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Vegemite, Marmite And Promite

the gentleman

vegemite, marmite and promite  

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Mt friends were coming to Thailand for a holiday a few months ago. they aske dme what they could bring over for me. I said 'vegemite mate' as you do. They arrived with a 'tub' of vegemite like I have never seen in my life !! It now has pride of place on top of the ice box. Puts a rose in every cheek ! And bugger off if kraft is owned by some cannuk or yank ! :o

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the soap dodgers :D (love that saying), love marmite as well as all of the fine food found in England - fish and chips or chips and fish and a curry on a Friday night from the Vietnamese Indian take away :D , have your say SOAP DODGERS :o

you must have been in northern england iof you experienced that. :D

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the soap dodgers :D  (love that saying), love marmite as well as all of the fine food found in England - fish and chips or chips and fish and a curry on a Friday night from the Vietnamese Indian take away :D , have your say SOAP DODGERS :o

you must have been in northern england iof you experienced that. :D

Probably the only time I'd get away with saying "a portion of mushy peas" sounds like an STD :D

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In colorado, we are plagued with deer wandering around, eating up the garden; the local zoo actually sells lion/tiger shit, as the smell scares off the deer. It is, however, more expensive and not as effective as marmite, although the neighbors do complain more about the marmite...........

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Got a large tub of Marmite in the fridge. So far I havn't found one Thai that likes it :D It's great for sorting out the kids in the house if they get on my nerves though. Stops them nicking all my falang treats I buy if I just dip one into the tub and offer it, they are convinced it's more horrible falang stuff and leave well alone. :o

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you must have been in northern england iof you experienced that. :D

you must have been in northern england iof you experienced that. :D

yes Dave, I have a soap dodger daughter who lives in the north of England, I found it funny going to the local Indian restaurant to see it was run by a Vietnamese family with a Geordie accent :D

Not to happy the way the polls coming on, I think I might pop out to an internet shop and have a few sly votes , I think it worked for Bush :o

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The truth is out there....

Marmite is not to be confused with Vegemite, Promite, Bovril, or yeast extract. Though this last may be considerably cheaper than Marmite, it is blatantly inferior. Indeed, purchasing such a product, no matter how frugal your motives, is something akin to keeping a jar marked Fungal Infection in one's kitchen cupboard. The crucial difference between Marmite and Bovril is that Bovril is made from cows. Heaven only knows which bits - eyelashes and hooves, probably. Marmite, on the other hand, is 100% vegetarian, and, as such, wholeheartedly approved by the Vegetarian Society.

Vegemite and Promite are both made in Australia. Though they have similarly yeasty origins to Marmite, the subtle differences in their ingredients result in a surprisingly different taste, discernable even to the untutored palate. Connoisseurs will be immediately aware that both Vegemite and Promite employ caramel in their recipes, and Promite also includes sugar. Both products deviate from the traditional Marmite recipe of yeast extract, salt, vegetable extract, niacin, spices, vitamins B1, B2, B12 and folic acid.

Astonishingly, not all Marmite is the same. In New Zealand, it is made by the Sanitarium Health Food Company, and sold in white-lidded, plastic jars. The difference is not purely aesthetic, however. Like Promite, New Zealand Marmite contains the unholy additions of caramel and sugar. The bona fide stuff, and the most highly sought variety, is the Burton-on-Trent original.

See Vegishit is for p.oo.fs and girlie Aussies and Kiwis, they canna take the full strength stuff and need weedy sugar laced poofy substitutes... FACT....


PS Is this getting out of hand?

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quote from bash

See Vegishit is for p.oo.fs and girlie Aussies and Kiwis, they canna take the full strength stuff and need weedy sugar laced poofy substitutes... FACT....


PS Is this getting out of hand?

not from where i'm standing bash, vegimite, it's time to admit defeat.

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The fact that Vegemite is for the more discerning connosours of the yeast concoction would be wasted on the uncouth soapdodgers.

They would only be able to smell the over powering stench of marsoapdodgyshite once a week, saturday night, after the weekly ablutions

A collection of people who consider an intestine filled with congealed blood a delicassy, who eat cold pies and drink hot piss, says enough about their gastronomic capabilities. :o

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The fact that Vegemite is for the more discerning connosours of the yeast concoction would be wasted on the uncouth soapdodgers.

They would only be able to smell the over powering stench of marsoapdodgyshite once a week, saturday night, after the weekly ablutions

A collection of people who consider an intestine filled with congealed blood a delicassy, who eat cold pies and drink hot piss, says enough about their gastronomic capabilities. :o

:D , Vegemites secret weapon - Bronco!

Also Englands favourite lager is Fosters and favourite soap is Neighbours - that says it all about the Brits :D

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The fact that Vegemite is for the more discerning connosours of the yeast concoction would be wasted on the uncouth soapdodgers.

They would only be able to smell the over powering stench of marsoapdodgyshite once a week, saturday night, after the weekly ablutions

A collection of people who consider an intestine filled with congealed blood a delicassy, who eat cold pies and drink hot piss, says enough about their gastronomic capabilities. :o

:D , Vegemites secret weapon - Bronco!

Also Englands favourite lager is Fosters and favourite soap is Neighbours - that says it all about the Brits :D


instead of neighbours every night maybe Solvol would improve the ambiance.

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