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Who drives car - you or Her?


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Over 50 years experience of good driving in the U.S.  Fortunately, I taught my Thai wife to drive when she lived there for 10 years.  After moving to Thailand we used rental cars for a few months, and I managed to wreck 2 cars in 2 weeks, so when we bought a new car, she does the driving.  If I want to go somewhere, she takes me.

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"mainly because, according to popular folklore that was certainly doing the rounds 8 years ago when I moved out here, it was always the farang who was judged responsible for any prang with a local, even where the facts clearly indicated otherwise."


Urban Myth!


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I sit behind the steering wheel, have my feet on the brake and accelerator, but she sits next to me and does the driving.


I usually drive at weekends or of we go anywhere outside of Bangkok. I don't need the car during the week so she drives to work.

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On 10/18/2016 at 6:12 PM, Kwasaki said:

bored 1.jpg


      Another  boring topic

                        Who owns the car?? .

My ten baht   is on  ,   Lady Thai . 

     Take  care out there .555

Edited by elliss
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On 10/18/2016 at 6:57 PM, otherstuff1957 said:

I drive ... from the front seat, but she drives from the back seat! :sleep:

Mine too, she has her own small Ford Fiesta, has been driving for two years but every time in my car me driving gives me constant advice which are really instructions, it really pisses her off when I say shut up, but she gets the point usually and will shut up for about a week then back to square one.

still love her.

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5 hours ago, dotpoom said:

I have recently decided to let her do most of the driving (even if it does mean looking through the gap in my fingers that are covering my eyes,... you know,.... like when we used to watch "Dracula" in the movies when we were kids.

    I put the car in her name also. My reasons....(1) My eyes are not as good now as they used to be...but my biggest reason.... (2) One day I got the notion into my head that I could lose everything I have here (house and a couple of condos) in a jiffy if I got myself tangled up in a nasty accident. God forbid, but suppose I maimed, or even worse ....while I was driving and the car and insurance were in my name?

   I know at home I would be fully covered for all eventualities, but after living here 16 years now I have come to the conclusion that if "they" decided to stick it to me....they would win and I would come out on the losing side of things.

   I have really enjoyed driving over almost every inch of Thailand since coming here and thank God that there have been no major disasters. (there was one incident about 8 years ago where an old lady on a motorcycle came across 3 lanes of traffic and appeared in front of the bonnet of my car like an apparition, she went sailing through the air into the middle gully on the Sukhumvit Rd.after I hit her and out of sight). I remember thinking at the time "What if she is dead"? She hadn't a screed of paperwork for her motorcycle , not even a helmet on her head. Even so, even though her husband and all the witnesses told the police that she was absolutely in the wrong, they made me come to the police station on more than one occasion and wouldn't let it lie until I got a quotation for the damage to my car which cost 2,400 Baht at the garage they recommended I go to. I didn't want to get it but my wife insisted. It turned out the garage was owned by the sister of the one who recommended it. 

    It brought home to me the reality of being a Farang and driving over here. I was never comfortable after that behind the wheel. I now try and stick to my motorbike and let herself deal with the worries.

If your wife is driving and has a nasty accident where a lot of money is wanted they will come after you the owner of the the car, so my lawyer tells me, only way out is have her name in the blue book, even then they will come after you as your a rich farang easy money.

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34 minutes ago, ableguy said:

If your wife is driving and has a nasty accident where a lot of money is wanted they will come after you the owner of the the car, so my lawyer tells me, only way out is have her name in the blue book, even then they will come after you as your a rich farang easy money.



Proper 1st Class insurance, from a reputable company, will take care of it...

Just let the insurance guy deal with them, that's why you pay for it !!!

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On 10/18/2016 at 5:09 PM, lostinisaan said:

I'm usually driving and it makes sense having 40 years experience.....




Having 40 years experience does not make a good driver, many people drive for many years and are still crap drivers.

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I hate driving in Bangkok.  Driving in Bangkok is for chumps.  Wastes hours a day for little gain.  It's taxi and BTS for me.  When we do drive together she is always the designated driver.  This either gives me time to rspond to email or keeps me out of trouble with the police roadblocks at night.

