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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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1 hour ago, mommysboy said:

It's a shame colour tv was invented as you were undoubtedly much happier with black and white.


But seriously, capialism is just a collection of attitudes towards trade, and trade has been going on for thousands of years in all places under all sorts of market types. 

I do like your definition of Capitalism I'm going to put it next to Alan Bennett's definition of History.

" It's just one bloody thing after another"

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On 9/15/2017 at 2:52 PM, aright said:

Why? So they can build a more expensive, less marketable plane?

They do considerable out sourcing now



Why do brexiteers find it necessary to to distort the comment to try and find an argument.

Since when did


"Airbus, one of the UK’s biggest employers in the sector, will face pressure to bring jobs back to France, Germany and Spain, its original stakeholder countries, say several suppliers. “We are very worried about the impact of Brexit on the whole Airbus discussion,” says one."


read the same as


"Airbus, one of the UK’s biggest employers in the sector, will face pressure to bring jobs back to France, "

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It's a disagreement with  the statement Airbus....will face pressure......France. I thought that was the purpose of this forum.


I would have thought it fairly simple. If the manufacture of parts are moved from India, Asia etc back to France the part manufactured in France then becomes more expensive as a result of EU laws and labour costs. A more expensive plane is less marketable.

France moved the manufacture of these parts to Asia for cost saving. They didn't do it to produce a more expensive part did they and I think it would be difficult to bring back purely on cost terms but do admit there may be esoteric reasons.

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6 minutes ago, aright said:


From the Wikipedia page on the Henry Jackson Society:


The think tank has been described by the media as having right-wing and neoconservative leanings, though it positions itself as non-partisan.


According to the report published in 2015, "a right-wing politics is apparent not only in the ideas that the Henry Jackson Society promotes, but also emerges distinctly on examination of its funders.".[31]

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4 hours ago, mommysboy said:

It's a shame colour tv was invented as you were undoubtedly much happier with black and white.


But seriously, capialism is just a collection of attitudes towards trade, and trade has been going on for thousands of years in all places under all sorts of market types. 

Capialism. So that's what you had in mind.

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13 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Sorry - was an open question intended to spark discussion: is Britain rapidly becoming a sweatshop nation? Workers' rights under attack; welfare state being dismantled; salaries plummeting at an unprecedented rate etc. etc. Welcome to the Brexit puppet masters' paradise. 

That's what the Cons want...

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It's being said that the Sterling rally is because interest rates might go up by 0.25% in November!


Is not part of the rally due to the fact the May is backing down from hard Brexit despite the obvious power grab by the great paltroon in waiting?


We should be told ?

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I agree the poltroon asks ridiculous questions like

1. Did you vote for a European Military  Force?

2. Did you vote for a European Finance Minister?

3.Did you vote to force all states into Monetary Union?

4. Did you vote for an all powerful European President?

5. Did you vote for a State in which majority voting determines Tax and Foreign Policy? 

6. Did you vote for an EU Super State?

Ridiculous questions which none of us are qualified to answer.

She should fire him immediately he's a trouble maker.

I haven't made my mind up if people should be told....Knowledge isn't the same as wisdom is it?



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2 hours ago, aright said:

I agree the poltroon asks ridiculous questions like

1. Did you vote for a European Military  Force?

2. Did you vote for a European Finance Minister?

3.Did you vote to force all states into Monetary Union?

4. Did you vote for an all powerful European President?

5. Did you vote for a State in which majority voting determines Tax and Foreign Policy? 

6. Did you vote for an EU Super State?

Ridiculous questions which none of us are qualified to answer.

She should fire him immediately he's a trouble maker.

I haven't made my mind up if people should be told....Knowledge isn't the same as wisdom is it?




NOBODY voted for it. Tony Benn and Enoch Powell (who had both been reduced to cartoon villain status in the msm) were amongst the few politicians telling us the truth about where it would lead. If the msm had been honest (which they weren't), we wouldn't be where we are now.

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5 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



Peter Shore was as prophetic as anyone:-




Wow! I remember Peter Shore as being a moderate. What a radical! What a prophet! thanks for the link. Ted Heath took us in illegally. Ted Heath will be judged badly by history for all sorts of reasons. Most of which can't be discussed in this thread, but will eventually come out, and expose the EU as the sham/scam that it is.

