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Thai youths dig up dog corpses to eat - then find out the animals had rabies


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40 minutes ago, Khun Paul said:

Are there no depths with which these so well educated young males will descend to. Amazing that after I would guess approximately 8-10 years of education they learnt nothing. What is worse than that , is they have obviously received Zero Guidance form their parents either.

Am,azing Thailand !!!!


Eight to ten years of "No-Fail" education is Education?


The resulting actions speak for itself...

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"The welfare authorities went to the area and rounded up many suspect animals.

They cut the heads off the animals and buried the corpses.

The cut off heads were sent for analysis to Khon Kaen."


Cut off their heads first, then analyze whether they were infected or not later...



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Just now, ratcatcher said:

Agreed, but their hamburgers aren't.

I'm down with that. In the States if people feel like a burger many  just go where the best in-house ones are made--or maybe Shake Shack (which I haven't tried yet; there's even one or two in Dubai now).

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I thought that as long as you didn't eat the brains or organs from an infected animal (or meat from around the bite area where infection entered body) and cooked the meat thoroughly you were ok to eat infected animals. 


Eating them raw or preparing the meat can be more dangerous though. 


I'm no expert however so I'm probably wrong  

I think I will stick to my Pressed Pork and Cockroaches:biggrin:

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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

Meanwhile, absolutely nothing is done to round up and destroy countless thousands of potentially rabid soi dogs roaming the country. According to the results of a recent survey of dogs in Bangkok, around half may be infected and an estimated 15-20 percent of animals in the provinces could be carrying the deadly disease.


In the coastal resort where I live, there has been a marked increase in the soi dog population in recent years. One reason is the failure of the local authorities to ensure rubbish bins are neither dog-proof nor emptied when full. Another is the fact that well-meaning individuals feed packs of strays, ensuring they stay relatively healthy and can breed unchecked - which is what happens.


In our soi alone several people have suffered dog bites in the last month and we are told the local hospital deals with 20 cases PER DAY



you are preaching to the choir.

December 2015 and I am pedaling at night and I get jumped by a pack of soi dogs riding east of Pattaya.

Huay Yai area. I pedaled like hell to get away---instinctive reaction. No time to even swing my pepper spray in their direction.


Nasty bite.

I actually found the Thai owner of the dog (1am mind you...) showed him  my wound. Just above my left ankle.  I had compression hose on that hid the real damage. Smart move to at least break the ice with the guy. I asked why keep such nasty dogs? He replied "...thieves in the area, stealing his cows." We shook hands, exchanged phone numbers. NO raised voices. A discussion, very cordial. I was shocked. Amazing Thailand.


I thought my wound minor----went to the clinic in Pattaya. Not so minor wound. Started on tetnaus and rabies series (VeroRab). About 5 injections. Not so painful, about $100. The Tai farmer paid the tab! I MIGHT have skated by not getting any shots---but what if the dog that bit me feasted on a rotted corpse of any animal? That was my dilemma. The dog looked healthy, but I did not wish to take a chance.


He knows me when I pedal by---I ring my bell. Yes----I agree with this thread---there really are too many free-ranging dogs off leashes. What leashes? I know there is the VN and Laos BBQ option---but that is a very hot button topic. I take care of a soi dog on my street. There are legit owners who pay the Vet bills and shots and vaccinations are up to date.

In Mexico, free ranging dogs are rounded up from the pueblas and villages and taken way off shore and drowned en masse---about June---after tourist season. Drown, BBQ or really---spade and Vet services. None of this is easy nor cheap. Many cross cultural issues about "Fido."


In USA---owners DOGS receive better health care than their owners!






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"Thirteen Isan youths who dug up a pile of dead dogs to eat found out two days later that the animals had rabies. "


Just another example of copying from the smartest kid in class, who happens to be dumb as s___. Not a good idea if you are dumber than that. 

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2 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

According to the results of a recent survey of dogs in Bangkok, around half may be infected and an estimated 15-20 percent of animals in the provinces could be carrying the deadly disease.


Could I have a link or a source citation of that study? 

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3 hours ago, Toknarok said:

        After destroying the dogs and cutting off their heads the corpses should have been incinerated, not simply buried where other dogs, foxes or other animals (including humans) could dig them up. Sheer laziness.

Ya but his is Thailand what would you expect

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4 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

I remember when I was a teenager, we were always digging up dead animals for party snacks, good times.



555 quote of the day. TYVM.


Mental story eh ....Im lost for words. Just a really bad idea eh to do that.

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        After destroying the dogs and cutting off their heads the corpses should have been incinerated, not simply buried where other dogs, foxes or other animals (including humans) could dig them up. Sheer laziness.

Laziness? Don't think so.
More like ignorance.
Incineration is as you say the correct way.
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4 hours ago, Penicillin said:

If hunger is the reason , that's absolutely heartbreaking.  

My thoughts exactly.

So many  on here who would rather poke and make fun, rather then to see if there was an underlining reason to why they would eat what they did.

I just hope for a lot of the posters here, that if their family ever got so desperate for food and had to resort to something akin to what happened here, that they dont mind if ppl make jokes at their expense.

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3 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Meanwhile, absolutely nothing is done to round up and destroy countless thousands of potentially rabid soi dogs roaming the country. According to the results of a recent survey of dogs in Bangkok, around half may be infected and an estimated 15-20 percent of animals in the provinces could be carrying the deadly disease.


In the coastal resort where I live, there has been a marked increase in the soi dog population in recent years. One reason is the failure of the local authorities to ensure rubbish bins are neither dog-proof nor emptied when full. Another is the fact that well-meaning individuals feed packs of strays, ensuring they stay relatively healthy and can breed unchecked - which is what happens.


In our soi alone several people have suffered dog bites in the last month and we are told the local hospital deals with 20 cases PER DAY

If they introduced a bounty along the lines of the one for squirrels tails etc in UK prior to 1970 the problem of soi cats and dogs would vanish quicker than the scaffolding @ the Taj Mahal :)

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3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Are things that bad in Issan, when you have to dig up dead dogs

for food,

regards worgeordie

Yes it is that bad, people will try to survive when their backs are against the wall. currently the price paid for rice is less than the cost of growing it. I guess it will stay this way until all the farmers have lost their farms to the banks and the Hi-Sos, then there will be big subsidies for crops. 

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2 hours ago, DiamondKing said:

The bigger story is why are these guys having to eat dead dogs are they that hungry and desperate for food 

maybe not desparate for fodd but desperate for meat.. I have heard about Thai prisoners catching rats sticking and cooking over a fire, when u have no money meat is a delicacy no matter what animal its from..

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5 hours ago, daoyai said:

Dogs withiradiusmilidradious will be vaccinated, ... why not a 500 mile radious?

Barely enough serum for a 2 mile radius.  Any Idea how many dogs within a 500 mile radfius??  Not enough serum In the world I suspect.


Unable to edit

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2 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

Darwin Awards go to people who manage to kill themselves thus removing them from the gene pool. These guys merely caused inconvenience to the hospital and shame to their parents..


But they most definitely deserve an honorable mention. "Best in Surviving Dead Dog Eating Class" - prevented by a rabies analysis from being top level contenders.

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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Are things that bad in Issan, when you have to dig up dead dogs

for food,

regards worgeordie

If you can eat anything that crawls across the ground or up a tree such as bugs, locusts, larvae and the like then I guess you can eat pretty much anything.. included dead rabid dogs!

Each to their own...

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