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On 18/10/2016 at 6:57 PM, otherstuff1957 said:

I drive ... from the front seat, but she drives from the back seat! :sleep:

I also heard a man say his wife does the driving, he just turns the steering wheel. 

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Been driving over sixty years now and still adopt the aggressive drive style needed in Asian countries to stay ahead of the statistics, doesn't always work though  on the basis like today on my bicycle a twit on a motorbike came straight out of a side street at full bore  and nearly wiped me off the planet but hitting a car passing me full on in the side.

He went arse over tit, the car driver stopped in maybe 50 metes and together we tried to help the drunken or drugged rider of the motor bike.


Anyway back on topic I always encouraged my wife to drive our truck on the basis that there would be occasions when I through incapacity, old timers or sheer laziness would prefer to take a back seat.


This policy has and is working because now I dont need to go to Carrefour or the temple and she being an excellent and efficient driver being "cab happy" really gets a kick out of being in charge.


Last month after a long time avoiding going into central Pattaya herself, in a row with me decided in a hissy fit to go to Carrefour and enter that underground parking area which is the bane  of Thai lady drivers.


Now she is always going into the bright side to do the shopping on her own and for me its a big bonus.


Although she will never have the experience that I have of over 60 years on most of the roads in the world she in all probability and honesty  is a much safer driver than I am, much to my chagrin! Ha ha ha 

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On 10/18/2016 at 1:52 PM, kannot said:

but that experience could be wrong, experience does  not mean everything Ive often been told here " this is the way we do it" and many times its blatantly incorrect.

Experience counts here to.......but luck is also needed. !!!

Experience makes me have the right reflex to avoid accidents and not get into a worse accident by avoiding uncontrolled.....and get into a frontal....Experience teaches me to know at any moment what's behind me, left, right and in front of you  !!! so I know how to avoid any obstacle....!?!? and chose the less dangerous option in case.

You can buy any car at any moment, but can not buy experience ! this comes with years of practice. and seeing some the most stupid drivers on earth driving on the same roads....

Experience teaches me that any car parked on the side of the road could all over sudden open a door !...

Experience told me to slightly apply the brakes in view of a crossroad,....just to be sure they work and gives you time to slow down on gears in case....etc.....

Experience told me to check all important features of the car on a regular basis by myself (or be present when a mechanic does it), cooling water, oil, brake oil and brake pads, gear oil, tires profile and pressure and avoid nasty surprises as much as possible.

I let my wife drive as much as possible so she can build some experience to....

In short, experience gives no guarantees but gives you more chances to survive the dangerous roads.

Best regards.

PS: I took those pictures of accidents on the roads in Thailand.....and I have a lot more !!!

Road to Had Jai- (2).jpg


Accident-2 Bus (4).JPG

Accident-3 (2).JPG



Edited by off road pat
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I finally got her convinced that the lights are very important so others can see her coming, not only for her sight. This took some time. A few semi close calls with oncoming traffic with no lights at dusk before she really got the concept. I am guessing that this causes a high number of accidents and fatalities here every day. Laos is even worse as its against the law to have your lights on in the daytime, and they enforce it. I think an argument for banning helmets, seat belts, or air bags would make more sense than lights.

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5 hours ago, off road pat said:

Experience counts here to.......but luck is also needed. !!!

Experience makes me have the right reflex to avoid accidents and not get into a worse accident by avoiding uncontrolled.....and get into a frontal....Experience teaches me to know at any moment what's behind me, left, right and in front of you  !!! so I know how to avoid any obstacle....!?!? and chose the less dangerous option in case.

You can buy any car at any moment, but can not buy experience ! this comes with years of practice. and seeing some the most stupid drivers on earth driving on the same roads....

Experience teaches me that any car parked on the side of the road could all over sudden open a door !...

Experience told me to slightly apply the brakes in view of a crossroad,....just to be sure they work and gives you time to slow down on gears in case....etc.....

