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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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1 hour ago, taipeir said:


A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $667 billion presently) worth of supplies was shipped, or 17% of the total war expenditures of the U.S.[2] In all, $31.4 billion (equivalent to $418 billion today) went to Britain, $11.3 billion (equivalent to $150 billion today) to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion (equivalent to $42.6 billion today) to France, $1.6 billion (equivalent to $21.3 billion today) to China, and the remaining $2.6 billion to the other Allies

Nice wiki.

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1 hour ago, taipeir said:

So you are rolling back from ' the UK won the war ' and nobody did anything in Europe finally?

Sorry I didn't know I had to teach you history.

It was the Russians that destroyed the German Eastern forces where the majority of the war was actually fought.

I'm rolling in laughter at your false pomposity.

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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

OK I will humour you. Did you not know what the leave or stay vote was. If not what a shame? Most with a small IQ do. I was that simple. It has been the leaves rhetoric to try and make it difficult ever since. The UK and yes N. Ireland is part of the UK which I proudly served in. So don't try and use the Irish independence game as a bargaining tool, just like the EU is. That just shows what a non patriot of the UK would do. How about the UK just saying we are doing what the referendum say leave. But it is the likes of you and other TV posters use that against leavers.

So how many EU people claiming benefits and pensions, how are they equal to the UK citizens?

I look forward to that number.



The author of this claims it was not written under the influence of alcohol.

He then proceeds to call me a snowflake.

I rest my case.


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8 hours ago, taipeir said:

So you are rolling back from ' the UK won the war ' and nobody did anything in Europe finally?

Sorry I didn't know I had to teach you history.

It was the Russians that destroyed the German Eastern forces where the majority of the war was actually fought.

And as a Finn, you must surely know that Finland fought on the side of Nazi Germany against the brave Russians. Which I’m sure your very proud of, as now you very happy to be under the thumb of The German dominated E.U.


Could it have something to do with the fact that the E.U. Intends to form a E.U army, something the remain campaign denied in the run up to the referendum. And this at the same time as our media is trying to convince us, that the Russians are starting to flex their muscles.


Edited by nontabury
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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

And as a Finn, you must surely know that Finland fought on the side of Nazi Germany against the brave Russians. Which I’m sure your very proud of, as now you very happy to be under the thumb of The German dominated E.U.

And clearly, as a particularly insular Brit, you don't know that the USSR invaded Finland after Finland refused the USSR's demands for Finland to surrender some of its territory. And those "brave Russians" with armed forces massively greater than the Finns. performed so poorly that it encouraged Hitler in the belief that he could conquer the USSR.

"The Winter War (Finnish: talvisota, Swedish: vinterkriget, Russian: Зи́мняя война́, tr. Zimnyaya voyna)[F 12] was a military conflict between the Soviet Union (USSR) and Finland in 1939–1940. The war began with the Soviet invasion of Finland on 30 November 1939, three months after the outbreak of World War II, and ended with the Moscow Peace Treaty on 13 March 1940. The League of Nations deemed the attack illegal and expelled the Soviet Union from the League"


And once again, we have a Brexiter dragging WW2 into Brexit. Maybe you should include a link to a "Rule Brittania". WW2 has about as much relevance to the merits Brexit as does that song.


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28 minutes ago, nontabury said:

And as a Finn, you must surely know that Finland fought on the side of Nazi Germany against the brave Russians. Which I’m sure your very proud of, as now you very happy to be under the thumb of The German dominated E.U.


Could it have something to do with the fact that the E.U. Intends to form a E.U army, something the remain campaign denied in the run up to the referendum. And this at the same time as our media is trying to convince us, that the Russians are starting to flex their muscles.



Oh gawd! "the Russian threat". The globalists  who control the remain campaign try to take us " Back To The Future". The new Mccarthyism.


And am I alone in thinking that Guy Verhofstadt  wouldn't make a great babysitter :shock1: ?

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3 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Oh gawd! "the Russian threat". The globalists  who control the remain campaign try to take us " Back To The Future". The new Mccarthyism.


