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Ugly US presidential campaign ‘set to get uglier’


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8 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:


When the Trump fanboys make these sort of posts I always wonder from which university they earned the PhD in psychology and for how long they've been an attorney.



You should worry more about your own logic skills. It is well known that Hillary is a habitual liar and that a lesser mortal would have been prosecuted for gross criminal negligence concerning her emails. 

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You should worry more about your own logic skills. It is well known that Hillary is a habitual liar and that a lesser mortal would have been prosecuted for gross criminal negligence concerning her emails. 

Again she lies a lot less than trump.
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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Hillary is a habitual liar


Fine.  Congrats on taking a small step back for the hyper-partisan abyss.



11 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

a lesser mortal would have been prosecuted for gross criminal negligence concerning her emails. 


The FBI and the Republican controlled house  had every opportunity to prosecute Secretary Clinton but they didn't.   The tinfoil hat crowd will most certainly be along soon to offer their own theories as to why, but those of use based in reality know it's because they knew a conviction was unlikely.



People don't like Secretary Clinton for any number of valid reasons, but given the binary choice of a liar and an incompetent in a presidential election, I'd prefer if the liar won.  And that is at least partly why this campaign is going to get even uglier.  Trump thought that he would be chosen as the lesser of two evils, but it's not working out that way.  People just aren't willing to take the risk on a narcissistic ignoramus holding the highest office in the land.  Americans are going with the liar because it's the better of the two choices.  What a sad state of affairs.

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34 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:


The FBI and the Republican controlled house  had every opportunity to prosecute Secretary Clinton but they didn't.  


Don't you mean the Democrat controlled DOJ? The Republican controlled House are all for prosecution and continue to work on it. :smile:

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45 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

The Republican controlled House are all for prosecution and continue to work on it.


Three weeks before a presidential election that she is by most accounts 90% likely to win and you assert that they "continue to work on it"?   :cheesy:


If there was even a 50% chance of getting a conviction on anything they would have brought charges on anything last year in order to disrupt her campaign. 

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Just now, up-country_sinclair said:


Three weeks before a presidential election that she is by most accounts 90% likely to win and you assert that they "continue to work on it"?  


It is a fact. I'm afraid that they take your political conclusions about as seriously as I do. :whistling:

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8 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

The progressives have no moral compass whatsoever if they stick by a candidate and her organization that are sick with corruption, cronyism and criminality. 'Clinton' starts with a 'C' after all.


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You have to laugh how a group of people on here that support a serial sexual predator who is also currently facing filed and accepted charges for the rape of a 13 and 12 year old, would question the moral compass of others on this board. This is no place for rock spiders or their supporters.

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8 minutes ago, MJP said:

Even the Greens don't want Clinton . . . 


Green Party's Jill Stein Says Hillary Clinton's Policies Will 'Start a Nuclear War'


without reading the article, I saw Stein being interviewed. She said that because Clinton wants to establish a no fly zone in Syria it would start a nuclear war with the Russians !!! Another one who needs to join Johnson and Trump on remedial classes for world politics, history and military strategy.

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On ‎14‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 11:57 AM, boomerangutang said:

I can't agree.  Yes, one candidate is awful, but that doesn't necessarily mean the other is awful also.  Have you followed all the stories which brought us (observers) to this point?  It's like comparing a bicycle with a bent rim to a train wreck.  You get one guess which one is the train wreck.  


And yes, I agree with the OP.  Trump is falling off the stage, but he's grabbed on to the curtains, the rug, the furniture, the actors to drag down with him as he falls - into the percussion section of the orchestra pit.

I agree with your first paragraph, but your conclusion is for either.

Just saying that YOUR candidate is less awful doesn't make it so, and yes ( most ) of us have been following the stories, for both. Others are willfully blind re their preferred candidate.


This election , for those of us that can't vote in it, is like the greatest reality soap opera, EVER. It's watching a nation that was once the most powerful in the world tear its political establishment apart by the death of a thousand cuts.

I'm not going to support my preferred candidate anymore on TV, as everyone on here seems set in their beliefs as to the less awful candidate to support, and more pixels ain't gonna change anyone's mind. I'm just going to enjoy the show.

One thing's for sure. They'll be teaching about this election in political science classes all around the world; no doubt there'll be a movie or two in it, and there will be documentaries.


It does look like Trump will lose ( at this time ) and he will be going back to making money, and ( IMO ) sniping at her for the next 4 or 8 years. IMO we won't have heard the last of The Donald by a long chalk, so the soap will continue. Prepare to be delighted, or dismayed, it's going to be a bumpy ride for Madam President.

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1 hour ago, up-country_sinclair said:

IMHO, posters on both sides of the political divide should display a modicum of decency by refraining from stating or implying that someone has committed a crime as heinous as rape.  



Hmmmmm. When there are women coming out of the woodwork at the eleventh hour ( that never laid a charge before ) to accuse one candidate of heinous crimes that he can never disprove in the time available it would seem that all decency has long ago left the building. I know what you are saying, but asking for decency in this situation would be a forlorn hope, IMO.

