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Lashing back, Trump calls accusers 'horrible horrible liars'


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50 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

You think Trump is going to show for the 3rd debate? 


       Good question.  But he only has three trump cards left to play: attack, spurious attack, and ugly attack.


     Whatever is the opposite of a good sport, ....that's Trump.  He's a dirty player.   His team should be called The Trump Uglies. I'm glad my sons never had a sports coach like Trump, .....or any adult influence like him.  And, would I allow my attractive daughter to get within two arm's lengths of him?  You tell me.  Even Trump's own daughter (with Marla) wouldn't let her dad touch her, after the 2nd debate, when he reached out to kiss her.  Who can blame her?


20 minutes ago, Scott said:

Wouldn't that make it a one party system?   That doesn't sound like a good idea in a democracy.  


      With the Dems moving to the right, there's room for the Greens to take the liberal mantle - while Republicans are self-demoted to the minor leagues.  The Libertarians might have had a chance in the major league, but Johnson is out to lunch - an awful choice for a leader.  


       California (plus OR and WA state) sets trends for the US and the world, and will continue to do so, with a comparatively big vote for the Greens.  It will be like a breath of fresh air, as Koch Brothers, Trump, Hume, Stone, Ailes, Christie, Gingrich, Palin, Gulliani, Carson, and all the tired-old-thinkers are shown the back door, and put out to pasture.  Of course, they won't go quietly, as we're now witnessing with Trump.  But the US is becoming more liberal month by month.   Republicans and Libertarians are missing the boat, so they're going to be left in the dust on the shore.

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I think that Trump will turn up for the third debate, or do I mean slanging match?  In his warped and twisted mind he really believes that he won the last one. 


Probably because he did. He lost the first one big time, but the second one was pretty even and low expectations pushed him over the top. I know there are plenty of people who will say otherwise, but there are some people who will never admit the truth no matter what.


Who won Sunday’s debate? Well, Donald Trump did. Sort of. Let’s discuss.

First, let’s remember how the big question for Trump was whether he could stop his own party from abandoning him. And Trump, wiggling about the stage like a giant off-blond salamander, likely pulled that off. He kept Hillary Clinton on the defensive, didn’t have a meltdown, and even had a couple decent zingers. Being the candidate that he is, he gets points for not imploding. 


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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump won Sunday's debate partly because, according to Ulysses, he 'didn’t have a meltdown.'


That illustrates the LOW BAR that's put up for Trump.  He also didn't pee in his pants or kick over HRC's lecturn, so I guess those are other reasons he won the debate.




Yeah, I guess by that logic then, Trump will have won the general election if Clinton's victory is anything other than a landslide, and if one house of Congress is not lost. :wink:

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The hits keep coming.  The following video shows just one of the many women that Trump caused to feel like shit. And, she's a Republican, but she's not voting for either of the 2 major candidates.  How many people has Trump dumped on and ruined their careers?   It's not just beauty queens, Miss Teenage contestants, but also workers/contractors who got shafted by Trump - which cause them to go broke and/or nearly destroyed their careers. 



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16 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


Unsubstantiated.  More fake dirt to attempt focus away from the Clinton Scandals...:saai:


The Manly Men who are so in love with Trump that they will overlook his bragging about sexual assault are, ironically too scared to go and talk to women. These Manly Men forget that there are women in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and even Utah who actually vote.


The Manly Men and their locker room talk - a bubble that shuts out the real world in which they are only half the population. It is not the crude language that is the problem. It is the actual bragging about sexual assault on women that has killed the Trump Campaign and destroyed the already tarnished Trump brand irreparably.


There will be a flood of more accusations, more women coming forward and everyone will continue talking about Trump's sexual assaults. No more talk about emails. No more talk about Bill's history. This will dominate. It is karma biting Trump clear in the ass.

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Here's more of what Boon Me would call 'fake dirt' . . . . . 



Question to Trump fans:  would they call it 'fake dirt' if it was their wife, daughter or sister who Trump tried to rape?  Maybe they, as men, would explain it away, but I wouldn't tolerate it.   I would slap Trump so hard on the side of his head that his fake hair wouldn't fit on his bald head the next morning.

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Former Miss Universe Manager Slams Media Smears: “Trump Was Always a Gentleman


"A former Miss Universe manager that worked in 2005 at the same time Donald Trump’s accusers claim he sexually harassed women, says she’s never heard these allegations until now, just three weeks before the presidential election.

The former manager video confession is sweeping Twitter, as she explains how the portrayal of Trump is vastly different from how he actually acts in a professional setting.".


Of course.  This latest smear job on the next President of the United States is weak and pathetic. :smile:

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Now there seems to be some sort of problem here. I do recall the screams yells and shouting demanding, yes demanding, that Immigrants be immediately deported (from Germany) or preferably jailed for ....... wait for it......SEXUAL ASSAULT. What constituted that sexual assault? Well, if it wasn't uninvited and unwanted groping of the GENITALS. As Nixon said: If the President does it it isn't illegal Trump says : If Donald J Trump does it, it isn't sexual assault. 

