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Pence says GOP ticket will 'absolutely' accept vote outcome


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Pence says GOP ticket will 'absolutely' accept vote outcome



WASHINGTON (AP) — Mike Pence said Sunday he and Donald Trump will abide by "the will of the American people" on Election Day, and suggested that Trump's claim of a 'rigged" election stems from his belief the media is ganging up on him.


"We will absolutely accept the results of the election," Pence said in television interviews. He said Trump's complaint, articulated from the campaign stage and across Twitter but without evidence, reflects fatigue with "the obvious bias in the national media. That's where the sense of a rigged election goes here."


Not long after Pence said that, Trump partly undermined his comments.


"The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary - but also at many polling places," Trump tweeted. "SAD."


Pence's words were the latest attempt by Trump's surrogates to attempt to explain that some things the GOP presidential nominee has said and tweeted are not what he meant.


Much of that cleanup duty has fallen to Pence little more than three weeks before the Nov. 8 vote. Trump is struggling to shift the focus away from mounting accusations that he sexually assaulted women in ways similar to what he is recorded describing on a recently released video. Trump says all of the accusations are fabricated.


Several of Trump's unfounded claims — such as the one Saturday that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was on drugs at the most recent debate and his call for drug testing before the next — also overshadowed the release over the weekend of more emails hacked from accounts of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.


Some showed the campaign worrying whether Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., might endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders in the party's primary, and wrestling with how to respond to revelations about Clinton's private email use. The emails also show aides lining up materials to respond to fresh accusations from a woman who accused Bill Clinton of raping her decades ago. The former president denied the accusation, which was never adjudicated by a criminal court.


Amid the intensity, Trump reiterated this weekend that a conspiracy is responsible for the FBI declining to prosecute Clinton for mingling private and official business on a homebrew email server so that she might compete in a fraudulent election.


"Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted and should be in jail. Instead she is running for president in what looks like a rigged election," Trump tweeted to his 12 million followers on Saturday.


Threatening to jail a political opponent and fueling public distrust of a popular election — to explain his loss, should that happen — was a striking breach of faith in American democracy. He has repeatedly claimed, without offering evidence, that election fraud is a serious problem and encouraged his mostly white supporters to "go and watch" polling places in certain areas to make sure things are "on the up and up."


It was left to Pence and another Trump surrogate, former New York City Rudy Giuliani, to explain on national television what their own candidate meant.


"When he talks about a rigged election, he's not talking about the fact that it's going to be rigged at the polls," Giuliani said. "''What he's talking about is that 80 percent to 85 percent of the media is against him."


Pence, at a campaign event last Tuesday, waved away a woman's call for a revolution if Clinton wins. By Sunday he was saying explicitly: "We'll accept the will of the American people."


The Indiana governor also distanced himself from Trump on a pair of other issues.


Pence acknowledged that evidence points to Russia being behind the hacking of Democratic emails. "I think there's more and more evidence that implicates Russia and there should be serious consequences," he said.


He also refused to join Trump's call for Clinton to be drug tested before Wednesday's third and final presidential debate.


He vice presidential nominee was asked whether he, like Trump, wants Clinton drug tested.


"All I know for sure is that Donald Trump is going to be ready for the debate on Wednesday night," Pence replied.


Pence appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" and "Fox News Sunday." Giuliani was on CNN's "State of the Union."


Associated Press writer Jill Colvin contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-17
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Talk about a poisoned chalice. 


If Trump wins Pence is in for a fun filled few years.


Unless of course the bouffant buffoon ends it all with the big red button in a hissy fit over some assumed disrespect from the President of Mexico or similar. 

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47 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

"He (sic) vice presidential nominee was asked whether he, like Trump, wants Clinton drug tested".

If they drug tested Clinton - wow! :shock1:

If anyone needs to be drug tested, it's Trump ... <sniff> <sniff>

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One has to wonder if Trump and Pence ever communicate?


Trump: Rigged and.......


Pence: Accept.


They are Poles apart on Syria and who knows what else........?


