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U.S. Election Morning Anywhere in Bangkok?

pan mores

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One doesn't have to agree with any of the candidates, but anyone knows of an U.S. presidential election live morning in Bangkok? Usually the U.S. embassy had an event, that's cancelled...


Would be great to share the event with others, I mean only happens every four years...

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  • 3 weeks later...

The West Coast polls close at noon on Wednesday (Thai time), which is when the TV coverage gets serious.


Don't know if there is anything in Bangkok, but if you want to take a ride to Pattaya, Leo's Blues Cafe (at Park Beach Condo, Soi Naklua 16) is planning a party for Wednesday afternoon.


I'll be there - should be interesting!

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5 hours ago, JAFO said:

I think most of the US citizens are ashamed and embarrassed. Most would sooner have this all just go away. Btw I am a US citizen and I have decided to not vote.



I am not at all ashamed or embarrassed, and I did indeed vote....

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10 hours ago, JAFO said:

I think most of the US citizens are ashamed and embarrassed. Most would sooner have this all just go away. Btw I am a US citizen and I have decided to not vote.



I am ashamed and embarrassed by fellow citizens who claim to be ashamed and embarrassed by what's going on in the US and yet are too lazy to get off their backsides and do something about the situation. Like exercise their right to vote.

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Generally the result is called around 11PM PST which would be noon here (remember the clocks go back tonight)


I've already cast my vote, and frankly just want it all to end. Either result, it's Bad or Worse.


I don't intend to even look at any news site until sometime late Wednesday afternoon, then I'll have a quiet sob and move on!

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8 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

I am not at all ashamed or embarrassed, and I did indeed vote....


2 hours ago, The Dancer said:

I am ashamed and embarrassed by fellow citizens who claim to be ashamed and embarrassed by what's going on in the US and yet are too lazy to get off their backsides and do something about the situation. Like exercise their right to vote.


While I know this is a charged discussion, I disagree. I am exercising my democratic right by saying I do not believe either candidate is worthy of my vote.  I refuse to buy that I have to pick the lesser of two inept candidates or randomly pick someone other than them to show my sentiment.


I know many that feel the same and are not voting either. 




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12 minutes ago, JAFO said:



While I know this is a charged discussion, I disagree. I am exercising my democratic right by saying I do not believe either candidate is worthy of my vote.  I refuse to buy that I have to pick the lesser of two inept candidates or randomly pick someone other than them to show my sentiment.


I know many that feel the same and are not voting either. 





I am also not voting... do I vote for the person's lies that most appeal to me? 


As a little old lady from Maine said on the Jack Paar show many years ago - I never vote, it only encourages them... 

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3 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

I am also not voting... do I vote for the person's lies that most appeal to me? 


As a little old lady from Maine said on the Jack Paar show many years ago - I never vote, it only encourages them... 


And that is the absolute truth Kenk24. If these piss poor candidates see that people will vote no matter how poorly they behave It encourages them and then future candidates and they know it only matters that with enough money they can lie, cheat and steal and the sheeple will still vote. People should be screaming at the top of their lungs about these 2. 


I would love to see a "None of the Above" option. And if that got more % of the votes then it wins and the 2 candidates are out and they cannot re run and waste the public's time. Now that's a real democracy. 


I am going to Rant here a bit, I am sick of hearing people blindly scream about "You better vote, its your right its our system". Wake up!!!!. Not voting is OK. It is still exercising your democratic right. Bring a viable candidate that's worthy of my vote, I will. Until then I want no part of this nonsense. Nobody wins with either candidate. They are both horrible examples and shows that money buys votes and people are sheeple.


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14 hours ago, JAFO said:

I think most of the US citizens are ashamed and embarrassed. Most would sooner have this all just go away. Btw I am a US citizen and I have decided to not vote.


You know this does nothing right? I mean there is always a lesser of 2 evils. 


As far as OP's question, I don't know. 

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11 minutes ago, JAFO said:

Wake up!!!!. Not voting is OK. It is still exercising your democratic right. Bring a viable candidate that's worthy of my vote, I will. Until then I want no part of this nonsense. Nobody wins with either candidate. They are both horrible examples and shows that money buys votes and people are sheeple.


And yet the decision will be made and things can potentially effect you differently with either candidate. A non-vote is still a vote.

