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chiang mai forum is not fun any longer


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chiang mai forum is not fun any longer. It is also not terribly informative any longer. It's also not colourful any longer. The classifieds have disappeared. I think that a lot of the regulars have jumped ship or simply got bored



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No longer informative because those who provided good information were met with nasty responses from bitter, nasty old single men - and a couple of nasty, bitter ladies. The constant negative comments and criticizm caused most members to go to facebook where most people are nice and helpful.

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The Op has a point. 


Its not informative, colourful, regulars gone......solution the Expat Club.


More information that you can be spoon fed, the most colourful mumus for women (designed by Omar the tent maker), and Hawaiian Shorts for men at the CEC breakfasts (ensembles not to be seen on a full stomach).  The regulars that have not passed on to a better place are often in at the Expat Club (Gods waiting room) resting their arthritic non Thaivisa typing fingers securely on the food in their handbags or pockets,  or at one of the Outside Activity Groups.


I will be joining the moment they start the OAG for Full Contact Bingo


Edited by mamborobert
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53 minutes ago, mamborobert said:

The Op has a point. 


Its not informative, colourful, regulars gone......solution the Expat Club.


More information that you can be spoon fed, the most colourful mumus for women (designed by Omar the tent maker), and Hawaiian Shorts for men at the CEC breakfasts (ensembles not to be seen on a full stomach).  The regulars that have not passed on to a better place are often in at the Expat Club (Gods waiting room) resting their arthritic non Thaivisa typing fingers securely on the food in their handbags or pockets,  or at one of the Outside Activity Groups.


I will be joining the moment they start the OAG for Full Contact Bingo



2 hours ago, mmarks said:

No longer informative because those who provided good information were met with nasty responses from bitter, nasty old single men - and a couple of nasty, bitter ladies. The constant negative comments and criticizm caused most members to go to facebook where most people are nice and helpful.


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3 hours ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:


I installed the extension but no change .  When I click on it , the icon change color but not the page. 


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It started around 15 or 20 years ago, when Chiang Mai was constantly touted in North America as "one of the world's best places to retire". The result many years later is cmtg1 discovering the Chiang Mai forum is not fun any longer. You can trace the steps.

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4 hours ago, amexpat said:

Very often the problem with something is due to that which cannot be criticized. 


Nancy and the Expats Club?


I see she's been promoting the agency at Promenada lately. But we can't criticise her.


Anyone know why Tywais left?

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9 hours ago, mamborobert said:

The Op has a point. 


Its not informative, colourful, regulars gone......solution the Expat Club.


More information that you can be spoon fed, the most colourful mumus for women (designed by Omar the tent maker), and Hawaiian Shorts for men at the CEC breakfasts (ensembles not to be seen on a full stomach).  The regulars that have not passed on to a better place are often in at the Expat Club (Gods waiting room) resting their arthritic non Thaivisa typing fingers securely on the food in their handbags or pockets,  or at one of the Outside Activity Groups.


I will be joining the moment they start the OAG for Full Contact Bingo

Your posts are sometimes informative, very often odd but this is the first time I have read you being gratuitously nasty. I am surprised. 

3 hours ago, naboo said:


Nancy and the Expats Club?


I see she's been promoting the agency at Promenada lately. But we can't criticise her.


Anyone know why Tywais left?


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What could be more boring than a group of teens rap fan?
or glorious thirties, commenting on their performance?
or forties too well installed?
etc ...


The nice feeling is in blends, always.


For expatriates, Chiang Mai has become a retirement town. Never met a young Western in this city.


What could be more boring than a group of pensioners?

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8 hours ago, rogeroc said:

In general i think long term stayers are slowly leaving CM. I have not met any Newbies here for sometime either.


I agree..... But being a retirement type location for the most part that was

always a possibility. Meaning folks once older if they still have the means may return to their own country

for various reasons


Then you have the page of remembrance

Many long stayers have passed away.


Not meeting newbies could be down to the lack of Thai govt situation these days.

While not a problem for those who lived in Thailand  thru the coups/junta etc...

For outsiders looking in it may still be a negative when deciding on a place to retire to.


Edited by mania
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13 hours ago, mmarks said:

No longer informative because those who provided good information were met with nasty responses from bitter, nasty old single men - and a couple of nasty, bitter ladies. The constant negative comments and criticizm caused most members to go to facebook where most people are nice and helpful.

So well informed for such a "new" member. Could it be an "unwanted" sneaking in again to deliver a dose of bile?

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Other than the content which varies .... I am wondering about the page design, When I log on, I continue to get the generic default style, the three big logos, FB, Twit, and YT ... then all content along the left margin. for a few days after the "imrovements" I got a got a well designed page then it reverted to this style. Is it just on my browser? I have noticed the content has deteriorated along with the design is there a connection there?

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