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"Everything is ready" as D-Day for new Bangkok mini van operation approaches

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"Everything is ready" as D-Day for new Bangkok mini van operation approaches



Image: Thairath


BANGKOK:-- The head of the committee reorganizing the up country mini van services in Bangkok says that everything is ready and on schedule for the start of the new operation on Tuesday.

The vans that ply routes from the capital with destinations within 300 kilometers will now be leaving from three designated areas - Mor Chit 2 (Jatujak) bus station in the north of the city, Ekamai opposite Sukhumvit Soi 63 and the Southern Bus terminal in Pin Klao in the western area of the city.

Suwit Ketsri said: "Everything has been arranged according to plans and the time schedule".

Several information centers have been set up at each bus station to help with passenger queries and concerns from van operators. The main center is at Jatujak.

Shuttle buses have been introduced. Nine vehicles will ferry passengers between the Victory Monument and Mor Chit 2 with more on hand between Jatujak BTS and Mor Chit 2.

Four shuttles will also operate in two separate services from the Victory Monument to Pin Klao and Ekamai.

Officials say that more mini vans are now in place to meet passenger demand.   


Source: Thairath



-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-10-22

What an absolute and utter farce. So much meddling that won't even begin to solve existing problems, and will merely create new ones.


Does this mean you will no longer be able to get a mini van to Victory monument nor to morchit bts.


Please explain how this makes things better


As a person that lives in Rangsit it is sonice to be able to get off at Victory and take a mini van that will get me home almost to my door.  I assume that this will be a thing of the past.


Lines will be <deleted> huge is they are only at 3 places.  Getting to one of these locations will be a disaster.  First the line to get the shuttle bus at Victory with everyone adn their brother there then the line ot get a mni van that wil take me to home from the Bus terminal and waiting for the van to come back from a previous run.


This is a joke



Would you not think it is better to use the bus station. It has been infuriating for Bangkok residents to have these vans cluttering up our lovely streets just so country bumpkins can get home. No, better in the bus stations for all concerned. Well done to the authorities for reining them in. 

5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Suwit Ketsri said: "Everything has been arranged according to plans and the time schedule".

There are plans, and there is Thai planning; there are schedules, and there is Thai scheduling. D-day it might be, but there are still 22 letters to go.


It possibly would have made more sense for vans to, and from, Pattaya to operate from Ekkmai. The journey would be a lot shorter (and quicker) than going to Mo Chit, plus Ekkamai has direct access to the BTS.  Going to central Bangkok, to and from Pattaya, will now mean a van ride, a shuttle bus ride, and a BTS ride. It will take longer, and be more expensive.  I dread to think what the shuttle bus ride from the Mo Chit bus station to Mo Chit BTS, and vice versa, will be like !


I used to take the Victory Monument van to Pattaya occasionally. The whole point, for me at least, was that it was far easier to get to the Victory monument BTS (I live just north of it) than to go all the way to Ekkamai or particularly to Morchit bus station, which is not even on a BTS or MRT line.


As far as I am concerned, there's now no point to taking a mini-van, I might as well just take the Roong Reuang bus at Ekkamai which at the very least is easy to get to on the BTS..


I fail to see how removing these vans from Victory monument will have any significant effect on traffic in the area.

3 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

Would you not think it is better to use the bus station. It has been infuriating for Bangkok residents to have these vans cluttering up our lovely streets just so country bumpkins can get home. No, better in the bus stations for all concerned. Well done to the authorities for reining them in. 

That is the problem with modern Thailand. The country bumpkins also need services, not just the pretentious middle classes. Or were you being sarcastic?


The negative comments come from the foreigners who live in close proximity to the mini van congetsion points. They are a very small minority of actual users. For the vast majority of users, there will either be benefits or an "as is" outcome.


Yes, I get it. The handful of users  who are posting theirnegative views will be inconvenienced and may even pay more. It is unfortunate for them. However, their personal benefit does not occupy a higher level than those who will be better served by the change(s). This is a private commercial service that depends upon government  rules. Like any other commercial service that relies on government rules, it will adapt when the rules change. The customers can continue to use the service or they can  use another option.


