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Thai research team discovers chemicals which can stop cancer from growing


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6 hours ago, Grubster said:

Hey I believe they invented the oxen driven plow, it still works good to this day. Maybe that was just a lazy guy tired of pulling the plow and not a scientist. What about Red Bull there must have been science involved there. Sorry man I agree 100%. I believe there are hundreds of chemicals that will kill cancer, finding one that won't kill me is the problem. That said I think I would be the lab animal before Chemo.

The ox"driven"(?)plow...

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10 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Well said. There are two cases in the past that have puzzled me the cancer cure of Jimmy Carter whose cancer had  metastasized and Gordie Howe.



As for Jimmy Carter. pembrolizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody (umab) is no mystery although the details do get technical. If you or a loved one do get cancer I highly recommend "Undergraduate Immunology" by Erridge, a very affordable introduction to the subject.  Just don't get discouraged by the 40% of the information you are unlikely to understand, just keep reading and use Google when encountering new vocabulary or new concepts.

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..just give them funding for the next 20 years......


...how many years have 'searches for cures' been going on...around the world.....to the tune of billions....


...while proven natural cures are suppressed or put on the back burner....


...and 90% of 'victims' are killed by chemo.....


...word is doctors would never administer chemo to themselves or their families by the way....



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7 minutes ago, SOTIRIOS said:

..just give them funding for the next 20 years......


...how many years have 'searches for cures' been going on...around the world.....to the tune of billions....


...while proven natural cures are suppressed or put on the back burner....


...and 90% of 'victims' are killed by chemo.....


...word is doctors would never administer chemo to themselves or their families by the way....





There are no proven natural cures.


The idea that every disease that humans are subject to has a natural cure is a myth, based largely on the medieval notion that the world was designed around human beings, and is somehow devoted to their well being. This is of course a fairy tale. 


The suggestion that doctors will never submit themselves or their families to chemo is made up, as there is multiple evidence from around the world that this is not the case.


The idea that drug companies suppress real cures for cancer so they can go on selling chemo is so ridiculous that no adult who expresses it can be capable of logical thought.


All doctors who treat cancer know that chemotherapy is a least worst option (the other option is dying), has appalling side effects, and is only acceptable as a treatment because the underlying disease is almost inevitably fatal.


Every single clinician in the world, if given a safer alternative to chemo, would prescribe it. Every single patient in the world, knowing the awful side effects of chemo would choose a safer option if it were available. Any single drug company that developed a safer, more effective cure  for cancers than chemotherapy would immediately make billions and billions of dollars more than companies who did not sell this treatment, and would have an income stream that defied description.


The idea that chomping on a couple of leaves can cure all cancers and pharma is suppressing this is also ridiculous. People would just eat them and be cured and word would spread. Plenty of word spreads about cures that don't work, and there are so many different ones precisely because they don't work.


The cures don't exist. Cancer is hundreds of diseases not one, because it is caused by different combinations of mutations in a handful of more than two hundred different genes within individual cells. The cures for any disease do not inevitably exist in nature because nature is not designed to make you better (what is an antelope's cure for a lion?) They have to be discovered, by humans, working things out, just like the glasses perched on your nose that are helping you read this. 


Some diseases are so difficult that a cure may never be found (outside directed mutation of individual genes within affected human beings), so the fact there are no cures for most cancers yet does not require a conspiracy theory, any more than the fact that we haven't developed time travel yet does.


Views like the ones expressed above really make me depressed sometimes- like watching Donald Trump being applauded. But anyway who needs expertise, eh?

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9 minutes ago, partington said:



There are no proven natural cures.


The idea that every disease that humans are subject to has a natural cure is a myth, based largely on the medieval notion that the world was designed around human beings, and is somehow devoted to their well being. This is of course a fairy tale. 


The suggestion that doctors will never submit themselves or their families to chemo is made up, as there is multiple evidence from around the world that this is not the case.


The idea that drug companies suppress real cures for cancer so they can go on selling chemo is so ridiculous that no adult who expresses it can be capable of logical thought.


All doctors who treat cancer know that chemotherapy is a least worst option (the other option is dying), has appalling side effects, and is only acceptable as a treatment because the underlying disease is almost inevitably fatal.


Every single clinician in the world, if given a safer alternative to chemo, would prescribe it. Every single patient in the world, knowing the awful side effects of chemo would choose a safer option if it were available. Any single drug company that developed a safer, more effective cure  for cancers than chemotherapy would immediately make billions and billions of dollars more than companies who did not sell this treatment, and would have an income stream that defied description.