And am I alone in thinking that Guy Verhofstadt  wouldn't make a great babysitter :shock1: ?

Tell that to virtually every European nation that borders on Russia. Somehow, I don't think they'd agree with your assessment of the "Russian threat."

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16 hours ago, Jip99 said:



Fool....and you still didn’t vote leave (did you vote at all?).


You call Brixiteers stupid but only a dumb-ass would believe that 350m p.w. would go to the NHS.... Moe funding certainly, but never 350m p.w......the WHOLE of our EU funding. ??.... dumb-ass indeed.


Is name calling the best you have? 


If the bus was not designed to mislead, why put two unconnected statements on the side? Like with bendy bananas and the ECHR, the entire case for Brexit was a tissue of lies and misinformation. I appreciate that you like the result but your desperate peddling to try to suggest that nobody was hoodwinked is pathetic. Why not just admit it - it was the Brexit dirty tricks dept that won the day? 


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12 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

You lot remind me of when i was in school and all the kids squabbled in the schoolyard "my dads bigger than your dad" for f -----s sake give it a rest .

Why not attempt to drive the narrative in a direction that brings you satisfaction, or stop following the thread? It's not complicated.

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Tell that to virtually every European nation that borders on Russia. Somehow, I don't think they'd agree with your assessment of the "Russian threat."

It may have passed your notice, but both Poland and Hungary, are turning more and more anti E.U. Could this be due to the fact that both of these countries were until fairly recent, vassal states of the U.S.S.R.  And they have no intention of swapping one form of dictatorship for another in the name of the E.U.


 They are also fully aware of the influence of certain undemocratic influences. And it’s not just Goldman Sachs.




Edited by nontabury
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1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

good advise - how about following your own advise yourself?

He’s a British citizen, giving his opinion regarding this subject, the future of HIS country.

While you are a citizen of the E.U. So if anyone should butt out I think it should be you.

You have already told us, that you are from Belgium, a country that is itself heading for a breakup. Perhaps your stance is due to you being one of those over paid parasites, working out of Brussels.


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26 minutes ago, nontabury said:

It may have passed your notice, but both Poland and Hungary, are turning more and more anti E.U. Could this be due to the fact that both of these countries were until fairly recent, vassal states of the U.S.S.R.  And they have no intention of swapping one form of dictatorship for another in the name of the E.U.


 They are also fully aware of the influence of certain undemocratic influences. And it’s not just Goldman Sachs.




Are you seriously trying to equate the EU with the Soviet Union? If so, then you have seriously misunderstood both.

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QUOTE: Perhaps your stance is due to you being one of those over paid parasites, working out of Brussels.


How silly you are nonthaburi.

If you ever bothered to read the answers people give to your questions, you would know that I am a retired macro economics teacher, and you would not so easily make a fool of yourself.


You have a tendency to fantasize about people that you disagree with, and next you attack them on the basis of your fantasies. Admittedly, that tactic has proven it's strength - in Germany in the 1930s.

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And as a Finn, you must surely know that Finland fought on the side of Nazi Germany against the brave Russians. Which I’m sure your very proud of, as now you very happy to be under the thumb of The German dominated E.U.
Could it have something to do with the fact that the E.U. Intends to form a E.U army, something the remain campaign denied in the run up to the referendum. And this at the same time as our media is trying to convince us, that the Russians are starting to flex their muscles.
I wish I was from Finland Finnish girls are hot!
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  He may have seen the film though.  

If he bothered to do any research he may have found this site which states that 140,000 French and Belgian troops were rescued from the beaches. But that would spoil his rant though. Facts meaqn little to him.




Dunkirk evacuation, (1940) in World War II, the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and other Allied troops from the French seaport of Dunkirk (Dunkerque) to England. Naval vessels and hundreds of civilian boats were used in the evacuation, which began on May 26. When it ended on June 4, about 198,000 British and 140,000 French and Belgian troops had been saved.