However, I do not think I have made any accusation of such against either candidate so far, and I hope not to do so in the future. When it comes to Bill, though, no such restriction applies as women have gone on the record about him.

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6 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


So you know her well enough to know her private position?? Or perhaps you read it somewhere. Link please! Prove her private position is different to the one you claim is her 'PUBLIC position'.



An unidicted criminal. My ribs are hurting.  If she has never been indicted, never been found guilty in a court of law you have no right to call her a criminal. By doing so you actually jeopardise this site as you are making legally false defamatory statements. I thought that was against forum rules?

HRC is on record as saying she has a public and a private position. We can safely assume that she isn't going to publicly condemn herself.


BTW, merely repeating what is already in the political discourse isn't, IMO, a legally false defamatory statement. However, it never hurts to qualify such statements with "IMO" or such.

BTW, there are enough false defamatory statements on this, and all other Trump vs Clinton threads to delight any that enjoy a virtual food fight.


Has to be the best reality soap ever.

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6 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

If in fact Clinton's lies have been destructive, the only reason Trumps lies are less so is because his was only a private business.  Does any rational person believe that once Trump assumes office, he's going to turn into an honest person? Or that President Trump's constant lying won't have disastrous consequences?


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Numerous off-topic, troll posts and replies have been removed.   Continued sniping at other posters will result in a suspension.  


Enough with the smart-arsed, one-line quips.  


You have been warned.  

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Honestly, does no one question why you have one Bush, then a Clinton, then another Bush, now likely another Clinton as President in what's supposed to be the greatest democracy on earth?


For us looking on from the outside we'd be lying not to say it all looks like one big fiddle.



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“Looks to me like a rigged election,” Trump said at a rally in New Hampshire. “The election is being rigged by the liberal media to push outright lies to rig the election." - FOX - "Trump insists election ‘rigged,’ calls for drug test for him, Clinton before debate"


This is the culmination of 3 decades of "riding the Tiger" The Republican party has used ever means possible, selling conspiracy theories from the days of Bill (bubba), to 8 years of anything goes with Obama. Besides the conspiracies, they used every means possible to oppose any and all of Obama's policies. From the Republican view they had no choice what with Junior Bush's failed Iraq adventure and then free market deregulation bull pucky blowing a hole in the US and world economy in 2008, before poor Junior Bush Dude was out of office. Having a Black Democrat come in and get the economy going again was unthinkable so they opposed and put up every conceivable conspiracy theory possible, the birth or pedaled brain addled dip stick shtick for the not too bright ... he's a muslim, He's the antichrist .... etc

 Hey it worked ....

 and now it is about to eat them alive

 You Created a party that would believe a TRUMP, and now you have him. They seem to not like what they themselves created

oop   Go Figure .. :thumbsup:

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50 minutes ago, LennyW said:

The media is in overdrive promoting/dismissing/bullshitting for or against what ever candidate is paying them, if you watch CNN (Clinton News Network) ....

It's gotten where the worm has turned:

Media Publicly Shamed by 20,000+ People


People have had enough of "Ugly" :saai:

Edited by Boon Mee
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11 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

It's gotten where the worm has turned:

Media Publicly Shamed by 20,000+ People


People have had enough of "Ugly" :saai:


I am no fan of Info Wars, but it is true that the MSM have demonized and lied about Trump like crazy. Good to see them being called on it.

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Its quite incredible, but the bi-partisan establishment are so desperate to put Hillary in the Whitehouse that they are prepared to indulge in nuclear gamesmanship to try and get their way.


Bare in mind even IF Wikileaks was a Russian plot this has no bearing whatsoever as to the authenticity of the details they disclose.

Edit: It does occur that such pressure heaped on Assange and the Russians may mean some yet to be released emails are enough to bring down the government.

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18 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Its quite incredible, but the bi-partisan establishment are so desperate to put Hillary in the Whitehouse that they are prepared to indulge in nuclear gamesmanship to try and get their way.



Thats a Brit tabloid; AKA Pub Press ..... It and its readers are claimed to possess  even less Grey Matter than Trump supporters.


Best be more cautious with things the  Leo Brigade Swills     :D 

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26 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Its quite incredible, but the bi-partisan establishment are so desperate to put Hillary in the Whitehouse that they are prepared to indulge in nuclear gamesmanship to try and get their way.


Bare in mind even IF Wikileaks was a Russian plot this has no bearing whatsoever as to the authenticity of the details they disclose.

Edit: It does occur that such pressure heaped on Assange and the Russians may mean some yet to be released emails are enough to bring down the government.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


Bare in mind even IF Wikileaks was a Russian plot this has no bearing whatsoever as to the authenticity of the details they disclose.


For you Clinton haters who are US citizens, beware of strangers bearing gifts, because those gifts might be doctored, and might compromise national security. Who is going to authenticate those wikileaks?  Nobody will touch them.  


It is astounding to observe what I think are largely US citizens applauding the actions of a foreign government to undermine the US.  Sounds like treason to me.

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5 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


It is astounding to observe what I think are largely US citizens applauding the actions of a foreign government to undermine the US.  Sounds like treason to me.


No one is applauding them, but that does not make them any less real.

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