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1 minute ago, Strange said:

I mean there is always a lesser of 2 evils. 


To a point I agree. but not as pathetic as these 2 people. These 2 are blatantly incompetent and do not deserve to be President of the United States.  


As time rolls on I think this will only get harder fir future candidates. Years back there was no such thing as e-mail and social media, people didn't have smartphones, drones flying overhead and webcams everywhere. Amazingly though these 2 candidates out and out lie even when caught. I could respect one if they would just admit it. For FCS, we all know Trump hates Mexicans and is a total womanizer and yet he stands there and says No. Its utterly laughable. He will say what it takes to win. LOL!!!. 

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4 minutes ago, Strange said:

And yet the decision will be made and things can potentially effect you differently with either candidate. A non-vote is still a vote.


It's a valid option, same as abstaining.


Add up the cost in time, money and effort it takes to vote and it doesn't weigh very favorably against the value of my vote when the choice is so abysmal.


100% chance of the same-o' same-o' increase in the concentration of wealth (isn't that why our forefathers left Europe, to get away from dynastic driven poverty?), or an unknown chance of really going off the rails.  I'm abstaining on this go-round.

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4 minutes ago, JAFO said:

To a point I agree. but not as pathetic as these 2 people. These 2 are blatantly incompetent and do not deserve to be President of the United States.  


I agree, but regardless one will be chosen weather we like the choices or not. If ever there was a time to vote, this would be a good one imho. 


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5 minutes ago, impulse said:

It's a valid option, same as abstaining.


Add up the cost in time, money and effort it takes to vote and it doesn't weigh very favorably against the value of my vote when the choice is so abysmal.


100% chance of the same-o' same-o' increase in the concentration of wealth (isn't that why our forefathers left Europe, to get away from dynastic driven poverty?), or an unknown chance of really going off the rails.


I kinda wish you valued your vote more than you do but its your choice. I get it. 


There are more things at play than dynastic driven poverty and doomsday. Taxes, Obamacare, 2nd Amendment, Gay Rights, Abortion, etc... 

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46 minutes ago, JAFO said:


And that is the absolute truth Kenk24. If these piss poor candidates see that people will vote no matter how poorly they behave It encourages them and then future candidates and they know it only matters that with enough money they can lie, cheat and steal and the sheeple will still vote. People should be screaming at the top of their lungs about these 2. 


I would love to see a "None of the Above" option. And if that got more % of the votes then it wins and the 2 candidates are out and they cannot re run and waste the public's time. Now that's a real democracy. 


I am going to Rant here a bit, I am sick of hearing people blindly scream about "You better vote, its your right its our system". Wake up!!!!. Not voting is OK. It is still exercising your democratic right. Bring a viable candidate that's worthy of my vote, I will. Until then I want no part of this nonsense. Nobody wins with either candidate. They are both horrible examples and shows that money buys votes and people are sheeple.



Yes, a none of the above is a great option, but last I heard, near 50% don't vote and to me, that is the same... but w/o your caveat. 


When W. won by, what was it 790 votes or thereabouts in Fla - if you were opposed, and could go back in time and move with 900 people to Fla and vote... do you think Gore would have won? Or they would have found 950 votes? 


I do not like being so cynical, but truly feel powerless - which is fine as I can just live my life peacefully on Nakhorn Nowhere and not bother anyone. Though I will watch with great curiosity... 

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6 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

I do not like being so cynical, but truly feel powerless - which is fine as I can just live my life peacefully on Nakhorn Nowhere and not bother anyone. Though I will watch with great curiosity... 


And likely comment and if negatively affected somehow probably complain, just like anyone else. 


But I get it. Maybe some have no intention to go back to the USA. I do though and I still care. While the prospects for president are shit, its still a good place. 

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23 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

I do not like being so cynical, but truly feel powerless - which is fine as I can just live my life peacefully on Nakhorn Nowhere and not bother anyone. Though I will watch with great curiosity.


Same here KenK24, But to your point I am quite content being here and do not have any liabilities in the US so I will watch from afar.  


14 minutes ago, Strange said:

And likely comment and if negatively affected somehow probably complain, just like anyone else. 


But I get it. Maybe some have no intention to go back to the USA. I do though and I still care. While the prospects for president are shit, its still a good place. 