I live amongst "country bumpkins".  I find them caring and considerate.  Due to the pathetic nature of Thai public education, which is even more mediocre than public education in the US, the differences in education between the country folks and the city folks is not all that significant.  But at least in the countryside the average level of avarice is far less and the average level of arrogance amongst both Thais and expats is also far less.


So, to get to Pattaya it must be from Ekamai (certainly not Mo Chit).

- The bus terminal Ekamai is overcrowded with Taxies/Buses already.

Where would the mini-buses fit in, in an area where there is no room left to park a motorbike?
Tell me.



Have they had criminal background checks done ? I think not. Lazy law authorities a quick so called raid for media and release back into the wild. it's the same system Pattaya police use. No need for serious charges. We require repeat offenders to pay us. Welcome to the never started reform of the great regime.

7 hours ago, swissie said:

So, to get to Pattaya it must be from Ekamai (certainly not Mo Chit).

- The bus terminal Ekamai is overcrowded with Taxies/Buses already.

Where would the mini-buses fit in, in an area where there is no room left to park a motorbike?
Tell me.



Yes it is a joke and it shows just how stupid these characters are. Funny stuff

21 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

Would you not think it is better to use the bus station. It has been infuriating for Bangkok residents to have these vans cluttering up our lovely streets just so country bumpkins can get home. No, better in the bus stations for all concerned. Well done to the authorities for reining them in. 



Jane I am going to believe that you have no clue as to what you are talking about from an actual lived outside the city aspect.


Thousands of Thais and expats use minivans to acess Bangkok everyday.  The biggest reason is convenience and speed.The fact that you can get up and use a minivan with others instead of driving your car downtown is a huge benefit.  The fact that when the minivan gets to the point in BKK you can then immediately get onto the BTS or MRT again makes it a lot easier.


I have no major qualms with what they have planned aside from the fact that there is NO direct link to any of the major services in BKK


Each night hundreds if not thousands line up to take minivans home instead of driving.  Why because they can leave their office at asoke or wherever get on the BTS and then get off at either Morchit, Victory or Ekamai and get in line for a van home that will drop them off in their area.


Now many of these same people will have 2 choices  


1. get up an hour earlier to get in a minivan to take them to Mochit, stand in line for 30 minutes (this is a reasonable number) to wait for a shuttle bus to take them to Morchit and then take the BTS ho work.

2.  They can say screw it all and get up an hour earlier and drive directly to work.


BTW if they use option 1 or 2 that means that they will have 2 hours less a day to spend with their family.


Bangkok is like almost every other large metropolis in the world the majority of it's workers live OUTSIDE the city and commute daily.


Therefore do not call them country bumpkis they are lawyers, doctors, teachers, goivernment officials and people at least deserving the same respect that you would ask for.


The way the minivans are regulated at Victory and Morchit BTS makes it so that o one is really inconvenienced.  But because of bleeding hearts they are going to move them.


Business around Victory will hurt without a lot of the foot traffic.


Me I will just say to hell with Bangkok and spend my money out here where people want our business.




20 hours ago, charmonman said:

I used to take the Victory Monument van to Pattaya occasionally. The whole point, for me at least, was that it was far easier to get to the Victory monument BTS (I live just north of it) than to go all the way to Ekkamai or particularly to Morchit bus station, which is not even on a BTS or MRT line.


As far as I am concerned, there's now no point to taking a mini-van, I might as well just take the Roong Reuang bus at Ekkamai which at the very least is easy to get to on the BTS..


I fail to see how removing these vans from Victory monument will have any significant effect on traffic in the area.



"  there's now no point to taking a mini-van, I might as well just take the Roong Reuang bus at Ekkamai  "


but look at the positive side. Your life expectancy has just dramatically increased:giggle:


Transport vans moving out of Victory Monument to bus terminals


BANGKOK, 24 October 2016 (NNT) – Interprovincial transport vans have geared up to move their docking area to the Mo Chit, Southern and Ekkamai bus terminals in line with the government’s public space organization policy. 

