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Confident Clinton expanding her campaign into 'red' states


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Confident Clinton expanding her campaign into 'red' states



WHITE PLAINS, New York (AP) — Hillary Clinton is advancing into states the Democrats haven't won in decades, confidently expanding her offensive against Donald Trump and aiming to help her party win back control of Congress.


There's a new $2 million push in Arizona, aides said Monday, including a campaign stop in Phoenix by first lady Michelle Obama, one of Clinton's most effective surrogates. An additional $1 million is going into efforts in Missouri and Indiana, both states with competitive Senate races, a small amount of TV time is being bought in Texas and media appearances are scheduled in Utah.


At the same time Clinton is showing new signs of confidence, she faced fresh revelations about her use of a private server as secretary of state and hacked emails from a top campaign official's personal account. FBI records released Monday show that a senior State Department official unsuccessfully sought to lower the classification level of an email found on the server, a move Trump's campaign labeled collusion.

The new questions highlight a dual reality of the presidential race: Even as Clinton has a growing advantage, she's been unable to put the biggest controversy of her campaign behind her.


With her lead increasing, Clinton is unlikely to need any of the normally solid-red states to win the White House. But her team believes that a wide presidential margin of victory would help end Trump's political movement and undermine his intensifying claims that the election is rigged.


On the other side, Trump's campaign dramatically expanded its ad buys in seven battleground states and announced plans to launch a $2 million advertising blitz in long-shot Virginia.


"Donald Trump is becoming more unhinged by the day, and that is increasing prospects for Democrats further down the ballot," said Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, who cited early voting and registration numbers to predict record voter turnout

Democrats aren't the only targets of Trump's rhetoric about the legitimacy of the election system.


In a Monday morning blitz of tweets, he lashed out at Republicans who have tried to tone him down, calling his own party's leaders "so naive" and claiming without evidence that major fraud is real.


"Of course there is large-scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!" he tweeted.


There is no evidence to back up Trump's claims. A study by a Loyola Law School professor found that out of 1 billion votes cast in all American elections between 2000 and 2014, there were only 31 known cases of impersonation fraud.


Trump's tweets show he is continuing to play a scattershot defense rather than make his case to voters, with just three weeks left and much ground to make up in opinion polls.


Rather than campaigning in the tightest battlegrounds, Trump was spending much of Monday out of sight before speaking in Green Bay, Wisconsin, a state where Clinton is viewed as having an edge. Clinton was spending the day with advisers near her home in New York, preparing for the final presidential debate Wednesday night.


Clinton's email use is certain to return as an issue in that faceoff, and Trump was given new ammunition.


According to FBI records released Monday, State Department Undersecretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy, a close aide to Clinton during her time as secretary of state, contacted an FBI official seeking to change an email's classification. Notes on the conversation describe discussion about a "quid pro quo" in which the email's classification would be changed and "State would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden."


The records indicate that Kennedy made that suggestion, but both the FBI and State Department said Monday that it was the unidentified FBI official. Neither the declassification nor the increase in agents occurred.


In an online video, Trump called the records proof of collusion between the FBI, the Justice Department and the State Department "to try to make Hillary Clinton look like an innocent person."


Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said it is well known that there was disagreement among various government agencies "about the decisions to retroactively classify certain material in emails sent to Secretary Clinton. ... and we were not part of these disagreements that played out inside the government."


Clinton's campaign also continues to answer for hacked emails being released by the thousands by WikiLeaks.


On a brighter note for her, the Clinton campaign for months has been eyeing an expansion into Arizona, where Hispanic voters make up more than 15 percent of the electorate and Trump's sharp language about immigrants have left him vulnerable, said Republican pollster Whit Ayers, an adviser to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's re-election campaign.


"Trump has run against Hispanics," Ayers said. "Consequently, Arizona is tailor made as an easily winnable red state where Trump could lose."

