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Lashing back, Trump calls accusers 'horrible horrible liars'


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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

How is it that the WINNING side is desperate? 

Because they are terrified of what else Wiki is going to expose. They need something even more outrageous to divert the people's attention when it comes out.

Your heroine has feet of clay. be scared, be very scared.

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10 minutes ago, mikebike said:

How do some people not realize how difficult it is for victims to come forward against powerful aggressors without cover of some sort? The fact that many women are coming forward now that they have cover is not surprising at all (review the timeline of Cosby's demise as reference). Does this mean they are all genuine? No. Does it give credence to the accusations? Yes.

I'd normally agree, but the fact that the anti Trump accusers are being co ordinated by the NY Times, and looking at the timeline when the "revelations" are made makes it difficult to do so.

Something that happened 30 years ago, and it comes out at the same time as a WikiLeaks e mail dump is just a co incidence- REALLY!!!!!


Bill Clinton's accusers came out at the time, not 30 years later.

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13 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

All that is left now is for Crooked Hillary to say Mr Trump groped her in the dressing room after the 2nd debate.


Desperate Hillaroids.


Notice how the slur 'Crooked Hillary' is no longer being used, at least by actual American posters. The more revelations about the woefully unfit Candidate Trump that appear, the weaker this childish name calling becomes. Trumps lack of respect for women is being evidenced on a daily basis now. this has removed all the sting from his bullying branding of his female opponent.


The only ones left using this are those who cannot deal with strong female characters and remain sad little men.

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16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I hope he does. This campaign has exposed the corrupt world of the political elites, and they need to be swept away, all of them along with their lobbyist cronies. IMO the entire Washington bubble is rotten to the core, on both sides.

It's time to start over. The founding fathers never envisaged a biased news media like they have in the US ( and all over the western world ), or stupidphones and the chattering classes.

Trump is probably going down, short of something huge on WikiLeaks, so I hope he does a Samson on the way out and tears the whole house down.


After this campaign is over, will the American people say never again, and mean it? They should ban all donations to any candidate, ban political foundations and superpacs, charge any journalist that exhibits bias, ban political appointments to federal institutions like the Justice Department and ban any head of department for standing for president.

Perhaps all federal politicians should be limited to two terms.

IMO, this campaign will be taught in political science courses in the future as how not to elect a good president.


a Clinton tweet that said "every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported."

Unless, of course, it's women that accused Bill Clinton. They deserve to be threatened and destroyed by her.

The media are not biased, but moving along with society.


Some people though are standing still, and are now accusing everyone else of moving. Better move along or get left behind.


That tweet originated from the Trump camp BTW, I'm sure they regret it now.

Edited by stevenl
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32 minutes ago, 55Jay said:



At the 2nd 'debate', Anderson Cooper had him on the ropes.  Trump was virtually forced to blurt out that "NO!", he never carried out any of the acts he was caught on video/audio bragging about.  He damn well knew he stuffed himself with that one and the chickens are coming home to roost. 





Was he supposed to say yes? If he did that every lawyer would be looking to sue him on their behalf.

None of it matters anyway. As soon as the tape came out he was doomed.

I just want him to go down fighting and exposing her for the bad person she is.

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

This is what we have come to expect from this circus.  Trump is backed into a corner and has decided to try to fight his way out.  The thing that I find amazing is that with all the negative reports that are flooding out that Trump still has the support he has.  Sure he is behind but not by that much.  It must be one of two reasons. One is that Clinton is so reviled that the people will accept anyone (and I do mean anyone) rather than her. Or two, that there are still people who find what Trump is, is perfectly acceptable as their leader.


There has never been an election like this in the USA but it sure makes you stop and think about the make-up of the American public. 

 Clinton is so reviled that the people will accept anyone (and I do mean anyone) rather than her.


That's the one. Had a better GOP candidate stood against Trump HRC would be losing by huge margins.

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11 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Notice how the slur 'Crooked Hillary' is no longer being used, at least by actual American posters. The more revelations about the woefully unfit Candidate Trump that appear, the weaker this childish name calling becomes. Trumps lack of respect for women is being evidenced on a daily basis now. this has removed all the sting from his bullying branding of his female opponent.


The only ones left using this are those who cannot deal with strong female characters and remain sad little men.

The only ones left using this are those who cannot deal with strong female characters and remain sad little men.


LOL. That excuse is always trotted out when some horrible female is unpopular.

We can deal with strong females, but we don't like bad women

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

Was he supposed to say yes? If he did that every lawyer would be looking to sue him on their behalf.

None of it matters anyway. As soon as the tape came out he was doomed.

I just want him to go down fighting and exposing her for the bad person she is.

Of course not, that would be telling the truth <sacrc>.  LOL   


I suspect the end state you suggest would have been the inevitable end state had he said Yes or No. We'll probably be reading about these civil cases for a while to come after Hillary is sworn in. 