Experience told me to check all important features of the car on a regular basis by myself (or be present when a mechanic does it), cooling water, oil, brake oil and brake pads, gear oil, tires profile and pressure and avoid nasty surprises as much as possible.

I let my wife drive as much as possible so she can build some experience to....

In short, experience gives no guarantees but gives you more chances to survive the dangerous roads.

Best regards.

PS: I took those pictures of accidents on the roads in Thailand.....and I have a lot more !!!

Road to Had Jai- (2).jpg


Accident-2 Bus (4).JPG

Accident-3 (2).JPG



There was a survey about 5 years ago from the UK I belive (still trying to find it again) it was about the age range and experiance of drivers men and women and road awareness and road sign meanings survey. Women in the 35 to 50 age range came out well on top can't remember the full list l. I do remember bottom were 18 to 25 year old men and next which suprised me were the 35 to 50 men. I remember a quote from it familiarity breeds contempt. I seem to remember it was a RAC survey will keep looking and post it.

Edited by Deepinthailand
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On 10/23/2016 at 1:55 PM, n210mp said:

Been driving over sixty years now and still adopt the aggressive drive style needed in Asian countries to stay ahead of the statistics, doesn't always work though  on the basis like today on my bicycle a twit on a motorbike came straight out of a side street at full bore  and nearly wiped me off the planet but hitting a car passing me full on in the side.

He went arse over tit, the car driver stopped in maybe 50 metes and together we tried to help the drunken or drugged rider of the motor bike.


Anyway back on topic I always encouraged my wife to drive our truck on the basis that there would be occasions when I through incapacity, old timers or sheer laziness would prefer to take a back seat.


This policy has and is working because now I dont need to go to Carrefour or the temple and she being an excellent and efficient driver being "cab happy" really gets a kick out of being in charge.


Last month after a long time avoiding going into central Pattaya herself, in a row with me decided in a hissy fit to go to Carrefour and enter that underground parking area which is the bane  of Thai lady drivers.


Now she is always going into the bright side to do the shopping on her own and for me its a big bonus.


Although she will never have the experience that I have of over 60 years on most of the roads in the world she in all probability and honesty  is a much safer driver than I am, much to my chagrin! Ha ha ha 



What irony!!!!!


Today my wife went to the gym and on her way back up the bypass a Russian lady  in a similar 4x4 side with two kids in (none of them wearing seat belts) came straight out of a side street and demolished the right hand side of our Vigo.


Shes started to shout at my wife about going too fast which is 100% BS as my Mrs is a most careful and sensible driver and in any event had the right of way.


A passing Cop who witnessed the event told her (the Russian lady) that she was entirely at fault. This did not seem to faze the silly woman who then wanted an official police investigation.


Her insurance accident surveyor arrived and also told her she was in the wrong, as did my wife's insurance accident surveyor. 


She was having none of it and it wasn't until the Boss from the local Police informed her that she was in the wrong and could be charged with an offence did she clam up!

In the event and as usual the BIB couldn't be bothered to charge her, just another of the  times  that  people get away scott free  with  an offence that could have had much more serious consequences all round.


If she hadn't insisted on being right and stupidly calling for a Police investigation, We like any sensible  and reasonable people  would have  agreed with  no charges against her becasue  accidents do happen, it would have been as we used to say in the UK "Knock for knock".


However with her belligerent insistence on calling the Police she deserved to be charged but wasn't!

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99% of the time I drive.....


We have 3 cars/0 motorbikes but rarely are 2 cars in use at one time.....3 = never.....


I've always been the driver during my adult life & even with family gatherings I'm the go to guy and the only person my FIL will ride with....


She's a very competent & safe driver but much slower & less aggressive than me.....I have no problem when she drives - I'm not a comfortable rider usually and she does fine....Usually pitching in for an hour or two on roadtrips.....


Other than that she's my GPS and has a phenomenal memory for landmarks & turns along the way....


She'll usually rest an arm against me & give a little heads up pat if something is pulling into the road or an erratic driver, road condition - it's been helpful at times.....

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