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Why so much criticism of Thailand?

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Just wondering?  In every department, especially corruption and ineptness, a vast number of BMs continuously and somewhat maliciously "rag" on Thailand.  I'm from the USA and think that no other country is more corrupt.  What makes it worse is the US, at least used to, say everything they did was in the interest of freedom, democracy opportunity, equality etc. etc. for it's citizens and the rest of the world.


Nothing could be further from the truth.


International and domestic polls name the USA as the greatest risk to world peace.  The financial scandals are unparalleled.  Loss of constitutional rights is nearly complete.


Anyway I could go on and on.  So I must ask.  And please let's keep it civil.  Why criticize Thailand with such zeal when things are worse in your own "democratic" country or in what used to be called, "the greatest country in the world."

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Well hard to say being from England but the people there have at last put 2 fingers up at the likes of Cameron and his lot and a lot of control freaks are shocked.


I was listening to Vladimir Putin talking somewhere to a world audience,  he made laugh when he mention America in places and saying things about Russia and then said  "America is a world super power is it not !!  please correct me if l'm wrong"  .   :biggrin:

38 minutes ago, Squeegee said:

They are whingers whinging about issues, unlike you who are a whinger whinging about whingers.



Are you whingeing about whingers or ragging on whingers?? :smile:


Let's face it....


There isn't a country that exists that isn't easy to criticize.....Some are international laughing stocks; either for the running of the country or the behavior of the people in/from a particular country....


People come here to Thailand and find it to be a charming place with charming people - for awhile....Partially because they're still in tourist, on demand mode.....Because of that they can only see things as how they think it should be - like a spoiled child....

It can't be, and never will be....Everything here is about 180 off back home & the "honeymoon" phase is gone.....


Some people adapt well - some never will....They want everything to adapt to their self important selves .......They don't get that so they whine in their own incompleteness ......Usually alcohol plays a part.....


Whiners whine - it's what they do - it's their way of trying to assert their contol over something they cannot control....Most whiners are very manipulative people & whining/bitching/pissing/moaning /woe is me are their tools.....And a little thing is all they need for an opening....They grasp a hold of it - it's their (perceived) strength/ace card.....Although to most it's viewed much differently.....


The Thais are a lovely & benign people/culture - easy to accept & get along with.....The country holds a lot of beauty....This makes both an easy target for the whiney bitchers......


They actually should go back to where they came from (they're not doing any good for themselves or the Thai's by being here) - but odds are they aren't welcome there as they whined/bitched their way through everybody back home....


Thailand, like everywhere else, is not perfect.....But it is light years better than the whiney bitches would have you believe....


Unhappy bitchy people are unhappy bitchy people anywhere....


Usually LOUD too.......Even at a whisper......


51 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

Let's face it....


There isn't a country that exists that isn't easy to criticize.....Some are international laughing stocks; either for the running of the country or the behavior of the people in/from a particular country....


People come here to Thailand and find it to be a charming place with charming people - for awhile....Partially because they're still in tourist, on demand mode.....Because of that they can only see things as how they think it should be - like a spoiled child....

It can't be, and never will be....Everything here is about 180 off back home & the "honeymoon" phase is gone.....


Some people adapt well - some never will....They want everything to adapt to their self important selves .......They don't get that so they whine in their own incompleteness ......Usually alcohol plays a part.....


Whiners whine - it's what they do - it's their way of trying to assert their contol over something they cannot control....Most whiners are very manipulative people & whining/bitching/pissing/moaning /woe is me are their tools.....And a little thing is all they need for an opening....They grasp a hold of it - it's their (perceived) strength/ace card.....Although to most it's viewed much differently.....


The Thais are a lovely & benign people/culture - easy to accept & get along with.....The country holds a lot of beauty....This makes both an easy target for the whiney bitchers......


They actually should go back to where they came from (they're not doing any good for themselves or the Thai's by being here) - but odds are they aren't welcome there as they whined/bitched their way through everybody back home....


Thailand, like everywhere else, is not perfect.....But it is light years better than the whiney bitches would have you believe....


Unhappy bitchy people are unhappy bitchy people anywhere....


Usually LOUD too.......Even at a whisper......


"The Thais are a lovely & benign people/culture - easy to accept & get along with"


I dont find  that so, I started off giving them the benefit  of the doubt, later they proved me wrong.

Ive met a  few who are decent Ive met many who arent, of  course I cant speak for them all and my opinion like yours  is  "just that"


People bitch and moan all the time, maybe, especially when abroad...certainly when in the military.


I could walk through my local Thai market one day and be thinking...this is the coolest place in the world. The next day...god, will these people get out of my way!


I'm sorry you feel so poorly about the US right now. There are certainly many crappy things happening. But what I read about and see on TV is nothing like what I see when I'm Stateside. 