No, I will not comment negatively after the election. I personally feel if I do not vote I give up that right. Again being here and living I have slowly become disconnected from the US and its politics. Life is far less complicated. 


I do understand and respect the ones that will return back and have a vested interest in the political system. I wish you folks the best with who ever wins.

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33 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

Yes, a none of the above is a great option, but last I heard, near 50% don't vote and to me, that is the same... but w/o your caveat. 


That's how I see it, with out the "None of the Above"  option the way to show dissatisfaction is do not vote and this will send a clear message. I would love to see drastically low numbers at the polls but my hunch is people feel they HAVE to vote due to society pressure. They close their eyes and punch a button. People do not really understand the power of not voting sadly.

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10 minutes ago, JAFO said:


That's how I see it, with out the "None of the Above"  option the way to show dissatisfaction is do not vote and this will send a clear message. I would love to see drastically low numbers at the polls but my hunch is people feel they HAVE to vote due to society pressure. They close their eyes and punch a button. People do not really understand the power of not voting sadly.


IMO, Trump is the "none of the above" option.  At least he was during the Repub primaries.

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26 minutes ago, Strange said:


And likely comment and if negatively affected somehow probably complain, just like anyone else. 


But I get it. Maybe some have no intention to go back to the USA. I do though and I still care. While the prospects for president are shit, its still a good place. 


Yeah, sorry, but I will highly likely not comment or go negative with posts on a forum. And it is not that I don't care - and it is not that the results will not have some impact on my investments in USA... it is more a feeling of my life being better spent outside the pig sty of politics... I am actually concerned more so of reports of a meanness in the society... and the aggressive style that people tell me is becoming more prevalent in business and society... hope it is not true. 

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1 hour ago, Strange said:

I kinda wish you valued your vote more than you do but its your choice. I get it.


 I know this is pretty Communist, but I wish they'd give people a tax rebate for voting (as opposed to a penalty for not voting, but it's effectively the same).


Of course, that won't happen because "they" would prefer that anyone who would be incented to vote by a $50 tax rebate would stay home or at the salt mine on election day.

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1 hour ago, Strange said:

I don't know homie I just planned to view it online, by myself, with a stiff drink or 10. 


Good plan.  Why leave home and risk ending up in a Clinton Bar or a Trump Bar.  


It's that "Politics and Religion shouldn't be discussed in polite -or drunk- company" thing.   Rarely ends well.

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7 minutes ago, impulse said:

Good plan.  Why leave home and risk ending up in a Clinton Bar or a Trump Bar.  


It's that "Politics and Religion shouldn't be discussed in polite -or drunk- company" thing.   Rarely ends well.


Add in some random English/British, yeah, surely wouldn't be a fun time. 

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30 minutes ago, JAFO said:

No, I will not comment negatively after the election. I personally feel if I do not vote I give up that right. Again being here and living I have slowly become disconnected from the US and its politics. Life is far less complicated. 


I do understand and respect the ones that will return back and have a vested interest in the political system. I wish you folks the best with who ever wins.


You still have a vested interest, regardless of weather or not you live in the USA. That passport and wealth you acquired still means something. 


Still means something if you need to go back too. Its still your homeland. Still will allow you back. Still will allow you healthcare. Still many reasons not to 'burn that bridge' so-to-speak.

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28 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

Yeah, sorry, but I will highly likely not comment or go negative with posts on a forum. And it is not that I don't care - and it is not that the results will not have some impact on my investments in USA... it is more a feeling of my life being better spent outside the pig sty of politics... I am actually concerned more so of reports of a meanness in the society... and the aggressive style that people tell me is becoming more prevalent in business and society... hope it is not true. 


Well, believe what you want, its your choice, but its a choice provided to you with that passport you carry. Hiding from it won't do anything positive. 

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54 minutes ago, Strange said:


Well, believe what you want, its your choice, but its a choice provided to you with that passport you carry. Hiding from it won't do anything positive. 


Hiding from it? This does not make any sense... I am merely exercising a right not to vote... and I am in no way being critical of whoever you care to vote for... and of ocurse, both you and I and everyone else on the forum will believe what we want... what else is new? Are you having a nice Sunday? I am about to go out and walk around a market, pick up a few things, enjoy my day... hope you enjoy too..

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