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BRIT (pensioners) and EXCHANGE RATES


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6 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Freedom is not counted in pounds and pence.


No, for the proles, it's counted in terms of which Sky TV package they can afford.


3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

It finally came out...you're one of those anti-fiat currency we should pay for everything with shavings of gold economic knuckle-draggers...not even gonna engage.


Of course you're not going to engage; you don't have enough knowledge upon which to base a rebuttal. 

Just stick to finding the cheapest full English special in Pattaya.......that takes plastic.

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1 hour ago, Johnniey said:

Strange, I was showing 200k in the bank in 2005, when they raised it to 400k. I thought they did the retirement at the same time. It certainly wasn't 1998.


Yeah you're right.. it jumped from 400k to 800k in 2004. ........Just before my 50th! :sad:

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1 hour ago, homeseeker said:


This is an excellent post,  though sadly it reveals the dire consequences of the Brexit vote especially re exchange rates.

Not only In Thailand but worldwide thousands of expats will be suffering.

All because the "Leave" campaign lied and used scare tactics to a vast group of  mostly low IQ individuals.


What the Remoaners will always fail to recognize is that the Pound and the economy were shot well before BREXIT, largely due to the liberal polcies they espouse which have bankrupt the UK. But hey blame BREXIT which hasn't even happened yet. Do you think our 1.7 TRILLION National Debt and 5 BILLION a month trade deficit have developed since the 23rd June?

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26 minutes ago, Henryford said:


What the Remoaners will always fail to recognize is that the Pound and the economy were shot well before BREXIT, largely due to the liberal polcies they espouse which have bankrupt the UK. But hey blame BREXIT which hasn't even happened yet. Do you think our 1.7 TRILLION National Debt and 5 BILLION a month trade deficit have developed since the 23rd June?

And dont forget, migrants are a net plus to the economy, so by this logic, the UK should allow in an infinite number and watch their wealth soar to the heavens.

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I  am sure that everyone expected the £ to fall after the Brexit vote, markets dont like uncertainty and the result was a shock to the Financial community and the Establishment. I think the fall has been overdone but for sure its been talked down by many who wished to remain who should have shut up and accepted the result, I think the rate should be in the region of 132-134 against $ right now buts its about 10 c below that right now.

What might affect the £ in the near future are 1. US General Election if Trump wins I think the £ will rise, he seems more friendly towards the UK than Obama and Clinton. 2. Chancellors Autumn Statement on the 23rd November. 3. Next March when Article 50 is triggered.

After that we have 2 years of dealing with the EU, depends what sort of a deal is done but its in both party's interests to do a deal, a lot of jobs at risk in Europeand the UK, people at the table need to understand that, unfortunately some of the people round the table will still be there regardless of how the deal turns out, they will likely not lose their jobs, pensions or perks!

After that we will have a period of maybe another 2 years to sort out our own deals and they come on stream confidence will return and the £ will rise, IMO, ther future is all about opinions, your might be different only time wil tell who was right, for now we have had our exchange rate holed but we will get our country back to run it how we want it run, a prive worth paying? I think it is, its costing me yes but in the end the EU was changing into something which would end up much worse, cost us more and more until in the end it would just collapse, but, leaving ll the people who made the policies still with enough live out a good life.

I am happy we have leftan organization that has been unable to sign off its accounts for the last 20 years and this year came round for more more cash to fill the black hole, companies that do that go bankrupt, people like you and me have to make cut backs to survive.

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18 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Nope...voted to be free.


18 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Nope...voted to be free.


You had no freedom for 40 years? Sorry, but your just mouthing a meaningless cliche ... the argument that every law in the UK is decided in the EU is false, as is the argument that outside the UK you are master of your own fate. Nissan have decided to stay and commit to manufacturing two new models because the UK Government gave them assurances ... we are now subject to economic blackmail ... hardly freedom, is it?

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18 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

UK national policy isn't made for the benefit of expats...it's made for the benefit of 98% of UK citizens who live in the UK, who voted for their freedom, which is priceless.


Freedom? Like the freedom to determine your own tax policies, currency, run your own central bank, determine your own economic policies? Just like now?


People, on the whole, voted to control immigration ... that's why the focus of the Leave campaign was on that subject. And on that subject, Boris Johnson stands beside a poster warning of a Turkish invasion to the UK once they join the EU, then as foreign secretary goes to Turkey and supports their application! You couldn't make it up! 

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3 hours ago, AlexRich said:



You had no freedom for 40 years? Sorry, but your just mouthing a meaningless cliche ... the argument that every law in the UK is decided in the EU is false, as is the argument that outside the UK you are master of your own fate. Nissan have decided to stay and commit to manufacturing two new models because the UK Government gave them assurances ... we are now subject to economic blackmail ... hardly freedom, is it?

What about being part of a 28 nation political, social, and economic union don't you understand?

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8 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

What about being part of a 28 nation political, social, and economic union don't you understand?


I understand the market of 500m + people for trade and why that attracts enormous sums of inward investment to the UK, investment that is currently drying up and may be reversed. Does that also include a single currency that we do not have to join? Or tax and spend policies that we decide by ourselves? 


Again, the 'freedom' you speak of is a figment of your imagination ... you already were free!

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


I understand the market of 500m + people for trade and why that attracts enormous sums of inward investment to the UK, investment that is currently drying up and may be reversed. Does that also include a single currency that we do not have to join? Or tax and spend policies that we decide by ourselves? 


Again, the 'freedom' you speak of is a figment of your imagination ... you already were free!

America, Canada, Norway, Switzerland, Japan, India, China, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and many others trade with the EU without issues...you think it will be different for the now free UK? It's not like the country fell off the earth...it's still right there on the western side of the channel.


Nissan just announced continued investment in their UK factories...though this is neither here nor there in terms of the country's freedom.

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