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Japanese man shoots his ex wife over marriage break-up settlement


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2 hours ago, billd766 said:


I was one of them back in 1999.


All I kept was the pensions and what I could fit into a Ford Mondeo estate car.

i had my marriage 'experience' before i owned anything. everything i owned fitted into my pickup when i left. she refuses to get the divorce done that she agreed to pay for. i dont really care. will stop me from doing something that stupid again.

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6 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

many guys i know have walked away from almost anything but they are still happy just to have their freedom back.


I know there are different laws in different countries, but apart from financially supporting their children, I cannot understand how anyone can end up with almost nothing ( I assume that's what the poster means)

I would never have allowed that to happen to me, even if I had to do things that would have had me end up in jail.

When I say this, I am only referring to my home country.

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4 hours ago, hellohello123 said:

It astonishes me why men in todays western world even contemplate  getting married


Paying to put a noose around your neck.....


Nah, not around here, if you want the honey, you gonna have to sign on that proverbial dotted line...


So many men, and not just in Thailand, afraid to be alone.

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Oh no a Thai court would not do that. They are to the letter of the law.

1 : Thai wife that had nothing !  Receives all the foreigners money.

That sums up Thailand in one sentence. There is no justice and I do not see it coming anytime soon with these leaders. Good luck. I would not invest  cracker here.

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You break the law, then the law is enforced in the wifes favor and you shoot them? 

I am amazed at the people that poor money into this country, as far as buying land in wife's name.

If you are here and male, IMO you need to keep your affairs in order. If not this may happen! And it happens daily here.

Just not the shooting, but loss of vast sums of money.

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RULE no1

Never Ever Get Married... It means nothing just pain, trouble and is completely UNnecessary in this day and age. its just a farce now that has been manipulated by lawyers and has nothing to do with the church anymore.
A relationship if based on love needs no piece of legal documents to solidify that, and if they start asking for marriage, you better take off your rose tinted goggles because they are asking for a reason. $$$$ security and the the excuse to sit home eat all day get fat and treat you like dogshit with the ace in their pack of cards.
Wake up suckers...


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8 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

many guys i know have walked away from almost anything but they are still happy just to have their freedom back.


whats the point of having your freedom back with no money left to enjoy there selves with. 

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I don't understand how anyone with several handguns can not figure out how to use them effectively. The guy should have spent more time on the range. He had the intent but not the skill to get the desired result.  I guess that makes him......really stupid!

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"angry that a court had found in favor of his Thai wife over the house, land and other property after their marriage ended "

I think it should mean " over HIS house, land ...."

a classic in LOS...baby marries grandpa...once all is set up for happy ...she divorce and her new /old gik or thai husband moves into the luxury residence straight from their khlong toei shoebox....


and in thai court is only one rule = thias first....period....

somebody angry...oooaaaaaaaaaohhhh bad falang ....


if a japanese gets angry to the point he shoots somebody there must be a lot more rubbish happened that I just imagined.

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10 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

i guess guys shudda paid their support more often

If you think that running away from Child Support in the West is an easy task, no matter what your x-wife did to you or refuses to even let you see your kid, then you know nothing about it at all. 


In the West you are branded as a Criminal and are treated as such. Including going to jail. In fact this only debt on money owed in the West you can go to jail for. You can be refused a Passport, and have your Driving License taken away in many places. Your Saving Account, or anything of value, can be taken away from you. Any wages you earn will be garnished by the government, which most times would cost you your job. 


I am not suggesting that people shouldn't help pay for the child's well being and pay child support, as I think they should. I am suggesting that if you want to avoid things like this you need more fair judgments in the courts. It is a bitter pill to swallow to be kicked out of the house you worked and paid for yourself, so your x's boyfriend can move in to raise your child, and your x refuses you the right to visit this child as she feels it is not good for him or her. But has her hand out each month for you check.


Don't think for a moment this doesn't happen as it does all the time. Just so we are straight on this of all the many divorces I know of from family and friends, it was the wife cheating on her husband almost all the time, and not the other way around and what most people think. I only know of one case the other way.       