The idea that chomping on a couple of leaves can cure all cancers and pharma is suppressing this is also ridiculous. People would just eat them and be cured and word would spread. Plenty of word spreads about cures that don't work, and there are so many different ones precisely because they don't work.


The cures don't exist. Cancer is hundreds of diseases not one, because it is caused by different combinations of mutations in a handful of more than two hundred different genes within individual cells. The cures for any disease do not inevitably exist in nature because nature is not designed to make you better (what is an antelope's cure for a lion?) They have to be discovered, by humans, working things out, just like the glasses perched on your nose that are helping you read this. 


Some diseases are so difficult that a cure may never be found (outside directed mutation of individual genes within affected human beings), so the fact there are no cures for most cancers yet does not require a conspiracy theory, any more than the fact that we haven't developed time travel yet does.


Views like the ones expressed above really make me depressed sometimes- like watching Donald Trump being applauded. But anyway who needs expertise, eh?

Wow, what an opinion.

Proven cures? what about aspirin to cure a headache (apart from the side effects of stomach ulcers if taken too often)

Garlic cures erectile dysfunction in 5 out of 6 men (apart from the side effect of smelly breath) see the BBC Truth about food series.

Turmeric - reduces inflammation.

Cinnamon  - I am bored with this because there are many herbs and spices in every day use that give relief to at least the same standard as many prescription drugs.

and don't forget Honey!


Thalidomide,  You know it's good for you!

Chemo - Let's poison and kill cells in case it helps.

Cigarettes do not harm your health!

Yes, let's stay with main stream "Cures"

But Wait!


-- Lipitor and Crestor

Why is Lipitor the bestselling drug in the world? Because every adult with high LDL or fear of high LDL is on it. (And also 2.8 million children, says Consumer Reports.) No one is going to say statins don't prevent heart attack in high-risk patients (though diet and exercise have worked in high-risk groups too). But doctors will say statins are so over-prescribed that more patients get their side effects -- weakness, dizziness, pain and arthritis -- than heart attack prevention. Worse, they think it's old age!

"My older patients literally do without food so that they can buy these medicines that make them sicker, feel bad, and do nothing to improve life," says an ophthalmologist web poster from Tennessee. "There is no scientific basis for treating older folks with $300+/month meds that have serious side-effects and largely unknown multiple drug interactions." What kinds of side effects? All statins can cause muscle breakdown (called rhabdomyolysis) but combining them with antibiotics, protease inhibitors drugs and anti-fungals increases your risks. In fact, Crestor is so highly linked to rhabdomyolysis it is double dissed: Public Citizen calls it a Do Not Use and the FDA's David Graham named it one of the five most dangerous drugs before Congress.

-- Yaz and Yasmin

It sounded too good to be true and it was. Birth control pills that also cleared up acne, treated severe PMS (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder or PMDD) and avoided the water retention of traditional birth control pills.

But soon after Bayer launched Yaz in 2006 as going "beyond birth control," 18-year-olds were coming down with blood clots, gall bladder disease, heart attacks and even strokes. Fifteen-year-old Katie Ketner had her gallbladder removed. Susan Gallenos had a stroke and part of her skull removed. College student Michelle Pfleger, 18, collapsed and died of a pulmonary thromboemboli from taking Yaz, says her mother Joan Cummins.

While TV ads for Yaz in 2008 were so misleading that FDA ordered Bayer to run correction ads, Yaz sales are still brisk. In fact, financial analysts attribute the third quarter slump in the Yaz "franchise" of 28.1 percent to the appearance of a Yaz generic, not to the thousands of women who have been harmed.

Why is Yaz sometimes deadly? It includes a drug that was never before marketed in the U.S. -- drospirenone -- and apparently causes elevated potassium, heart problems, and a change in acid balance of the blood. Who knew? But not only is Bayer still marketing it, women do not receive "test subject" compensation for using it either.

-- Lyrica, Topomax and Lamictal

Why would Americans take an epilepsy seizure drug for pain? The same reason they'll take an antipsychotic for the blues and an antidepressant for knee pain: good consumer marketing. In August FDA ordered a warning for aseptic meningitis, or brain inflammation, on Lamictal -- but it is still the darling of military and civilian doctors for unapproved pain and migraine. Lamictal also has the distinction of looting $51 million from Medicaid last year despite a generic existing.

All seizure drugs increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors according to their mandated labels. An April article in JAMA found seizure drugs linked to 26 suicides, 801attempted suicides, and 41 violent deaths in just five years.

