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What % of your diet is Thai food?

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43 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

Obviously you do not understand nutrition. Cereal is crap so is dairy, and pizza is frankenfood. You need to eat protein for breakfast like bacon and eggs. Go Paleo all meat and veggies.


Contrary to what you state I do understand nutrition, or at least some aspects of it and it has stood me in good stead for nearly 70 years.


I do eat some eggs, and of course protein in the form of beef and chicken, however I do not subscribe to yet another fad diet...........


Quote; "Like other fad diets, the Paleo diet is promoted as a way of improving health. Limited data exist on the metabolic effects on humans eating the diet, though the available data suggest following this diet may lead to improvements in terms of body composition and metabolic effects as compared to the typical Western diet. Following the Paleo diet can lead to an inadequate calcium intake".


"The digestive abilities of modern humans are different from those of Paleolithic humans, undermining the diet's core premise"   

And although I do love bacon, I'm just wary of how much processed meat, complete with salt and nitrates in the curing process, I eat.

Anyway, as the old saying in Thailand goes, "up to you" what you eat.

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2 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

It's simple really. Food faddists carry on about "organic" food when anything inorganic would kill them because all food is organic. Similarly you can't exercise anaerobically because that means without air, so that <deleted> who talk about "aerobics" when they mean exercise ...


It's not a question about being a "medical/nutritional/biochemical expert" but someone who cares about the bastardization of the English language


I don't want to get in the middle of any stoush,  however the term "organic" when used with food and the term "aerobics" when used to describe exercise, are part of the English language and are included in dictionaries.


Two examples: "

"Organic food is food produced by methods that comply with the standards of organic farming. Standards vary worldwide, but organic farming in general features practices that strive to cycle resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity".


"Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process".

5 hours ago, fruitman said:


You've never seen foreigners eating real Thai food in Thai restaurants and have been in every corner of Thailand?? 


I have no words for this....solly

Very very rarely. And if so eating the common crap at a Thai guesthouse. Pad Thai, Pad Thai , Pad Thai .Fried rice, Fried rice maybe curry. No English menu 99% of foreigners just walk into a 7-11 for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hot dogs, chips, beer. Yea every corner of Thailand. Please tell me where you have seen more than twenty foreigners eating REAL Thai food outside of a guesthouse? Sorry they DON,T exist. Scared shitless because ALL Thai food is dirty, ALL Thai food is spicy commom brain dead foreigners.

1 hour ago, Mitkof Island said:

Very very rarely. And if so eating the common crap at a Thai guesthouse. Pad Thai, Pad Thai , Pad Thai .Fried rice, Fried rice maybe curry. No English menu 99% of foreigners just walk into a 7-11 for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hot dogs, chips, beer. Yea every corner of Thailand. Please tell me where you have seen more than twenty foreigners eating REAL Thai food outside of a guesthouse? Sorry they DON,T exist. Scared shitless because ALL Thai food is dirty, ALL Thai food is spicy commom brain dead foreigners.


Mate i almost can't remember the last time i was in a guesthouse, we choose hotels but live in Thailand for a long time. 


In BKK you can go to any big restaurant and will see foreigners eating Thai food, and i'm not speaking about kao sarn road or so. Go outside the skytrain area and you'll find them.

More then 20 foreigners....maybe in the Tawandang or is that not Thai enough? Most foreigners won't stay in BKK or they must live/work here. They don't eat from the 711 hahahaha, you must be joking. But if i have to choose between eating from filthy foodcarts or a 711 i go to the 711. I won't get sick from the foodcart but it looks filthy and i don't like to eat from them and sit on the street at a filthy plastic table. I didn't eat in the 711 for 10 years i guess. They even didn't understand me when i ordered a hotdog i remember.


Groups of 20 foreigners are very hard to find in the subs of BKK and they will be at the expensive places, also with real Thai food on the menu.  In almost every real Thai restaurant there are more foreigners than only me. Guess what i eat? Pad Thai, fried rice with side dishes and if possible i order foreign food as well. 



