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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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10 hours ago, jpinx said:

When Cameron failed and ran away, I was quick to say that the time for immediate and hard brexit was in hand, but not one of the politicians dared take it on.  The moral fibre of UK's politicians trying to manipulate an outdated and inappropriate FPTP political system was exposed for all to see and they waded in knee deep to grasp the spoils with excessive claims on the costs and repercussions.  Now we have the leaders of the two countries who will be left with the EU-dogpile's bills saying that they were not really serious and UK can stay if they want.  Really????  Are people so easily hoodwinked?  How many U-turns does it take to make their head spin???

Here in Pattaya we have plenty of moral fibre courtesy of Black Ants. If only the politicians would listen to our advice the UK wouldn't be in the pickle it is in today and we would be out of the EU and enjoying freedom from Germany and a hassle-free walk down the Beach Road without being hoodwinked by those cheating......:burp:

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12 hours ago, mommysboy said:

Thanks for the link to this article, which really helped me understand the complexity of Brexit.  As I now understand it, there is no soft Brexit, which throws up a number of disturbing questions; to say the least..

I think you must have misinterpreted something, there is no complexity, the whole of the UK population understood exactly what brexit meant on June 23rd.

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Something to cheer the brexiteers up.


A survey of EU nationals employed at FTSE 250 companies showed that 56 per cent said they were “highly likely” or “quite likely” to leave the UK before the conclusion of the Brexit talks. 



For the more sensible, a real concern.


"Healthcare will be the hardest hit, with 84 per cent of employees in the sector saying they would leave. "

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3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Here in Pattaya we have plenty of moral fibre courtesy of Black Ants. If only the politicians would listen to our advice the UK wouldn't be in the pickle it is in today and we would be out of the EU and enjoying freedom from Germany and a hassle-free walk down the Beach Road without being hoodwinked by those cheating......:burp:


I think you are referring to the "Chang Manifesto"?

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8 minutes ago, vogie said:

We are all brexiteers now Alex, come on man, get on board. :cheesy:

... lol ... I liked the way they used that type of slogan (we're all brexiteers now) to wear down resistance to the grand project ... "will of the people" ... as if the one's that don't want it are no longer human ... "respecting democracy" ... as if you just give up everything you believe in because of one vote.


As much as I hate Brexit, and would liken it to a bunch of lemmings jumping over a cliff, it really is comedy gold.

Edited by AlexRich
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10 hours ago, AlexRich said:


Im no fan, I suspect not wanting Corbyn in power is the only thing we'd agree on. But I'm not in denial about that as a possibility. Just watched a recent Panorama programme about the election. Theresa May's new right hand man was on and confirmed that Corbyn did especially well in areas of the country that were firmly Remainers. In two years time with the old dying and the young being eligible to vote that Remain vote will get stronger. Furthermore UGov have just published numbers suggesting the youth vote was still relatively low, so a little push in that direction could swing it for Corbyn. There won't be a hard Brexit. Indeed, there might not be one at all. 

The election result was due to the dumb Tory manifesto - NOT Brexit - in 2 years' time I hope we'll be out.

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


Keep telling yourself that, stay in denial. In two years time we'll still be in the EU as it will take longer than two years to get an agreement in place. Then we'll have a vote on that agreement ... that's when it will be kicked into touch or watered down to the point of being meaningless. Your Brexit dream will remain just that, a dream. 

 Denial of what? I said hope! You hope for other people's deaths to realize your own dream - how disgusting! Enjoy the BBC, Alex. Bye.

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11 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Er , no, actually. You didn't just post a link. You asked me, personally to explain the article in the link to vogie.


Is there a mandatory study course in intellectual dishonesty for ThaiVisa remainers?

There is for Brexiteers, but I believe it is heavily over-subscribed at present; indeed, it may take longer than Brexit to complete:smile:

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2 hours ago, AlexRich said:

... lol ... I liked the way they used that type of slogan (we're all brexiteers now) to wear down resistance to the grand project ... "will of the people" ... as if the one's that don't want it are no longer human ... "respecting democracy" ... as if you just give up everything you believe in because of one vote.


As much as I hate Brexit, and would liken it to a bunch of lemmings jumping over a cliff, it really is comedy gold.


In my view, well as a concept I dont care if we leave or not... what I object to is incredible financial stupidity.  This mess has the potential to cause a major recession.

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6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Probably one of the most truthful articles recently published and I am sure the remainers will be crushing its validity, as it is from the DE. other countries they just had a second referendum with the UK they know people won't put up with that so they use the biased media, politicians and others to drive the message that brexit is bad, bad, bad. Luckily not all people are gullible.


"Refusing to accept the will of the people, they have used parliamentary manoeuvres, court cases, media propaganda and collusion with EU bureaucrats. But so far nothing has worked. Until now Brexit has remained firmly on course."