All three drugs can make you lose your memory and your hair, say posters on the drug rating site askapatient.com. Topamax is referred to as "Stupamax" in the military -- though evidently not enough to ask, "Why am I taking this drug again?"

-- Humira, Prolia and TNF Blockers

If you think pharma is producing a lot of expensive, dangerous injectables lately, you're right. Yesterday's blockbuster pills have been supplanted with vaccines and biologics that are more lucrative and safer...from generic competition, that is. The problem is, not only are biologics like Humira and Prolia creepy and dangerous -- they're made from genetically engineered hamster cells and suppress the actual immune system -- the diseases they treat are "sold" to healthy people.

Recently, thousands of college students in Chicago found inserts in their campus newspapers hawking Humira for Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. ("Hate psoriasis? Love clearer skin," says an ad on the Humira Web site featuring a pretty woman.) And earlier this year Prolia was approved by the FDA for postmenopausal osteoporosis with a high risk of fracture. Do healthy people really want to suppress their body's tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and invite tuberculosis, serious, possibly lethal infections, melanoma, lymphoma and "unusual cancers in children and teenagers" as the Humira label warns? Nor is it clear these drugs work. The Humira label warns against developing "new or worsening" psoriasis -- a condition it is supposed to treat.

-- Chantix

How unsafe is the antismoking drug Chantix? After 397 FDA cases of possible psychosis, 227 domestic reports of suicidal acts, thoughts or behaviors and 28 suicides, the government banned pilots and air traffic controllers and interstate truck and bus drivers from taking Chantix in 2008. Four months later, some military pharmacies banned the drug, which reduces both cravings and smoking pleasure. In addition to Chantix' neuropsychiatric effects (immortalized by New Bohemians musician Carter Albrecht, who was shot to death in 2007 in Texas by a neighbor after acting aggressively), Chantix is linked to angioedema, serious skin reactions, visual impairment, accidental injury, dizziness, muscle spasms, seizures and loss of consciousness. In defending an increasingly indefensible drug, Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation said last year, "Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States and we know these products are effective aids in helping people quit." True enough -- but if you smoke cigarettes you can still drive an interstate truck.

-- Ambien

Sleeping pills like Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata and Rozerem only decrease get-to-sleep time by 18 minutes according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

But Ambien has additional cachet compared to its soporific brethren: it is the drug Tiger Woods reportedly used when cavorting with his consorts; and former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy was taking it when he crashed his Ford Mustang while driving to Capitol Hill in the middle of the night to "vote" in 2006.

In fact Ambien's legendary somnambulism side effects -- people walk, drive, make phone calls and even have sex while sleeping -- has increased traffic accidents say law enforcement officials, with some drivers not even recognizing arresting police. Thanks to bad Ambien press, Sanofi-Aventis has had to run ads telling the public to get in bed and stay there if you are going to take Ambien. (Or you'll break out in handcuffs, as the joke goes.) Ambien has also increased the national weight problem as dieters wake up amid mountains of pizza, Krispy Kreme and Häagen-Dazs cartons consumed by their evil twins.

-- Tamoxifen

Is it a coincidence that Tamoxifen maker AstraZenaca founded Breast Cancer Awareness Month and makes carcinogenic agrochemicals that cause breast cancer? Both the original safety studies of Tamoxifen, which causes cancer, birth defects and is a chemical cousin of organochlorine pesticides, and its original marketing were riddled with scientific error. In fact, FDA objected to AstraZeneca's marketing claim of breast cancer prevention and the casting of endometrial cancer as an "uncommon" event 10 years ago.

Yet today pharma-linked doctors still tell women to take Tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer even though an American Journal of Medicine study found the average life expectancy increase is nine days (and Public Citizen says for every case of breast cancer Tamoxifen prevents there is a life-threatening case of blood clots, stroke or endometrial cancer). A Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation study shows an example of Tamoxifen's downside: 57.2 percent of women on continuous Tamoxifen developed atrophy of the lining of the uterus, 35.7 coexisting hyperphasia and 8.1 percent uterine polyps. We won't even talk about eye and memory problems -- or the Tamoxifen cousin, Evista, that pharma is also pushing which has a "death from stroke" warning on its label.