I agree that many Thai restaurants are filthy, especially upcountry unless you go to an expensive one. Along the roads they aren't clean and yes foreigner tourists might get sick from eating there. (not me though). Sure not all Thai food is spicy and not all Thai like to eat spicy as well.








2 hours ago, lungnorm said:

Absolute crap. Western food is killing us all. I was married to a Thai lady an expert cook and she ate mostly raw veggies and salads, very little fried food. I myself eat western food but only lightly steamed veggies, no spuds or anything processed. All my meat is stewed with veggies and fish I eat lightly cooked. Basically a plant based diet. If you eat anything from a packet or a tin you are poisoning yourself. Wakeup man  eat real food not frankinfood.



It depends where we are in the UK it is about 50% depending on who cooks, in Thailand it is about 90%.

I personally don't eat dairy I haven't been able to eat dairy food since I was a kid so thai food kind of suits me as it generally doesn't have dairy in it. I do eat meat and fish, meat more in the UK and fish and shell fish more in Thailand.

I absolutely love a good pad krapow and can eat it for breakfast and quite frequently do, but I must admit I do love a good british fry up I know it isn't very healthy but it is a guilty pleasure that I try and indulge at least once a week.

I love trying different types of food from different places, we used to run a thai food business in the UK and would trade at different food festivals and both the Mrs and myself would like to try the other traders food and at food festivals the standard and quality of the food tended to be high, we especially like a good Caribbean goat curry with rice and peas from one particular trader.

We are also quite picky in our ingredients and believe that good quality ingredients make a meal better in our business we only bought our meat from the local butcher and the meat itself tasted way better than anything you could buy in a supermarket. we also grew a lot of our veg or bought it from the market garden down the road and again the veg taste far better then the mass produced stuff you get at the supermarket.

I personally think maybe incorrectly that a lot of the health problems we get now diabetes etc is from what we eat the mass produced stuff is pumped full of preservatives and chemicals to keep it looking better for longer hence giving it a longer shelf life, there is sugar in nigh on everything you get out of a can or packet and this isn't good either.

1 hour ago, Mitkof Island said:

Very very rarely. And if so eating the common crap at a Thai guesthouse. Pad Thai, Pad Thai , Pad Thai .Fried rice, Fried rice maybe curry. No English menu 99% of foreigners just walk into a 7-11 for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hot dogs, chips, beer. Yea every corner of Thailand. Please tell me where you have seen more than twenty foreigners eating REAL Thai food outside of a guesthouse? Sorry they DON,T exist. Scared shitless because ALL Thai food is dirty, ALL Thai food is spicy commom brain dead foreigners.

I don't understand?  I prepare Thai food at home.  My GF prepares Lao food.  We eat out at some local small shops.  It is Thai food.  Been eating it since 1971.

3 hours ago, lungnorm said:

Absolute crap. Western food is killing us all. I was married to a Thai lady an expert cook and she ate mostly raw veggies and salads, very little fried food. I myself eat western food but only lightly steamed veggies, no spuds or anything processed. All my meat is stewed with veggies and fish I eat lightly cooked. Basically a plant based diet. If you eat anything from a packet or a tin you are poisoning yourself. Wakeup man  eat real food not frankinfood.

Ill pass this information onto my almost 90 year  old Mother who spent  her life on tinned and crap food...............hope the shock doesnt kill her


Was big on Thai for the past 9 years, but since moving here a year ago, and after about 6 months my body was telling me it needed to feel full, and I am not a big eater of meat, twice a week back in Oz usually boys evenings out, then this French guy on TVF put me onto this French/Thai cattle station in Sakon Nakhon, the most incredible meat I have ever eaten, and IMO it beats the Ozzie meat that I ate back home, yes that's a big statement, so its meat every 2nd night.


