really?  I know of at least one person who would be very offended to hear Antonin Scalia called that. And that person would be Antonin Scalia.  

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3 hours ago, Bignose said:

Leaving out the politics from both contenders, even looking at Trumps basic character flaws show that he is unable to hold the most important position in the free world.


The man is a known liar, bigot, racist and has shown classic symptoms that he has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)


He will say what is required no matter whether he belives in it or understands it, he will change his mind on a whim then brazenly defend his position with outright lies and aggresive innuendo.


This man (if elected) would be a disaster for America and the free world, not only that he has already inflicted damage to America's standing in the world, this damage will take years to repair, years which may well extend beyond even the second term of the incoming Clinton administration.


Hopefully the two American parties will discuss what actually happened during this "race to the bottom" Steps must be taken to ensure another buffoon like this never again gets the chance to wreak havoc on the democratic system and the American people.


I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately everything you said could equally be applied to Hilarity.


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10 minutes ago, DoctorG said:


I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately everything you said could equally be applied to Hilarity.



"The man is a known liar, bigot, racist and has shown classic symptoms that he has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)" could be applied to Hillary? 


I know you are but what am I? 


HRC is nothing like Trump. They are polar opposites. 


One is a qualified candidate for POTUS and the other...well, isn't. I'm being kind. 

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7 hours ago, Bob9 said:

An atypical hysterical liberal statement

Republican Mac is not a hysterical liberal person. He sounds more like a betrayed moderate conservative. He's not the first and he won't be the last until the election is over.

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9 hours ago, John1012 said:

If Clinton wins the election I think the  USA will disintegrate. It seems that the attacks on the second amendment , the everyone is welcome open border liberal policy, the current regimes destruction of race relations, the corruption and duplicity of the Clintons' and their money laundering foundation are being ignored by the MSM in favour of some stupid remarks made a long time ago that offended someone. Nobody actually suffered or died, unlike Benghazi, due to this. No laws were broken, unlike the illegal use of private email servers for sensitive government data and the deletion of subpoenad emails. This is a last ditch attack from a morally  bankrupt dishonest liberal campaign. I hope the citizens of the USA are not too stupid to be hoodwinked by this propaganda. If Trump is not elected, the people have lost and the corrupt political elite have won, the world sees that, even if some delusional US citizens cannot. If the Democrats win , the US loses everything, bring on Sharia, out with Christianity and the constitution.

So, you think Trump has the best interests of the people at heart; my my.

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8 hours ago, Bob9 said:

Trump is one of the few that refuses to ever settle to make it go away.

Donald recently settled a copyright claim over his use of a photographer’s image of a bald eagle in a May campaign. He has in the past settled numerous against him involving racial discrimination, personal injury, real estate, contract and employment dispute lawsuits.




Obviously, being truthful is not Donald’s strong suit.

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4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Now this lady is not making things up and worked with Trump for 18 years!


The people who know Trump best; his first wife (accused him of rape in court documents), his former biz associates (4,000 lawsuits), the 3 men who individually wrote bio's about him (one was stationed in T's office for 18 month to research), and many others ........are the people who most trash his character.  



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14 hours ago, Bob9 said:


We both dont like Clinton - but I choose life and liberty.


I wont respond the the rest - you lost me when you said "show proof".

As I said to little Susie one day:  You show me your proof first.



1.) Hilary said it herself. She is just trying to make gun control stricter by having more checks in place. Close the loophole of selling guns at Gun Fairs and Internet, currently no background check is required if you buy guns from those two places. Again its for the better of the society, please argue otherwise. NHRA has brainwash you folks to thinking they want to take your guns away. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/3/hillary-clinton-i-do-not-want-repeal-2nd-amendment/  Obama has a perfect response and reasoning to the guy that asked him that same question if you bother watching the link I sent previously  http://fusion.net/story/313013/obama-gun-control-perfect-response


Where is your proof of her trying to abolish the 2nd Amendment?


2.) Immigration - HRC points are end the 3/10 Bar. With the 3/10 Bar there was an increase of illegals, the law was enacted to prevent and deter illegals, it had negligible effect. In fact it made the immigration problem worse.. Her other points are promote naturalization and integration for legal immigrants.  Perhaps you haven't noticed, more than half of the researchers and scientists working in the US are non-americans, the brain power and advancement that they contribute to the US is enormous, promoting easier naturalization and immigration is also for the benefit of the US. This also benefits low wage jobs and bring more manufacturing back to the USA. I don't see anything wrong with making it easier for the legals that go through the proper channel.



A review of 3/10 bar and conclusion if you don't know about it  http://cis.org/EvaluatingIIRAIRA


Where is your proof of opening the flood gates to legal and illegals? 


3.)  Race Relations - I don't even know where to start, the party you support is the one who is spewing all the hatred and can't stand people talking about equality.


4.) I can't even find any past potential president candidates with as many lawsuit as Trump. Yea there may be other businessmen with thousands of lawsuits like Waltons, but guess what, they are not running for the president.


5.) Is all the bad things Trump said. You say it makes no sense, I don't' think I need to even list out the recordings / videos here for you to relisten. You already know, just don't want to admit to it. Funny thing is, Trump has admitted to saying all these recordings himself and has apologized.








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Well, Trump seems to have cornered the peeping tom and pussy-grabbing demographic.  ....though not all of them.   I know a peeping tom.  He's a 50-something from Missouri. A hard right winger who has asked me several times to film my g.f. taking a shower, so he could ogle at her.  Of course, I don't, and he and I have since parted company, not in small part because he borrowed money from me and won't pay it back - another character trait he shares with Trump.  He's a true-blue Trump supporter, but I know other perverts who aren't going to vote from The Divider.   Sorry Trump, you don't get all the perverts' votes.   Try another tactic, bud.

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