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Tourists warned after Thailand 'noodle poisoner paralysed travellers with muscle relaxant then stole cash'


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1 hour ago, Strange said:



If I can't trust food on a bus trip then I aint going. 


What kind of nonsense makes this ok? Like, its the customers fault for "Eating Food"



What? Did nobody back home ever teach never take food, candy or tylenol from a stranger on a bus? 

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Just now, yooyoo said:

It is unbelievable as to what the Thais will do steal from foreigners and their own... 


No foreigners were involved in this reported incident so it is unbelievable that you made that remark.

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39 minutes ago, gdgbb said:


No foreigners were involved in this reported incident so it is unbelievable that you made that remark.


Foreigners are frequently involved in such incidents, and as such his remark is spot on.


But it's not just Thais that do it.

I know of two Frenchman that drugged, raped and robbed a couple a few years back. That was drugged alcohol.

And two more that drugged some Kuwaitis on a bus to Pattaya, stole their valuables, got off and left them on the bus. 

The "friendly farang" had offered to buy some food for them at the services outside the airport and, unknown to them, spiked it.

Criminals are criminals.


I suspect it happens more in Thailand because a stolen camera may be worth several months' salary.


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2 hours ago, Strange said:


Whats the staff got to do with anything? Im talking about the chickenshits that doped food to rob people. Dont care who it is. You are defending it like its normal and we shouldn't be pissed. 



3 continents? Dude I been everywhere. Ill eat a chicken sandwich in Bagdad International Airport no problem. Quit defending this. 

It sounds like the person was offered food from a stranger though, unless I'm misreading it.  


I've heard the trains in Italy are notorious for guys offering you some wine and then stealing everything you have when you pass out from the drugs they put in it.

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Not just tourists.  Whenever my wife used to travel by bus to see relatives she would always take off her jewellery and only take a bag she could keep on her lap.  When I asked why she said that she was worried she may fall asleep.  I thought she was paranoid but the advice had come from her brother in law who is a cop.  So many reasons for not travelling on a bus in Thailand unless you absolutely have to!

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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Not just tourists.  Whenever my wife used to travel by bus to see relatives she would always take off her jewellery and only take a bag she could keep on her lap.  When I asked why she said that she was worried she may fall asleep.  I thought she was paranoid but the advice had come from her brother in law who is a cop.  So many reasons for not travelling on a bus in Thailand unless you absolutely have to!

This is paranoid nonsense.

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You better not put anything expensive in your bag which is under the bus. There was this case while someone of the bus company was going inside the luggage room while the bus drives. When people realized stuff off their bags were missing, it was too late. This was here on TV also

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27 minutes ago, The manic said:

This is paranoid nonsense.


Possibly and it was over six years ago.  However her paranoia was fuelled by having a family of policemen who dealt with crime on a daily basis and consequently were wary for their family members.  Given the amount of reports like these maybe the paranoia is understandable.

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8 hours ago, fruitman said:

This also was done to my friend and his wife in the bus, everything was stolen.


Another one was missing all valuables out of his suitcase which had ONLY been in the luggage-compartment in the bus.....there must have been a person in that compartment as well.


Yes that old trick is still happening on these buses.


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"Paralysed" by drugs in your noodles-absurd.


Going to sleep on a 300 mile bus journey and having your stuff stolen- happens all the time. The fascinating thing is that people need to attribute falling asleep to mysterious drugs. 


Of course it is very rare indeed to see a Thai asleep in the daytime...so a drug is really the only believable explanation for this rare event.

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1 hour ago, partington said:

"Paralysed" by drugs in your noodles-absurd.


Going to sleep on a 300 mile bus journey and having your stuff stolen- happens all the time. The fascinating thing is that people need to attribute falling asleep to mysterious drugs. 


Of course it is very rare indeed to see a Thai asleep in the daytime...so a drug is really the only believable explanation for this rare event.


You see Thais asleep during the day everywhere.  Like the Chinese they nap as and when they get the opportunity.  That is very different to being deep asleep to the point where you can go through their pockets and remove watches and money from them.

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i took the overnight bus from korat or was it kohn kaen to phuket.  The bus stopped for breakfast at some restaurant where everybody  ate.  That seems pretty safe as the food was served family style from big bowls and everybody ate the same thing so there would be no selective person being poisoned.  On the 6 hour bus from bangkok to sukhothai that stopped a bout half way for lunch, we stopped at a big gas station plaza so again, no way for just one or two people to be targeted.

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 its happened in Europe. I know people who caught an early train, first class seats,fell asleep, woke up couple of hours later, funny taste in their mouth , slight headaches.Both watches , wallets, purse gone. They hadn't eaten or drunk a thing.they think it might have been a sort of spray.

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There is a drug or concoction in thailand that is alike to colombias scopolamine. Its a drug that when u get a whiff of it, u will just follow all commands of the person who drug u. A customer of mine, a shop retailer who takes stock from me to sell in shop told me just a few mths ago that she was a victim of this drug. She said she was in a kinda semi concious drug induced state n she just willing gave over all her cash in her shop to a lady who came into her shop n also anothet customer in the shop also gave over all her money to this lady as well. When they came to, the lady was already long gone. How true this is, i dont know. Just be extra careful when u deal with a stranger n dont be too confident. Cos when u think u r confident n ok, thats when trouble strikes. Take care n be well 

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