Trump also leads in Indiana and Missouri, but U.S. Senate races in both states have become very close. In Indiana, former Sen. Evan Bayh is in a dead heat with U.S. Rep. Todd Young. In Missouri, Republican Sen. Roy Blunt is locked in a tight race with Democrat Jason Kander, Missouri's secretary of state.


A former senator, Clinton and her team are clear-eyed about how closely her success as president would be tied to having her party in power on Capitol Hill. Senate Republicans already are casting themselves as a crucial check on her, signaling the fights to come.


"I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton, if she were president, would put up," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, said in a radio interview. An aide later said McCain would examine the record of anyone nominated and vote based on their qualifications.


Associated Press Writers Thomas Beaumont in Des Moines and Michael Biesecker and Eric Tucker in Washington contributed to this report. Hennessey reported from Washington.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-18
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I can see the logic.  She may attract some of these still undecided voters, as well as peel off some homeless independents and disillusioned Trump supporters. 


Trump has his core base, they aren't going anywhere, but I doubt he's adding very many new faces to his crowd.  He's not really campaigning at this point.  He's just holding pep rallies with the home team.

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42 minutes ago, ivan96822 said:

She sure has a sense of entitlement to the White House...


She is a fraud, a phony, a liar...


How dare she campaign in our states? 


That's the way they see it in wingnuttia. The rest of the world sees it as a successful campaign for President of the United States, against the worst candidate in history. 


A subtle difference in perception? (snicker) 

Edited by Pinot
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She's confident is she?  Thhen how do we explain this?:  :saai:


Hillary Voters at Georgetown Can’t Name a Single Accomplishment that Qualifies Her for the Presidency


A sample of students at Georgetown University who support Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for the presidency couldn’t name a single accomplishment she did in her career as Secretary of State, senator, and First Lady of the United States.


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5 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

She's confident is she?  Thhen how do we explain this?:  :saai:


Hillary Voters at Georgetown Can’t Name a Single Accomplishment that Qualifies Her for the Presidency


A sample of students at Georgetown University who support Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for the presidency couldn’t name a single accomplishment she did in her career as Secretary of State, senator, and First Lady of the United States.


Clinton was part of a team and a Secretary under the Obama administration.   As a team player, she doesn't accomplish anything, singly.   That is the difference between her and Trump.   Trump is not a team player.   He won't play with congress, he won't play with foreign leaders he doesn't like, he won't play with religions he doesn't like and he is not consistent.   He does seem to like to play with the ladies though, but they don't all seem to want to play with him.



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12 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

She's confident is she?  Thhen how do we explain this?:  :saai:


Hillary Voters at Georgetown Can’t Name a Single Accomplishment that Qualifies Her for the Presidency


A sample of students at Georgetown University who support Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for the presidency couldn’t name a single accomplishment she did in her career as Secretary of State, senator, and First Lady of the United States.


That's understandable.  She accomplished nothing, other than selling access to the Clinton Foundation donors and lining her own pockets, because she was "dead broke"..  

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21 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

She's confident is she?  Thhen how do we explain this?:  :saai:


Hillary Voters at Georgetown Can’t Name a Single Accomplishment that Qualifies Her for the Presidency


A sample of students at Georgetown University who support Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for the presidency couldn’t name a single accomplishment she did in her career as Secretary of State, senator, and First Lady of the United States.



Still trying to push crap from right-wing blogs, I see.

You're nothing if not predictable.


Don't blame the ignorance of students on HRC.

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15 minutes ago, Credo said:

Clinton was part of a team and a Secretary under the Obama administration.   As a team player, she doesn't accomplish anything, singly.   That is the difference between her and Trump.   Trump is not a team player.   He won't play with congress, he won't play with foreign leaders he doesn't like, he won't play with religions he doesn't like and he is not consistent.   He does seem to like to play with the ladies though, but they don't all seem to want to play with him.




Why would a poll from students at Georgetown Uni mean anything? Look at this and you'll see how much knowledge they have.