Mornings 2 x brown slices of toast, peanut butter and honey, or just honey, (sweet tooth)

Mid morning bowl of muesli with milk


Lunch usually soup from the local vendor (Koytiow)


Evening medium rare T-bone or Sirloin steak and salad consisting of cucumber, avocado and tomato, all washed down with a glass of leo, once a week the best home made pizza. 


I do like my chocolate and chips when watching a movie in the evening, but they are far and few between, thank God.


The wife has had it pretty easy since moving here, as she only has to cook me a steak and make me a salad in the evening, and a pizza once a week, I suppose this is what happens when I get lazy and let her have free time 555


6 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Vilage food life.

A visit to the big lotus weekly...

Dont buy rice because family harvest it and divide it up between the family.

Noodles,with chopped cucumber,green pepper and raw cabbage,every morning.

A ham or chicken sandwich ,with a glass of oj,mid day.I buy baked beans,tinned toms and Tuna.

Wifey cooks Pad Thai,bah mee gai/gai/khung,cow pat gai/moo,/khung,

massaman or penang curry.during the week.I may do something a bit felang,sometimes,pigs kidneys with fried egg and chips,some pork ribs on the BBQ.We buy tomatoes and potatoes at the market in our local town,Spring onions,bean sprouts,Chilli,etc.We pretty much eat what we want,we share the cooking.I dont use butter on bread,i use low cal mayonnaise.So generally we eat all sorts.I drink 2 beers a night,no more.

My wife has come to love felang food,she is till 45 kilo's and i am a healthy 80 kilos.i am 6ft tall.

The fun part,is to listen to my MIL cursing my wife for eating felang food,whilst looking at her with a demonic eye and mashing her isaan shit(which icant stomach)between her discoloured,gappy railings,and bending over her pot burner like a witch doctor cooking some vile concoction that includes stinking small fish.

Ces't la vie.


Not the "smell fish" and or "papaya salad", outside with a vengeance, wife is ok with that, doesn't want to upset falang again 555

5 hours ago, joeyg said:

Please say what kind of work you did/do?



You know that decorated Michelin chef's like to keep a low profile 555

6 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

The people with the longest lifetimes in the world eat neither Thai nor Western food.


Although Okinawa food is probably much closer to Thai food than Western.



pls tell the SWISS who are  number 2  in the world for lifespan after your  friends the Japanese................maybe money has something   more to do with this allwestern nations at the top of the list............Thailand 72nd........oh dear



Breakfast yesterday was three of the "little pigs in a blanket" from Makro stuffed with pickles I made at home

Lunch was a lettuce, tomato and onion salad with a bit of ham on top. Bulk salad cream.

Dinner was one Bacardi and Coke and a bottle of champagne for dessert.

Yes I realize that processed meats are bad for me.

12 hours ago, joeyg said:

I don't understand?  I prepare Thai food at home.  My GF prepares Lao food.  We eat out at some local small shops.  It is Thai food.  Been eating it since 1971.

I was talkng about your average foreigner. The majority of tourists and expats. Example how many Swedes do you see eating in a Thai restaurant? No they are at Lotus buying carts full of processed crap with their typical scowls on their faces. Overweight and most look like they are ready to drop dead at any moment. Your average tourist eats the same crap over and over and over again. Very rare are foreigners in a REAL Thai restaurants meaning no English menus. Eating REAL Thai food.

  • 1 month later...

Almost 100%.


Thai food is very similar to the Taiwanese / southern Chinese cuisine I grew up eating at home in California, USA. Many of the dishes are exactly the same, since Teochew Chinese immigrants had brought many of their dishes with them to Thailand. Khaw man gai, Khaw khaa muu, fried rice, Gueiteow, tofu, mung bean soup, bean paste cakes, soy sauce broiled eggs, sticky rice, dumplings, and various stir-fried dishes are all southern Chinese. My lady makes them all for me. :)


I like very spicy food too.


Sometimes I might get some European-style bread at Big-C, like ciabatta bread or sourdough bread.


I never really grew up eating that much Farang food, but ate enough of it on a regular basis to be fond of it.