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11 hours ago, robblok said:

If you take a wife half your age your playing the odds.. if you attract girls with your money do you think the want you or your money ?


I was recently divorced (unfortunately) from my Thai wife.. I kept the car and the house she did not want a thing besides what she put into the relation. We are still friends but I selected carefully and she was not half my age or attracted to money. 


They are out there.. just harder to find and get.. and probably not half your age and looking 10 times better. Woman want a good looking nice guy too.. Guys would not want a woman twice their age why would girls want it without some monetary compensation.


And yes there are good age gap relations out there.. but that is like winning the lottery everyone talks about it but fey actually win. (I have seen a few.. but seen more that were not genuine).

I am sorry but I don't see the relationship you are trying to make of being married to a woman half your age, and because of that having the courts take away your house for her to live in?


The Divorce Rate in the West is 50% and most people their marry close to there own age. So what has that got to do with having to give everything you worked for to your wife and her new boyfriend she was sleeping with in your bed while you were away working. Are you going to defend these courts and say married women have sexual needs to? So it is okay and understandable and thus doesn't mean she is a poor mother?



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11 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

.....from experience...


..you are slandered...stereotyped.....the wife brings in 'witnesses'....


...and even your own lawyer seems 'bought'.....cooperating with the wife to get her at least 95% of joint assets.....



...anyone that doesn't like to here this firsthand truth can go !@#$%^& himself.....



...time for the foreign governments to speak up.....


...not only the husband suffers...the children suffer...


....and all the people that depended on the husband...such as family back home.....when he was a viable entity.....




...something has to be done....





I agree 100% and also coming from experience. 


It is not that most people don't want to listen or hear this. They mostly act like your lawyer and defend these woman. That it is your fault for choosing a younger woman, or choosing the wrong women, and never mind what they did. 


I like the Polish Divorce the best. You are still expected to share things 50/50 but in Poland this is exactly what you do. You live in the same house together and you have your own room and share the kitchen and bathroom. No child support as you are still living at home and still paying for things like before. Next to impossible to get a divorce approved by the church or a Polish Catholic Priest. 


Guess What? For many years Poland had by far the lowest Divorce Rate in the West and East. It has only changed some since Polish Men went West for jobs, found a new girlfriend, and then decided not to come back. But even now the Divorce Rate in Poland is very low. 


If you agree to get married it should be for life. If you want to leave then good-by and good luck. But then be prepared to look after yourself to. If you can't do that with the kid, then leave the kid behind. He will be well taken care of. That is my take on things.  



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11 hours ago, BigFun said:

Goldbuggy, are you wearing your wife beater as you type :post-4641-1156694572:

Did the elderly Japanese gentleman mistake his wife for the judge? :shock1:

I never hit a woman in my life. I also don't agree to settle this, or anything else, by shooting them. An X-wife or Judge.


I am just saying it is time that Divorce Cases are given a serious look again from both points of view, and not just the woman's. Who says Women make better parents and raising their child then Men do? Where is that written in stone, besides in the Divorce Courts?  

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14 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...''happen more around the world'......hogwash....


...it happens here in epidemic proportions...yet most victims...the hapless foreign husbands suffer silently....


...this is not justice...it is injustice....


...and it's time for the foreign governments to speak up.....


...the husbands and the children are the victims.....


...of greedy calculating 'wives' that never were wives or mothers....just calculating blood suckers....





What rubbish, nobody held a gun to these saps head when they followed orders from the brain in the lower regions.

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17 hours ago, catman20 said:

im surprised this sort of thing dose not happen more all over the world.


Catman...many are in agreement with your statement. I think you are "just early" in your assessment.

In a way, it has already occurred in USA and other falang countries. The legal system so favors fem nazis and financial servitude that guys are avoiding the whole nonsense of marriage altogether. Now American women eat themselves to bliss. Then wonder aloud why their menfolk head to SE Asia. 


In New York City area, marriages are called "M & A"---mergers and acquisitions.