I'm not gloating or happy about that last bit either.   I was hopeful and, as embarrassing as it became, I hung in there with Trump through the primaries, as surprised as even he said he was by how it was unfolding.   I identify with the basic, underlying thing he represented.  A change agent.  Outsider.  Finally shake up the establishment, etc, etc.  Everything Hillary's not.  


My sense of him at this point, is he's a good promoter, a mouth piece who doesn't mind getting dirty, one you point and shoot like a missile to blow something or someone to shreds.   He's tireless and shameless that way.  However, it's painfully clear he's just not POTUS material and I'm very disappointed about that, and at him personally for fking it up so badly.

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Republicans could have beaten Hillary with almost any of the other choices on the massive clown car they started with. Though I'm not sure  about Carson or Cruz. In any case, trump turned out to be the very worst choice for the republicans and the very best choice for the democrats. Thank you!

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11 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Of course not, that would be telling the truth <sacrc>.  LOL   


I suspect the end state you suggest would have been the inevitable end state had he said Yes or No. We'll probably be reading about these civil cases for a while to come after Hillary is sworn in. 


I'm not gloating or happy about that last bit either.   I was hopeful and, as embarrassing as it became, I hung in there with Trump through the primaries, as surprised as even he said he was by how it was unfolding.   I identify with the basic, underlying thing he represented.  A change agent.  Outsider.  Finally shake up the establishment, etc, etc.  Everything Hillary's not.  


My sense of him at this point, is he's a good promoter, a mouth piece who doesn't mind getting dirty, one you point and shoot like a missile to blow something or someone to shreds.   He's tireless and shameless that way.  However, it's painfully clear he's just not POTUS material and I'm very disappointed about that, and at him personally for fking it up so badly.

Blame the GOP for being so bereft of any decent candidates that Trump was all the people had to vote for. They have been exposed as being without any good side, just like the Dems establishment.

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50 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The only ones left using this are those who cannot deal with strong female characters and remain sad little men.


LOL. That excuse is always trotted out when some horrible female is unpopular.

We can deal with strong females, but we don't like bad women


I don't believe you.


I do not think that you can acknowledge that there is clear discrimination between a woman who has been in public service for so many years and a man in the same situation. The political dealing that is seen as strength in a man is presented as corruption in the case of a woman. A man who uses the system to provide financial benefit, like Trump and his tax returns is cheered while a women who uses the system for success in political financing under Citizens United is jeered.


it is not surprising that a female candidate is being held to a different standard.

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3 hours ago, natway09 said:

Do not like the man, which does not matter because it is not my party but

Where the hell have all these sexually abused women been until yesterday ?

Very odd they all just come out of the closet ?


You mean just like the Saville victims?  Or the Crosby victims?  It takes a lot to stand up to powerful influential people who have expensive smart lawyers to defend them.  I think once (under pressure) Trump  declared in the second debate that he had never kissed without consent or abused any woman then that would have caused so much anger that the first victim spoke up  Then the next and the next and even the young girls at his beauty pageant.


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

 Clinton is so reviled that the people will accept anyone (and I do mean anyone) rather than her.


That's the one. Had a better GOP candidate stood against Trump HRC would be losing by huge margins.


Do you realise how dumb that makes the American voters?

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The only ones left using this are those who cannot deal with strong female characters and remain sad little men.


LOL. That excuse is always trotted out when some horrible female is unpopular.



I Know Right!! It happens EVERY time a Woman runs for President!!!

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11 hours ago, Berkshire said:

With Trump, you need clear video evidence with sound...otherwise he denies everything.  But the American people aren't stupid.  All these different women who don't know each other, from all walks of life, telling in specific details what he did...sounds pretty believable to me.  So who should America listen to, serial liar Trump, or ordinary everyday women?  Many more women to come.  Donald, you can't sue everybody!


US"s NPR.org has put together a list of women, some of them mid-teens, who accuse Trump of perversion and/or  sexual assault.   It's just the latest list.  Stay tuned for more.   

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Blame the GOP for being so bereft of any decent candidates that Trump was all the people had to vote for. They have been exposed as being without any good side, just like the Dems establishment.

No doubt.  Starting to understand why George Carlin, near the end of his life, said he had pulled his head in and chose to be a mere spectator.  


Although I live in Thailand, my fear is the electorate is more seriously fractured and disillusioned this time around, exacerbated by Obama, a man on a mission to beat the clock, pushing some significant paradigm shifts through hot and heavy this past year;  upsetting a lot of staunch, conservative apple carts. 


Trump rode in on a wave of anger, and will go out the same way, leaving scorched earth in his wake.  If the down ballots don't favor Dems, Clinton will be hard pressed to get a fart passed in Congress.  Expect we'll see more edicts and executive orders.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Because they are terrified of what else Wiki is going to expose. They need something even more outrageous to divert the people's attention when it comes out.