BTW, this perpetual clapping from Trump, right hand to left, the left never moves, shades of another loony with a strange hairstyle in North Korea?

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This constant re-calibration of the shit falling out of the hole below Trump's nose, has gotten old. 


It's a predictable pattern at this point. When Donald Trump gets himself into a jam, he defaults to this "rigged against me" victim schtick.   He actually called himself a victim at his Florida rally the other day.  Said he doesn't need this krap but is willing to endure it for all of us.   A martyr. 


He transformed, briefly over the weekend, into a stoic figure with gravitas, and delivered a coherent speech (off the teleprompter).  Said he wants to rise above the mud slinging and talk about "the issues".    Soon as he believes he's got himself out from behind the power curve, he goes right back to flame spraying and talking nonsense and conspiracies, egged on by the likes of Anne Coulter and that douche at InfoWars, Alex Jones.  Edit: and Sean Hannity over at Fox.

Edited by 55Jay
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3 hours ago, mamypoko said:

Poor Pence, always having to do damage control for Bobo the Clown.



In the year 2016, on the GOP ticket, the guy that does not "believe in" Evolution,  Climate Change, who thinks the universe is 6000 years old and says that women should be forced to perform funeral rites for their aborted foetus IS THE SANE ONE!


May the Flying Spaghetti Monster help us all, Ramen.



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I think they both and all of the bunch in D.C. Should be drug tested, it would be interesting to see how many fail. When I worked as an Aircraft Mechanic and Foreman we had random screening. As a C-141 Flight Engineer in the USAF Reserves I was drug tested. All welfare and sworn Law Enforcement should be tested. 


If if you are not on anything, what are you worried about??


The political establishment in the last 30 years has been more interested in themselves than the Tax Paying Citizens.


Free Stuff has to be paid by someone, the 48% that files and pays taxes is damn tired!!

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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

"He (sic) vice presidential nominee was asked whether he, like Trump, wants Clinton drug tested".

If they drug tested Clinton - wow! :shock1:


Maybe they should drug test Donald... I think a lot of people would like to know what makes him fantasise. :tongue: 

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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Poor Donald. Everyone is against him. Good grief- Trump has denigrated women; the poor; the disabled; blacks; and anyone else he considers his inferior.  And he can't figure out why people might not like him?


and $2 billion worth of free TV airtime throughout his campaign. if anybody has turned the media against trump it is trump himself and his poisonous, lying rhetoric. but as usual, his supporters won't accept anything other than trump's own paranoid bullsh*t because they are idiots.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Pence, at a campaign event last Tuesday, waved away a woman's call for a revolution if Clinton wins. By Sunday he was saying explicitly: "We'll accept the will of the American people."


Trump hasurged his supporters to monitor the polls in their own neighborhoods 'because of you know what I'm talking about'.

There is a real risk of slippage in the core of Trump supporters against those he singled during his campaign ( and they are countless) 


So the question is : does D Trump agree with M. Pence ? and did they talked about it together?

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23 minutes ago, Opl said:


Trump hasurged his supporters to monitor the polls in their own neighborhoods 'because of you know what I'm talking about'.


I would thoroughly recommend watching that latest "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee", where they interview Trump fans at one of his rallies.

They whinge about imaginary election rigging, yet think it's acceptable to attempt to intimidate voters at the polls.


They really are prize cretins.



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Pence is in a difficult place.  He has to be seen supporting Trump without stooping to the level that Donald has stooped to.  It's called the gutter.  His ego won't let him accept that he is failing and failing badly because it has all turned personal and both candidates are attempting character assassination.


The world would be laughing (I am sure Russia nd most of the middle east are) except this is too tragic for that.

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Pence is a more conventional right wing "conservative" extremist. trump picked him purely to assuage similar republicans/evangelicals. His politics are similar to Cruz but he's not as creepy personally, which doesn't take much. Pence is not stupid though. He knows this election is over and he's positioning himself now for 2020. Whether the can wipe off the stain of trump is anyone's guess. 

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