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17 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Wow! The Japanese man was a quick learner of Thai ways of solving "problems". :sad:

Actually "No"  he only wounded her, the police found several guns with him, he should have kept shooting............just saying, in for a penny, in for a pound

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18 hours ago, flyingdoc said:

Goldbuggy, I sympathise with what you have written, and have encountered exactly the same situation as you have described - to the letter!

It was not in Thailand, it was in Kent in England !

Both times for me were also not in Thailand. Anyone here who only thinks this happens in Thailand knows nothing of their Divorce Laws and how the Courts actually work. 

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17 hours ago, slippery snake said:

Yeah,, marriage is one big risk these days anywhere in the world,, unless your happy to lose most of whatever you have.... 

Who said anything about Marriage?


In Canada you only have to live with a woman for a year now, in a loving relationship, to get dinged. The only people who were safe from this was Gay People, but now with Gay Marriages being legal that gets thrown out the window to. 


Your fine if you want to live like a Hermit and in some Log Cabin in the Mountains with your Dogs. But being with any woman (or man) in a serious relationship is risky these days. 

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17 hours ago, robblok said:

Strange that you guys lost it all.. where i come from wives get 50% of the joint property and a monthly allowance. Quite fair too they gave up all to stay home take care of the house your needs and kids and could not make money themselves. Then when it goes south she has to leave with nothing because you made the money.... forgetting what she did all the time for you and kids and could not have her own carrier because of it.


That monthly allowance is gone when she starts working (only topped up a bit). I have even seen cases where wives had to pay for their husbands. But these wives had a career made more money then their husbands. So it works two ways. You know what your getting into when you marry.. law has not changed in ages and you moan and bitch about it. 


Tough luck id say. First time around i was smart enough to have a pre nup.. kept my house out of it, and because of the short marriage only a short time for monthly allowance... all fair IMHO.. sure it sucks when she chooses an other guy.. but she is not property unlike what some of you might think. 

I never heard of a wife walking away with your kids with nothing and you keeping the house and not having to make child support payments, with a "pre nup" or not.


I also never saw a guy write in defense of the woman and claim giving her 50% for staying home was fair, then turn around and tell everyone how he basically gave his x-wife nothing. 


If you are of means and have many assets, then a pre nup is probably a good way to protect what you bring into a marriage. Which should be protected anyway and in most other places. A pre nup is not written in stone or binding in any court of law. Even if it is fair, it is up to the courts to decide. A pre nup is only a written contract but so is a marriage contract, which between husband and wife supersedes any other contract you may have with her. 


Some women walk away from a marriage asking nothing in return to. Although rare!  

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6 hours ago, Gracas said:

Perhaps a Samurai Sword may have been a better choice of weapon for Morita, he was lacking skill with the Handgun.

Yep! He could have also used it on himself later, instead of spending the next 50 years in prison (at age 61), and killed two birds with one stone, so to speak. 

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A post containing a derogatory slur toward Thais has been removed as well as a reply:


11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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On 10/21/2016 at 9:18 AM, SOTIRIOS said:

...''happen more around the world'......hogwash....


...it happens here in epidemic proportions...yet most victims...the hapless foreign husbands suffer silently....


...this is not justice...it is injustice....


...and it's time for the foreign governments to speak up.....


...the husbands and the children are the victims.....


...of greedy calculating 'wives' that never were wives or mothers....just calculating blood suckers....






People who get married in Thailand know the risks and willing enter into it.  Then claim injustice when things end horribly (financially--lose everything & emotionally --no custody of the kids).





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I sympathize with the guy. I am about to enter year 8 of trying to get a divorce (five years required before being able to apply and now year three with lawyers). I have a wife (not Thai) who never worked in her life and wants to keep everything. And I do mean everything. Leaving me with zero!


Expensive flights back and forth to the UK for a one hour session in a family court where nothing is achieved is a joke. I agree with the vast majority of comments listed here. There is a definite bias these days. But ho hum... I'm happy! (but would be happier with settlement).

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