How wonderful for an American to be telling the truth as to how it is in his own country. You are spot on in all you say!! All of this freedom talk is a load of crap - you don't have any freedoms any more as corporations and the most reviled company in the world (Monsanto) run the show there.

 I can see the population of the US decreasing soon due to the death rate exceeding the birthrate. Big pharma alongside chemical poison manufacturers are helping Bill Gates to achieve his Utopian dream of depopulating the world.  All I can say, is that you people had better start standing up to them , and soon, as your destiny is nearing the point of no return, if it hasn't been reached already that is!! Thailand has a long way to go to match the appalling crimes being thrust upon it's own people, with the governments blessing unbelievably, alarmingly it seems destined not to change whoever gets into power.


Criticize where it is deserved.  The current Thai government deserves little praise as does Clinton or Trump.   Leadership world wide is not less than exciting.  The current leader of Hong Kong is gawd awful, but the women running Korea, Taiwan and Burma probably deserve some praise. 


Feel lucky to work with Thais in and outside of Thailand.  They are patient, talented, and hardworking.  Thailand has great potential, but highly placed, influential people are holding it back. 


1 hour ago, pgrahmm said:

Let's face it....


There isn't a country that exists that isn't easy to criticize.....Some are international laughing stocks; either for the running of the country or the behavior of the people in/from a particular country....


People come here to Thailand and find it to be a charming place with charming people - for awhile....Partially because they're still in tourist, on demand mode.....Because of that they can only see things as how they think it should be - like a spoiled child....

It can't be, and never will be....Everything here is about 180 off back home & the "honeymoon" phase is gone.....


Some people adapt well - some never will....They want everything to adapt to their self important selves .......They don't get that so they whine in their own incompleteness ......Usually alcohol plays a part.....


Whiners whine - it's what they do - it's their way of trying to assert their contol over something they cannot control....Most whiners are very manipulative people & whining/bitching/pissing/moaning /woe is me are their tools.....And a little thing is all they need for an opening....They grasp a hold of it - it's their (perceived) strength/ace card.....Although to most it's viewed much differently.....


The Thais are a lovely & benign people/culture - easy to accept & get along with.....The country holds a lot of beauty....This makes both an easy target for the whiney bitchers......


They actually should go back to where they came from (they're not doing any good for themselves or the Thai's by being here) - but odds are they aren't welcome there as they whined/bitched their way through everybody back home....


Thailand, like everywhere else, is not perfect.....But it is light years better than the whiney bitches would have you believe....


Unhappy bitchy people are unhappy bitchy people anywhere....


Usually LOUD too.......Even at a whisper......


All I can say is...."Well said that man"


One of the dumbest original posts ive read or you're just naive.


You wanna compare a first world country to a third ,  seriously  ? 


Never been to the usa but it must be a complete shitehole if you compare it as worse than Thailand. 


Ive heard the usa doesnt treat its expats as refugees like Thailand treats all the farang.


If you havent worked out you'll never be welcome you must be wearing horse blinkers.

24 minutes ago, upside said:

Ive heard the usa doesnt treat its expats as refugees like Thailand treats all the farang.


If you havent worked out you'll never be welcome you must be wearing horse blinkers.


What I've "worked out" from your two previous posts is that you need to take the advice of pgrahmm:


" They actually should go back to where they came from (they're not doing any good for themselves or the Thai's by being here) - but odds are they aren't welcome there as they whined/bitched their way through everybody back home...."


And if you don't live in Thailand, I strongly suggest you stay where you are :jap:


People bitch & moan about everything everywhere but at least on Twitter they have to do it in 140 characters or less.  (117 characters)

7 minutes ago, ebonykap said:


What I've "worked out" from your two previous posts is that you need to take the advice of pgrahmm:


" They actually should go back to where they came from (they're not doing any good for themselves or the Thai's by being here) - but odds are they aren't welcome there as they whined/bitched their way through everybody back home...."


And if you don't live in Thailand, I strongly suggest you stay where you are :jap:


I actually live in both worlds mate . I highly enjoy Thailand  ,  but I'd never give up a first world country for a developing one and id never move full time to a country that treated me like a refugee.


My child can choose if she loves the royal family.


Call it what you want ,  but its not rocket science.  


What really annoys me is that a large portion of Thais shows no care about people of foreign descent. They use slave ships for fishing and people get murdered on a regular basis. But nobody cares because it's just "dumb, dark-skinned Cambodians". Then there is refugee prison camps in the jungle where people are slaughtered and hold for ransom. Again the population won't care because it's foreigners.