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7 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


Still trying to push crap from right-wing blogs, I see.

You're nothing if not predictable.


Don't blame the ignorance of students on HRC.

What did she accomplish?  For the life of me, I can't think of a single positive accomplishment.  When I think of Hillary, the things that come to mind are Travelgate, Whitewater,  erased e-mails, consistent lying, 4 dead Americans in Bengahzi, paranoid secrecy, "vast right wing conspiracy" theories, pay for play accusations while Secretary of State, and of course, her philandering husband.  I wouldn't count her husband, but she has consistently attacked the women WJC molested, while claiming she stands for women's rights.  Not an impressive resume.  If anyone but Trump was her opponent, she would not have a chance.

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27 minutes ago, Graemej100 said:

Why would a poll from students at Georgetown Uni mean anything? Look at this and you'll see how much knowledge they have.


Great video. LMAO. The Berlin wall question was hilarious.

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44 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

She's confident is she?  Thhen how do we explain this?:  :saai:


Hillary Voters at Georgetown Can’t Name a Single Accomplishment that Qualifies Her for the Presidency


A sample of students at Georgetown University who support Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for the presidency couldn’t name a single accomplishment she did in her career as Secretary of State, senator, and First Lady of the United States.



Not many people will be able to name what secretary of states has accomplish as its always group under what the president has accomplished. Heck I bet people don't even know what John Kerry has accomplished too. Unless you live in the same state as your senator and follow politics, others wouldn't know what each senator has accomplished as well. Unless she is the first lady of united states currently, not many would have remember what she did. For example, if you ask people what Michelle Obama has accomplish - many would be able to list as least one of the following women's rights, equality, and health. If you ask that questions 10 years later, nobody would have remembered. Do people even remember what Laura Bush did as first lady? nah


Fact is that majority of the folks don't follow politics close enough to know who has done or accomplish what other than things that were done under the President.


There are videos of people interviewing Trump supports with the same results too. 


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14 minutes ago, landslide said:

What did she accomplish?  For the life of me, I can't think of a single positive accomplishment.  When I think of Hillary, the things that come to mind are Travelgate, Whitewater,  erased e-mails, consistent lying, 4 dead Americans in Bengahzi, paranoid secrecy, "vast right wing conspiracy" theories, pay for play accusations while Secretary of State, and of course, her philandering husband.  I wouldn't count her husband, but she has consistently attacked the women WJC molested, while claiming she stands for women's rights.  Not an impressive resume.  If anyone but Trump was her opponent, she would not have a chance.


I agree, and its because people only remember all the scandals and not much else. But truth be told, unless you are the president, most don't know what secretary of states, senators, first ladys have accomplished.


What has Trump accomplished? All I can think of is failed businesses, beauty pageants, reality shows, build a big wall and insulting other races. Not much better for a president to be too!

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

She's confident is she?  Thhen how do we explain this?:  :saai:


Hillary Voters at Georgetown Can’t Name a Single Accomplishment that Qualifies Her for the Presidency


A sample of students at Georgetown University who support Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for the presidency couldn’t name a single accomplishment she did in her career as Secretary of State, senator, and First Lady of the United States.



A sample of students probably couldn't tell you the name of the current VP.



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41 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


A lucrative business and a long-term, top rated TV show - a lot more than any of us.


How do you know it's lucrative?

The only evidence I've seen is that he lost nigh on a billion dollars in one year in a business where everyone else makes money.


Perhaps if he released his tax records, you would have something to back up that statement.




Added: I forgot about all the bankruptcies.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


A lucrative business and a long-term, top rated TV show - a lot more than any of us.


I don't deny Trump made money, but he also lost a lot too. His show is only top rated on NBC and only back couple years ago, which is not even close to top rated TV show if you want to compare it across different networks. The rich makes their money by leveraging and borrowing heavily, Trump had leverage from the business and money he inherited from his dad, not something he built from ground up himself - I do give him some credit for making money on some real estates deals. Just last week one of his casino finally shutter its doors after years of bankruptcy. With Trumps record, he really isn't a good pick for President even though he is still living the good life.