Deputy Commander of the 2nd Cavalry Royal Guard Gen Suwit Ketsri, as chairman of the transport van re-organization working group, has assured that Bangkok transport vans that provide interprovincial services of no more than 300 kilometers will be moving to the city’s 3 bus terminals this October 25. The move is to organize the vans, which are mostly docked at Victory Monument, causing heavy traffic in the area. 

Vans moving to the bus terminals must present documentation for their van as well as a Transport Company issued license to be allowed to purchase a time slot at the terminals. 

Transport Company has prepared shuttle buses to ferry passengers to the 3 bus terminals from Victory Monument to facilitate travelers as they acclimate to the new locations. Buses have been put on stand-by in the event demand is higher than expected. 

-- nnt 2016-10-24

OK quick question to anyone in the know:

In the past I have traveled via van from Nakhon Pathom to Victory Monument, the van stops/parks in an off-road parking area next to Century Plaza directly below Victory Monument BTS station.

I have then used BTS to travel to my destination.

On my return to the van station next to Century I have bought my return ticket at the ticket booths & got my return ride.


My question is: does this move only apply to those vans which used to congregate around Victory Monument round-about or will this van station be relocated as well?


2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

OK quick question to anyone in the know:

In the past I have traveled via van from Nakhon Pathom to Victory Monument, the van stops/parks in an off-road parking area next to Century Plaza directly below Victory Monument BTS station.

I have then used BTS to travel to my destination.

On my return to the van station next to Century I have bought my return ticket at the ticket booths & got my return ride.


My question is: does this move only apply to those vans which used to congregate around Victory Monument round-about or will this van station be relocated as well?




Like me you are now screwed plan on a longer day


Here is an interesting question.  They are planning in the very near future to close the Morchit bus terminal  Does that mean that people will have to get to Rangsit to get a shuttle to Mor Chit


Well, I've just reached my destination in Soi 13 Sukhumvit from Pattaya. The vans I use every week are running, but only to Mo Chit.  A lot of surprised  customers !  The first van of the day, supposed to leave at 05.00 was full at 04.15.  The driver said he would stop at Din Daeng on the way to Mo Chit, but nowhere else.   He could not say where he would stop (or I couldn't understand where he intended to stop), and I asked if he would stop at Lat Krabang Airport Link too. No, he wouldn't. I decided not to go with the first van. The van left, full, at 04.30.


The second van arrived at around 04.30, and there was already more than a van -full of customers waiting.  I asked the driver if he would stop at Lat Krabang Airport Link, and he said yes. So, we left just before 05.00.  We arrived at the Airport Link station at 06.30.  I got the train at 06.40 ish.  Arrived at Makkasan at 07.05.  Took the MRT to Asok, and arrived there at 07.15.  What a journey.


I have no idea how much longer (or shorter) the journey might have been if I had stayed on the van until Din Daeng or Mo Chit. Would be happy to see any updates here ?

On 27/10/2016 at 9:35 AM, kingstonkid said:

Just wondering if anyone has tried the new system yet???


Yes as at least some of the minibuses, started dropping off passengers at the new station well before the "F-Day".

Basically, it's like comparing going to eat to a nice restaurant to a badly managed street's cart.

Once you are there, you have to take another vehicle to get to the nearest BTS, when  you ask which one of the many buses it's going to the BTS first, they just point at one without even looking, then you discover that at least another 5 buses are leaving before your one.

The ride will take an extra 10-15 minutes, without taking into account the time you will have to wait there before your departure, there are building works all around, it feels more as you are in Aleppo than Bangkok, the ticket it's cheap though, i think around 7 Bahts.

Asking around for info it's just useless, as everyone seems to be so uninterested or maybe they just know less than you despite looking as local residents.

Looking at Google's maps, it seems you have to just walk across the Chatuchack's park to get to the nearest BTS, i will probably give it a go the next time, but i really hope they reverse back to the previous place.....

All in all, an horrible experience compared to the convenience of Victory Monument.

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