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Despite arrested suspect, sixth homeless murder victim found in Bueng Kum


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12 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Oh I agree they've probably got the wrong guy.


I just don't think it was a mistake.


More like looking for a quick fix solution without doing any real investigation other than this guy will do...



Always looking to put down the BiB.  Jimmy fit the description, Asian looking.  Obviously it could not be a Thai because Thais are too jai dee to be serial killers.  Jimmy was Asian looking and not Thai.  Not sure how the BiB could have done any more to get the right guy. 



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8 hours ago, bangon04 said:

It's a valid theory... but knowing what we do about the diligence and competence of the RTP, even in cases which face intense international scrutiny leading to derision.... which theory would you be more likely to believe.


I really wish I had paid more attention in Criminal Mastermind school.  Thailand would be such a fun place to become a criminal.  I would love to just sit back and read the press from all the false clues I planted.  


Police find 1m footprints near scene, suspect monster or ghost.  

DNA recovered at burglary scene said to be cat semen

CCTV camera tampered with.  Video of crime erased and replaced with animal porn.



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