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13 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The Manly Men who are so in love with Trump that they will overlook his bragging about sexual assault are, ironically too scared to go and talk to women. These Manly Men forget that there are women in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and even Utah who actually vote.


The Manly Men and their locker room talk - a bubble that shuts out the real world in which they are only half the population. It is not the crude language that is the problem. It is the actual bragging about sexual assault on women that has killed the Trump Campaign and destroyed the already tarnished Trump brand irreparably.


There will be a flood of more accusations, more women coming forward and everyone will continue talking about Trump's sexual assaults. No more talk about emails. No more talk about Bill's history. This will dominate. It is karma biting Trump clear in the ass.


I agree.  And Trump fans are so dumb, they think if their guy wins, testimonials of Trump's perversions will magically end forever on November 9th.


P.S., I've been around some perverts before, but have never heard any saying, "I was all over her like a bitch" or "I just grab their pussies,...." (and they'll do anything you want).   .....and I've heard smut talk re; gnarly stuff, including anal sex, but Donald is a step below that.  He actually relishes denigrating women, particularly pretty teenagers.  I wouldn't want to see him be a $5/hr hall monitor in a Jr. High School, let alone US prez.

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11 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Former Miss Universe Manager Slams Media Smears: “Trump Was Always a Gentleman


"A former Miss Universe manager that worked in 2005 at the same time Donald Trump’s accusers claim he sexually harassed women, says she’s never heard these allegations until now, just three weeks before the presidential election.

The former manager video confession is sweeping Twitter, as she explains how the portrayal of Trump is vastly different from how he actually acts in a professional setting.".


Of course.  This latest smear job on the next President of the United States is weak and pathetic. :smile:


I'm not sure if I understand what you're trying to convey.  Are you saying; because a woman exists, who was near Trump - THAT HE DIDN'T ASSAULT, ....that therefore he's decent?     Of maybe you're saying there's a woman who didn't hear about until now, ......so therefore the veracity of the accusations are bunk?


Boon Me asserts; "This latest smear job on the next President of the United States is weak and pathetic."

The posts herein aren't smearing HRC, they're smearing The Divider, and justifiably so.



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More evidence of made-up crap to attempt smearing Trump?


TRUMP ACCUSER: If He Would Have Kept His Hands on my Chest I might Not have Gotten too upset …Huh?


Jessica Leeds accused a young Donald Trump of groping her in first class on a flight from Dallas to New York City for Braniff Air in 1979.

Leeds said young multimillionaire Trump lifted the armrest to grope her during the flight.

The armrests on Braniff 727s appear to be stationary, they can’t be raised.

She also used lyrics from the Velvet Underground song to describe the alleged “groping.”

Leeds also said if Trump had kept his hands above the waist she might have been ok with it …Huh?

If he would have stuck with the upper part of the body I might not have gotten, I might not have gotten too upset. But when he started putting his hand up my skirt that was it."


Notice anything strange here?  All these so-called groped women are hard-core Crooked Hillary supporters? :saai:


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It turns out that Braniff did not fly 707s from Dallas to New York like Jessica Leeds says she was on, and that was the flight that Trump octopused her. In fact, we've got the old yellowed schedules that you used to be able to buy as published pamphlets. Newark and New York from 
Dallas? If you wanted to fly Braniff, you had to fly a Boeing 727. Now, I'm sure that Ms. Leeds would say, "Well, I don't know 707, 727. What difference does it make?" Well, it's gonna turn out to make a lot of 
difference. "




Still baiting him but it's not going to work! :smile:

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21 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Does  anyone remember what the Kennedy's were like, or some of the other previous Presidents?    Do you remember what Bill Clinton was like. Mr.  Donald  Trump is no more scary than a lot of the past leaders.  I would be more worried about a  former Secretary of State who was pretty bad.    To put  someone so lax in that position, into the position of President is totally scary.

  Sometimes even 30 years of experience  adds up to nothing. As  The Donald  says words  are  only  words,  and they  were  spoken  11  years  ago.  Try  to  remember  that fact.  Hillary  has  been  scarier  since  that time..



We all remember the rumours about the Kennedys and Marilyn Munroe. And them being dismissed as conspiracy theories. In the UK we heard that JFK and his brother both actually shagged Marilyn rather than just groping her. And  Wild Bill Clinton shagged Monica Lewinsky rather than just groping her. And JFK and Wild Bill were elected presidents WHEN they went off the rails not 11 years earlier!. There is even a bar in Pattaya named Lewinski's which was opened in order to celebrate the afore mentioned affair between Bill and his fancy woman.


You'd have thought Hillary would have given him his marching orders if she had any pride and dignity, but no she now wants to have a crack at Bill's old job. Not normal behaviour by anyone's standards let alone that of a politician even in this enlightened 21st century.. 


Mind you to be fair we in the UK can't talk. Our ex Prime Minister was partial to having dead pigs perform oral sex on him. That soon got hushed up.