-- Boniva

Why is the bisphosphonate bone drug Boniva available in a convenient, once-monthly formulation? Could patients balk at the fact that after you take it you have to avoid lying down for at least 60 minutes to "help decrease the risk of problems in the esophagus and stomach," wait at least 60 minutes before eating or drinking anything except water, never take it with mineral water, sparkling water, coffee, tea, milk, juice or other oral medicine, including calcium, antacids, or vitamins, and of course, "do not chew or suck"? Nor should you take Boniva, say the warnings, "if you have difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain or continuing or severe heartburn, have low blood calcium or severe kidney disease or if severe bone, joint and/or muscle pain."

Bone drugs like Boniva, Fosamax and Actonel are a good example of FDA approving once-unapprovable drugs by transferring risk onto the public's shoulders with "we warned you" labels. The warnings are supposed to make people make their own safety decisions. Except that people just think FDA wouldn't have approved it if it weren't safe.

-- Prempro andPremarin

You'd think Pfizer's hormone drugs Prempro and the related Premarin and Provera would be history in light of their perks: 26 percent increase in breast cancer, 41 percent increase in strokes, 29 percent increase in heart attacks, 22 percent increase in cardiovascular disease, double the rates of blood clots and links to deafness, urinary incontinence, cataracts, gout, joint degeneration, asthma, lupus, scleroderma, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and lung, ovarian, breast, endometrial, gall bladder and melanoma cancers -- pant pant. But you'd be wrong. Even as we speak, Pfizer-linked researchers are testing the cognitive and cardiovascular "benefits" of hormone therapy, in some cases with our tax dollars, at major universities. Even though the cancer rate in the U.S. and Canada fell when women quit hormone therapy in 2002 (as did the U.S. heart attack rate in women), pharma is rolling out HT "Light" for women who suffer from the "ism" of incredibly short memory.


Can I mention the virus SV40? Apparently, it gives us cancer? But it takes decades to become deadly.

There's more, how about starting our own thread for and against natural and chemical "Cures" ?

Solely as a place to discuss our understanding and beliefs.


I could go on but perhaps you can see that it's not all cut and dried that the only truth is science!




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37 minutes ago, laislica said:

Wow, what an opinion.

Proven cures? what about aspirin to cure a headache (apart from the side effects of stomach ulcers if taken too often)

Garlic cures erectile dysfunction in 5 out of 6 men (apart from the side effect of smelly breath) see the BBC Truth about food series.

Turmeric - reduces inflammation.

Cinnamon  - I am bored with this because there are many herbs and spices in every day use that give relief to at least the same standard as many prescription drugs.

and don't forget Honey!


Thalidomide,  You know it's good for you!

Chemo - Let's poison and kill cells in case it helps.

Cigarettes do not harm your health!

Yes, let's stay with main stream "Cures"

But Wait!



I could go on but perhaps you can see that it's not all cut and dried that the only truth is science!


I believe that "partington" was referring to cancer and not the entire universe of ailments that can befall mankind. There are natural "cures" for many ailments, although most of them are symptomatic cures and not causative cures.  I have yet to see proof of a natural cure to reverse a mutated yet viable gene, one of the most common causes of cancers.


And unless you are willing to chew willow leaves, aspirin is no natural remedy. And by the way, a very closely related compound to thalidomide, lenalidomide, has been shown to have positive outcomes on some cancers that are otherwise fatal.

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1 hour ago, partington said:

The idea that every disease that humans are subject to has a natural cure is a myth, based largely on the medieval notion that the world was designed around human beings....



This, to my mind, is often where "incapable of logical thought" - as you later put it - comes in. Despite how well put and reasonable your post is there are some odd people around who are determined to believe in a tooth fairy, whether it be a jealous God or a governmental reptilian in a monkey mask. Essentially, all responsibility lies with The Other and there's nothing you can do about it because Reason and Empiricism are beat by Immaturity and Mediocrity every time... just because... I can say it is so.


1 hour ago, laislica said:

Wow, what an opinion.

Proven cures? what about aspirin to cure a headache....



Your long post missed his point, really.

Edited by Squeegee
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1 hour ago, laislica said:

Wow, what an opinion.

Proven cures? what about aspirin to cure a headache (apart from the side effects of stomach ulcers if taken too often)

Garlic cures erectile dysfunction in 5 out of 6 men (apart from the side effect of smelly breath) see the BBC Truth about food series.

Turmeric - reduces inflammation.

Cinnamon  - I am bored with this because there are many herbs and spices in every day use that give relief to at least the same standard as many prescription drugs.

and don't forget Honey!


Thalidomide,  You know it's good for you!

Chemo - Let's poison and kill cells in case it helps.