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47 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

Wow! I remember Peter Shore as being a moderate. What a radical! What a prophet! thanks for the link. Ted Heath took us in illegally. Ted Heath will be judged badly by history for all sorts of reasons. Most of which can't be discussed in this thread, but will eventually come out, and expose the EU as the sham/scam that it is.

Some people's memories are quite selective (well, what a surprise there). Peter Shore stood for leadership of the Labour Party after the wildly successful Michael Foot resigned and Shore received the grand total of 3% of the votes and not supported by a single constituency Labour Party. In his latter years referred to as 'a right-wing figure, cluckingly approved of by Conservatives'. Now seemingly dredged up by supporters on the UKIP wing of the political spectrum to hoist atop the banner with the others.

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3 hours ago, aright said:

I agree the poltroon asks ridiculous questions like

1. Did you vote for a European Military  Force?

2. Did you vote for a European Finance Minister?

3.Did you vote to force all states into Monetary Union?

4. Did you vote for an all powerful European President?

5. Did you vote for a State in which majority voting determines Tax and Foreign Policy? 

6. Did you vote for an EU Super State?

Ridiculous questions which none of us are qualified to answer.

She should fire him immediately he's a trouble maker.

I haven't made my mind up if people should be told....Knowledge isn't the same as wisdom is it?


To all you supporters of Royal Prerogative, did you vote for the Monarchy? Shocking question to ask on a Sunday.

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As I said some time ago, the forum Brexiteers will point blank refuse to engage with the real questions taking place right now which is whether the Conservative Government will lean towards soft or hard Brexit and issues of transition. Won't even talk about it. Why? Because most of them are effectively fundamentalists on the issues. Which Tory is the True Believer? Last week it was the puppet-looking Rees-Mogg. That's not flying too well, so maybe its back to Boris with his Telegraph piece ahead of Theresa May's speech. Now that will be fun.

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3 hours ago, Jip99 said:


I think you will that it is actually politics and liqueur.


The analogy is sound.

PS. Lots of fruit and creme in a liqueur (at least know what you are referring to) :crazy:

I am reminded of Maureen Lipman in the BT ad who says that her son's 'got an 'ology'. :cheesy:

Edited by SheungWan
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31 minutes ago, billd766 said:


A very interesting snippet that should be shown every day in the UK parliament and be compulsory viewing by ALL MPs.

Hard Brexiteers, supporters of Royal Prerogative, seem to be quite keen on forcing people to politically comply, otherwise they risk ending up in the Enemies of The People trash can.

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4 hours ago, SheungWan said:

To all you supporters of Royal Prerogative, did you vote for the Monarchy? Shocking question to ask on a Sunday.

I think you may have lost touch with history, the Monarchy was here long before I was.

The latest  government poll say 68% of the British people want the Monarchy. However if the results of the poll were  reversed and 68% of the people didn't want them they would be voted out. Why? Because most of us enjoy the fruits of and believe in democracy.

You on the other hand would prefer unelected officials like Barnier and Juncker to make your decisions for you. I'm not sure if this is as a result of trypanosomiasis or intellect. You will be the best judge of that.




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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Hard Brexiteers, supporters of Royal Prerogative, seem to be quite keen on forcing people to politically comply, otherwise they risk ending up in the Enemies of The People trash can.

I would have thought the biggest forcer of people to politically comply was Juncker......... no one man, one vote there.........do as your told boy!!!

Still I respect the fact he is your Yahweh and you prefer decision making be taken out of your hands. 

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20 hours ago, aright said:

It's a disagreement with  the statement Airbus....will face pressure......France. I thought that was the purpose of this forum.


I would have thought it fairly simple. If the manufacture of parts are moved from India, Asia etc back to France the part manufactured in France then becomes more expensive as a result of EU laws and labour costs. A more expensive plane is less marketable.

France moved the manufacture of these parts to Asia for cost saving. They didn't do it to produce a more expensive part did they and I think it would be difficult to bring back purely on cost terms but do admit there may be esoteric reasons.

Apart from bending the rules,

2. Please do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes or wording. Such posts will be deleted and the user warned.

your distorted quote deliberately took the statement out of context. The article was quite specific regarding the UK involvement with Airbus and nothing to do with sourcing parts from India or any other country, of course that would mean reading the article in the first place.

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