Donald Trump sounds like the ideal candidate to be the next American president if you take into account the past form of other leading politicians! You should all ignore these last minute accusations and see them for what they are, belated attempts to smear his reputation. We all know the attraction wealthy men have for loose moralled strumpets, you can't possibly be that naive, we seen enough of it in Thailand. They are easily seduced and the sniff of cash soon brings out the prostitute in 'em.

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12 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Leeds (one of the many women who say they were groped by Trump) also said if Trump had kept his hands above the waist she might have been ok with it …Huh?

If he would have stuck with the upper part of the body I might not have gotten, I might not have gotten too upset. But when he started putting his hand up my skirt that was it."


Her words:  "...I might not have gotten too upset"


Boon Mee's inaccurate twist on it: "she might have been ok with it...."


Let's let Ms Leeds speak for herself.  She doesn't need Boon Me to put words in her mouth.  What she meant, and everyone except Trump fans understand, is it was more violating that he shoved his hands up her skirt to try to penetrate her vagina, than it was to grope her upper body.  I get it.


If Trump was violating males like he's been violated females, would Trump fans be so actively trying to excuse him?  Similarly, if Trump's sexual predations were directed toward young women that Trump fans know and love, would his fans still be so eager to dismiss them?


10 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:





      Not zero assault claims.  There have been many claims during Trump's 45 years of sexual predation.  Most were not taken formally to court (instead they were told to close friends) because it's known that Trump could ruin a person's career (just like Ailes' m.o.), and it would be very time consuming and expensive to try and pursue such claims in a court of law - particularly against a lawyered pervert like Trump.


        If you know anything about sexual predation, you know it's a difficult decision for a female to pursue a predator.  It's the same in all cultures.  It's estimated that less than 20% of rapes are reported.  If you don't know why, then you don't know shit about human nature.


       That's another of the many reasons why HRC would be a much better chief exec than Trump.  Being a woman, she can directly relate to the difficulties a woman faces.  Plus, HRC is not shy about speaking up to foreign leaders/countries about the pervasive problem.  In sharp contrast, Trump would meet with another old man foreign leader, and probably just trade stories and laugh about their conquests, and how easy it is to prey on women.  


Actually, most foreign old men leaders (Duterte excluded) would not join Trump in trash-talking about women.  I'd venture even Fat Boy Kim isn't as rude towards women as Trump.



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“This whole election is being rigged,” he stressed. “These lies spread by the media without witnesses…are poisoning the minds of the electorate.”  --  Donald Trump




Sounds like Crooked Hillary's people are fully into the flop-sweat period before having to throw in the towel!  :smile:

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23 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

You'd have thought Hillary would have given him his marching orders if she had any pride and dignity.....


Not sure about marriage veracity in the UK, but some married couples in the US stay together, even if the going gets tough once in awhile.  Bill and Hillary have been married for over forty years.  It hasn't all been smooth sailing, but they stayed together and they still seem to genuinely enjoy each other's company.   I respect that.  Plus, they've got a wonderful daughter who they actively and positively interact with.


Trump openly messes around with women during his several marriages, and his sons like to go off to shoot large vegetarian beasts and cut off their tails.   

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New York Post: Eyewitness Challenges Sexual Assault Claims Against Trump


“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign. "



Just another phony.  They must be desperate to put these easily refutable stories out there.  :saai:

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2 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

“This whole election is being rigged,” he stressed. “These lies spread by the media without witnesses…are poisoning the minds of the electorate.”  --  Donald Trump


boo hoo hoo, sniffle, whaaaa!   Please don't say such mean things, Donald.  You're going to make me cry too.


32 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Donald Trump sounds like the ideal candidate to be the next American president....


If you ever try starting a career as a stand-up comedian, I think you'll need some better material.

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Blame the GOP for being so bereft of any decent candidates that Trump was all the people had to vote for. They have been exposed as being without any good side, just like the Dems establishment.


Seventeen times over the Democratic party.


Republican party put 17 of 'em out there while the most the Democrats could field was three, which quickly became two who had a good slugfest while the Republican party nominee from out of the the 17 was never really in doubt.    


 It's a major reason why the Republican party has gone into the tank. Republicans had 17 of 'em yet gave us the turkey we have. Of the 17 there wasn't a single good one.  


                      Donald Trump Stupid Quote Bumper Bumper Bumper Sticker                                                            Image result for bumper sticker vote trump the ignoramus   Image result for bumper sticker vote trump the ignoramus

Republican Party kaput.


Of all the 17 Republican Party governors, senators, crackpot missionaries of the Bible, a fired ceo, a brain surgeon politically-culturally out of his mind and so on, there wasn't a one of 'em worth his salt. Eighteen counting Pence.


Instead the Party chose the notorious sex maniac and predator who had anyway and always been The Ignoramus of the United States. You sure know how to pick 'em. Anyone but Hillary eh.

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trump-gropes.jpgAnd the re-hits just keep on coming!






Here is the Twitter source:


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