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First Calais ‘Jungle’ camp children arrive in UK


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First Calais ‘Jungle’ camp children arrive in UK




LONDON: -- The first children from the so called ‘Jungle’ migrant camp in the French port of Calais have arrived in Britain.


Fourteen unaccompanied minors, all teenagers, came by coach to south London as part of a fast-track system.


They are the first of more than 100 children expected to make the trip this week and will be reunited with relatives already living in the UK.

One relative waiting for his brother said:’‘I’m so excited, so happy, I think it will be a lovely day after 11 years for me.’‘


Critics have accused the UK government of dragging its feet over accepting young unaccompanied children from the Calais camp and are demanding it does more.


‘‘Today is a good day for all of the children who will be reunited with their families but it is a small step forward. There are over a thousand unaccompanied children in Calais still sitting at terrible risk with the threat of demolition looming in what we believe to be just over a week’s time,’‘ Beth Gardiner-Smith, Community Organiser with Citizens UK said.


French authorities were due to begin dismantling the Jungle camp this week, but delayed the process, in part to give Britain more time to identify eligible minors.


The arrivals of the children come as the UK and France construct a four metre high wall along the road leading up to the Calais ferry terminal, in a bid to stop migrants from illegally entering the port.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-18
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Teenagers my ass. I nearly choked on my coffee when I saw the video...

The only way he is near 15 years old is if he is caught molesting a 15 year old on the way to being prosecuted and placed on the sex offenders list :shock1:


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Just heard an interview with a lady from a pressure group and she's on about more than 1,000 unaccompanied children in the Calais area.

Is she suggesting that Britain should be responsible for all of them so what about France that let them land and travel the length of the country to reach where they are now or is Britain the only country where they have family ?


I know this may sound hard but how many ' children ' were deliberately sent ahead to blaze a trail as it were then use the sympathy and emotion cards to allow relatives to join them ?

Britain, and Europe are suckers and are being played accordingly. 

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1 minute ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Just heard an interview with a lady from a pressure group and she's on about more than 1,000 unaccompanied children in the Calais area.

Is she suggesting that Britain should be responsible for all of them so what about France that let them land and travel the length of the country to reach where they are now or is Britain the only country where they have family ?


I know this may sound hard but how many ' children ' were deliberately sent ahead to blaze a trail as it were then use the sympathy and emotion cards to allow relatives to join them ?

Britain, and Europe are suckers and are being played accordingly. 


Agree with you 100% UK being used by traffickers, just to get more children, sorry adults claiming to be children in.

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Saw part of the daily newspaper review on Sky News and at least one of the tabloids uses the word Kids but in inverted commas !

I think there's going to be an anti-response to these ' children ' being brought in and also against those pushing for them all to be settled.

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1 minute ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Saw part of the daily newspaper review on Sky News and at least one of the tabloids uses the word Kids but in inverted commas !

I think there's going to be an anti-response to these ' children ' being brought in and also against those pushing for them all to be settled.

I saw that NKK and the telegraph goes even further and says 'they don't look like children and are not'. The whole immigration economic migration.

The UK is one of the most giving countries on the planet. Giving money to India for poverty and they are building a space program. the UK housing is in a mess. there simply isn't enough houses for the people and those that are there, are in a mess.  See the latest headlines.


Charity should start at home and then share what is left. The hospitals, schools are all at breaking point due to the EU migrant policy.  Once lovely areas of the UK are now no go areas and are losing its cultural and British identity.


The UK should not be used as a toilet like some other EU countries are. Moving people from one place to another does not solve problems. Why would people from one very different culture and religion want to move to a totally different one when there are many, many other similar countries suited to their ways and understandings.


The UK like France, Germany, Sweden and other countries will start seeing problems like never before, all due to this EU lets take all mentality.



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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

BBC see just said most are about 16 with some under 12. All have relatives in U.K.


What is the point being made on this thread?

You are really so naive as to believe the BBC? Check out some photos of these 12-16 year old "children" of yours.




Now think if they should be in a classroom/yoputh club etc with other children.

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I agree - they don't look like kids.  No doubt their 'families' will be 'invited to join them - along with the extended family which we the tax-payers will fund.  Disgraceful


When I left the UK over two years ago all the houses in my street bar one were occupied by immigrants - when I first moved there it was all white working class.  Walking down the local high street it is unusual to hear another British voice - the whole town is overwhelmed with migrants and the attendant perssures on housing,  schools, and medical services.  There really is clash of cultures there and as for the niqab where once I only saw it worn in London it is now - IMHO an unacceptable sight in the local town - can't tell wether it is a man or a woman.  Bring back border controls and stop this madness.



