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Ever see Anyting Like This???

Gonzo the Face

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Ms. G bought watermelon yesterday at the MM Mkt.  This morning this is what it looked like.  I have never seen anything  of the likes.  It  just seemed to crack more like a small hole and it had foam all around.  Could it be to many chemicals in the growing process?    Anyhow not taking any chances with eating it.

Foam Melon.JPG

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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That melon is in the special, rare, state caused by the alignment of Ketu and Rahu; it is emitting an imitation of sea-foam to try and attract a micro-Aphrodite from the Aether.


If successful,  the Demon inserted in the melon by Ketu and Rahu will capture the micro-Aphrodite and redacted with her, and release billions of other tiny demons to wreak havoc on you,


Cover the melon with a red cloth and spit on it three times, then send me your credit-card details, and I'll take care of the rest.


cheers, o:37~

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Thank you one and all for comments and suggestions offered.  I must extend a special thank you  to

Orang37.  I followed your instructions as best as I could make them out.   The three times comment was slightly blurred,  something like this,   a red cloth and s*it on it three times,    Upon receiving your instructions, and knowing of the unlimited respect I have for your superior intelligence,  I immediately took the watermelon, in question, to the nearest confined space available.  In my haste I forgot about the red cloth, so once there opted to use the best substitute I could find. I hope and pray that toilet tissue is an acceptable alternative to Ketu and Rahu as that was all that was  available in the Hong Naam.  ....and here I must apologize to K & R ,  but I really tried as hard as I could, really, really tried hard, but try as best as I could,  I just couldn't muster up the 3rd S*it.  Do you think I can be forgiven???  


P S  Photo to follow......


P P S  Photo prior to highly strained & grunted, ritual attempt



Melon 2.JPG

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