So Thai food actually brings back nostalgia.


Anything less than 80%, and all the locals here in semi-rural southern Chiang Mai would start thinking I'm a barbaric foreigner with strange food habits who simply can't tolerate Thai food. :sleepy:

My European bread habit (which they think is rock-hard, barbaric stuff) already arouses enough curiosity.


13 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:


Bullshit.  You have NO scientific evidence to back up that statement.  MSG is a salt.  It's a seasoning. Too much of it is bad, just like too much Sodium Chloride is bad. 

It's not bullshit.  Why are you baiting me.  There is extensive  research on this toxin.  What kind of work do you do?  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2007/08/28/dangers-of-msg.aspx

Please don't be rude you'll get it back double.  Thanks.

MSG is used in countless foods in your supermarket, local restaurants, school cafeterias, and more. Everything from soup to crackers to meats may contain it because MSG, as dangerous as it is, makes food taste good and it is dirt cheap, just like sugar.

Incredibly, even infant formulas and baby food contain this poison, even though babies and infants, who are four times more sensitive than adults to the toxic effects of this chemical, are the most at risk.

There are a couple of main reasons why MSG is one of the worst food additives on the market. First, as Dr. Blaylock, author of the highly recommended Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, says in the video, MSG is an excitotoxin, which means that it overexcites your cells to the point of damage, acting as a poison. The second part of the equation is that MSG can be literally hidden in food labels, under names like broth, casein, hydrolyzed, autolyzed, and more, making it extremely difficult to identify.

MSG is also a probable cause contributing to the obesity epidemic. As the FDA continues to vouch for its safety, scientists have known that MSG causes obesity since the 1960s! 



Depends how you define Thai food. If you go to the local 7-11 (or market for that matter), you'll find loads of stuff that wouldn't fit into your typical definition of Thai food, but local Thais eat it or they wouldn't sell it. Under this definition I eat very little non-Thai food. Occasionally,  I'll buy a steak and kidney pie, or proper cheese, or something, at a premium price. If you're talking indigenous Thai food, maybe half the time. If you're talking Asian food per se (rice/noodle based, dimsum, etc.) probably 70%. My big weaknesses are bread, cheese and potatoes. As an aside, I would say that rarity is a big attraction. I was raving about green tea kit-kats until they became readily available. Now my "Big Thing"  is pork pies. I might even enjoy the jelly. I might have to revert to "Fish n' Chips" though. I thought I had this one sorted, but I read the greasy, authentic "Fish and Chip" shop near Soi Cowboy has closed down. To sum up - "oportet esse ut visas, non vivere ut edas";  which basically means all this Hannibal Lecter stuff is BS. 


If "Thai food" == "Food eaten by Thai people", that allows for endless Big Macs, KFC, Svensens, 7-11 "sandwiches", and so on.

The question posed by the thread is ambiguous at best and wide open to abuse......

If "Thai food" == "Food eaten by Thai people", that allows for endless Big Macs, KFC, Svensens, 7-11 "sandwiches", and so on.
The question posed by the thread is ambiguous at best and wide open to abuse......

Not ambiguous at all.. "Thai food", "Indian food", "Chinese food" pretty obvious what the OP meant. What % of your diet is "Thai food"....

Mine, 90%... Just a pizza occasionally for a change. That would be "Italian food" :)
13 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:



Not ambiguous at all.. "Thai food", "Indian food", "Chinese food" pretty obvious what the OP meant. What % of your diet is "Thai food"....

Mine, 90%... Just a pizza occasionally for a change. That would be "Italian food" :)



Thanks man.  For a response based on common sense and sanity.  Really appreciate it.

13 hours ago, jpinx said:

If "Thai food" == "Food eaten by Thai people", that allows for endless Big Macs, KFC, Svensens, 7-11 "sandwiches", and so on.

The question posed by the thread is ambiguous at best and wide open to abuse......

The Thai and Lao people I know and associate with actually rarely if ever eat any of that junk food.

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