Cigarettes do not harm your health!

Yes, let's stay with main stream "Cures"

But Wait!


-- Lipitor and Crestor

Why is Lipitor the bestselling drug in the world? Because every adult with high LDL or fear of high LDL is on it. (And also 2.8 million children, says Consumer Reports.) No one is going to say statins don't prevent heart attack in high-risk patients (though diet and exercise have worked in high-risk groups too). But doctors will say statins are so over-prescribed that more patients get their side effects -- weakness, dizziness, pain and arthritis -- than heart attack prevention. Worse, they think it's old age!

"My older patients literally do without food so that they can buy these medicines that make them sicker, feel bad, and do nothing to improve life," says an ophthalmologist web poster from Tennessee. "There is no scientific basis for treating older folks with $300+/month meds that have serious side-effects and largely unknown multiple drug interactions." What kinds of side effects? All statins can cause muscle breakdown (called rhabdomyolysis) but combining them with antibiotics, protease inhibitors drugs and anti-fungals increases your risks. In fact, Crestor is so highly linked to rhabdomyolysis it is double dissed: Public Citizen calls it a Do Not Use and the FDA's David Graham named it one of the five most dangerous drugs before Congress.

-- Yaz and Yasmin

It sounded too good to be true and it was. Birth control pills that also cleared up acne, treated severe PMS (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder or PMDD) and avoided the water retention of traditional birth control pills.

But soon after Bayer launched Yaz in 2006 as going "beyond birth control," 18-year-olds were coming down with blood clots, gall bladder disease, heart attacks and even strokes. Fifteen-year-old Katie Ketner had her gallbladder removed. Susan Gallenos had a stroke and part of her skull removed. College student Michelle Pfleger, 18, collapsed and died of a pulmonary thromboemboli from taking Yaz, says her mother Joan Cummins.

While TV ads for Yaz in 2008 were so misleading that FDA ordered Bayer to run correction ads, Yaz sales are still brisk. In fact, financial analysts attribute the third quarter slump in the Yaz "franchise" of 28.1 percent to the appearance of a Yaz generic, not to the thousands of women who have been harmed.

Why is Yaz sometimes deadly? It includes a drug that was never before marketed in the U.S. -- drospirenone -- and apparently causes elevated potassium, heart problems, and a change in acid balance of the blood. Who knew? But not only is Bayer still marketing it, women do not receive "test subject" compensation for using it either.

-- Lyrica, Topomax and Lamictal

Why would Americans take an epilepsy seizure drug for pain? The same reason they'll take an antipsychotic for the blues and an antidepressant for knee pain: good consumer marketing. In August FDA ordered a warning for aseptic meningitis, or brain inflammation, on Lamictal -- but it is still the darling of military and civilian doctors for unapproved pain and migraine. Lamictal also has the distinction of looting $51 million from Medicaid last year despite a generic existing.

All seizure drugs increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors according to their mandated labels. An April article in JAMA found seizure drugs linked to 26 suicides, 801attempted suicides, and 41 violent deaths in just five years.

All three drugs can make you lose your memory and your hair, say posters on the drug rating site askapatient.com. Topamax is referred to as "Stupamax" in the military -- though evidently not enough to ask, "Why am I taking this drug again?"

-- Humira, Prolia and TNF Blockers

If you think pharma is producing a lot of expensive, dangerous injectables lately, you're right. Yesterday's blockbuster pills have been supplanted with vaccines and biologics that are more lucrative and safer...from generic competition, that is. The problem is, not only are biologics like Humira and Prolia creepy and dangerous -- they're made from genetically engineered hamster cells and suppress the actual immune system -- the diseases they treat are "sold" to healthy people.

Recently, thousands of college students in Chicago found inserts in their campus newspapers hawking Humira for Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. ("Hate psoriasis? Love clearer skin," says an ad on the Humira Web site featuring a pretty woman.) And earlier this year Prolia was approved by the FDA for postmenopausal osteoporosis with a high risk of fracture. Do healthy people really want to suppress their body's tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and invite tuberculosis, serious, possibly lethal infections, melanoma, lymphoma and "unusual cancers in children and teenagers" as the Humira label warns? Nor is it clear these drugs work. The Humira label warns against developing "new or worsening" psoriasis -- a condition it is supposed to treat.