Your heroine has feet of clay. be scared, be very scared.


You remember the big Alex Jones wikileaks expose a couple of weeks ago? Still holding on to that turd, eh? 


There is nothing there. It's over. All over. 


All over now. 



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3 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

No doubt.  Starting to understand why George Carlin, near the end of his life, said he had pulled his head in and chose to be a mere spectator.  


Although I live in Thailand, my fear is the electorate is more seriously fractured and disillusioned this time around, exacerbated by Obama, a man on a mission to beat the clock, pushing some significant paradigm shifts through hot and heavy this past year;  upsetting a lot of staunch, conservative apple carts. 


Trump rode in on a wave of anger, and will go out the same way, leaving scorched earth in his wake.  If the down ballots don't favor Dems, Clinton will be hard pressed to get a fart passed in Congress.  Expect we'll see more edicts and executive orders.


Not if the Democrats take the Senate and the Congress which looks very good at the moment.


Just keep doing what you're doing Trump. 


Obama on a mission? The electorate will vote Democratic.The most important thing is that HRC will chose the majority of the next Supreme Court for a generation. Boom goes the conservative apple cart forever. Good riddance. 


The other thing is the Republican party is a raging dumpster fire with absolutely no leadership and no future. The old white wingnuts propping it up are dying off. Say goodbye to the Republican party forever. 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

 This campaign has exposed the corrupt world of the political elites, and they need to be swept away, all of them along with their lobbyist cronies.


Let me add one qualifier:  Trump is as embedded with corrupt political insiders (and judges in NJ and NY) as any mafia don.  He even admits it, for example when he tell people he pays Republican and Democrat politicians for political favors, and expects them to deliver.


2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Republicans could have beaten Hillary with almost any of the other choices on the massive clown car they started with. Though I'm not sure  about Carson or Cruz. In any case, trump turned out to be the very worst choice for the republicans and the very best choice for the democrats. Thank you!


Am not so sure.  Cruz would have been easy to beat, because he's roundly disliked on both sides of the Aisle.  Carson would have been a walk over (while he was dozing in the hallway).  Plus both of them are shrill Bible Thumpers which includes; anti-science, anti-climate-data, and anti-abortion-for-any-reason.   Trump was a somewhat formidable opponent because he was already a TV star (similar to how Reagan was already popular when he started his political career).  He's also bombastic, and has been able to convince hordes of gullible sheeple that he's worth tens of billions (reality: probably not 1 billion), he's a gentleman ("nobody has more respect for women, believe me").  He's also been successful (with rednecks) in proving he's honest - by trashing everyone who questions his honesty - and Trump shows what a great deal-maker he is by proposing a 30' high wall and saying Mexico will pay for it.  Lots to love if you're a gullible redneck with an IQ hovering around 65.

Edited by boomerangutang
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8 minutes ago, Pinot said:

The other thing is the Republican party is a raging dumpster fire with absolutely no leadership and no future. The old white wingnuts propping it up are dying off. Say goodbye to the Republican party forever. 


I almost feel sorry for Ryan and the others, who can't decide what to do.  Damned if they do, damned if they don't.  They wouldn't have that problem if they were affiliated with a political party that was decent and fair-minded, and cared about all Americans.   It's their own dumb fault they chose to affiliate with a mean-spirited, hyper selfish political party.  

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This article does a good job of explaining why so many women have been silent up until now, but now find the strength to come out with the truth about Trump infractions:



There are, after all, so many reasons to keep quiet — the same reasons that nearly 70 percent of sexual assault victims never report such assaults at all, and that those who do often take “days, weeks, months, or even years, and many never disclose it to anyone, including their closest friends,” the National Law Enforcement Policy Center has found. There’s fear of not being believed (a reason given by many of the 57 women who eventually accused Bill Cosby); and fear of taking on a powerful man who can retaliate (see Roger Ailes); or fear of being publicly pilloried (check Twitter this morning and see what the recent Trump accusers are going through). Usually it is more than one of the above.



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32 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

ANNNNNNND another one ................ She seems pretty level headed and credible.



A security company has just released an anti-Trump security product for beauty pageant changing rooms: it's a door knob too large for tiny hands.

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43 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

ANNNNNNND another one ................ She seems pretty level headed and credible.




This lady has so much more credibility than Trump.  It's beyond comprehension how anyone can listen to her and think she's being anything but brutally honest.  This is yet another example of why I truly believe that Trump supporters have got to be the stupidest people on the planet. 

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1 hour ago, Pinot said:


The other thing is the Republican party is a raging dumpster fire with absolutely no leadership and no future. The old white wingnuts propping it up are dying off. Say goodbye to the Republican party forever. 


Wouldn't that make it a one party system?   That doesn't sound like a good idea in a democracy.  

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