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2 hours ago, Nurseynutcase said:

I agree - they don't look like kids.  No doubt their 'families' will be 'invited to join them - along with the extended family which we the tax-payers will fund.  Disgraceful


When I left the UK over two years ago all the houses in my street bar one were occupied by immigrants - when I first moved there it was all white working class.  Walking down the local high street it is unusual to hear another British voice - the whole town is overwhelmed with migrants and the attendant perssures on housing,  schools, and medical services.  There really is clash of cultures there and as for the niqab where once I only saw it worn in London it is now - IMHO an unacceptable sight in the local town - can't tell wether it is a man or a woman.  Bring back border controls and stop this madness.




They already have family in U.K.

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3 hours ago, mokwit said:

You are really so naive as to believe the BBC? Check out some photos of these 12-16 year old "children" of yours.




Now think if they should be in a classroom/yoputh club etc with other children.


I am more inclined to believe the BBC than you. Why would they lie?


Your user name is nearly correct.

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21 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Now listen, the nasties quite upset me on a related thread yesterday. Please stop it and show some humanity. There are only 100 after all.


If necessary, I will lose my sense of humour and be rather direct. OK?

Go ahead Mr believe the Biased Broadcasting Company. There is nothing wrong with compassion and sanctuary when warranted but your kind are being played for fools by schemers who have got it all worked out.

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7 minutes ago, mokwit said:

Go ahead Mr believe the Biased Broadcasting Company. There is nothing wrong with compassion and sanctuary when warranted but your kind are being played for fools by schemers who have got it all worked out.


OK, so I'm a fool.


There are 100 of these children.


I say, let them in. Take a chance.


After all we are the 6th richest country in the world.


Show some kindness, you'll feel better!


BTW I am an atheist who doesn't like Muslims. (But I am a dad)


Incidentaly, I thought it was EU migrants that were the issue ?

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5 hours ago, transam said:

So the UK has to fix a France problem...........Gawd 'elp us.............:sad:

Tsk, tsk Trans Am, it's exactly the opposite.

These people want to go on UK because they come from your former colonies and they speak English.

They will join their parents and friends came previously  for the same reasons.


France has its own immigrants (several million !) also came from its former colonies. They are similar but they are not the same.

Finally, a lot of leaders from Boulogne and Calais want to let these people to Dover care, accepting or return in their origin countries. It is only to respect the 2003 agreement with London to avoid new boat-people in the Chanel that France still agrees to make this dirty work instead of English.

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6 minutes ago, happy Joe said:

Tsk, tsk Trans Am, it's exactly the opposite.

These people want to go on UK because they come from your former colonies and they speak English.

They will join their parents and friends came previously  for the same reasons.


France has its own immigrants (several million !) also came from its former colonies. They are similar but they are not the same.

Finally, a lot of leaders from Boulogne and Calais want to let these people to Dover care, accepting or return in their origin countries. It is only to respect the 2003 agreement with London to avoid new boat-people in the Chanel that France still agrees to make this dirty work instead of English.


I suspect Syria was French? 


Iraq, OK, fair cop!


Afganistan? Nobody conquered those buggers!


Where are you from Joe?

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If these kids have parents/family settled in the U.K. why the hell have they not entered the UK legally then? 


Western countries generosity is seen as a weakness and exploited at the behest of the taxpayer by so many people it's embarrassing...

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The very odd thing about all this is that Britain is under no obligation whatsoever to take in any of these so called 'children' even if they have a relative living in the UK. That's clearly stated in the EU site which deals with family reunification: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/what-we-do/policies/legal-migration/family-reunification/index_en.htm


It was also discussed in September last year when David Cameron used Britain's opt out to block redistribution of Syrian refugees: https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2015/9/9/eu-unveils-quota-plan-for-europes-stranded-syrian-refugees


So why on earth the UK would feel duty bound to start accepting these ex-jungle individuals is perplexing.

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5 minutes ago, Xircal said:

So why on earth the UK would feel duty bound to start accepting these ex-jungle individuals is perplexing.


Pressure from Liberal dafties.



The UK must fulfil its moral duty to Calais’s unaccompanied children




Note the '' Moral duty, not legal duty.

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7 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


Pressure from Liberal dafties.





Note the '' Moral duty, not legal duty.


It's just asylum shopping. Britain needs to stand firm and refuse to accept these preposterous 'moral duty' suggestions. Genuine refugees are entitled to apply for asylum in the first safe country they enter and that's unlikely to be France unless they arrived by plane.


The French should never have allowed it to get out of hand the way it has and should have shipped these parasites back to wherever they came from. The fact that they didn't is their own stupid fault and they'll just have to suffer the consequences of it now not expected Britain to absorb a large proportion of them without question.


Also why aren't the Brits checking their ID? A simple dental check is all that's needed to establish their real age. If they're no longer children, they can be sent packing.

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