-- Chantix

How unsafe is the antismoking drug Chantix? After 397 FDA cases of possible psychosis, 227 domestic reports of suicidal acts, thoughts or behaviors and 28 suicides, the government banned pilots and air traffic controllers and interstate truck and bus drivers from taking Chantix in 2008. Four months later, some military pharmacies banned the drug, which reduces both cravings and smoking pleasure. In addition to Chantix' neuropsychiatric effects (immortalized by New Bohemians musician Carter Albrecht, who was shot to death in 2007 in Texas by a neighbor after acting aggressively), Chantix is linked to angioedema, serious skin reactions, visual impairment, accidental injury, dizziness, muscle spasms, seizures and loss of consciousness. In defending an increasingly indefensible drug, Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation said last year, "Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States and we know these products are effective aids in helping people quit." True enough -- but if you smoke cigarettes you can still drive an interstate truck.

-- Ambien

Sleeping pills like Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata and Rozerem only decrease get-to-sleep time by 18 minutes according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

But Ambien has additional cachet compared to its soporific brethren: it is the drug Tiger Woods reportedly used when cavorting with his consorts; and former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy was taking it when he crashed his Ford Mustang while driving to Capitol Hill in the middle of the night to "vote" in 2006.

In fact Ambien's legendary somnambulism side effects -- people walk, drive, make phone calls and even have sex while sleeping -- has increased traffic accidents say law enforcement officials, with some drivers not even recognizing arresting police. Thanks to bad Ambien press, Sanofi-Aventis has had to run ads telling the public to get in bed and stay there if you are going to take Ambien. (Or you'll break out in handcuffs, as the joke goes.) Ambien has also increased the national weight problem as dieters wake up amid mountains of pizza, Krispy Kreme and Häagen-Dazs cartons consumed by their evil twins.

-- Tamoxifen

Is it a coincidence that Tamoxifen maker AstraZenaca founded Breast Cancer Awareness Month and makes carcinogenic agrochemicals that cause breast cancer? Both the original safety studies of Tamoxifen, which causes cancer, birth defects and is a chemical cousin of organochlorine pesticides, and its original marketing were riddled with scientific error. In fact, FDA objected to AstraZeneca's marketing claim of breast cancer prevention and the casting of endometrial cancer as an "uncommon" event 10 years ago.

Yet today pharma-linked doctors still tell women to take Tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer even though an American Journal of Medicine study found the average life expectancy increase is nine days (and Public Citizen says for every case of breast cancer Tamoxifen prevents there is a life-threatening case of blood clots, stroke or endometrial cancer). A Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation study shows an example of Tamoxifen's downside: 57.2 percent of women on continuous Tamoxifen developed atrophy of the lining of the uterus, 35.7 coexisting hyperphasia and 8.1 percent uterine polyps. We won't even talk about eye and memory problems -- or the Tamoxifen cousin, Evista, that pharma is also pushing which has a "death from stroke" warning on its label.


-- Boniva

Why is the bisphosphonate bone drug Boniva available in a convenient, once-monthly formulation? Could patients balk at the fact that after you take it you have to avoid lying down for at least 60 minutes to "help decrease the risk of problems in the esophagus and stomach," wait at least 60 minutes before eating or drinking anything except water, never take it with mineral water, sparkling water, coffee, tea, milk, juice or other oral medicine, including calcium, antacids, or vitamins, and of course, "do not chew or suck"? Nor should you take Boniva, say the warnings, "if you have difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain or continuing or severe heartburn, have low blood calcium or severe kidney disease or if severe bone, joint and/or muscle pain."

Bone drugs like Boniva, Fosamax and Actonel are a good example of FDA approving once-unapprovable drugs by transferring risk onto the public's shoulders with "we warned you" labels. The warnings are supposed to make people make their own safety decisions. Except that people just think FDA wouldn't have approved it if it weren't safe.

-- Prempro andPremarin

You'd think Pfizer's hormone drugs Prempro and the related Premarin and Provera would be history in light of their perks: 26 percent increase in breast cancer, 41 percent increase in strokes, 29 percent increase in heart attacks, 22 percent increase in cardiovascular disease, double the rates of blood clots and links to deafness, urinary incontinence, cataracts, gout, joint degeneration, asthma, lupus, scleroderma, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and lung, ovarian, breast, endometrial, gall bladder and melanoma cancers -- pant pant. But you'd be wrong. Even as we speak, Pfizer-linked researchers are testing the cognitive and cardiovascular "benefits" of hormone therapy, in some cases with our tax dollars, at major universities. Even though the cancer rate in the U.S. and Canada fell when women quit hormone therapy in 2002 (as did the U.S. heart attack rate in women), pharma is rolling out HT "Light" for women who suffer from the "ism" of incredibly short memory.