What sickens me most is the face thing. Nobody dares to challenge authority and everyone is so proud of their country with all its shortcomings. Speak about any problem and the reply will be that you are free to leave if you don't like it. It's always face face face and never any problem-solving. Let's cover up everything and continue as usual, feeling damn proud in the process :sick:


Only 2 sentences in OP that mention Thailand, the rest is paranoid fear and loathing. The world corruption index lists Thailand as #76 (lower is less corrupt) with score of 38. USA is #16 with score of 76. I can already hear "But those scores are corrupt!"

" Loss of constitutional rights is nearly complete. " Bull feces. This really is inane. Though if Trump got in power with religious and alt right, could not be all that far off, or at least severely tested.

 I could get arrested for insulting "foreign head of state" aka Prez here in Thailand if they wanted to & I'd said some of the disparaging things going around, whereas perfectly legal in USA.

Go figure


as an American,  i find i have much more freedom living here than back in my own country

But its also true Thailand is still 3rd world and personal safety is not high in the list.


no matter where u live u will find something to complain about, ( and many here on tv, thats all they do) :smile:

4 hours ago, Squeegee said:

They are whingers whinging about issues, unlike you who are a whinger whinging about whingers.

Actually I'm simply asking a question. And it's "whining", which I'm simply not doing.  Here we go with the sad responses I guess.


5 hours ago, joeyg said:

Anyway I could go on and on.  So I must ask.  And please let's keep it civil.  Why criticize Thailand with such zeal when things are worse in your own "democratic" country or in what used to be called, "the greatest country in the world."


Still is the greatest country in the world. We pay less tax per person than UK & AU, we can legally protect ourselves up to and including deadly force free of prosecution, our homes are out castles, our property is ours, we can shit talk the government publicly, criticize whatever we want, be whoever we want, just because you are a different race or ethnicity you are still american and protected by all the amendments and not "Farang" substandard people, roads are safer, 911 actually works.... 


Healthcare kinda sucks but jeez its not a deal breaker. 


Thailand is not better than the USA, but it has its benefits and coolness. Thailand is still third world, the USA is not. 


The newness will wear off and Thais will reveal themselves. Some are great, but a lot are not. 


I am an ex-expat who returned to live in Australia where I am much happier.

I do not think that I whine about TH in my posts, but I do find many of the stories on TVF to be highly amusing, and post accordingly. When I lived there I did not find these things to be so amusing.

5 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Well hard to say being from England but the people there have at last put 2 fingers up at the likes of Cameron and his lot and a lot of control freaks are shocked.


I was listening to Vladimir Putin talking somewhere to a world audience,  he made laugh when he mention America in places and saying things about Russia and then said  "America is a world super power is it not !!  please correct me if l'm wrong"  .   :biggrin:

I thought it still was a super power?  What is a super power though? I'm not sure.  Are we talking about nuclear subs deployed everywhere with massive fire power. Or what?  At this point I forget who said it but "WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones."

1 minute ago, Strange said:

Oh and in before 50 pages of America Bashing. 


You can't stereotype all Americans for the few that live in Jomtien riding busses for 10 baht. 

4 hours ago, impulse said:

'Cause this is a Thai centric forum?


I'm pretty sure they rag on India in Indian expat forums.   Just how it works...

Thanks for clearing that up.

4 hours ago, nikmar said:



Are you whingeing about whingers or ragging on whingers?? :smile:

That's deep man.  Thanks for your input.

3 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Let's face it....


There isn't a country that exists that isn't easy to criticize.....Some are international laughing stocks; either for the running of the country or the behavior of the people in/from a particular country....


People come here to Thailand and find it to be a charming place with charming people - for awhile....Partially because they're still in tourist, on demand mode.....Because of that they can only see things as how they think it should be - like a spoiled child....

It can't be, and never will be....Everything here is about 180 off back home & the "honeymoon" phase is gone.....


Some people adapt well - some never will....They want everything to adapt to their self important selves .......They don't get that so they whine in their own incompleteness ......Usually alcohol plays a part.....


Whiners whine - it's what they do - it's their way of trying to assert their contol over something they cannot control....Most whiners are very manipulative people & whining/bitching/pissing/moaning /woe is me are their tools.....And a little thing is all they need for an opening....They grasp a hold of it - it's their (perceived) strength/ace card.....Although to most it's viewed much differently.....


The Thais are a lovely & benign people/culture - easy to accept & get along with.....The country holds a lot of beauty....This makes both an easy target for the whiney bitchers......


They actually should go back to where they came from (they're not doing any good for themselves or the Thai's by being here) - but odds are they aren't welcome there as they whined/bitched their way through everybody back home....


Thailand, like everywhere else, is not perfect.....But it is light years better than the whiney bitches would have you believe....


Unhappy bitchy people are unhappy bitchy people anywhere....


Usually LOUD too.......Even at a whisper......


Thanks for adding some candid clarity and insight.

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