Perhaps he should also read up here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Dunkirk

for more information or here




After the last rescue boats left Dunkirk harbor on June 4, 1940, the Germans captured some 40,000 French troops who’d been left behind as well as at least 40,000 British soldiers in the Dunkirk vicinity. Theirs is a story that is often overlooked, but for the next five years, until the war’s end, large numbers of these POWs would be mistreated and abused in violation of Geneva Convention guidelines governing the sick, wounded, prisoners of war and civilians. As described in Dunkirk: The Men They Left Behind, by Sean Longden, some were summarily executed. The POWs were denied food and medical treatment. The wounded were jeered at. To lower officer morale, the Nazis told British officers that they would lose their rank and be sent to the salt mines to work. They were forced to drink ditch water and eat putrid food. As noted by Longden: “These dreadful days were never forgotten by those who endured them. They had fought the battles to ensure the successful evacuation of over 300,000 fellow soldiers. Their sacrifice had brought the salvation of the British nation. Yet they had been forgotten while those who escaped and made their way back home were hailed as heroes.”


Not too long after that the French surrendered.


Britain of course being stubborn of course, refused ANY surrender terms from the Germans.



But you surrendered pretty quick to the Japanese. The POWs held by the Japanese got it a lot worse 

Bad things happened in war, Britain gave a good fight and also got a hammering (although nothing like most of the continent or parts of Asia where whole cities were razed) but it was fairly fortunate in the end that big bros America and the Soviet Union sorted things out.


Let's get back to our regular programing shall we? Hopefully we'll have no more world wars anytime soon.






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5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

The only thing that counts is the wording on the referendum. Everything else is negotiable and subject to interpretation by Parliament. What people thought or what anybody else thinks they thought is now the responsibility of the House of Commons. The second point is that there is nothing in the referendum about the transitional period. That also is open to discussion. Bottom line is from Day 1, the uber Hard Brexiteers have wanted zero Parliamentary conduct of the process and zero Government negotiation. What they wanted was immediate exit. That is OK to put as a position but it is not OK to put it as an obligation. The last point is that the UK government is now involved in a process and there is a chance of something being agreed at the end of it. The uber shrieking on the forum is ostensibly directed against forum Leavers, but their immediate target, right now, is Theresa May. Not so?

The only thing that counts for leave voters is that we do actually leave the EU. Yes, negotiations are necessary but these are supposed to be part of Article 50; I agree that the results of the negotiations should be approved by parliament but I would feel a lot better if these two main parties could actually keep their words for a change and stand by the principles set out in their respective election manifestos.


An extra transitional period may benefit all but it should not be used for anything but a tool for leaving and it should not be excessive to the point that it is used to intentionally delay or stop Brexit indefinitely.  


The main problem everyone should have with Theresa May and most UK (and EU) politicians is that of trust. May called an election and nearly blew it completely with that suicidal manifesto - why? Now this final deal is far from done so nobody knows really what the money will actually cover. Mr Juncker is now full of praise for TM - why? Labour have about-faced on almost all of their GE manifesto pledges and their shadow cabinet members seem to be just as conflicted as the Tories were a few weeks ago, while Corbyn is keeping rather quiet. So the biggest concern now, at least for leavers, is, who can be trusted?


Again your assumptions regarding what leavers want are just that and they are wrong. Shrieking and name calling on this forum was begun by remainers and they at least can be credited with a clear majority in that respect,

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Back to topic of Brexit.


The Irish border still presents a massive problem, even though T May says it will be easily resoled.


OK then, but no-one bothers to mention Gibraltar, where we have another land border and where the vote for remain was in the 90's %.  Given Spain has been pretty firm about recent events on independence, does anyone believe they will simply say trade and movement remain the same between the mainland and Gib - particularly if there is no deal. Also of course they regard Gib as Spanish territory.


Another Berlin air-lift?



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50 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

How did this thread manage to descend to such disgustingly low standards as the above? Shame on you, Nontabury.


57 minutes ago, taipeir said:
7 hours ago, nontabury said:


I wish I was from Finland Finnish girls are hot!

Surely the above comment was the nadir ('liked' by yourself and oldhippy.....)


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