Can I mention the virus SV40? Apparently, it gives us cancer? But it takes decades to become deadly.

There's more, how about starting our own thread for and against natural and chemical "Cures" ?

Solely as a place to discuss our understanding and beliefs.


I could go on but perhaps you can see that it's not all cut and dried that the only truth is science!




"Wow, what an opinion." which is  more than can be said for the post above it doesn't actually contain a single rational argument that is connected to the post to which it is replying.

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7 minutes ago, Squeegee said:


This, to my mind, is often where "incapable of logical thought" - as you later put it - comes in. Despite how well put and reasonable your post is there are some odd people around who are determined to believe in a tooth fairy, whether it be a jealous God or a governmental reptilian in a monkey mask. Essentially, all responsibility lies with The Other and there's nothing you can do about it because Reason and Empiricism are beat by Immaturity and Mediocrity every time... just because... I can say it is so.



Your long post missed his point, really.


Missed what point?


Partington talks about Science as if it were the only truth.

Science is not truth IMHO.

It is an opinion based on certain criteria.

Small changes in criteria may mean massive differences in the outcome of the experiment.

Perhaps you are too young to know about the thousands of deformed babies, born without arms/legs etc.

All because it was prescribed to pregnant women with morning sickness.

Recently there was Vioxx:

26 May 2016 - Within weeks of the Vioxx recall, injured patients across the nation were seeking justice in court. Up to 38,000 people died from heart attacks or ...

The long post listed dodgy drugs which I think were scientifically proven to be OK.....

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28 minutes ago, Loeilad said:

"Wow, what an opinion." which is  more than can be said for the post above it doesn't actually contain a single rational argument that is connected to the post to which it is replying.

The on topic points were:

Proven cures? what about aspirin to cure a headache (apart from the side effects of stomach ulcers if taken too often)

Garlic cures erectile dysfunction in 5 out of 6 men (apart from the side effect of smelly breath) see the BBC Truth about food series.

Turmeric - reduces inflammation.

Cinnamon  - I am bored with this because there are many herbs and spices in every day use that give relief to at least the same standard as many prescription drugs.

and don't forget Honey!

The rest of the post was a list of some Scientifically proven (sic) Drugs that didn't turn out so well.....

Why do you think that science is everything?

I saw in a documentary just the other day that only about 3% of the bio materials in the Amazon have been investigated as "cures".

Many of today's drugs are synthesized from the "active" element of such bio material and in that respect, perhaps they are "natural"?

The film makers commented that the researchers were excited to find more "cures" in the future but were worried that "Man" was damaging the environment, causing the loss of some species.

PS As a kid, if we got stung by nettles, we rubbed Dock Leaves on the area and the pain went away.

Chamomile lotion was universally used to stop the itching with childhood diseases like the measles.....3

Antihistamines weren't invented back then.





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3 hours ago, laislica said:

The on topic points were:

Proven cures? what about aspirin to cure a headache (apart from the side effects of stomach ulcers if taken too often)

Garlic cures erectile dysfunction in 5 out of 6 men (apart from the side effect of smelly breath) see the BBC Truth about food series.

Turmeric - reduces inflammation.

Cinnamon  - I am bored with this because there are many herbs and spices in every day use that give relief to at least the same standard as many prescription drugs.

and don't forget Honey!

The rest of the post was a list of some Scientifically proven (sic) Drugs that didn't turn out so well.....

Why do you think that science is everything?

I saw in a documentary just the other day that only about 3% of the bio materials in the Amazon have been investigated as "cures".

Many of today's drugs are synthesized from the "active" element of such bio material and in that respect, perhaps they are "natural"?

The film makers commented that the researchers were excited to find more "cures" in the future but were worried that "Man" was damaging the environment, causing the loss of some species.

PS As a kid, if we got stung by nettles, we rubbed Dock Leaves on the area and the pain went away.

Chamomile lotion was universally used to stop the itching with childhood diseases like the measles.....3

Antihistamines weren't invented back then.





 You show a profound lack of understanding of scientific medicine and don't even appear to realise that you are not actually putting forward a logical argument - your whole hypothesis is basically a logical fallacy which you don't appear to be aware of.


as for being "on topic" - "Thai research team discovers chemicals which can stop cancer from growing" - please explain your connection.