"The party “must lance the boil of Brexit,” declares Lord Heseltine. “A hard Brexit was not endorsed by the electorate,” wails former prime minister Sir John Major. "


"The mood music is being created for a shabby compromise. The flight towards surrender is gathering pace. Yesterday David Cameron called on the Government to “listen to other parties” to achieve a consensus on “a softer Brexit”. Secret talks are under way between Labour and pro-Remain Tory MPs on how to amend legislation to keep free movement and single market membership."




I don't agree that there is an overwhelming majority of people in this country champing at the bit to leave every institution of the EU and plunge the economy into chaos ... the silent majority who don't want it are getting stronger and larger in number, to such an extent that by the time we come to ratify it the so-called will of the people will have reversed, if indeed, it hasn't already.


The one part of the article I do agree with is that the Conservative party will tear themselves apart and open the way for a Corbyn government, something that may be as damaging to the economy as Brexit itself. The referendum result was a phyrric victory ... divide the country, wreck the economy and open the door to another 1970's socialism experiment. All in all, best left well alone.

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16 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


I don't agree that there is an overwhelming majority of people in this country champing at the bit to leave every institution of the EU and plunge the economy into chaos ... the silent majority who don't want it are getting stronger and larger in number, to such an extent that by the time we come to ratify it the so-called will of the people will have reversed, if indeed, it hasn't already.


The one part of the article I do agree with is that the Conservative party will tear themselves apart and open the way for a Corbyn government, something that may be as damaging to the economy as Brexit itself. The referendum result was a phyrric victory ... divide the country, wreck the economy and open the door to another 1970's socialism experiment. All in all, best left well alone.

New Tory slogan/trope:


Brexit means Brexit- and we're going to wreck it.



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5 hours ago, Grouse said:

The Brexiteers are sounding increasingly desperate and shrill. It seems to me that the vast majority of the young, the educated, the people doing reasonably well, business generally and the EU all think Brexit is a foolish move.


I don't think there are enough old people, xenophobes, little englanders, vegetable pickers to swing it.


I note Brussels have outlawed roaming charges! Whoopee! Great people these "unelected eurocrats".

Roaming charges dropped - what great timing! More like carrots on a stick and I bet all the donkeys will love them! Munch munch munch!

Edited by nauseus
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42 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Roaming charges dropped - what great timing! More like carrots on a stick and I bet all the donkeys will love them! Munch munch munch!



(when I typed that, my iPhone changed it to Retire! Is it an omen? What's an omen, I hear you ask!)

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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Probably one of the most truthful articles recently published and I am sure the remainers will be crushing its validity, as it is from the DE. other countries they just had a second referendum with the UK they know people won't put up with that so they use the biased media, politicians and others to drive the message that brexit is bad, bad, bad. Luckily not all people are gullible.


"Refusing to accept the will of the people, they have used parliamentary manoeuvres, court cases, media propaganda and collusion with EU bureaucrats. But so far nothing has worked. Until now Brexit has remained firmly on course."


"The party “must lance the boil of Brexit,” declares Lord Heseltine. “A hard Brexit was not endorsed by the electorate,” wails former prime minister Sir John Major. "


"The mood music is being created for a shabby compromise. The flight towards surrender is gathering pace. Yesterday David Cameron called on the Government to “listen to other parties” to achieve a consensus on “a softer Brexit”. Secret talks are under way between Labour and pro-Remain Tory MPs on how to amend legislation to keep free movement and single market membership."



The Daily Express. Not a part of the media bias on Planet Hard Brexit.

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The Daily Express. Not a part of the media bias on Planet Hard Brexit.

I'll have you know that Leo Mckinstry has his pulse on the heartbeat of the nation with his uncanny intuition and ability to see into the future.

"Theresa May is the embodiment of that spirit, which is why she is heading for a thumping majority next month."


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5 minutes ago, Orac said:



I'll have you know that Leo Mckinstry has his pulse on the heartbeat of the nation with his uncanny intuition and ability to see into the future.

"Theresa May is the embodiment of that spirit, which is why she is heading for a thumping majority next month."





And every other media outlet thought she was heading for a thumping majority "next month" at the time. So your point is?

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53 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


And every other media outlet thought she was heading for a thumping majority "next month" at the time. So your point is?

Here's something from Leo about the Conservative Manifesto

Once again, as with Brexit and the EU, she has shown her mettle. It would have been so easy for her, as she cruised towards a landslide, just to avoid this thorny question by promising the establishment of yet a further meaningless review or commission. 

But she is honest enough to tell us that the prevarication has to end




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35 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Here's something from Leo about the Conservative Manifesto

Once again, as with Brexit and the EU, she has shown her mettle. It would have been so easy for her, as she cruised towards a landslide, just to avoid this thorny question by promising the establishment of yet a further meaningless review or commission. 

But she is honest enough to tell us that the prevarication has to end





He makes some very sound points. He just got the bit about cruising to an election victory wrong. But so did everybody else.

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