This guys is not a good businessmen, despite what he keeps on saying and what his supporters think. 

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3 hours ago, ivan96822 said:

She sure has a sense of entitlement to the White House...


She is a fraud, a phony, a liar...

Yes but she trumps Trump. He is the clear winner in every one of the above categories and also add bigot and abuser of women. Hold your nose and vote.

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


A lucrative business and a long-term, top rated TV show - a lot more than any of us.

bankrupting casinos, ripping off 84 different small and medium sized business men that lost their asses because they worked for Trump, filling over 3,000 law suits against people, charged with sexual abuse by his wife, making fun of handicapped people, calling Mexicans rapists (takes one to know one???). Saying McCain isn't a hero because he was a POW (although Trump didn't serve because he had a foot problem, real hero there). Barges into the dressing room of naked teen agers, says he would bang his own daughter, grabs ladies pussies because he's famous, calls woman pigs and dogs, doesn't pay any taxes. Doesn't have any political experience, sends angry tweets to anyone that criticizes him at 3am in the morning (great temperment and restraint for the guy with his finger on the button), lies like no one I have EVER seen in politics before, has a massive sense of self importance, hates immigrants yet all of his wives are immigrants, inherited 240 Million from his father (anyone could claim to be successful after that) the list of Trump's TREMENDOUS achievements can go on and on. WOW so impressive.


As for a successful reality TV star, how does that qualify him for the office of President? Who will the USA vote for in 2020??? Kim Kardashian?? Why are Americans so stupid to think a celebrity is qualified to lead them???

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13 minutes ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

As for a successful reality TV star, how does that qualify him for the office of President? Who will the USA vote for in 2020??? Kim Kardashian?? Why are Americans so stupid to think a celebrity is qualified to lead them???


“Many a true word hath been spoken in jest.”

 William Shakespeare, King Lear





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14 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


Well, it worked once before choosing an ex-movie star.

All reputable economists agree that Reagan's trickle down economics was a major flop and just a lie perpetrated to give the rich a tax break.

I know many republicans still worship Reagan as a God but he was probably the first President that was completely bought and paid for by the banks. But not the last.


Iran contra?? The guy was a brain dead puppet and a B movie star at best. Such a joke.

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1 minute ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

All reputable economists agree that Reagan's trickle down economics was a major flop and just a lie perpetrated to give the rich a tax break.

I know many republicans still worship Reagan as a God but he was probably the first President that was completely bought and paid for by the banks. But not the last.


Iran contra?? The guy was a brain dead puppet and a B movie star at best. Such a joke.


I agree. He was a scum-bag. Made a deal with the Iranians not to release the embassy hostages until he was elected so that he could take the credit.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


A lucrative business and a long-term, top rated TV show - a lot more than any of us.

Yes, and he's provided ample evidence that regardless of his experience or lack of experience in and out of government, he is completely unfit to hold the most important office on the planet.

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19 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


I agree. He was a scum-bag. Made a deal with the Iranians not to release the embassy hostages until he was elected so that he could take the credit.


Actually, so that Carter looked bad in the campaign, but you were close.

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Good to see both sides still posting enthusiastically.  The BBC (yes I know that will get the fur flying!) had a programme on the US candidates last night presented by Jeremy Paxman.  Nothing new to us followers of the circus but interesting to see it all aired in the programme.  There was obviously more focus on Trump but Clinton got her fair share of criticism. 

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8 hours ago, ivan96822 said:

She sure has a sense of entitlement to the White House...


She is a fraud, a phony, a liar...



Says the guy who supports the Cheeto encrusted fecal matter who has been shown to be lying 91% of the time. I suspect the other 9% of the time is when he's inhaling.

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