Edited by Loeilad
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There are many levels of "discovered" .  This ranges from in vitro laboratory studies on the protien in question all the way to long term human clinicals.  The road is long and investment required massive.  If the next step is to work with the University of Macau you can be sure that this is a very very early stage "discovery" which is seen to be of limited potential.  That said, I truly wish that the "discovery" pans out.  Though even if it does, don't expect to hear anything for at least 5-7 years.

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They are trialing  a liquid substance in Sydney for lung cancer, this cuts out the need for that chemotherapy , still under the watchdogs but so far has proved 100%, there is  generally but not always long period from research to over the counter,  wonder what the research timeline is here...................................................:coffee1:

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36 minutes ago, chainarong said:

There is about 500 different cancers so which are we talking about Nkk?

Best address that to the Thai scientists as they're the ' experts ' ! I'm just used to the ' claim today gone tomorrow ' routine.

I don't want anything to do with any form of cancer thanks.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Sad, that such stories are published. It must be humiliating for the researchers to be held up to ridicule in such a public fashion.



Just another reason that makes it hard to know who to believe.

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18 hours ago, George Graham said:

The ox"driven"(?)plow...

WOW excuse me please. Will you teach me proper grammar some time? I have found most spelling and grammar freaks to be very good at putting things on paper but very poor at understanding what they read or write. Please continue your testing though, I know it brings you joy.

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On 10/22/2016 at 8:55 AM, arrowsdawdle said:

H1N1 is a seasonal influenza virus. What has this to do with cancer?


The only mention of this in a Google search quotes Thaivisa, Thai PBS, a Phuket hotel website, and a Thai facebook page.


But the most significant aspect of this whole hoopla is that ten years ago the NIH was already reporting on this process.

To be fair - the article does not really say they were the first to discover this, or even that they are leaders in the field of cancer research. it just says that a team from a minor university in Thailand has finally caught up with a discovery that others knew about 10 years ago.


Can't blame the Thai press for looking on the bright side of life....

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On 2016-10-22 at 8:55 AM, arrowsdawdle said:

H1N1 is a seasonal influenza virus. What has this to do with cancer?


The only mention of this in a Google search quotes Thaivisa, Thai PBS, a Phuket hotel website, and a Thai facebook page.


But the most significant aspect of this whole hoopla is that ten years ago the NIH was already reporting on this process.

H1N1 is not an ordinary seasonal influenza, it's what caused the 1918 pandemic and 2009 another strain of it came around that we usually call swine flue... It's estimated that up to 100 million people died from the 1918 pandemic.

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On 10/23/2016 at 2:36 AM, laislica said:


Missed what point?


Partington talks about Science as if it were the only truth.



Did you hear that, Partington? You, sir (or Madam) are found guilty of Talking About Science As If It Were The Only Truth, and hereby required to surrender yourself to the Theory Police.

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4 hours ago, bangon04 said:

To be fair - the article does not really say they were the first to discover this, or even that they are leaders in the field of cancer research. it just says that a team from a minor university in Thailand has finally caught up with a discovery that others knew about 10 years ago.


Can't blame the Thai press for looking on the bright side of life....


To be generous, it could be a combination of translation and a cultural misunderstanding and what happened was that the Thai researchers replicated and confirmed some earlier research results.

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On 22/10/2016 at 9:59 AM, Srikcir said:

Is this another discovery after someone read a scientific paper?

"In Vitro Protease Inhibition, Modulation of PLA2 Activity and Protein Interaction Studies of Calotropis gigantea" - Journal of Clinical & Cellular Immunology,  September 30, 2013.


The word "discover" infers gaining knowledge of something previously unknown.

Clearly the Indian researchers already had knowledge of this plants effect on protein inhibition.

Something the Thais claim is their own discovery.

Plagiarism? It would appear so.

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On ‎22‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 6:21 AM, NongKhaiKid said:

Another Thai scientific breakthrough that we'll never hear of again.


What they have discovered is highly provable , there are natural compounds that inhibit cancer cell growth , boswellia extract being one that  inhibits 5 LOX better than the Pfizer drug that the FDA pedals, the FDA version has terrible side effects as well but the natural one has no side effects.

If they have discovered something the FDA would stick there filthy hands in and require it to undergo multi million dollar research where even if it does what they say it would probably be badly tested and forgotten.

They are better off to do research themselves and if it works market it as a herb that may help cancer sufferers .

The FDA has wiped out many promising compounds and make billions out of toxic chemo drugs that destroy people, a multi billion dollar industry that won't stand for a natural cure getting in their way, very truly a sad situation the guinea pigs of the world are subjected to.

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